Конспект урока по теме " Экскурсия по залам эрмитажа" 10 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
На данном уроке рассказывается о работах британских художниках 18 века Гейнсборо, Лоуренса, Морланда и Хогарта. Работы данных художников можно увидеть в залах Эрмитажа.
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Конспект интегрированного урока . ( Английский язык - МХК .)
Тема урока : “Тhe Excursion Around the Halls of British Art in the Hermitage."
« Экскурсия по залам Британского искусства Эрмитажа . »
Цель урока : развитие познавательной деятельности учащихся ; расширение кругозора посредством страноведческого материала по теме « Художники Великобритании18 века . »
Задачи урока :
- Учебный аспект - формирование навыков чтения, говорения , аудирования , письма;
- Познавательный аспект - знакомство с Эрмитажем , с работами Британских художников ;
- Развивающий аспект - развитие познавательного интереса учащихся ; развитие воображения ;
- Воспитательный аспект - воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой культуре, предметам искусства , более глубокого осознания своей культуры.
Ход урока.
The teacher : Good morning my dear students! Our lesson today is not ordinary. At the lesson we will visit St. Petersburg and admirе the masterpieces of the Hermitage. Before walking around the halls of this well - known museum we should know some information about it. During our excursion you must fill in activity sheets.
The teacher : Прелюдией к нашему уроку стал фрагмент из оперы Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта. На уроке мы с вами вернёмся в тот далёкий 18 век, проведём экскурсию по залам Эрмитажа, познакомимся с живописью британских художников 18 века. Эти художники внесли огромный вклад в сокровищницу Мировой художественной культуры.
Student 1. The state Hermitage is a museum of art and culture in St. Petersburg , in Russia. It is one of the largest and oldest museums of the world. This name was given in the 18 century by Catherine the second and she was the founder of this museum. The state museum was founded in 1764 when Catherinу the second bought 225 pictures in Berlin. The name “ Hermitage “ means “ a place of solitude . “ It has been opened to the public since 1852. At the present the collection take up six interconnected buildings . It s collection comprise nearly 3 million items , including the largest collection of paintings , statues , coins , antiquities and jewelry. The museum has several centres abroad. All leading schools are represented here. The museum can boast of the well - known masterpieces.
The teacher: Now it is the time to walk around the halls of the British art and try to know about celebrated masters of English painting: Gainsborough, Reynolds, Morland , Reaburn , Lawrence and Hogarth. In the first hall we can see “Four Times a Day ” by William Hogarth. Our guide prepared some information about this fascinating portrait painter. (Ученики выступают с заранее подготовленными докладами о художниках
Student 2 . William Hogarth. (1697 – 1764)
William Hogarth was an English painter and engraver. He trained as an engraver in the Rococo tradition, and by 1720 was established in London independently as an engraver on copper of billheads and book illustrations. In his spare time he studied painting, first at the St.Martin’s Lane Academy and later under Sir James Thornhill, whose daughter he married in 1729.
Hogarth, however, was much more than a preacher in paint. His satire was directed as much at pedantry and affectation as at immorality, and he saw himself to some extent as a defender of native common sense against a fashion for French and Italian mannerisms.
Hogarth was far and away the most important British artist of his generation. He was equally outstanding as a painter and engraver, and by the force of his pugnacious personality as well as by the quality and originality of his work he freed British art from its domination by foreign artists. Because so much of his work has a “literary” element, his qualities as a painter have often been overlooked, but his more informal pictures in particular show that his brushwork could live up to his inventive genius.
Student 3. К началу 18 века границы жанров начинают в Англии расширяться, хотя портрет по прежнему преобладает.
Основоположником социально-критического направления в европейском искусстве, мастером сатирического бытового жанра является Уильям Хогард . Перед нами гравюра, выполненная данным автором.
Действие происходит в сердце старого Лондона, на площади Ковен Гарден, известной, в частности, своим цветочным рынком.
Изображение холодного зимнего Лондона на столетие опережает образы Чарльза Диккенса. Но знатокам 18 века изображение утра казалось неимоверно дерзким.
Прославленный автор «Путешествий Гулливера», Джонатан Свифт, горячо одобрял произведения Хогарда. Однако, собратья по кисти никак не могли простить Хогарду новаторский характер его искусства.
Student 4 . Sir Joshua Reynolds. (1723 – 1792)
Joshua Reynolds was the most successful portrait painter of his day in England as well as a distinguished member of London’s intellectual society.
Reynolds was born on July 16, 1723, in Plymouth, Devon, England. His father, a clergyman, conducted a grammar school. Reynolds was one of his pupils, but he preferred sketching on the margins of his Latin exercises to studying. He also copied drawings at every chance. Apprenticed at the age of 17 to Thomas Hudson, a popular London portrait painter, Reynolds studied with him for three years. The next few years he divided between Plymouth and London. In 1752 he returned to London. There he established himself as a portrait painter, and success came quickly. Nearly every distinguished English family of the time sat for a Reynolds portrait. In 1768 Reynolds became President of the newly founded Royal Academy, and the next year he was knighted by King George III. Reynolds died in London on February 23, 1792.
Reynolds’ portraits give his subjects an appearance of action, though he posed them in attitudes that imitated the Italian masters. His use of vivid colors also reflects his study in Italy. Unfortunately many of his pictures have faded badly with tim
Student 5. Джошуа Рейнолдс – первый президент Академии Художеств Англии, почётный доктор права Оксфордского университета, играл видную роль в английском обществе второй половины 18 века.
Перед нами одна из лучших его композиций на исторические сюжеты, хранящаяся в Эрмитаже. Это «Младенец Геракл, удушающий змей, подосланных Герой», огромное полотно, заказанное Екатериной II и прославляющее победы молодой России.
Современный зритель врятли догадается о том, что младенец Геракл олицетворяет собой победы Молодой России. В позах и жестах много условности, свойственной высокому стилю. Но младенец Геракл – живая зарисовка с натуры. Лицо Геры напоминает черты трагической актрисы Сары Сиденс.
Живопись широкая, пастозная. Красно-коричневая тональность ещё более усиливает накал страстей.
Student 6. Thomas Gainsborough. (1727 – 1788)
T.Gainsborough was an English portrait and landscape painter, the most outstanding English painter of the 18th century. He was the youngest son of John Gainsborough, a maker of woolen goods.
When he was 13, he persuaded his father to send him to London to study landscape painting. Gainsborough worked as an assistant to Hubert Gravelot, a French painter, engraver and an important figure in London art circles at the time.
Fairly soon he began to be noticed by the royal family. In 1781 he was commissioned to paint the King and Queen.
He died in 1788 and was buried in Kew churchyard.
Gainsborough alone among the great portrait painters of the era also devoted serious attention to landscapes. His comments on his own work and methods as well as on some of the old masters are very revealing and throw considerable light on contemporary views of art.
Student 7. Henry Reaburn . ( 1756 - 1823 )
H. Reaburn the Scottish portraitist was born on the fourth of March , in Edinburgh . Having be-en deserted very early he started to work in a jewel bench. During his free time he began to draw miniatures. Later his work s were shown to Reynolds. Reynolds adviced Reaburn to go to Italy. After two years of staying in Italy Reaburn return home and became well - known in Scotland . In 1812 he became the president of the Scottish society of art. In 1822 Reaburn got a title of noblе family and was appointed the court painter. On the cloths he created portraits of noblemen , figures of culture , ordinary people. He used red and green shades , the national colours of Scotland. Reaburn had created more than 1000 cloths . It became an embodiment of national school of painting in Scotland.
Student 8. Перед нами портреты Англии 18 века.
Академики считали портрет жанром, уступающим историческим композициям. Но в английской Академии портрету принадлежала пальма первенства. Портреты излучают благородство и значительность.
Красавицы в Англии 18 века – это особое амплуа. Они уже не только украшают придворное общество придворное общество. Они начитанны, близки искусствам, могут быть душой общества. Но, главное, они исполняют свой материнский долг. В английских портретах мы часто видим их играющими со своими детьми на лоне природы, парках родовых поместий.
Портреты Томаса Гейнсборо адресованы сердцу зрителя. Ему особенно удавались женские образы. Портрет «Дама в голубом» привлекает не внешней эффектностью, а одухотворённостью. Изысканная гармония холодных голубых тонов подчёркивает поэтичность и утончённость женского образа.
Виртуальная лёгкость живописной манеры производила на современников впечатление незаконченности. Но, именно эта незаконченная манера и создавала разительное сходство.
В портрете Элинор Бетюн пейзаж становится носителем эмоционального начала, уже ощущаются романтические веяния, тема слияния настроения человека и природы будут волновать романтиков 19 столетия.
Student 9. Thomas Lawrence . ( 1769 - 1830 )
English painter and portraitist Thomas Lawrence was born on the thirteenth of April 1796 in Briston. The talent of painting had woken up too early . His father owned a hotel. Vi-sitors of the hotel were the first who was drawn by Lawrence . he began to paint with pencil portrait and then passed to oil .In 1787 he moved to London and began to work in Reynolds masterful . Here he had a good practice . He began to paint from life instead of copying. After Reynolds death Lawrence became the first king s artist. Without having vocational education he was chosen the president of Academy of Art in London. His brushes belong to numerous portraits of prominent politicians .
Student 10. Первым английским портретистом, при жизни удостоившимся европейской славы, стал Томас Лоуренс. Стареющий Рейнолдс сказал о нём «Лоуренс начинает там, где я кончаю».
« Портрет Семёна Романовича Воронцова», русского посла в Лондоне, хотя и не самая ранняя из его работ, ещё вторит традициям Рейнолдса. Но чем дальше, тем больше отдаляется Лоуренс от традиций английского портрета 18 века. В прекрасном карандашном портрете княгини Ливен иные чем в 18 веке не только костюм и причёска – изменилась позиция художника. Настала другая эпоха. Печать светского лоска лежит на самых блистательных портретах кисти Лоуренса.
Дарья Христофоровна Ливен была супругой русского посла, назначенного в Лондон в 1812 году. В её лондонский дом стекал весь дипломатический мир. Позже, в Париже, её салон соперничал со знаменитым салоном мадам Решелье. Рисунок Лоуренса блестяще передаёт образ светской львицы.
Student 11. George Morland . ( 1763 - 1804 )
George Morland was born on the 26th of June, 1763 in London. He was a son of the painter H.R.Morland, to whom he was first apprenticed for seven years in 1777. He painted sentimental genre scenes. In 1786 he married Anne, the sister of William Ward who engraved sixty-nine of Morland’s pictures and who married Morland’s sister. In the 1790s he turned to rustic genre, but his later years were clouded by reckless self-indulgence.
Morland painted rural life. Nothing quite like his scenes of peasant and country life had ever been seen before. Perhaps another quality of Morland’s art may have contributed to its popularity; it was above all things English; it is quite impossible to mistake Morland’s men and women for other than English men and women, or his scenes for scenes outside England.
Student 12. Во второй половине 18 века в английском искусстве сосуществовало несколько различных направлений. Оживилась художественная жизнь провинции.
В живописи «певцом» сельской Англии стал Джордж Морланд. Он любит писать живописные хижины и их обитателей.
В лучшей своей работе «Приближение грозы» Морланд старается передать состояние природы перед грозой. Но по настоящему эта задача будет решаться мастерами эпохи романтизма.
The teacher: We see all the works of these famous English painters once again. Let us share our opinions about the pictures you like most of all. May be you don’t like any picture. Then you’ll try to explain why. Fill in your activity sheets .
Подведение итогов урока .
Activity Sheet.
- Answer the questions :
- Who was the founder of the Hermitage ?
- When was the Hermitage opened for public ?
- How many buildings does the collection take up ?
- What items does the Hermitage comprise ?
- Match the artists with their pictures :
- G. Morland a) “ The Lady in the Blue . “
- H. Reaburn b) “ Princess Liven . “
- S. J. Reynolds c) “ Elinor Betyun . “
- W. Hogarth d) “ Four Times a Day. “
- T. Gainsborough e) “ The Infant Hercules Strangling Serpents . “
- T . Lawrence f) “ The Approaching Storm . “
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
- Match the parts of the sentences :
- H. Reaburn a) was the best representative of real English art school.
- T. Gainsborough b) was the creator of English art school.
- G. Morland c) was a popular London portrait painter.
- T. Lawrence d) was a Scottish portraitist.
- S. J. Reynolds e) was famous for portraits of prominent politicians.
- W. Hogarth f) was a humorist and satirist on his canvases.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
- Express your opinion about artists and their pictures you have just seen. You can use these words.
to enjoy - получать удовольствие to portray - изображать
to be exciting - быть воодушевлённым to create - создавать
to be boring - быть скучным to impart - передать
truly remarkable - поистине замечат. to be painted with great talent - написано с
unfortunately - к сожалению Большим талантом
especially - особенно to attract once s attention - привлекать вни- мание
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