Конспект урока комплексного применения знаний и умений "Человек-дитя природы"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Материал урока может быть использован при изучении темы "Environmental Protection". Содержит проблемные задания. Развивает коммуникативные навыки и умения.
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Структура урока комплексного применения знаний и умений (урок закрепления) «Человек-дитя природы» Оснащение урока: Компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска. Запись mp3 песни “Eagle” в исполнении “ABBA”, видеоролик из фильма “Home”. Раздаточный материал: рабочие листы с дополнительной лексикой по теме; постеры с высказываниями “Nature is the source of people’s life” “Environmental protection concerns everyone” “The protection of nature means the protection of our Motherland”. Учебник English-10, О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. | |
1) Организационный этап. | Teacher: Good morning, dear pupils and guests. How are you? Who is on duty today? (Student’s report). So, the topic of our lesson is “Man is the child of nature”. We begin our lesson with phonetic drills. |
2) Проверка домашнего задания, воспроизведение и коррекция опорных знаний учащихся. Актуализация знаний. | Your home task was to prepare discussion about urgent eco problems in a form of the «round table». Are the participants of the “round table” ready? Then we’ll start. I want you to introduce yourselves. You are welcome, please. A member of the State Duma: Some days ago I returned from my trip around our country. I visited some industrial cities of Ural region, saw our forests, lakes and rivers, met different people. And I must say that ecological situation in Russia is very dangerous. The head of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area: The ecological situation in our region is also very serious. We face the same ecological problems as other regions in Russia. An ecologist: Man kills birds, animals and destroys their habitats. Forests are cut down for different uses. If we go on like this, soon all the forests on earth will be destroyed. A member of ”Greenpeace”: Members of our organization appeared in places where disasters come, oil tankers crashed and oil was spilt over the water. So fish was poisoned, birds are in danger. I think they won’t survive! A doctor: It may sound funny to you, but man needs protection and care as much as birds and animals do. Nowadays people suffer from serious diseases and die early, their children are born weak because of the ecology. No medicines prescribed by the doctors can help them. This problem becomes more and more serious with every passing year. Teacher: The progressive people all over the world think how to make our planet green. This problem concerns everyone. And what about our local authorities? Students, what will you do if you were Mayor of our town? Brainstorm your ideas. (учащиеся высказывают свои мысли по заданной ситуации) If I were Mayor of my town,…. |
3) Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся. | Цели: 1. Формировать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся при помощи информационно-коммуникационных технологий и интерактивных упражнений. 2. Развивать у учащихся языковую и речевую компетентность в процессе формирования навыков диалогической и монологической речи, аудирования. 3. Развивать аудитивную память, внимание, воображение, логическое мышление учащихся. Задачи: Обучающие Продолжить формировать следующие специальные умения: – произносительные навыки учащихся. Обеспечить в ходе урока повторение усвоенных лексических единиц по теме; – читать с целью охвата общего содержания; – воспринимать на слух аутентичную речь на английском языке; – совершенствовать навыки употребления лексических и грамматических структур в речи учащихся с соблюдением норм иностранного языка; – корректно формулировать вопросы; – развивать языковую догадку. Продолжить формирование общего и филологического кругозора. Развивающие Развивать спонтанную речь учащихся; Развивать навыки понимания иностранной речи; Развивать память и мышление. Развивать коммуникативные навыки и умение. Развивать познавательный интерес у учащихся. Воспитательные Поддерживать высокий уровень мотивации к изучению английского языка; Учить пониманию явлений и особенностей развития природы. Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни, взаимопомощи и бережного отношения к природе. |
4) Первичное закрепление | Teacher: Let’s brush up your topical vocabulary. Repeat after me. Фонетическаязарядка (Topical Vocabulary of the lesson) acid rain the greenhouse effect habitat trophy smog evolution pollution endangered species atmosphere nuclear power station ozone biosphere a reserve national park rainforest |
| Warming-up activities Teacher: How do you understand the topic of the lesson? Why does man depend on nature? What does it mean? Teacher: Discuss the following questions, please. Why are scientists so worried about the greenhouse effect and the process of global warming? Have you ever heard about huge tornadoes, floods, hurricanes? Can people win natural disasters and survive? Some people believe that the Earth is damaged by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Are you for or against nuclear power? Have you ever thought of your future? Do you think the people of tomorrow will be happier that we are? |
Teacher: Pupils, you have handouts on your tables. They are words and expressions about nature. Your task is to match them. I’ll read the definition and you try to guess. Teacher: OK, pupils. Some people are rather optimistic about the future, others predict the end of the world. Which side are you in? Listen to the predictions, divide them into two groups- positive and negative and comment on them.
In future people will live longer, many diseases will disappear. People will cut down all the forests. There will be no fish in the rivers. We shall be able to control the weather. We shall not be able to breathe without a gas mask on. People will be able to travel in space and spend their holidays on other planets. Robots will do all the dangerous and dirty jobs. Our working hours will be shorter and holidays will be longer. Life will be harder. There will be more criminals. Terrorist groups will be more powerful. It will be dangerous to go out. There won’t be any conflicts between people. There will be no more wars, no more criminals. The world will become more democratic. We shall find new sources of energy. Our planet will be invaded by aliens. Those who survive will become their slaves. |
5) Творческое применение и добывание знаний в новой ситуации (проблемные задания) | Teacher: now you are going to watch an extract from the film “Home”. Such well-known companies as Gucci, Ives Saint Laurent, and some others supported making of the film. Be attentive, please. Your task is: Try to understand what people of the world do to save our planet for future generations. After watching activities Teacher: Answer the questions. 1. What do you think how is the film called? Why is it called “Home”? 2. What can you say about natural parks? 3. What have you learned? Teacher: What can you do to keep the Earth clean and healthy? Pupil: You should be a friend to her. Teacher: I think young generation can help the planet. We must use these words of advice: Walk or use a bicycle instead of a car. Don’t litter with paper, cans or bottles. Plant more trees. Feed birds in winter& help them survive in cold. Save energy. Use less electricity & gas. Clean rubbish from lakes & rivers. Have showers, not baths. Showers use less water. Teacher: In conclusion I want to say that there are many natural disasters when people can hardly ever protect themselves. Man is still the child of nature. We depend on Nature’s fury. What may comfort us is the fact that such catastrophes seldom occur. Our scientists are able to predict possible events and we can prepare for the worse but hope for the better. And in all cases we should not panic, be well-informed and rely on support and aid from friends, specialists, rescue teams; follow instructions from authorities, governments, charities or individuals… I believe you can also get necessary information at your lessons of Life Safety. |
6) Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению | Write down your homework for the next lesson. Speak on the topic “Keeping the Earth clean”. Well, our lesson comes to the end. What activity of the lesson did you like most of all and what was difficult for you? You have done well. Here are your marks… Now enjoy a beautiful song “Eagle” of the well- known Swedish pop- group “ABBA”. |
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