Клише для реферирования
материал по английскому языку

Пуртова Елена Александровна

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Предварительный просмотр:

1. Название статьи, автор, стиль.

The article I’m going to give a review of is taken from… —

The headline of the article is —

The author of the article is… —

It is written by —

The article under discussion is … —

The headline foreshadows… —

2. Тема. Логические части.

The topic of the article is… —

The key issue of the article is… —

The article under discussion is devoted to the problem… — 

The author in the article touches upon the problem of… —

I’d like to make some remarks concerning… —

I’d like to mention briefly that… —

I’d like to comment on the problem of… —

The article under discussion may be divided into several logically connected parts which are… —

3. Краткое содержание.

The author starts by telling the reader that —

At the beginning of the story the author —

describes —

depicts —

touches upon —

explains —

introduces —

mentions —

recalls -

makes a few critical remarks on —

The story begins (opens) with a (the)

description of —

statement —

introduction of —

the mention of —

the analysis of a summary of —

the characterization of —

(author’s) opinion of —

author’s recollections of —

the enumeration of —

The scene is laid in … —

The opening scene shows (reveals) … —

We first see (meet) … (the name of a character) as …

In conclusion the author

dwells on —

points out —

generalizes —

reveals —

exposes —

accuses/blames -

mocks at —

gives a summary of -

4. Отношение автора к отдельным моментам.

The author gives full coverage to… —

The author outlines… —

The article contains the following facts…./ describes in details… —

The author starts with the statement of the problem and then logically passes over to its possible solutions.

The author asserts that… —

The author resorts to … to underline… —

Let me give an example… —

5. Вывод автора.

In conclusion the author says / makes it clear that…/ gives a warning that… —

At the end of the story the author sums it all up by saying … —

The author concludes by saying that../ draws a conclusion that / comes to the conclusion that —

6. Выразительные средства, используемые в статье.

To emphasize … the author uses… — 

To underline … the author uses… 

To stress… —

Balancing… —

7. Ваш вывод.

Taking into consideration the fact that —

The message of the article is that /The main idea of the article is —

In addition… / Furthermore… —

On the one hand…, but on the other hand… —

Back to our main topic… — 

To come back to what I was saying… — 

In conclusion I’d like to… —  

From my point of view… —

As far as I am able to judge… —

My own attitude to this article is… —

I fully agree with / I don’t agree with — 

It is hard to predict the course of events in future, but there is some evidence of the improvement of this situation. — 

I have found the article dull / important / interesting /of great value

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