Методическая разработка. План-конспект обобщающего урока по теме "Traveling".
методическая разработка (8 класс) по теме
Урок построен на основе системно-деятельностного и коммуникативно-деятельностного подходов.Представлены задания на развитие неподготовленной диалогической речи с использованием ролевой игры. на развитие навыков подготовленной монологической речи, навыков публичных выступлений, защита проектов "Traveling in our life", интерактивные задания .
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Предварительный просмотр:
Traveling in our life
Обобщающий урок
Открытый урок в 8м классе
Цели Урока
Образовательная: формировать способности к решению проблем, связанных с перемещением в другие города и страны.
Развивающая: учить находить необходимую информацию в прослушанном тексте.
Воспитательная: развивать способности к оценке чужого мнения и выражения собственного, воспитывать уважение к обычаям и традициям жителей стран изучаемого языка.
Практическая: совершенствовать речевые навыки, развивать владение видами речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение), активизировать лексические навыки.
Задачи урока
а)формировать навыки аудирования
б)активизировать навыки монологической речи
в)активизировать навыки диалогической речи
Магнитофон, аудиозапись текста, проектор, карточки для контроля аудирования, презентация с опорными слайдами выполненная на компьютере при помощи программы “Power Point”, компьютер, экран, доска.
Используемая литература
1) New Snapshot Pre-Intermediate «Longman» 2003 г.
2)Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языком: базовый курс лекций: Пособие для студентов педагогических вузов и учителей- М.: «Просвещение»2005г.
3)Соловова Е.Н., Апальков В.Г. Развитие и контроль коммуникативных умений: Традиции и перспективы. Лекции. Педагогический университет «Первое сентября»2006 г.
4)Иностранные языки в школе №8, 2008г.
5)Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. «English V».-М.: «Просвещение», 2003 г.
6)Кузовлев В.П.,Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш. и др. Английский язык: для 8 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений. Рос. Акад. наук, Рос. Акад. образование. – М.: «Просвещение», 2008 г.
План урока
1)Организационный момент
2)Warming up
3)Развитие речевых навыков
4) Развитие навыков неподготовленной диалогической речи, с использованием ролевой игры.
5)Аудирование текста
6) Развитие навыков подготовленной монологической речи.
Защита проектов «Traveling in our life».
7)Заключительный этап урока.
План – конспект урока
1)Организационный момент
Приветствие, сообщение о теме и характере работы на данном уроке.
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! Take your seats and get ready for the lesson. Today we are going to speak about our theme «Traveling», we are having a revision lesson. You have known a lot of interesting information studying the theme. We’ll listen to a dialogue about traveling. You’ve already made our projects according to your theme, so today some of you are ready to represent them.
Traveling is considered to be one of the best ways of spending holidays and it plays an important part in people’s entertainment.
2)Warming up
Для настройки учащихся на беседу по теме используются пословицы и стихи.
Teacher: To begin with, let’s remember proverbs about traveling. Match two parts and translate them please.
All roads has its customs.
East or West like home.
Every country lead to Rome.
There in no place home is best
3) Развитие речевых навыков
Teacher: Why do people travel? Where can people travel? What means of traveling do people choose? Give your reasons…
Now look at the scheme.
- Meet interesting people
- Learn much about people and nature
- Discover new lands
- Help to relax
- Improve knowledge of foreign languages
- Become a more educated person
- Round your city
- Round your country
- Abroad
- To your dacha
by boat, by car
by ship, by plane
by bus, on foot
The words can help you
- Much/little luggage
- Buy a single/return ticket
- Arrive at/in
- Cheap/expensive
- Catch/miss a flight
- Change trains
- Book tickets
- Be short of money
- A through train
Учащиеся высказываются, используя схему.
4) Развитие навыков неподготовленной диалогической речи, с использованием ролевой игры.
Ситуация: вы собираетесь приехать из Новосибирска в один из предложенных городов к своему другу на два дня. Вы звоните другу, чтобы выяснить каким видом транспорта лучше добраться, что стоит посмотреть и почему . (Можно имитировать разговор по реальным телефонам с использованием реальных телефонных номеров.)
London Moscow St. Petersburg Tomsk Novosibirsk New York
Useful language
Use these adjectives
Attractive, beautiful, magnificent, central, impressive, fascinating, mysterious, picturesque, popular, historic, modern, wonderful, prosperous
Диалог 1
P1 – Good morning! Could I speak to Liza?
P2 – Oh, yes, of course. It’s me. What can I do for you?
P1 – I am going to visit Tomsk at the end of May. How can I get there from Novosibirsk?
P2 – Well, you can get there by bus, by train or by taxi. What means of transport do you prefer?
P1 – Traveling by taxi is very expensive for me, so I think I’ll take a train.
P2 – That’s a good idea, because there is a 7 o’clock train. It is a through train.
P1 – You mean I don’t have to change, don’t you?
P2 – Of course, you don’t have to change. And at 12a.m. you’ll be at the railway station in Tomsk. I’ll meet you.
P1 - Thank you, I’m going to stay at your place for two days. What are the most impressive places in your city?
P2 – First of all you should visit our historic centre and our university as there you can see the Botanical Gardens with unusual plants there.
P1 – Oh, it’s rather surprising. I haven’t heard of it yet. Let’s go.
P2 – Don’t miss your train. See you.
Диалог 2
P1 – Hello, 371 36 02
P2 – Hi, it’s Pete. Can I speak to Ann, please?
P1 – Yes, it’s me. What can I do for you?
P2 – I’m going on a tour to London for two days. Could you advise me what means of transport is the best to get there.
P1 – Are you going to start your trip from Moscow or from Novosibirsk?
P2 – I haven’t decided yet.
P1 – You know, Great Britain is an island country. So from Russia it’ll be better to get to Great Britain by air. Is there a flight from Novosibirsk to London?
P2 – As I know there isn’t.
P1 – So, take a train or a plain from Novosibirsk to Moscow, and then go by plane.
P2 – Thank you, I’ll follow your advice. London is your native city. What would you recommend me to visit first of all?
P1 – Well, if I were you, I should go Trafalgar Square. It is worth seeing. In my opinion it is the most attractive place in London.
P2 – Yes, you are right. I have seen Trafalgar Square on a postcard. It is really beautiful.
5)Аудирование текста
Введение новых слов, фонетическая отработка:
Coach [ ] – автобус
Hire [ ] – брать на прокат, нанимать
Cycle [saikl] – ездить на велосипеде
Текст для аудирования взят из New Snapshot Pre-Intermediate «Longman» 2003г.
Listen to an interview with a seventeen year old student called Hugo and complete the information about his trip to Spain and circle the right word or the right words.
The text for listening
HELEN: Hugo, tell me about your trip to Spain. Was it a holiday?
HUGO: No, not really. It was a part of my Spanish course. The main idea was to practise my Spanish.
HELEN: Where did you go?
HUGO: We went by air to Malaga and then by coach to Cordoba and we stayed there for two weeks.
HELEN: Who arranged it?
HUGO: My school. They arrange a trip to Spain every spring for students doing Spanish A level exams. They organize work placements there for us.
HELEN: Work placements? What do you mean?
HUGO: Well, they arrange for us to work in different places, like in an office or a department store or a school.
HELEN: Where did you work?
HUGO: I worked in a department store in the men’s clothes department. I had to speak Spanish so it was good for me.
HELEN: How many students were there altogether?
HUGO: There were five of us.
HELEN: Where did you stay while you were there?
HUGO: We stayed in a hostel. It was OK. Nothing special.
HELEN: Did you have any time to travel round?
HUGO: Oh, yes, especially at the weekend. One day we hired bicycles and cycled round the countryside. It was beautiful. Another time we hired mopeds and went by moped round the villages. That was great.
HELEN: It sounds excellent.
HUGO: It was. I’d like to go back one day for a real holiday.
Pupil’s card:
1) Reason for trip:
a) practice English; b)practice Spanish; c)visiting museums.
2) Means of transport:
a)bike; b)bus; c)plane; d)ship; e)coach.
3 Length of stay:
a) 2 days; b) 4 weeks; c) 2 weeks.
4) Work placement:
a)office; b)school; c)a department store; d)the men’s clothes department; e)a shoe shop.
5) Number in group:
a) five; b)two; c)seven.
6) Accommodation:
a) at the relatives; b)at his friends; c)at a hostel.
7) Spare time activities:
a) mopeds; b)cars; c)buses; d)bicycles.
Keys: 1 b ; 2 c, e; 3 c; 4 c, d ; 5 a ; 6 c; 7 а, d.
Follow up activities
Say «true», «false» or «don’t know»
1. Helen traveled to Spain.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
2. Hugo went to Spain by train.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
3. Helen had a sister.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
4. Hugo studied at school.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
5. Hugo had no days off.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
6. Hugo worked in a department store.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
7. Helen had a bicycle.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
Keys: 1 b ; 2 b ; 3 c ; 4 a ; 5 b ; 6 a ;7 с.
6)Защита презентаций
Развитие навыков подготовленной монологической речи.
Защита проектов «Traveling in our life». Ниже приведены тексты презентаций, выполненных на компьютере при помощи программ «Power Point» и «Window Movie Maker», (см. приложения на диске).
Проект 1
Trip to the Altai
My elder brother and me and my friends traveled to a camp last summer. It was July. The weather was fantastic: dry and hot.
My father brought my brother and me to the bus stop by car.
It was a through bus, so we had only two stops. And we didn’t have to change. It wasn`t a waste of time as we saw the places we were travelling through. At last we arrived. We were rather tired. There were many big tents in the camp. They were near a big and cold river. Its name is the Katun. The water in the Katun was very clean. The weather was fine and very hot, but I didn’t swim in the river because the water was very cold and very dangerous.
Once we went to the mountains. The mountains were very high and very beautiful. It was very exciting and we saw an eagle. Then we found some drawings on the rocks. There were some people and deer on them. Then we watched a waterfall. The water in the waterfall was very clean and we drank it.
One day we rode horses. It was very unusual. We sang songs, we even went galloping. Suddenly we saw wild horses. Everybody was tired of the trip. It was a wonderful view.
We came back to our camp in the evening.
The next day we went by boat. To be true, it was a raft. It was very dangerous and cold, but pleasant.
At last our rest came to an end. We went back by bus at night. It took us 7 hours to get from the Altai to Novosibirsk. We returned home early in the morning. Our father was waiting for us. We were tired, but happy.
I spent a good time in the Altai!!!
Проект 2
Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays traveling. They travel to see other countries and continents, to enjoy picturesque places!
Last summer my friend Alina and I decided to spend in New York. New York is in the USA. The USA is one of the largest countries in the world. More than 200 million people live in the USA. People of different nationalities live in the USA. The official language of the country is English. The capital of the country is Washington DC. We prefer traveling by air. We think it is very convenient and the fastest way, but it is the most expensive too. So we traveled by air, because we had enough money. During our traveling it was necessary to do some changes but all in all we reached excellently. Then we stayed at a very cozy hotel.
People in New York were very friendly. In that fine city the life was impossible in one place. The next day we had different tours, saw beautiful monuments to great people, enjoyed beautiful nature. We learnt much about people and their traditions. There are churches of surprising beauty in New York.
When our trip came to an end, we had to return by ship, because there were no tickets in the booking-office in the airport. It was necessary to change and we went to Novosibirsk by plane.
Traveling in general is the best way to spend holidays. We like to travel very much! After traveling we return home. East or West, home is best!
7) Заключительный этап урока.
Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.
Teacher: Now, I see that you like traveling very much and know a lot of interesting things about it. Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following.
Now, please write down your home task.
Have you got any questions?
The lesson is over. Good-bye.
Приложение 1
Pupil’s card:
1) Reason for trip:
a) practice English; b)practice Spanish; c)visiting museums.
2) Means of transport:
a)bike; b)bus; c)plane; d)ship; e)coach.
3 Length of stay:
a) 2 days; b) 4 weeks; c) 2 weeks.
4) Work placement:
a)office; b)school; c)a department store; d)the men’s clothes department; e)a shoe shop.
5) Number in group:
a) five; b)two; c)seven.
6) Accommodation:
a) at the relatives; b)at his friends; c)at a hostel.
7) Spare time activities:
a) mopeds; b)cars; c)buses; d)bicycles.
Приложение 2
Follow up activities
Say «true», «false» or «don’t know»
1. Helen traveled to Spain.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
2. Hugo went to Spain by train.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
3. Helen had a sister.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
4. Hugo studied at school.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
5. Hugo had no days off.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
6. Hugo worked in a department store.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
7. Helen had a bicycle.
a) true b) false c) don’t know
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