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материал по английскому языку
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The article I’m going to give a review of is taken from the science-based magazine called “The Greater Good Magazine”. The headline of the article is “How to Help Students Believe in Themselves”. It is written by Vicki Zakrzewski. The article under discussion is devoted to the problem of recognizing the vast potential within the students and to help them see it within themselves, and then support them in reaching that potential. In other words, educators need to help them cultivate hope. The author starts by telling the reader that hope is about one’s ability to achieve goals. At the beginning of the article the author explains that hope requires two components: pathways and agency. A “pathway” is a roadmap to reaching a goal, one that is created by the student and that includes alternate routes when obstacles arise. “Agency” is the student’s belief, motivation, and confidence that he or she can achieve the goal. Author mentions that looking towards the future with positive expectations is a powerful force on the present as it affects present decisions, thoughts, and behaviors. Thus, if students can cultivate agency-and, subsequently, hope-by believing in their potential success and examining how their current behaviors may affect their future, then they might engage more in school and persevere towards a more ambitious goal, especially when the road to that goal gets rocky. The author considers educators need to create an emotionally safe learning environment. Students’ desire and motivation to learn and succeed are increased when they feel safe to take risks, make mistakes, and just flat-out fail, with no fear of humiliation, shame, or other unlovely repercussions.
The author starts with the statement of the problem and then logically passes over to its possible solutions. In conclusion the author reveals some ways to cultivate the students’ hope.
The first one is to become mindfully aware of what’s going on inside. For example, if a student experiences severe anxiety the night before giving a public speech, she may believe that she does not possess the ability to give the speech and, therefore, decide to be sick the next day. We can more easily identify the underlying belief that is causing this reaction, choose not to believe it (because mindfulness teaches us that we are not our thoughts), and replace it with a more positive thought.
The next one is to be gentle with yourself and change your narrative. If students can learn to practice self-compassion, speaking kindly to themselves and realizing that making mistakes is part of the human experience, then they may be more likely to alter their beliefs. Indeed, one study found that students who judged themselves had a weaker sense of self-efficacy, whereas self-compassionate students had more.
And the last one way that the author suggests is to check our own narratives about students. Educators need to stand with the youth and the communities they serve, humanizing and sharing the burden of their despair and rage. More than that, teachers need to work against the ideology that privileges some over others. “We cannot treat our students as ‘other people’s children. “Their pain is our pain”, the author writes.
The author concludes by saying that every student deserves the chance and has the right to explore his or her glorious potential. Helping the students to believe in themselves when perhaps no one else does and working with them to cultivate hope where seemingly there is none are two of the greatest gifts educators can offer to our youth.
To emphasize the issue of helping students believe in themselves, the author uses the examples of each suggested way of cultivating student’s hope. In my mind the main idea of the article is that educators should believe in students, support them in reaching their potential, and help them to overcome the challenges that occur in their lives. I fully agree with the author
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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