Christmas Advent Calendar
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)
Презентация для Рождественского адвент календаря по английскому языку
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Do you like Christmas? are you waiting for this holiday? What about nice gifts and interesting predictions? We think you will like it. And now we want to show you how to make such advent calendar
My students prepared: foamiran sheets, felt sheets, threads, needle, glitter, folder, glue, white gouache, paint brushes, scissors, sweets, predictions. So, its high time to start!
First of all we cut the felt sheets and sewn with threads on foamiran sheets. Pockets for sweets and predictions were ready. There was positive and cheerful atmosphere in our classroom.
Polina , Pasha, Julia, Ilona and Lena carried away by work. They painted over the folder in white. Christmas mood was in the air.
Then we wrote down the date on foamiran sheets. My students were telling each other funny Christmas stories. So they have done this task very fast
Christmas is a great holiday, so we decided to add glitter on white folder and made our calendar bright and colorful. And we succeeded!
And the most interesting part of our work was writing predictions! Students cut out snowflakes and Christmas decorations from paper, then they wrote down predictions on it and put them into the pockets.
Predictions • To be the best. • very soon you will have new friends; • when you hear a loud ring, you will receive a new phone; • Something good will happen, and you will want to change! You will study only five and attend all sections. • This year you will find yourself, you will begin to write books and poems.
It was great job! I am proud of my team! It was interesting and useful expierence !
We wish you Marry Christmas and Happy New Year! Despite of all predictions, we wish you only one thing – to be the happiest person in the world
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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