Social ettiquette
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)
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O Key
H orn
The fingers all together
Thumbs up
Write “positive gesture” or “negative gesture” The name of the gesture Countries countries English speaking countries Brazil Okay The USA Argentina, Brazil, Spain… The horn Italy Turkey The fingers all together most countries Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan The thumbs up
Write “positive gesture” or “negative gesture” The name of the gesture countries countries English speaking countries Brazil Okay positive negative The USA Argentina, Brazil, Spain… The horn positive negative Italy Turkey The fingers all together positive positive most countries Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan The thumbs up positive negative (up yours)
Match word and definition 1.extend 2.firm handshake 3.rare (adj) 4.hug (n): 5.make eye contact 6.typical (adj) 7.greeting (n) 8.In public aware 10.crowded place 11.token (n) 12. second-rate (adj) holding sb's hand with your own with a strong grip and moving it up and down to look sb straight in the eye when they look at you usual in front of a group of people to make sure you know about something area full of people something that you do for or give somebody not the best way of saying hello to reach out not common putting your arms around a person and holding them tightly to show affection usual
Match word and definition 1.extend 2.firm handshake 3.rare (adj) 4.hug (n): 5.make eye contact 6.typical (adj) 7.greeting (n) 8.In public aware 10.crowded place 11.token (n) 12. second-rate (adj) I. to reach out A. holding sb's hand with your own with a strong grip and moving it up and down J. not common K. putting your arms around a person and holding them tightly to show affection B. to look sb straight in the eye when they look at you usual L. usual H. way of saying hello C. in front of a group of people D. to make sure you know about something E. area full of people F. something that you do for or give somebody G. not the best
Listen and Fill in the gaps If you are meeting someone for the first time, 1.______a hand to say hello. Britons greet each other with firm handshakes. Hugs are 2.____, but kissing on the cheek is not unusual between friends or relatives. Also, it is important to make 3._____ contact while speaking with someone; otherwise you will seem 4.______ or insincere. Use titles, such as Dr Smith or Mr Norris, to show respect, unless someone invites you to use their first name. Address a woman as Ms (as in Ms Banks) if you aren’t sure if she is 5.______ or not.
Listen and Fill in the gaps If you are meeting someone for the first time, 1. extend a hand to say hello. Britons greet each other with firm handshakes. Hugs are 2. rare , but kissing on the cheek is not unusual between friends or relatives. Also, it is important to make 3. eye contact while speaking with someone; otherwise you will seem 4. rude or insincere. Use titles, such as Dr Smith or Mr Norris, to show respect, unless someone invites you to use their first name. Address a woman as Ms (as in Ms Banks) if you aren’t sure if she is 5. married or not.
Listen and Read the text one by one. 1. When Brits ask how you are, they don’t expect a long reply about your recent headaches or your sore throat. 2.“How are you?” is a typical greeting that asks for a simple answer such as “I’m fine.”3. You may compliment a person on their new haircut or shirt, but never tell someone that they look tired or unwell unless you are really afraid that they may be ill. 4.Don’t ask someone how much money they make or how much money they’ve spent on something. 5. Also, never talk loudly on a mobile phone in public and be aware that taking a phone call during mealtimes is considered to be extremely rude. 6. Also, you should say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in all situations.
Listen and Read the text one by one 1.Sharing a meal with Brits shouldn’t be a stressful event. 2. Nevertheless, there are a few things to remember when you find yourself at a dinner table. 3. If someone invites you over for a meal, bringing a small gift, like flowers, is a nice token of thanks. 4. Make sure to arrive on time and if you must be late, call your host to apologise . Always wait until everyone has food in front of them before you start eating and remember to keep your elbows off the table. 5.Also, it is very important to keep your mouth closed while chewing; Brits think talking with a mouth full of food is rude and disgusting.6. If you eat in a restaurant, expect to pay your waiter a tip that is 10 percent of the bill, but not if the service is second-rate.
Describe the picture (Make 7-10 sentences) Plan t he place t he action t he appearance of the persons w hether you like the picture or not why Start with “I’d like to describe this picture. The picture shows……”
I want to thank_______for ________ I’ve learnt_________ It was difficult for me ________________ I need to pay attention to___________ Thanks for you attention
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