Внеклассное мероприятие "Путешествуя по Британии" (6 класс)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие «Путешествуя по Британии» (6 класс)
Форма проведения мероприятия: конкурс. Цели и задачи:
- образовательные:
- вызвать интерес учащихся к предмету «иностранный язык»;
- закрепить пройденный материал в игровэй 4 орме;
- воспитательные:
- способствовать установлению благоприятного психологического климата в классе; сплочению классного коллективе,;
- развивающие:
- развивать память, мышление, внимание, воображение, находчивость, догадку учащихся.
Ход мероприятия
Good afternoon all. I am glad to see you at our party. During several lessons we've beer? travelling about Scotland and Wales. And today v/e've gathered here to find out how you managed to remember all the places of interest in these countries and how well you know the material you've learnt. But before we begin our competition it's necessary to devide into two teams, to choose the capitains and the names of your team. So, in case you're ready, let's start our competition.
I round.
This round is for capitains. Name your team and great each other.
II round. "Wake up!"
Each team gets a tongue-twister:
Peter picked up the pepper and put the pepper into his pocket. Singers sing a nice song, The song they sang was very long.
After the leader of the competition reads each tongue-twister 2 times aloud, the teams get 3 minutesto train the pronunciation of it. Then one member of the team reads this tongue-twister aloud. The judge listens to the presentations and gives from 1 to 5 scores.
III round. "Correct the mistakes"
For this competition the capitain choose one member of the team wfio gets the task to correct the mistakes.
- He was made solve the: problem immediately.
- The professor made us to set to work.
- Ann doesn't have got to run.
- I got to buy new shooes.
- He saw my cook a pie.
- I have never saw him play the piano.
- We did not notice them to come back.
- He have got to go home.
- Mr. Brown felt him to touch his shoulder. lO.Did you saw him enter?
While they are doing this task the other pupils guess the riddles (for each correct answer they get one score):
1. Higher than a house,
Higher than a tree-
Oh, what canthat be? (:he sky)
2. One face, two hands
It goes, yet it stands, (a clock)
3. It gives us milk
And butter, too
It's very kind
And likes to moo. (a cow)
4. It's blue by night,
By day it's white,
It is cold and not dry,
It falls from the sky. (snow)
5. I have many pencils:
Red and green and blue:,
I'll draw a picture
And give it to you. (a pencil-box)
IV round. "Untwist the words"
On the blackboard you can see two tables. On one of them there arc the countries you've studied and on the other one the words you should untwist and find out to which country they refer:
- Odnoln a) England
- Adfcrfi b) Scotland
- Dnugeibrh c) Wales
V round. "Travellers"
In this competition we'll revise the construction have got to do smth. As we've just returned from our travel you should know what the travellers take with them. So you should start your sentences like this: I have got to take a bag. The member of the other-team repeats the sentence and add his own things. You should remember all the things and the team which name everything will win.
VI round. "Crossword"
And now we'll duess a crossword. I know that you like to do it. So you should be very attentive.
- A country in the UK to the north of England, its symbol i a thistle (Scotland).
- The second highest mountain in Britain (Snowdon).
- The language in Wales (Welsh).
- The residence of the Queen when she is in Scotland, the palace (Hollyrood).
- The name of the dog whose monument you can see in Edinburg (Bobby).
- The group of languages to which Scottish and Welsh belong (Celtic).
- The largest and busiest town in Scotland (Glasgow).
- The capital of Scotland (Edinburg).
- The capital of Wales (Cardiff).
For each correct answer the team gets one score.
VII round. "Puzzle"
Each team gets a table with letters. You should find as many words as possible.
s | E | R | V | i | С | E | N | D | X |
Y | W | A | N | T | s | M | A | R | I |
M | 0 | U | N | T | A | I | N | E | R |
В | R | I | E | F | T | A | I | N | A |
О | К | M | T | С | L | I | M | В | 0 |
L | M | 0 | D | E | s | T | E | J | £ |
A | A | N | T | A | P | A | T | H | Z |
D | N | E | w | s | I | R | E | A | M |
Y | J | Y | Q | T | G | Y | A | D | D |
С | A | s | T | L | E | G | M | X | Q |
The judge will count the scores now and we'll see who is the best traveller and remembers all the places of interest.
So, as we see, the team "'Squirrels" has won today. They get the medal "The Winners" and the the team "Smart Children" gets the medal "The Best Travellers'". You were very active and remember all the material very well. I think it would be great to meet when you'll study any other country.
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