Методическая разработка. План-конспект урока для учащихся 6 класса. "Halloween"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
Stage | Stage aim | Procedure | Inter-action | Time |
Lead-in |
To engage learners and make them interested in the topic.
| Good afternoon, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you! How are you today? Today we’ll have a small lesson. Look at the blackboard, please, and guess the word. How many letters are there in this word? (9). What word is it? In masks and gowns we haunt the street And knock on doors for trick and treat Tonight we are king and queen For all tonight is ….. (Halloween) | Whole class | 3 min. |
Pre-teaching vocabulary | To give learners some vocabulary and teach it. | When is Halloween? Is it in winter? Is it in autumn? Autumn is the harvest time. We have a lot of fruit and vegetables. What is the most popular vegetable for Halloween? (Pumpkin). Look at the pictures. Are they both pumpkins? The one is a pumpkin and the other is Jack-o-lantern. Where is the light? What’s got light inside? Lantern is a container with a light inside. But our lantern is unique. What has it got (facial features)? People carve (cut) nose and eyes with a knife. He carved her name on a tree. Is Jack-o-lantern scary? I’m afraid of spiders. They are scary. Do I like them? Is it a positive or negative feeling? What scary things or people can you see at Halloween party? Witch – a woman that knows magic. Is she bad? Wizard - a man who knows magic. Broomstick - a witch uses it for flying. Can we use this thing for sweeping? Black cat – it’s bad luck if it crosses your road. Ghost – it’s not alive, it’s wearing white cloth, it scares people. | Whole class | 7 min. |
Checking vocabulary | To make learners feel confident with the task. | Now you’ll work in groups. There will be 2 groups. The first group - match the words with the pictures. The second – match the words with their definitions. You’ll have only 4 minutes.
| Group work | 4 min. |
Check the learners know what to do be asking questions | To check learners’ understanding | Are you speaking or writing? (CCQ). Are you matching the pictures with the words? | Whole class | 1 min. |
Speaking | To make learners speak using the necessary vocabulary | Halloween is a party, like New Year, Birthday, and Christmas. People like holidays and celebrate them. How do people celebrate Halloween? Do they make up clothes? Do they make jack-o-lantern? Now, you’ll work in pairs (T nominates pairs). You’ll have 4 minutes only. Student A is going to a Halloween party. He’ll wear a costume. Student A describes his costume to Student B. Student B guesses. Then swap. CCQ: Are you speaking or writing? | Pair work | 5 min. |
| To make learners confident with listening, give them some vocabulary | Look! Is it the whole pumpkin? It’s a part of a pumpkin. When we make jack – o – lantern we take a pumpkin and carve a nose and eyes. Do we use this part (a soft, wet mass)? Yes, people throw pulp (stuff). Throw – waste Some people don’t throw it, they do something with it? What can they do? Can the make dumplings/biscuits/cookies. Watch a video and say what can people do with the stuff? | Whole class | 3 min |
Post-listening | To check learners’ listening skills | Now, you’ll work in pairs and answer the questions on your sheets. You’ll have only 4 minutes. | Pair work | 4 min. |
Do whole-class feedback | To give learners feedback, to make them understand their mistakes and thank them for the work. | Our lesson is nearly over. Thank you for your work. I was glad to hear some good examples of using vocabulary as… But there are some sentences I would like to discuss with you. Look at the blackboard. Can we say so? Why? It’s time to say “good-bye” to each other. Have a nice day! Thank you for the lesson. | Whole class | 3 min. |
Вложение | Размер |
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Предварительный просмотр:
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Match the pictures with the words.
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What or who are they?
vampire pumpkin ghost wizard scarecrow costume witch skeleton full moon broomstick |
- The form of a dead person that a living person thinks he/she sees: __________
- The time when you can see all the big thin that shines in the sky at night: ___________
- A woman in stories who uses magic to do bad things:__________
- A thing that looks a like a person, that farmers put in their fields to frighten birds:_______
- A dead person in stories who comes to life at night and drinks people’s blood:_________
- A brush with long handle that you use for sweeping:___________________
- A man in stories who has magic powers:_________________
- A very large round vegetable with a thick orange skin:________
- The special clothes that people wear at a certain time:_________
- The bones of a whole animal or person:___________
A: Tomorrow is Halloween. I have a costume. It is …. I haven’t got … Who am I? B: Are you a…? | A: Tomorrow is Halloween. I’m going to wear … I will be … I will have … I will take. .. Will you be a…? |
Write if these sentences are True or False. -Children are making biscuits and cookies out of pumpkins. -People use pumpkins only to carve faces. -You can make a lot of yummy food out of pumpkins. | Answer the questions. -Who can help children with cooking? -What parts of pumpkin do people use in cooking? -Can people reuse pumpkins? |
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