Педагогическая мастерская "Жилища людей трех континентов"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

технологическая карта, алгоритм проведения мастерской


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Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

Гимназия № 441

Педагогическая мастерская по  английскому языку

для 7 класса

«Жилища людей  трех континентов»


                        Учитель английского языка


Л. М. Пальчикова

г. Санкт-Петербург

2022 г.

Технологическая карта педагогической мастерской                                                          «Жилища людей трех континентов»

Цель:                                                                                                                                      создание условий для                                                                                                                                      

  • совершенствования навыков устной речи (монологической, диалогической) на английском языке                                                                                                                            
  • навыков чтения про себя для извлечения необходимой информации                                                                                                              
  • развития коммуникативных  умений
  • активизации лексических навыков                                                                                              
  • приобщения к национальным традициям народностей трех континентов                              
  • расширения кругозора

Организация пространства:  фронтально, затем в группах.


  •  карточки с описанием жилищ,  расположенных на трех континентах: Азии, Европы, Северной Америки                             (приложение 1 на английском языке)

  • листы бумаги А 4
  • фломастеры
  • цветные карандаши
  • экран
  • компьютер
  • презентация домов по континентам
  • листы ватмана
  • англо-русские словари для работы с новой лексикой
  • две классные доски

Алгоритм мастерской «Жилища людей трех континентов»                                            для работы в группах (на английском языке)

На классной доске перечислены 12 видов домов (приложение 2), на второй доске написаны названия трех континентов: Азия, Европа, Северная Америка, образовав три графы (приложение 3). На столе – карточки с описанием жилищ разных народностей:

Азия: юрта, мачия, дом на сваях, дворец

Европа: русская изба, шале, иглу, современный многоэтажный дом

Северная Америка: типии,  вигвам, небоскреб, викторианский дом

Учащиеся  выбирают по одной карточке с описанием  дома.

1. Индивидуально:

  • Прочитайте описание дома
  • На листочках выпишите новые незнакомые слова, о значении которых постарайтесь догадаться, только в крайнем случаи воспользуйтесь словарем
  • Определите вид жилища, выбрав подходящее на ваш взгляд, название для него на доске
  • Нарисуйте его  и подпишите вид дома

2. Афиширование рисунков, которые нарисовали дети                                                                                                      

  • Развесьте ваши рисунки на доске по континентам

3. Реорганизация пространства

  • Дети рассаживаются в группы по названию континента на их карточках

4. Социализация в группе

  • Познакомьтесь  с текстами друг друга
  • Посмотрите  на рисунки домов вашего континента и обсудите, правильно ли выбраны названия жилищ
  • Выпишите на доске новые слова, которые являются  незнакомыми для всей вашей группы

 5. Магистраль учителя

  • Произносим за мной все вместе новые английские слова, которые вы написали на доске, переводим слова на русский язык

6.Социализация между группами

  • Обсудите в группах, почему разные народности одного континента традиционно строят совершенно разные виды домов, используя английские грамматические структуры (приложение 4)
  • Выберите одного человека от группы и поделитесь с классом своими выводами

7. Магистраль учителя

  • Посмотрите на экран. Перед вами жилища разных народностей трех континентов с названиями домов и их описанием (приложение 5) 

Учитель показывает  презентацию домов, зачитывает тексты, знакомя учащихся с видами жилищ

8. Социализация в группе                                                                                                            

  • Обсудите  в группе и выберите континент, где вы  хотели бы жить. Почему?                      

9. Социализация между группами                                                                                               

  • Выберите одного человека из группы и объясните свой выбор    

 Если выбор континента в разных группах совпал, они объединяются в одну группу        

10. Реорганизация пространства                                                                                             

  • Пересадка по новым  группам происходит в том случаи, если в ней возникла необходимость  

    11. Социализация в группе        

  • Придумайте общий дом, который устроил бы вас всех, учитывая особенности проживания на этом континенте, и нарисуйте его на листе ватмана
  • Назовите свой дом, составив его название, используя слоги или части слов из истинных названий жилищ, с которыми вы сегодня познакомились

      (приложение 6)

  • Подпишите рисунки

12. Афиширование                                                                                                                                   

  • Вывесите свои работы. Выставка открыта

13. Рефлексия

Сегодня я понял(а)…. Я считаю, что… Я поражен(а)…  (1-3 предложения)

 ( приложение 7 )


Приложение 1

  • Asia

1) In Asia there is a lot of rain.  People build houses on stilts. They are above the water and don’t flood. Houses or pile dwellings are houses raised on piles over the surface of the soil or a body of water. They are built primarily as a protection against flooding, but also serve to keep out vermin. The shady space under the house can be used for work or storage.

2) In Kazakhstan people keep goats. Because of this, people live in tents made from woven goat hair. The sides can be rolled up to let cool breezes in. These small houses are round. People, living there, moved from place to place and can easy to put them up, take down and carry them.

3)   In Japan, the wooden houses where merchants lived and worked that a space in front for a store, in the middle for family quarters, and behind for workshops and warehouses. They are the long, narrow houses arranged in rows that went on for miles.

4) This house has only one or two floors. It has more that one thousand rooms.  This huge house is a grand residence, especially a royal residence or the home of the head of the state. Many historic buildings are now put to other uses such as parliaments, museums, hotels or office buildings. This rich house is a multitude of complexes contains several large and smaller structures with parks and courtyards.

  • Europe

5) In the Arctic it is very cold and the snow is very deep. The Inuit people build houses from blocks of snow. These small houses have a form of the circle. There are some windows in it. There is a stove inside. These snow houses are very warm.

6) In Switzerland there is a lot of snow. Because of this, the houses have steep roof so that the snow can slide off them in winter. A house is a type of a building, native to the Alpine region, made of wood, with a heavy, gently sloping roof with wide, well-supported, eaves, set at right angles to the front of the house

7) Russia was rich in forest in medieval times and almost everything was made of wood. People lived in wooden houses, used wooden dishes and made wooden furniture. This house is a traditional Russian countryside dwelling. A type of the log house, it forms the living quarters of a conventional Russian farmstead. It is generally built close to the road and inside a yard, which also encloses a kitchen garden, a hayshed, and a barn within a simple woven stick fence. Nails were not generally used, as metal was expensive, and neither were saws a common construction tool.

8) In big cities land is scarce and expensive. Buildings are built high into air. Lots of families can live in them. There are lots of floors in this house. People build them so that many people can live in a small space. The lift must be at this house so that people don’t have to walk up too many stairs. There are lots of balconies in this house which can be decorated some flowers and plants.

  • North America

9)  Americans are not afraid of new ideas. They build the first very tall houses which can have about 70 - 80 floors with 700-800 apartments. The lifts must be at this house so that people don’t have to walk up too many stairs. The buildings of steel framed construction had at least 10 stories in the late 19th century, as a result such tall houses were built in major cities like Chicago, New York City, Detroit, and St. Louis. The first steel frame building was the Home Insurance Building made in Chicago, Illinois in 1885.

10) Before settlers from Europe arrived in North America, native people lived there. Many of them were nomads who travelled over the plains and hunted bisons. They lived in tents. These were easy to put up, take down and carry. Long wooden poles were placed in a circle and tied together at the top. Then bison skins were placed over the poles. Sometimes as many as 20 skins were used. Houses were usually 3 metres high and 4 metres across on the ground.

11)  It is a domed room dwelling used by certain Native American tribes. These structures are formed with a frame of arched poles, most often wooden, which are covered with some sort of roofing material. Some of the roofing materials there is grass, bushes, bark, mats, reeds, skins or cloth.

12)  In the United States, this wonderful architecture style was most popular between 1860 and 1900. It was named High Victorian Gothic. Many houses have several large rooms with specialized functions and several very small rooms for other various reasons. They may include a living/eating area, a sleeping area, and washing and lavatory areas. In traditional agriculture-oriented societies, domestic animals such as chickens often share part of the house with human beings.

Приложение 2

A yurt, a machiya, a  palace, a stilt house

An igloo, an izba, a chalet, a block of flats

A tipi, a wigwam, the Victorian house, a skyscraper

Приложение 3

Asia                  Europe                  North America

 Приложение 4

Because of, as a result, so that

Приложение 5

A house is a home, building or structure that is a dwelling or a place for habitation by human beings. The house includes many kinds of dwellings ranging from rudimentary huts of nomadic tribes to free standing individual structures. In some contexts, "house" may mean the same as a dwelling, residence, home, abode, lodging, accommodation, or housing, among other meanings. The social unit that lives in a house is known as a household. Most commonly, a household is a family unit of some kind, though households can be other social groups, such as single persons, or groups of unrelated individuals. English-speaking people generally call any building they routinely occupy "home". Many people leave their houses during the day for work and recreation, and return to them to sleep and for other activities. There are different kinds of buildings all over the world. This mostly because the weather varies in different parts of the  world.  Asia is also very hot and in this part of the world rainfall is high. For this reason any houses are build on stilts so that they do not flood. Compared to villages of Asia the cities of America and Europe are huge. Here there are many tall skyscrapers because land is scarce and expensive.

Презентация (Homes)

Приложение 6

Skyscraper – teepee


Приложение 7

I think that …

In my opinion …

All in all, I believe…

It strike me that…

In the first place, I think…


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Asia A yurt, machiya, palace, stilt house

Слайд 3

Machiya The wooden houses where merchants lived and worked that a space in front for a store, in the middle for family quarters, and behind for workshops and warehouse. They are the long, narrow houses arranged in rows that went on for miles.

Слайд 5

A yurt In Kazakhstan people keep goats. Because of this, people live in tents made from woven goat hair. The sides can be rolled up to let cool breezes in.

Слайд 7

Stilt houses In Asia there is a lot of rain. People build houses on stilts. They are above the water and don’t flood. In Asia there is a lot of rain. People build houses on stilts. They are above the water and don’t flood. Stilt houses or pile dwellings are houses raised on pil es over the surface of the soil or a body of water. Stilt houses are built primarily as a protection against flooding , but also serve to keep out vermin . The shady space under the house can be used for work or storage.

Слайд 9

Palace A palace is a grand residence, especially a royal residence or the home of a head of state . Many historic palaces are now put to other uses such as parliaments, museums, hotels or office buildings. The Chinese palace is designed in regular square grids and arranged in formal layout, consisted of main buildings and numbers of pavilions enclosed within walls. Unlike massive single structured European palace or castle, Chinese palace is a multitude of complexes contains several large and smaller structures with parks and courtyards .

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

North America A tipi, wigwam, Victorian house, a skyscraper

Слайд 3

Teepee Before settlers from Europe arrived in North America, native people lived there. Many of them were nomads who travelled over the plains and hunted bison. They lived in tents. These were easy to put up, take down and carry. Long wooden poles were placed in a circle and tied together at the top. Then bison skins were placed over the poles. Sometimes as many as 20 skins were used. Teepees were usually 3 metres high and 4 metres across on the ground

Слайд 5

Wigwam It is a domed room dwelling used by certain Native American tribes. These structures are formed with a frame of arched poles, most often wooden, which are covered with some sort of roofing material. Some of the roofing materials used include grass, brush, bark, mats, reeds, skins or cloth.

Слайд 7

Victorian house In the United States, this wonderful architecture style was the most popular between 1860 and 1900. It was named High Victorian Gothic. Many houses have several large rooms with specialized functions and several very small rooms for other various reasons. They may include a living/eating area, a sleeping area, and washing and lavatory areas. In traditional agriculture-oriented societies, domestiс animals such as chickens often share part of the house with human beings.

Слайд 9

Skyscraper The word "skyscraper" originally was a nautical term referring to a small triangular sail set above the skysail on a sailing ship. The term was first applied to buildings of steel framed construction of at least 10 stories in the late 19th century, a result of public amazement at the tall buildings being built in major cities like Chicago, New Yor k City , Detroit, and St. Louis. The first steel frame skyscraper was the Home Insurance Building built in Chicago, Illinois in 1885.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Europe An igloo, an izba, chalet, a block of flats

Слайд 3

Igloo In the Arctic it is very cold and the snow is very deep. The Inuit people build houses, which are called igloos, from blocks of snow. These houses are very warm.

Слайд 5

Chalet In Switzerland there is a lot of snow. Because of this, the houses have steep roof so that the snow can slide off them in winter. A chalet (/’ ʃæleɪ / ), also called Swiss chalet, is a type of building or house, native to the Alpine region, made of wood, with a heavy, gently sloping roof with wide, well-supported, eaves, set at right angles to the front of the house

Слайд 7

Izba An izba is a traditional Russian countryside dwelling. A type of log house, it forms the living quarters of a conventional Russian farmstead. It is generally built close to the road and inside a yard, which also encloses a kitchen garden, hayshed, and barn within a simple woven stick fence. Traditional, old-style izba construction involved the use of simple tools, such as ropes, axes, knives, and spades. Nails were not generally used, as metal was expensive, and neither were saws a common construction tool.

Слайд 10

Block of flats In big cities land is scarce and expensive. Buildings are built high into air. Lots of families can live in them.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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