РАБОЧАЯ ПРОГРАММА Курса по выбору «Путешествие в Британию» в 7 классе
рабочая программа по английскому языку (7 класс)

Соболина Татьяна Ивановна

Рабочая программа учебного курса по выбору «Путешествие в Британию» предназначена для обучающихся 7 класса, изучающих английский язык  и имеющих основные знания об англоязычных странах. 

Данная программа составлена для обучающихся 7 класса для закрепления тем по страноведению, которые обучающиеся непосредственно изучают на уроках английского языка, и ознакомления с традициями, праздниками Британии, расширения кругозора.

Использование страноведческой информации в учебном процессе обеспечивает повышение познавательной активности учащихся, расширяет их коммуникативные возможности, благоприятствует  созданию положительной мотивации к предмету, даёт стимул к самостоятельной работе над языком.

Страноведческое содержание этого курса направлено на обеспечение возможности изучать национальную культуру английского народа.



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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя школа № 148»

Согласована                                                          Утверждена приказом

Методическим советом                                          Директора МАОУ СОШ 148

Протокол № ______ от _____                                 № _______ от_________

Председатель МС__________                                _________Ю.С. Бушланова


Курса по выбору «Путешествие в Британию» в 7 классе


Соболина Татьяна Ивановна

учитель английского языка

2018 г.

Программа учебного курса «Путешествие в Британию» 7 класс

Пояснительная записка

Программа учебного курса «Английская грамматика – это просто» составлена на основе

  • федерального  государственного образовательного стандарта основного общего образования,
  • основной образовательной программы основного общего образования МАОУ СШ №148.

Общая характеристика учебного курса

Рабочая программа учебного курса по выбору «Путешествие в Британию» предназначена для обучающихся 7 класса, изучающих английский язык  и имеющих основные знания об англоязычных странах.  

Данная программа составлена для обучающихся 7 класса для закрепления тем по страноведению, которые обучающиеся непосредственно изучают на уроках английского языка, и ознакомления с традициями, праздниками Британии, расширения кругозора.

Использование страноведческой информации в учебном процессе обеспечивает повышение познавательной активности учащихся, расширяет их коммуникативные возможности, благоприятствует  созданию положительной мотивации к предмету, даёт стимул к самостоятельной работе над языком.

Страноведческое содержание этого курса направлено на обеспечение возможности изучать национальную культуру английского народа.

В основу этого курса положен коммуникативный подход к овладению всеми аспектами иноязычной культуры: познавательным, развивающим все виды речевой деятельности. Ведущим остаётся чтение и говорение.

Знакомство с культурой страны происходит путём сравнения и постоянной оценки уже имеющихся знаний и понятий с вновь полученными, со знаниями и понятиями о своей стране, о самих себе. Сравнивая себя и зарубежных сверстников, учащиеся выделяют общее и специфическое, что способствует объединению, развитию понимания и доброго отношения к стране, её людям, традициям.

Содержание курса тесно связано с такими предметами, как география, история и музыка.

Цель курса – содействие формированию социокультурной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе базового владения английским языком; дальнейшее совершенствование языковых навыков и умений, различных видов речевой деятельности и форм речи (устной, письменной, диалогической и монологической),  

Задачи курса:

  • создание условий для повышения информированности учащихся о странах изучаемого языка;
  • показать роль англо-говорящих стран, их культуры и экономики, а также значение иностранного языка в диалоге культур;
  • обогащение активного словаря учащихся необходимым запасом специальных терминов и понятий, связанных с данной темой;
  • формирование речевых навыков, обеспечивающих познавательно-коммуникативные потребности учащихся;
  • развитие умений собирать, систематизировать страноведческую информацию;
  • развитие умений анализировать и сравнивать сведения и факты родной и иноязычной культуры;
  • способствовать воспитанию у детей понимания и уважения к другой культуре;
  • способствовать обогащению внутреннего мира учащихся.

Принцип построения курса: интеграция, опора на творческий метод, развитие языковых навыков.

Принципы отбора материала:

  1. Доступность. Степень сложности текстов определяется уровнем овладения учащимися основами английской грамматики и способностью использовать английский язык как средство познания мира.
  2. Преемственность. Материал логично вырастает из всех страноведческих материалов языковых курсов, построенных по программе базисного учебного плана для общеобразовательной школы.
  3. Аутентичность. Учащиеся работают с оригинальными текстами англоязычных авторов.
  4. Социальная значимость. Материал является необходимым для знакомства с действительностью англоязычных стран, для формирования мировоззрения, совершенствования владения английским языком и для последующего оперирования полученными знаниями при включении в диалог культур, то есть для реализации современного метода творчески и коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения иностранным языкам.

Описание места учебного предмета в учебном плане

В соответствии с учебным планом 5 - 9 классов из части, формируемой участниками образовательных отношений, на учебный курс «Английская грамматика – это просто» выделяется в 8 классе – 1 час в неделю, 34 часа в год.

Планируемые результаты изучения учебного курса (личностные, метапредметные и предметные)


-  осознает свою  этническую принадлежность, знает культуру своего народа и своего края в контексте общемирового культурного наследия;

- готов и способен к саморазвитию и самообразованию на основе мотивации к обучению и познанию;                                                                                    

- самостоятельно называет   свои  познавательные интересы,   проявляет уважительное отношение к труду,

- принимает участие в общественно-полезном труде;                                                                                              

- умеет договариваться  с людьми других позиций;

- уважительно относится к религии, традициям, культуре других народов;                                                                         - под руководством учителя умеет организовать классное мероприятие;

- ориентируется в системе моральных норм и ценностей;                                                                                                                          - владеет самооценкой на основе наблюдения за собственной речью;                                                                                        - владеет основами здорового образа жизни и здоровьесберегающих технологий;                                                                      - владеет  правилами индивидуального и коллективного безопасного поведения в чрезвычайных ситуациях, угрожающих жизни и здоровью людей.


- формулирует задачи по достижению целей обучения на определенный период;                                                                                - умеет оценить свой ресурс, необходимый для воплощения идеи/ответа на вопрос;                                                        

- определяет желаемый результат своей деятельности;                                                                                          - умеет оценивать свои учебные достижения, поведение, черты своей личности с учетом мнения других людей, в том числе для корректировки собственного поведения в окружающей среде;                                                

- умеет осуществлять взаимный контроль и оказывать в сотрудничестве необходимую взаимопомощь;                                                                                                                                                                 - умеет создавать, читать и применять модели и схемы для решения учебных и познавательных задач;

- умеет создавать, применять модели и схемы для решения учебных и познавательных задач;

- умеет переложить текстовую информацию в графическую и наоборот;

- высказывает оценочные суждения по поводу прочитанного.


Вести диалог- обмен мнениями, диалог-побуждение к действию (3-4 реплики). Составлять рассказ, описание, сообщение, рассуждение с высказыванием своего мнения с использованием опоры и без опор (8-10 фраз). Аудирование несложных аутентичных текстов с полным пониманием (звучание до 1 мин.) и пониманием основного содержания (звучание до 2 мин.) Уметь читать несложные аутентичные тексты с полным, выборочным пониманием, пониманием основного содержания.

По окончании курса учащиеся должны уметь:

- выбирать информационно оптимальный вариант схематизированного преобразования информации содержащейся в тексте;

- вести краткие записи прослушанного с опорой на ключевые слова, читать со словарем тексты страноведческого характера;

- подготовить выступление на английском языке;

- сопоставлять реалии родной и иноязычной культуры;

- оппонировать и защищать свою позицию при беседе.

Учащиеся должны знать:

- языковые нормы изучаемого языка;

- об иностранном языке как средстве получения информации и развития личности.

- основные значения изученных лексических единиц; активный запас фраз клише,  грамматические правила;

- особенности структуры простых и сложных предложений; интонацию различных коммуникативных типов предложений;

- основные нормы речевого этикета;

- роль английского языка в современном мире, особенности образа жизни, быта, культуры Британии.

Учащиеся должны применять полученные знания и умения на практике.

Содержание программы курса

Знакомство с содержанием курса. Окно в Британию. Фильм о Британии. Выявление знаний учащихся.

Географическое положение. Столицы. Главные города. Острова. Климат. Население. Британские острова, Великобритания, Соединенное королевство. Работа с географическими картами.

Символы Британии. Чтение текста. Описание символов стран, входящих в состав Соединенного королевства. Страны и национальности. Работа с текстами о жителях Британии. Языки Британии. Работа с текстом, на каких языках говорят в Британии. Путешествие по Соединенному Королевству Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Исторические места Британии. Работа с текстами по истории Британии. Географическое положение страны.  Климат Великобритании. Особенности.

Интересные факты о жизни англичан. Консерватизм британцев.

Основные достопримечательности. Архитектура. Живопись. Галереи. Музеи. Концертные залы. Театр.

Люди и их жилища. Путешествие по Лондону и крупным городам Великобритании. Исторические достопримечательности: Тауэр Лондона, Вестминстер, Стоунхендж. Виртуальная экскурсия.

Форма государственного правления Великобритании. Архитектура. Основные стили построек в Британии. Живопись. Главные художники Британии. Галереи. Музеи. Виртуальная экскурсия по главным достопримечательностям Британии. Музыка и музыканты. Концертные залы. Театр. Главные театры Британии.

Описание политической системы Британии. Монархия. Правительство. Парламент. Политические партии. Гимн. Герб. Флаг. Сельское хозяйство. Промышленность. Торговые отношения.

Система образования. Школы в Британии. Основные ступени обучения. Типы школ.  Профессиональное образование. Университеты.

Жизнь молодежи в Великобритании. Хобби. Субкультуры.

 Праздники и фестивали. Церемонии. Приёмы пищи. Сравнение традиций двух стран России и Великобритании. Празднование рождества и Нового года. День Святого Валентина

Пасха. Как празднуют этот праздник в России и Британии

Королевская семья. Описание современной жизни британской королевской семьи.

Праздники в Великобритании. Основные праздники,  которые популярны сейчас в Британии.

Работа с картой фестивалей Британии. Церемонии. Приёмы пищи. Традиции празднования рождества в Британии. Английские рождественские песни.

История Британии. Первые племена и народы на территории Британии. Иберийцы. Кельты. Друиды.

Спорт и отдых. Национальные виды спорта. Зимние и летние виды спорта. Спорт сегодня. Любимый вид спорта.

Выходные.  Каникулы.

                                 Календарно-тематический план


название темы

кол-во часов



Окно в Британию



Британские острова, Великобритания, Соединенное королевство



Символы Британии



Страны и национальности



Языки Британии



Путешествие по Соединенному Королевству Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.



Исторические места Британии



Географическое положение страны



Интересные факты о жизни англичан.



Консерватизм британцев.



Сравнение традиций двух стран России и Великобритании.



Путешествие по Лондону и крупным городам Великобритании.



Королевская семья.



Климат Великобритании.



Праздники в Великобритании.



Исторические достопримечательности: Тауэр Лондона, Вестминстер, Стоунхендж.



Подготовка проектов.



Защита проектов.



Форма государственного правления Великобритании.



Жизнь молодежи в Великобритании.



Система образования.



Викторина «Что ты знаешь о Великобритании?»



Праздники и фестивали.



Церемонии. Приёмы пищи.









Галереи. Музеи.



Музыка и музыканты. Концертные залы.






Традиции празднования рождества в Британии



Проект «Рождественская открытка»



Английские рождественские песни



Первые племена и народы на территории Британии.












День Святого Валентина.






Уэльс и валлийцы.



Национальные символы и эмблемы Уэльса. Города Уэльса.



На каких языках говорят в Уэльсе



Северная Ирландия и ирландцы. Национальные символы и эмблемы Северной Ирландии.



Как Ирландия получила своё название.



Города Северной Ирландии.



Шотландия и шотландцы. Национальные символы и эмблемы Шотландии.



Города Шотландии.



Лохнесское чудовище.



Шотландский характер и юмор.



Подготовка проекта по теме «Страны Соединенного королевства»



Защита проекта по теме «Страны Соединенного королевства»



Экономика. Сельское хозяйство.






Торговые отношения.



Спорт и отдых.



Национальные виды спорта.



Зимние и летние виды спорта.



Спорт сегодня.



Любимый вид спорта.



Знаменитые люди Британии.



Выходные.  Каникулы.



Обобщение изученного  материала.



Подготовка учащимися докладов и сообщений.



Составление и выполнение тестовых заданий.



Выбор темы индивидуального проекта.



Составление плана реализации проекта.



Выполнение плана реализации проекта.



Подготовка к защите проекта.



Защита индивидуального проекта.


Учебно-методическое и материально-техническое обеспечение курса по выбору «Английский необходим»

Методы обучения (по критерию степени самостоятельности и творчества в деятельности обучаемых):

  • объяснительно-иллюстративный метод;
  • репродуктивный метод;
  • метод проблемного изложения;
  • частично-поисковый, или эвристический, метод;
  • исследовательский метод.
  • метод проектов

Способы обучения:

  • индивидуальный,
  • индивидуально-групповой,
  • коллективный,
  • парный.


  • ИКТ

Формы контроля:

  • викторины, тесты, кроссворды
  • защита проекта

Неурочные формы

  • учебный проект
  • конференция
  • урок-игра

Список литературы.

1.   Примерная программа основного общего образования по английскому языку.

2. Учебник с аудиодиском «Английский язык» для 7 класса / Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, К. Грейнджер. М.: Русское слово, 2014.

3. Кубарьков Г.Л., Тимощук В.А. 1000. Сборник новых тем современного английского языка. – Москва: ЗАО «БАО-ПРЕСС», ООО «ИД «РИПОЛ КЛАССИК», 2005.

4. Сааринен Л., Рыбкина Е. Канада. Пособие по страноведению. СПб.: КАРО, 2000.


  1. http://begin-english.ru/test/elementary/
  2. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
  3. http://www.easyenglish.com/


В данном приложении содержатся примерные практические материалы для проведения занятий к разным разделам данной программы.

The Decline of Welsh

A hundred years ago 60% of Welsh people spoke Welsh. Now only 20% are Welsh-speaking. Why have the numbers fallen so quickly? Here are some of the reasons for the decline.

In the nineteenth century people thought that Welsh was an uncivilized language. If you wanted to be successful in life, you had to learn English, the language of the British Empire. So in many schools in Wales the children were forbidden to speak Welsh.

At the beginning of the twentieth century many English and Irish people moved to South Wales to work in the mines and steel works. They didn’t learn Welsh.

People, especially young people, moved away from the Welsh-speaking villages and farms to look for work in the big towns and cities, so the Welsh-speaking communities became much smaller.

In the 1960s and 1970s many English people bought holiday cottages in Wales. Most of them did not learn Welsh. This also pushed up the price of houses so that local Welsh-speaking people couldn’t afford them.

English comes into every Welsh home through the television, the radio, newspapers, books, etc. There are Welsh-language TV and radio stations, but far fewer than English ones. And now there’s cable and satellite TV, too – in English, of course!

The decline in the number of Welsh speakers has now stopped. But will numbers ever start to increase again? Young people are now learning Welsh at school, but if the small Welsh-speaking communities of North Wales die, then the Welsh language will probably not survive as a living language.

Read the article again and answer these questions:

1. What percentage of the Welsh population spoke Welsh in 1800?
2. Why were children forbidden to speak Welsh in school in the 19th century?
3. Why did many English people buy cottages in North Wales?
4. What part of Wales would you like to visit – north or south Wales and what part to live in?
5. What do you think if the Welsh language will survive?


1. 60%
2. They thought that Welsh is an uncivilized language. If people wanted to be successful in life they had to learn English.
3. They bought cottages because the nature in north Wales is very beautiful and the price was not high,
4. I would like to live in South Wales because it is more civilized and to visit North Wales because of fresh air and charming nature.
5. I think, the Welsh language must survive because children learn Welsh.

Wales – the Land of Song.
Wales is a land of mountains and valleys. The highest mountain is Mount Snowdon in the Snowdonia National Park. It is a favourite holiday and hiking spot for the Welsh and English. Wales has some wonderful holiday towns. And the beaches are beautiful.

This is Caernavon Castle, where the Prince of Wales received his title. There are castles everywhere in Wales. Most were built by the English to keep the Welsh under control. The English and Welsh have been very bad neighbours for centuries. The English have invaded Wales many, many times. And the Welsh invaded England. One of the ancient defensive structures in Britain is Offa’s Dyke. It runs along the border between Wales and England. It was built in the eighth century to keep the Welsh out of England, but it didn’t.

The most populated part of Wales is the south around Cardiff. This is where the coal is. In this part of Wales, coal has become part of everyday life. For two hundred years the Welsh have been mining coal in these valleys. Mining coal and singing. The Welsh take great pride in their choirs and their songs have traveled the world from the “Singing Valleys”.

The people take great pride in the Welsh language. It is taught in schools and has its television and radio stations. This sign on the border between Wales and England welcomes the visitor. “Croeso y Cymru”, it says, “Welcome to Wales”. But don’t worry, Welsh people speak English too!

This is the longest name in the world. It’s a railway station in Wales. Can you pronounce it?

Answer the questions:

  1. What is Wales?
  2. Where do people like to spend holidays?
  3. Where did the Prince of Wales receive his title?
  4. Why was the Castle built?
  5. What is the main industry in South Wales?
  6. Does the Welsh language differ from English?

Complete the sentences:

  1. Wales is a land of… (mountains and valleys)
  2. The highest mountain is …(Snowdon)
  3. Castles were built by the English …(to keep the Welsh under control)
  4. The English and Welsh have been …(very bad neighbours)
  5. Offa’s Dyke was …(one of the ancient defensive structures)
  6. It was built in the 8th century … (to keep the Welsh out of England)
  7. The most populated part of Wales is …(the south around Cardiff)
  8. The Welsh take pride in … (their choir and their songs)
  9. The Welsh language is …(taught in schools and has radio stations).

True or false:

  1. Wales is a land of mountains. (+)
  2. The highest mountain is Кazbek. (-)
  3. Snowdon is in Snowdonia National Park. (+)
  4. The Welsh don’t like hiking. (-)
  5. The Prince of England received his title in Caernavon Castle. (-)
  6. Most Castles were built by the Welsh. (-)
  7. The English wanted to keep the Welsh under control. (+)
  8. The English and Welsh have been bad neighbours for centuries. (+)
  9. The English have invaded Wales many times. (+)
  10. The Welsh have invaded England. (+)
  11. Offa’s Dyke is on the River Thames. (-)
  12. Offa’s Dyke was built in the 20th century. (-)
  13. The most populated part of Wales is the south around Cardiff. (+)
  14. This place is where gold is. (-)
  15. For 200 years the Welsh have been mining coal in these valleys. (+)
  16. The Welsh are proud of their traditional choirs. (+)
  17. The Welsh speak only English. (-)
  18. They have their own TV and radio stations. (+)

Индивидуальные карточки:  FIND LOGIC PAIRS

1) a land of

a) Wales

2) the Prince of

b) Mountains and valleys

3) beautiful

c) National Park

4) Snowdonia

d) beaches

5) bad

e) structure

6) ancient

f) neighbours

7) the eighth

g) century

8) the most

h) pride

9) every day

i) populated part

10) great

j) life

11) the Welsh

k) station

12) its own

l) coal

13) railway

m) language

14) mining

n) TV and radio stations

Первые племена и народы на территории Британии. Тексты с заданиями на английском языке


Words to remember:

1) the dawn

4) social development

2) stone tools

5) ancient Greek historian Herodotus

3) already in existence

6) tin

At the dawn of their history the peoples of this planet lived in primitive societies. These primitive peoples wherever they lived, began their long path of progress with stone tools, but they did not reach the same level of civilisation at the same time in different countries.

The ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome were already in existence when the people living in Britain were only at the first stage of social development.

The Greeks were the first to mention the British Isles in their books. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who is called the father of history, wrote that in the 5th century BC the Phoenicians used to come to the British Isles for tin, which is used for making bronze. The Greek called the British Isles the Tin Isles.

The very first stages of the existence of people on the British Isles are frequently described as prehistoric and referred to as unwritten history of Britain.

The geographical position of the land was both a blessing and a problem: on the one hand the insular position protected the country from invasions; and on the other – the lowland facing the continent always invited invasions.


Indicate the correct variant: 

1. At the dawn of their history the peoples of this planet lived in ………….

А. well-organised groups

B. big towns

C. primitive societies

2. The primitive peoples began their long path of progress with ……………… tools

А. bronze

B. stone

C. metal

3. The level of civilisation ………… the same at the same time in different countries.


B. was not

4. Which of these statements is correct?

A. The ancient civilisation of Rome was already in existence when the people living in Britain were at the last stage of social development.

B. The ancient civilisation of Britain was already in existence when the people living in Greece and Rome were only at the first stage of social development.

C. The ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome were already in existence when the people living in Britain were only at the first stage of social development.

5. Write the statements correctly:

1. The Greeks were

a. the Tin Isles

2. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus

b. used to come to the British Isles

3. in the 5th century BC the Phoenicians

c. is called the father of history

4. tin

d. is used for making bronze

5. The Greek called the British Isles

e. the first to mention the British Isles in their books


Words to remember:

1) first inhabitants

5) to till soil

2) descendants

6) to cultivate crops

3) to breed or tame animals

7) the art of grinding and polishing stone

4) herds of cattle

8) make smooth objects of stone with sharp edges and points

Not much is known about the first inhabitants of Britain. About three thousand years BC many parts of Europe, including the British Isles were inhabited by a people who are known as the Iberians. Their descendants are still found in the North of Spain on the Iberian Peninsula. Some historians believe that they moved over from the Continent to Britain at the end of the Ice Age, when climate changes caused changes in the hunting situation on the Continent, so the Iberians had to look for new places to hunt.

We do not know much about these early people because they lived in Britain long before a word of their history was written, but we can learn something from their skeletons, their weapons and the remains of their dwellings which have been found. The Iberians used stone weapons and tools. The art of grinding and polishing stone was known to them and they could make smooth objects of stone with sharp edges and points.

From 6 to the 3d century BC the Celts spread across Europe from the East to the West The Iberians were unable to fight back the attacks of the Celts, who were better armed with metal weapons, so most of the Iberians were slain in the conflict; some of them were driven westwards into the mountains of what is now Wales.


Indicate the correct variant:

1. the Iberians inhabited many parts of Europe, including the British Isles, about ………… years BC.

А. 5000

B. 3500

C. 3000

2. Their descendants are still found ……………

A. in the South of Spain on the Iberian Island.

B. in the North of Spain on the Iberian Peninsula

C. in the North of Italy on the Iberian Peninsula.

3. They moved over from the Continent to Britain…………..

A. at the end of the Ice Age

B. at the beginning of our era

C. after the Great Flood

4. The Iberians had to look for new places to hunt when…………

A. new hunting laws were adopted

B. new lands were discovered to the north-west of Spain

C. climate changes caused changes in the hunting situation on the Continent

5. The Iberians …………….

A. hunted or gathered their food

B. did not breed animals, or tame them

C. did not till soil.

6. The Iberians used ………….. weapons and tools.

A. metal and stone B. stone and bronze C. stone

7. They knew the art of

A. grinding and polishing stone

B. making bronze tools

C. building huge structures


Words to remember: 

1) invade

5) war-chariots

2) to be armed with

6) detachments of warriors

3) weapons: spears, swords, daggers, axes

7) to be slain

4) to charge fiercely in battle


During the period from 6 to the 3d century BC the Celts spread across Europe from the East to the West. Several Celtic tribes invaded Britain. Among them were such tribes as the Picts, the Scots, the Britons. The Iberians were unable to fight back the attacks of the Celts, who were better armed with metal weapons: spears, swords, daggers, and axes. Some of the Celtic tribes were quite large and fighting was common among them. Julius Caesar wrote that they were tall and blue-eyed. The Celts wore long flowing moustaches but no beards. They charged fiercely in the battle, and they also used war-chariots on the battle-field. The chariots were drawn by two or four horses, and were large enough to hold several warriors in each. Standing in their chariots they rushed along the enemy’s lines waving their spears and uttering loud cries. So most of the Iberians were slain in the conflict; some of them were driven westwards into the mountains of what is now Wales, others probably mixed with the Celts.


Indicate the correct variant:

1. the Celts spread across Europe from the East to the West ………………century BC

А. in the 6th

B. after the 3rd

C. from the 6th to the 3rd

2. Among the tribes, which invaded Britain were …………….

А. the Britons & the Scots

B. the Britons & the Picts

C. the Picts, the Scots, & the Britons.

3. Is the story correct?

The Britons penetrated into the mountains of the North; some of them crossed over to Ireland and settled there. The Picts settled in the North in such big numbers that the name of Scotland was given to that country. Powerful Celtic tribes, the Scots, held most of the country, and all the southern half of the island was named Britain after them.

4. The Iberians were unable to fight back the attacks of the Celts because ………….

A. they were peaceful farmers who had no weapons and were not used to fighting.

B. the Celts were better armed with metal weapons: spears, swords, daggers, and axes.

C. on the battlefield the Celts also used war-chariots drawn by two or four horses, and large enough to hold several warriors in each.

5. The military leaders of the largest tribes were sometimes called ……….. and stood at the head of detachments of warriors.

А. kings

B. chiefs

C. knights


Words to remember:

1) an iron plough

4) private property

2) to build dwellings

5) a period of transition from primitive to class society

3) to make clothing

6) to predominate

The Celts lived in villages, were acquainted with the use of copper, tin and iron, they kept large herds of cattle, cultivated crops, especially corn. They used light ploughs as well as horses and grew their crops in small, square fields. The Celtic tribe called the Britons was more civilised than the others, their clothing was made of wool, woven in many colours while the other Celts wore skins. The improved tools brought about important changes in the living conditions of primitive man. The Iberians gathered or hunted their food, but the Celts began to tame and breed animals, to till the soil. Iron ploughs could cut the soil deeper, and so they could cultivate also the rich heavy soil in the valleys. They grew more and more corn, they began to build dwellings and to make clothing.

They were ruled by chiefs whom all the tribesman obeyed. The chiefs were military leaders and some of them were very powerful. The military leaders of the largest tribes were sometimes called kings, they stood at the head of detachments of warriors. In primitive society there was no private property, therefore there were no classes, no state system, that is no armed forces, no prisons, no courts, no government bodies. In the last centuries B.C. and in the first centuries A.D. the Celts were in a period of transition from primitive to class society. The elders, military leaders and their warriors made up the tribal nobility.

The Celts worshiped nature. They believed that the sky, the sun, the moon & the earth was ruled by beings like themselves, only much more powerful.


Indicate the correct variant:

1. Chose the correct statement:

A. The Celts lived in villages and small towns, were acquainted with the use of wood, glass and iron, they kept large herds of pigs, and cultivated crops, especially potatoes.

B. The Celts lived in villages, but they didn’t know the use of copper, tin and iron, though they kept large herds of cattle, and cultivated crops, especially wheat.

C. The Celts lived in villages, were acquainted with the use of copper, tin and iron, they kept large herds of cattle, and cultivated crops, especially corn.

2. The Celtic tribe called ………… was more civilised than the others, their clothing was made of wool, woven in many colours while the other Celts wore skins.

А. the Picts

B. the Britons

C. the Scots

3. The Celts grew more corn because ……………….

А. they were not so lazy as the Iberians

B. they were brighter

C. iron ploughs could cut the soil deeper

4. They began to build dwellings and to make clothing as ……………..

А. they had more free time

B. their crops were very good

C. they were made to do so.

5. In primitive society there ………………….

A. was no private property, therefore there were no classes, no state system.

B. were no armed forces, no prisons, no courts, no government bodies.

C. lived only happy people, because life was much easier

6. Is the statement correct?

In the first centuries B.C. and in the last centuries A.D. the Celts were in a period of transition from class to primitive society. The elders, military leaders and their warriors made up the tribal nobility. But still the communal way of life predominated.


Words to remember:

1) pagan gods

5) a sacred place

2) the learned class

6) to foretell the future

3) to offer human sacrifices

7) under smb’s charge

4) innocent victim

8) principles of conduct

The Celtic priests were called druids. In Celtic the meaning of this word is "Knowing [or Finding] the Oak Tree". The druids lived near groves of oak-trees, which were considered to be sacred places. In the early period, Druidic rites were held in clearings in the forest.

The Druids were members of the learned class among the ancient Celts. The earliest known records of the Druids come from the 3rd century BC.

The druids were sometimes even more powerful than the chiefs. The Celts believed in their magic power, they believed the druids could foretell the future and they were often called upon to settle disputes. The druids could give orders to begin a battle or to put down arms and stop fighting.

The druids were the teachers of morality as well as of religion. They were also the men of science and learning of their age. Three classes of Druids existed: prophets, bards, and priests. They combined the functions of the priest, the scholar, the physician. Their teaching was oral and their literature (if such a word may be used in this case) was preserved solely by tradition. Their history consisted in traditional tales in which the heroic deeds of their forefathers were celebrated. Once a year the Druids assembled at a sacred place in the territory of the Carnutes, which was believed to be the centre of all Gaul (situated not far from Paris, in France).

The druids taught the existence of one god, to whom they gave a name “Be’al” which means “the life of everything” or “the source of all beings”. They believed in another life after death, they thought that the soul was immortal and passed at death into the body of a new child. The Druids offered human sacrifices for those who were gravely sick or in danger of death in battle. Though the Druids preferred to sacrifice criminals, they would choose innocent victims if necessary.

Archaeologists believe that the Druids used dolmens (a group of upright stones supporting a large flat piece of stone, built in ancient times in Britain and France) as burial chambers in their religious rites. Dolmens are particularly numerous in Ireland and Wales and in the English counties of Devon and Cornwall; in northwest France, especially in Bretagne; and in Spain. They are also found in northern Africa, in Syria, and in other countries ranging as far east as Japan.


Indicate the correct variant:

1. The Celts were pagans and worshipped Nature. They believed ……………..

A. that the sky, the sun, the moon & the earth were ruled by beings like themselves, only much more powerful.

B. in many nameless spirits who lived in the rivers, lakes, mountains and thick forests.

C. that vampires, ghosts and evil spirits watched their every step and punished those who misbehaved.

2. The Celtic priests druids …………..

A. combined the functions of the priest, the scholar, and the physician;

B. were members of the learned class among the ancient Celts: they studied ancient verse, natural philosophy, astronomy, and the lore of the gods, some of them spent as much as 20 years in training;

C. taught the existence of one god, to whom they gave a name “Be’al” which means “the life of everything” or “the source of all beings”;

D. believed in another life after death and thought that the soul was immortal and passed at death from one person into another.

3. The druids offered human sacrifices ……………

A. for those who were gravely sick or in danger of death in battle.

B. every time they needed assistance from their gods

C. though they preferred to sacrifice criminals, they would choose innocent victims if necessary.

D. only once a year during their druidic rites

4. The druids lived near groves of oak-trees, ……………..

A. which were considered to be sacred places.

B. and in the early period their druidic rites were held in clearings in the forest.

C. later under Roman influence sacred buildings began to be used.

D. and once a year the Druids assembled at a sacred place in the territory of the Carnutes, which was believed to be the centre of all Gaul

5. Is the story correct?

The druids were very important and powerful, but not so powerful as the chiefs. The Celts believed in their magic power, they believed the druids could foretell the future but they were seldom called upon to settle disputes. The druids could not give orders to begin a battle or to put down arms and stop fighting.

The druids were the teachers of morality as well as of mathematics, and we can gather that they held and indicated many very noble and valuable principles of conduct. They were also the men of science and learning of their age. Their teaching was oral and their literature (if such a word may be used in this case) was preserved in many valuable manuscripts. The German writers admit that “they paid much attention to the order and laws of nature and investigated and taught to the old under their charge many things concerning the stars and their motions, the size of the world and the lands, and concerning the might and power of the immortal kings”.

English Painters


Intensive – сильный;
Mode – способ;
Individualism – индивидуализм, стремление к выражению своей личности, индивидуальность.

1. What associations do you have when you hear the word “art”?

(The teacher puts the cards with the words named by the students on the blackboard: painting, sculpture, music, poetry, drama and dance)

2. What great things have been created in the field of art?

(The teacher puts the cards with the words named by the students on the blackboard: pictures, canvases, paintings, portraits, sculptures, statues, frescoes, mosaics).

3. What prominent British painters have you heard about?

Match the names and the genres of their painting:

William Hogarth
Sir Jorshua Reynolds
Stanley Spencer
Thomas Gainsborough

landscapes and occasional portraits
dramatic compositions
lyric portraits

4. Do you know the names of the grеatest English landscape and seascape painters? Yes, you are right. Today we are going to talk about two of them: John Constable and Joseph Mallord William Turner.

II. Listening

a) T. Listen to the text about J. Constable and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F)

1. J. Constable was born and spent his childhood in the village in the South-East of England.
2. He often drew in the father’s mill in his spare time.
3. He went to Paris to become a professional artist.
4. His first work was named “Seascape”.
5. He often painted the mill, may be he remembered his past childhood and places where he had spent a lot of time.
6. He used clear green colour of all kinds of tints for the first time.
7. In one of his letters he said “Remember, nature is your first teacher. Study it”.

b) T. Listen to the second text about W. Turner and answer the questions briefly.

1. What did his father run?
2. Why did Turner-father put on the walls his son’s pictures?
3. What did Turner exhibit for the first time?
4. What technique did he study?

T. All right. Well done.

III. Reading

T. Work in groups. Using the glossary read the texts about J. Constable and W. Turner. Complete the table, using the texts.

John Constable

John Constable, the greatest of English landscape painters, came from Suffolk, and it was from the Suffolk landscape that he drew his inspiration. Constable’s affection for nature was great and his mastery to show the loved English scene reached its marvelous peak.
He always attempted to depict the transient effects of nature: light, clouds and rain. Every movement of nature gave him pleasure: its moods, cloud shadows, gleams of light, “light-dews-breezes-bloom-and-freshness; not one of which has yet been perfected on the canvas of any painter in the world”, said Constable himself.
Constable was an acute observer of nature and had a romantic passion for light. For him light was the means by which a tree or cloud could take on some particular significance in the ordinary scale of things. He painted exactly what he saw in the clearest and freshest tones; his capacity for rendering the freshness of atmosphere and the incidence of light was unique.
Constable’s method of painting was nearest to that of Impressionism, broken touches of colour animating the canvas with sparkling movement. His most famous canvas “Hay Wain” was painted in 1821, more than fifty years before the Impressionists and was to influence the later French landscape painters. Its pure and brilliant colour was a revelation and made a tremendous impression.
Constable’s treatment of skies is especially notable. No one has painted cloud effects so truthfully and depicted them with so much skill. The artist was sure that a sky should be “the key-note, the standard of scale and chief organ of sentiment in a landscape”. A constant student of cloud forms, he used them to each of these purposes.
All Constable’s works show picturesque variety of detail, a triumph of keen observation, truth of atmospheric colour, and directness of handling. “The Valley Farm”, “Weymouth Bay”, “Brighton Beach with Colliers”, “The Leaping Horse and Handleigh Castle” are among his best known paintings.


J. Constable

1) affection – любовь, привязанность;
2) mastery – мастерство;
3) reach – достигать;
4) attempt – пробовать, пытаться;
5) depict – рисовать, изображать;
6) transient – мимолетный;
7) gleam – слабый свет, отблеск;
8) light-dews-breezes-broom-and-freshness – светлый, свежий, дующий, поднимающий пыль, свежесть;
9) acute – проницательный;
10) mean – средство;
11) scale – шелуха, весы;
12) capacity – способность;
13) rendering – изображение;
14) incidence – сфера действия, охват;
15) touches – прикосновения;
16) revelation – откровение, открытие;
17) treatment – обращение;
18) keen – проницательный.

Joseph Mallord William Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner was a genius in seascape painting. His marine canvases reveal the grand beauty of the sea, its dynamic force and movement, on the one hand, and calm infinities of space, on the other, “Calais Pier” is one of Turner’s grandest creations. This sea piece, painted after Turner’s first visit to France in 1802–1803, was startling in its original power and the observation and skill which could render all the weight and movement of the sea. The painting which portrays the conflict of wind and tide created a majestic effect.
The colouring is masterful. A somber harmony holds together all the varying and shifting sources of light. Those who look at the picture can smell the spray and hear the din of the water and the shout of the deafening wind.
Turner’s love of the sea was deep. The sea absorbed him; his eyes were open to its beauty. Turner loved to depict the sea, and especially the sea as it affected ships. It is well seen on his famous canvas “The artist was a true Romantic in depicting the sea”
The ship was to him a living creature, courageous and loyal, resourceful, yet pathetically in need of help. Turner sympathized with ships. “The Fighting Temeraire” tugged to her Last Berth to be broken up, 1838.
“The Temeraire” was launched in 1798 and fought bravely at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, when she acquired the popular name given in Turner’s title. In 1838 the ship was towed up the Thames to the ship-breaking yard. Turner is said to have been a witness to the scene and to have made quick sketches on the spot, but the finished painting is not intended as a detailed record of the event. Turner used the combination of a spectacular sunset with the imminent end of the old ship to evoke feelings of nostalgia and loss.
The highly atmospheric use of colour and the concern with generalized effects rather than with specific detail make the ship seem almost a part of the natural world. By contrast, the dark sharply outlined silhouette of the tugboat’s funnel draws attention to the arrival of modern technology, a change with which Turner was much preoccupied. Here steam replaces sail.


W. Turner

1) reveal – открывать, показывать;
2) sombre – темный, мрачный;
3) absorb – впитывать;
4) launched – нанесен удар;
5) tugged– тащил с усилием;
6) tow – тащить;
7) intend – намереваться;
8) render – воздавать, платить;
9) infinities – бесконечность, безграничность;
10) startling – потрясающий;
11) masterful – мастерский;
12) shifting – меняющийся;
13) affected – пораженные;
14) acquire – приобретать;
15) witness – очевидец;
16) intended – намеренный;
17) imminent – близкий, грозящий, нависший (об опасности);
18) evoke – вызывать (воспоминание, восхищение);
19) loss – потеря, утрата;
20) concern – забота, беспокойство;
21) tugboat – буксир;
22) funnel – дымовая труба.


J. Constable

W. Turner

1. Genre of painting…



2. He showed...



3. He depicted... (reveals)



4. He was...
His love...



5. He loved to depict...
His method of painting...



6. His treatment...
A ship was to him...



7. His works show...
The highly atmospheric...



IV. Speaking

T. Immagine you are a guide, retell our guests about the prominent English artists J.Constable and W. Turner. What their pictures are distinguished by?

V. Summarizing

William Turner

W. Turner was born in London in 1775. His father ran barber’s shop.In those times barber’s shops were the traditional places where people met and talked. There were a lot of artists, poets. Turner-father put on the walls his son’s pictures to sell them.
In 1789 Turner was admitted to the art school belonged to the Royal Academy. At fifteen the artist exhibited his aquarelles for the first time. He studied the modern aquarelle technique. In 1801 he painted a picture “
Danish ships under wind”.
In 1806–1812 Turner created the serie of scatches where he depicted the banks of the river Thames. His famous pictures are
“Landscape on the Thames”1806, “Ship-wreck” 1805,”The snowstorm”, “Rain, steam and speed” 1844, “Slavery ship”1840.

John Constable

John Constable was born and spent his childhood in the village East-Berghold, which is situated in the picturesque Dadham’s valley in the south-east of England.
All days he spent on the father’s mill which was situated on the river Stoor, and he drew in his spare time.
In 1795 he tried to become a professional artist, he left for London, where he worked in engraver’s workshop, but he didn’t make any progress.
Four years later the fortune smiled him and he entered the art school. In 1802 his first work named “Landscape” was exhibited. The artist created the whole serie of views of the river Stoor, sometimes he painted the mill. May be he remembered his past childhood, the places where he had spent a lot of time: “
Mill’s streem”, “A dam and a mill in Dadham”.
Constable presents as a brave and independent master. He refused details and effective lighting. He used clear green colour of all kinds of tints for the first time.
He said in one of his letters: “Remember, nature is your first teacher. Learn it.”
His famous pictures are
The white horse”, “A wagon for hay”, “Stockbye Neiland”, “The Valley Farm”.

St. Valentine’s Day

No one knows how Valentine’ s Day first started. There are several different theories. The first theory took place in Roman times, about 2,700 years ago. Rome is a city in Italy and when it was built, hungry wolves surrounded city walls and howled at night. They ate the people’ s sheep and sometimes even killed people. The Romans were afraid of the wolves, so they prayed to one of their gods Lupercus, to protect them. Lupercus was the Roman god who watched over sheep and shepherds. They prayed to this god on a special holiday named Lupercalia. This holiday was held on February 15th each year. Even after the wolves had disappeared, the Romans kept celebrating the holiday because they enjoyed it. But as the years passed, Lupercus became less important to the people and they started celebrating a holiday for Juno instead. Juno was the queen of the Roman gods. She ruled over marriage. This was a holiday for love. On this day, young Roman women wrote their names on February 14th, and the names they drew would be their partners for dances and games on this holiday.

There is another story about a man named Valentine. Valentine was a Christian priest in Roman Empire 3 hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying because he felt that marriage made men want to stay home instead of fighting wars. But Valentine couldn’t agree with the Emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love he married them secretly. He had been thrown in prison. There Valentine performed miracle – he cured the jailer’s daughter from her blindness. And they had fallen in love with each other. On February 14th Valentine was beheaded, and at the night before he was executed he wrote a letter to the jailer’s daughter signing “From your Valentine”. The Christian Church took for his saint’s day February 14th. So, this day became a day of love.

Still another possible origin for Valentine’s Day took place in Europe hundreds of years ago. People noticed that some birds chose their mates around February 14th. Since birds did this, they thought people should, too. Today we see birds used on valentine cards. They stand for the times when people believed that birds chose their mates for life around Valentine’ s Day. Today we call two people who are very happy together ”lovebirds.”

We sometimes see Cupid on valentines. He evolved from the Greek god called Eros, the god of love. Cupid is a chubby little baby with wings and curly hair. He usually shoots an arrow into people’ s hearts. This arrow does not hurt them, but makes them fall in love with someone.

Ribbons on valentines go back to the knights on horseback. Women would give a little piece of ribbon to a knight when he went to war. He would carry this ribbon to remind him of his love.

Roses and flowers are often seen on valentines. The rose is known as the flower of love. Violets and bachelor’ s buttons are also seen on valentine cards. One story says that Saint Valentine sent notes on violets from his jail cell. The birds carried the notes to people.

Lace symbolizes a net for catching one’s heart. If you put lace on your Valentine, you are supposed to catch the heart of the person you give it to.

It isn’t a national holiday. Bank and offices don’t close but it is a happy festival in honor of St.Valentine, patron of sweethearts and lovers. It is widely celebrated among people of all ages by the exchange of “valentines”. A valentine may mean a specially greeting card or a little present. The greeting cards are often colored red and have red trimmings and pictures of hearts.

 Напишите прощальное письмо священника перед смертью к его возлюбленной. Write a farewell message of the priest Valentine to his sweetheart:

My Dear Girl, when I saw you for the first time I immediately fell in love with you. I couldn’t help admiring you and I couldn’t afford such a beautiful girl to suffer. My heart was full of delight. I am so glad that I could help you, but I am just a young bishop and I can’t go against God’s will. Believe me, that even in the paradise I shall remember you forever. But alas, I must say goodbye. Tomorrow I shall leave you, but you must know, that I love you.


Match the symbols of love with their definitions.Соотнесите символы любви, используемые в День Святого Валентина, с их определениями:

The Endless-love Knot

It means that the person is tied up.


It symbolizes a net for catching one’s heart.


The Roman god of love is depicted as a charming boy with a bow and arrows. He shoots his arrows into the human hearts. The wounded person immediately falls in love.


It is an intricate pattern of interlocking hearts that is generally hand-drawn.

Hearts and red roses

It is the emblem of eternal love.

Compose the short versus to your sweet heart. Придумайте стихи поздравления своим любимым.


Those happy days
And you are mine,
I know many ways


To make you happy, Valentine .
I enjoy this day
It’s only mine.

I give you a flower-
This is my sign.
My love lasts for hours
And years, you’re my Valentine

I know many ways
To be your Valentine.

I give you many flowers
And card I don’t sign.
Many warm words are ours
At St. Valentine!


A small boy Cupid
Shoots your hearts with arrow.
And now you are stupid
Because you’ve got a sorrow.

 We have just learnt Passive Voice. Find and name the form of the verb in the Passive Voice and translate the sentences:

  1. 1. Christmas Day has been celebrated since Pagan times. 2. Many old Russian traditions have been revived in our country. 3. The birthday cake with 20 candles has been brought in. 4. His anniversary has been celebrated throughout the country. 5. Easter eggs have been painted. 6. The pie has been eaten, the speeches have been made and the wedding presents have been opened. 7. Have you been asked this question? 8. The newspapers haven't been delivered yet.
  2. What is being done in the house for the guests? - The whole house is being decorated; the guest-room is being washed and cleaned; in the sitting-room the TV-set is being fixed and big dinner is being cooked, a cake is being baked and celebration cards are being written for the guests. What else can be done? - Some flowers can be cut and brought in from the garden. - Is the table being laid? - Yes, it is.
  3. 1. The second course was followed by fruit salad. 2. His name is often referred to in the articles. 3. He is such a bore. He is never listened to. 4. The policeman has been sent for. 5. This film was much spoken about. 6. We were treated to ice-cream. 7. If you wear this hat you'll be laughed at. 8. We were shown around the building. 9. Your luggage will be looked after.


October 31 is a very special holiday for children called Halloween. In old times the night of October 31 was the last night of the year when all the witches and ghost were out. It was a celebration of dead souls.

Now Halloween is a holiday for children. But originally, it was a religious holiday. Children make faces on pumpkins and put a candle inside. These pumpkins are called jack-o'-lanterns. All children are dressed in costumes of ghosts, clowns, goblins, witches, vampires, pirates, etc. Many of the costumes are witches in white sheets, trying to scare the winter spirits. Many of them wear masks. They do not know who is who and try to guess who is behind the masks.

There are Halloween parties in many schools. Children begin to prepare for the party long before, sometimes weeks before the holiday. During the holiday there is usually a parade of costumes, and the participants and the guests of the holiday choose the most original costume. They have some special things to eat and to drink: apple juice, popcorn, caramel apples, candies, oranges.

The party is always fun, with jokes, games, mysteries, witches, scarecrows, black cats, bats and other characters that try to frighten the others.

Dressed in costumes children go to the different people's home, ring at the door saying, "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat". This means that if people do not give them candies or apples or other tasty things, the children may play a trick on them (shaving cream on the car or on the door, for example).

In the old days "trick or treat" had to perform songs and shifts for their neighbors. If the neighbors liked the performance, the children received a "treat" - fruit or candy. If not, the neighbors played a trick on the children - like throwing water on them.

A favorite game at Halloween parties is ducking for apples. Apples swim in the water in a big bowl. Children are to get one. Each child holds a fork in his (her) mouth and tries to stab an apple. The children get very wet but enjoy themselves greatly.

Guess the holidays, which these poems and songs are devoted to.Угадайте праздники, которым посвящены эти стихи и песни.

Christmas Message.

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

b. The rose is red, the violets are blue,
The honey’s sweet and so are you.
Thou art my love and I am thine
I drew thee to my Valentine.
The lost was cast and when I drew
And fortune said it should be you.

H. W. Longfellow

Halloween Subtraction.

a. Three little ghosts on Halloween night
Saw a witch and shrieked in fright.
The witch just laughed and shouted, “Boo!”
One ghost ran home and that left too.

b. Two little ghosts in two little sheets
Went to a door to say “Trick or treat.”
But when the door swung open wide,
A scary goblin stood inside.

c. One ghost gulped and said to the other,
“I’m going home and stay with my mother.”
Of the little ghosts, there was now one alone,
Too frightened to utter a groan or moan,
One little ghost who shivered and shook
With every single step he took.
A Friday-cat ghost can’t have much fun,
Se he cried, “Wait for me!” and then there was none.

Mary Alice Kelly

Auld Lang Syne.

a. Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days of auld lang syne?

Chorus; For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet for auld lanf syne.
And here’s a hand, my trusty friend,
And give a hand of thine;
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne.

b.The Doorbell is ringing,
Better hurry and see!
It might be the postman
With a present for me.

It might be a farmer
With a bag of hay,
Or a clown from the circus
Who just wants to play.

It might be a spaceman
Coming in for a call,
But today‘s April Fools’ Day-
There is no one at all!

Use the articles where necessary. Используйте артикли, где это необходимо.


Most people in … Britain see Christmas as … major festival of … year – when parties are given and gifts are received. Almost all … people are having fun on Christmas Eve, especially children. On Christmas Eve, children hang … stocking at … end of their beds or over … fire-place. They are told that Father Pole and fills each stocking with … presents. The children open their presents – put there secretly by their parents – on Christmas morning.

Lunch is … most important point on Christmas Day. … traditional lunch consists of … roast turkey with … vegetables, followed by Christmas pudding, which is made with … dried fruit and … brandy. Sometimes … coin is put in … pudding as … surprise.

… day after Christmas is called Boxing Day (after the church box which was opened for … poor on that day) and this too is … public holiday.

New Year’s Eve in Scotland.

People all over … Britain celebrate … passing of … old year and … coming of … new. In Scotland, Hogmanay – as it is called there – is almost as important as Christmas. … Scots take New Year’s Eve very seriously. There is a New Year Eve Fire Festival; ... men parade with blazing tar barrels, they throw them into … great bonfire. The “First Boots” then set out.

In Scotland “first footing” is … common custom: it’s considered lucky if … dark-haired man is … first to set foot in … house after midnight on Hogmanay, bringing … coin, … peace of … bread, or … lump of .. coal as … symbol of plenty for … coming year.


Easter is the time when certain traditions are observed. It is celebrated either as the start of spring or a religious festival. In England presents traditionally take the form of an Easter egg. Easter eggs are usually made of chocolate. Nowadays, Easter eggs are often artificial. But they haven’t been used before the middle of the last century and they haven’t displaced the true Easter eggs.

Easter eggs always grace breakfast tables on Easter Day. Sometimes they are hidden about the house for the children to find them.

There are some Easter games like egg-rolling and egg-shackling. Every year London greets the spring with Easter Parade in Battersea Park on Easter Sunday. The parade begins at 3 p.m.

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