Мой любимый писатель
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)

Нигматуллина Фазима Киньябаевна

Информация о любимом писателе Джеке Лондоне


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based on the story of


Jack London, the famous American writer, was born in San Francisco in 1876. The family was poor and Jack began to work  very early, when he was only nine years old. He got up at three o’clock in the morning and carried newspapers. After that he went to school. When the school was over, he carried the evening newspapers. On Saturdays and Sundays he worked at a hotel. The boy liked to read and spent all his free time with books. Jack left school at 13. After that he worked ten and more hours every day, but soon lost his job. When he was nineteen years old , he entered the univercity, but soon he left it. Jack found work at a factory and in the evenings he wrote poems and shot stories. But nobody wanted to publish his stories.

Gold was found   in Alaska, so London went there. He lived in Alaska for a year, but did not find any gold. He met heroes for his stories there – the strong men, who became the prototypes of his heroes. Some of his stories were published in 1898 and people liked them very much.

 The story "Brown Wolf" was written in 1907. It isn’t just a touching dog story, but also the story about freedom,loyalty.The  theme of the story is the loyalty and loyalty of the dog. The main problem with the story is the problem of choice. Jack London masterfully shows that for a man and a dog the choice is different.  

The writer managed to convey the situation of meeting the dog, old and new owners as if from all points of view at once. Each character has its own truth, but people are humbled with the choice of a dog. The very fact of the unexpected meeting of the first owner of the dog with her in California brings the story closer to the novel. But still the work does not go beyond the genre limits of the story, all its surprises are natural and believable.

While living in California, Brown Wolf, the dog-wolf is feeling the call of the wild nature of the desolate and frigid North. Neither the affection that surrounds him, nor the good living conditions can make him overcome his innermost desire to go back to his roots...

Why did Wolf always run away to the North as soon as he was strong and fresh and was given freedom? Why did he choose hard,severe northen life instead of living in sunny California?


1.А.Р.Старков "Учебное пособие для 10 класса средней школы" "Просвещение",1986г.

2.Джек Лондон "Бурый Волк",1906г. Перевод Зинаиды Вершининой,2011г.

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