Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для обучающихся 8 классов по теме: «Кронштадт»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)
Данное мероприятие разработано в рамках проекта по внеурочной деятельности экскурсионного бюро: «Kronshtadt for English learners». Проект разрабатывается творческой группой учителей английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №418. Познакомиться с материалами проекта можно по ссылке https://view.genial.ly/62121abbed3b5a001b7f80d2/presentation-basic-presentation.
Также данная разработка может быть использована при проведении Кронштадтских уроков учителями английского языка с учащимися 8-9 классов для ознакомления с достопримечательностями города средствами английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
для обучающихся 8 классов
Выполнила учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ № 418
Кронштадтского района Санкт-Петербурга
Трубарова Елена Владимировна
Пояснительная записка
Данное мероприятие разработано в рамках проекта по внеурочной деятельности экскурсионного бюро: «Kronshtadt for English learners». Проект разрабатывается творческой группой учителей английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №418. Познакомиться с материалами проекта можно по ссылке https://view.genial.ly/62121abbed3b5a001b7f80d2/presentation-basic-presentation.
Также данная разработка может быть использована при проведении Кронштадтских уроков учителями английского языка с учащимися 8-9 классов для ознакомления с достопримечательностями города средствами английского языка.
Класс: 8
Учитель: Трубарова Елена Владимировна
Тема: Кронштадт (Kronshtadt)
-развитие языковой компетентности учащихся через обобщение знаний по теме
-активизация лексики по теме
-развитие умений сравнения и обобщения изучаемого материала
-учить делать умозаключения, высказывать свою точку зрения
1.Социокультурный аспект:
-знакомство с достопримечательностями Кронштадта, формирование познавательного интереса к родному городу.
2.Развивающий аспект:
-развитие способности осуществлять продуктивную речевую деятельность
-развитие памяти, способности к обобщению и анализу
3.Воспитательный аспект:
-воспитывать уважительное отношение к собственной культуре и ее истории
-формировать чувство патриотизма и любви к родному городу.
4.Учебный аспект:
-совершенствовать и систематизировать лексические навыки по теме урока на уровне свободного высказывания в виде монологической и диалогической речи
-развитие навыков чтения и аудирования текстов с извлечением необходимой информации.
Планируемые результаты:
Коммуникативные (говорение): научиться говорить о своем городе, описывать главные достопримечательности средствами иностранного языка.
Коммуникативные (чтение): научиться читать новые слова, соблюдая правила произношения и соответствующую интонацию
Коммуникативные (аудирование): воспринимать новые слова на слух в аудиозаписи
Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими (лексическая сторона речи): научиться оперировать активной лексикой в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей
Коммуникативные УУД: адекватно использовать речевые средства для построения монологического высказывания
Регулятивные УУД: учитывать выделенные учителем ориентиры действия в новом учебном материале
Познавательные УУД: действовать по образцу; находить в тексте конкретные сведения, заданные в явном виде
развивать учебно-познавательный интерес к новому учебному материалу, формировать мотивационную основу учебной деятельности.
Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная.
Оборудование: распечатки с текстами и упражнениями, мультимедиа проектор, ноутбук.
ЭОР: https://view.genial.ly/62121abbed3b5a001b7f80d2/presentation-basic-presentation, презентация Power Point (послайдовое сопровождение этапов разработки)
Ход мероприятия:
- Организационный этап. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
- Good morning, friends! Glad to see you, hope you are all right.
Today our lesson will be unusual, because of the topic. There are different pictures on the screen. Look and say how would you formulate the name of the lesson?
2.) Актуализация знаний.
(Слайд 2) Look at the pictures. Which shows: a church (cathedral), a dam, a fortress, an island, a highway, a hydrofoil, a metro station, a fort, a seaport, a harbor, a lighthouse, a cable car, a park.
Use the phrase: “I think picture … shows …”
3). Постановка цели и задач .
So, what town is it? (KRONSHTADT) Today we’re going to learn more about this beautiful town.
-What is your association with the name Kronshtadt?
- What do you expect you can do at the end of the lesson?
4). Первичное усвоение новых знаний.
(Слайд 3)
Let’s learn new words. Repeat after the speaker.
eternal | [ɪˈtɜːn(ə)l] | вечный |
lighthouse | [ˈlaɪthaʊs] | маяк |
quay | [kiː] | причал |
cable car | [keɪbl kɑː] | канатная дорога |
coastal | [ˈkəʊstl] | береговой |
completion | [kəmˈpliːʃn] | завершение |
conceive | [kənˈsiːv] | воспринимать |
dam | [dæm] | дамба |
defensive | [dɪˈfensɪv] | оборонительный |
dome | [dəʊm] | купол |
fleet | [fliːt] | флот |
fortification | [fɔːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] | укрепление |
fortress | [ˈfɔːtrɪs] | крепость |
harbor | [ˈhɑːbə] | гавань |
hydrofoil | [ˈhaɪdrəfɔɪl] | теплоход на подводных крыльях |
large-scale | [lɑːʤ skeɪl] | крупномасштабный |
merchant | [ˈmɜːʧənt] | купец, торговец |
navy | [ˈneɪvɪ] | морской флот |
pier | [pɪə] | пристань |
request | [rɪˈkwest] | запрос, просьба |
restoration | [restəˈreɪʃn] | реставрация |
surviving | [səˈvaɪvɪŋ] | сохранившийся, выживший |
(Слайды 4-9) Read the text and underline new words. Use your worksheets:
Have you already been to Kronshtadt? Peter the Great founded this town – fortress - port in 1704 for the protection of Saint-Petersburg against enemies from the Baltic Sea side.
The city of Kronstadt is an administrative unit of St. Petersburg. Kronstadt is an island city thirty kilometers west of the center of Saint-Petersburg. Until 1984, when the northern part of the dam with a highway was opened, communication with Kronstadt was carried out only by water. The completion of the southern part of the dam with a highway took place in 2011. These days you can get to Kronstadt by car, public transport from the metro station Chernaya Rechka or Begovaya, as well as from the city of Lomonosov and by meteor (hydrofoil) from the central pier.
What is interesting about Kronstadt?
Three centuries ago the huge defensive system was created around Kronshtadt. It began from Fort Kronshlot, from which the history of the Russian city on the island of Kotlin began in 1704. Also there are a lot forts “Peter the First” (Citadel), “Alexander the First” (Plague), “Grand Duke Konstantin”, “Pavel the First” (Risbank), “Totleben”, “Obruchev”, etc. Few surviving sections of the fortress walls and other fortifications can be seen today in the central part of the city.
Port City
Kronshtadt was conceived by Peter the Great as a seaport; harbors for military and merchant ships were built on the southern side of the city. Their names speak for themselves – Merchant, Military, Medium, Coastal, Forest, Coal. The Medium harbor is also called Petrovskaya after the nearby Petrovsky Park, here is the (Zimnyaya) Winter Quay, from where boat trips depart. You can also see an old wooden lighthouse on the pier of the Petrovsky Canal.
City of the Navy
All the most important sights in Kronstadt are connected with the fleet. For the sailors and at their request, the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral was built. The cathedral is located in the heart of the city on Anchor Square and is the tallest building Its central dome, like a lighthouse, is visible from anywhere on the island and far beyond. Also on Anchor Square there is a monument to the famous Admiral Makarov and an eternal flame.
A little further from the historical center there is a new point of attraction – the Navy Park “Island of Forts”. This is a large-scale project that involves not only the thematic public spaces and playgrounds, but also the restoration and adaptation of the nearest forts – “Kronshlot”, “Peter the First” and “Alexander the First”. The latter will be connected to the park by a cable car, and from “Peter the First” already depart “meteors” (hydrofoils) to the center of St. Petersburg.
5) Первичная проверка понимания.
а) Explain the words in bold.
b) (Слайд 10) Fill in the phrases from the text:
against, administrative, transport, system, military , trips, important, dome, eternal, project
1. … enemies
2. an … unit
3. public …
4. defensive …
5. … ships
6. boat …
7. … sights
8. central …
9. … flame
10. a large-scale …
с) (Слайд 11) Find synonyms in the text for the words below:
- citadel, castle (fortress)
- defence, safety, security (protection)
- finish, ending, realization (completion)
- attractive, amusing, exciting (interesting)
- significant, major (important)
- include, take into account (involve)
d) (Слайд 12 ) Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false):
- Peter the Great founded Kronshtadt. T
- You can get to Kronshtadt only by water. F
- Fort Kronshlot was the part of the huge defensive system around Kronshtadt. T
- The Medium harbor is also called Zimnyaya. F
- All the most important sights in Kronstadt are connected with the fleet. T
- The Navy Park “Island of Forts” is the oldest park in the town. F
6). Первичное закрепление.
a) (Cлайд 13) Match the pictures of Kronshtadt sights to their names.
b) (Cлайд 14) Speaking:
Work in pairs. You are a journalist and your partner is a person from Kronshtadt. Ask him or her about interesting places in Kronshtadt using the questions:
-What is your favourite place in Kronshtadt?
-Where is it situated?
-How does it look like?
-What interesting historical facts do you know?
-What do you usually do there?
7) Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.
(Слайд 15) Home Task: Project.
Find out more information about one of these places.
-Island Kotlin
-Kronshtadt dam
-Fort Kronshlot
-the Navy Park “Island of Forts”
Make notes using the plan.
- what is it and where is it situated
- historical features
- what people can do there
- how people feel in this place
Use your notes to write a short article about the sightseeing. (60-100 words)
8) Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия)
(Слайд 16)
Список литературы:
- Апальков В.Г. Английский язык. Рабочая программа. 5-9 классы к УМК Английский в фокусе. Пособие для учителей общеобразовательных учреждений. Москва " Просвещение" 2012 .с.68.
- Быкова Н., Дули Дж., Поспелова М., Эванс В. УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 9 класса. М.: Просвещение; UK.: Express Publishing, 2013.
- Соловова, Е. Н. Методика обучения языкам : базовый курс : пособие для студентов пед. вузов и учителей / Елена Николаевна Соловова. – 3-е издание. – Москва : АСТ : Астрель : Полиграфиздат, 2010. – 238 с. – ISBN 978-5-17-048998-5.
- Колкер, Я. М. Практическая методика обучения иностранному языку / Я. М. Колкер, Е. С. Устинова, Т. М. Еналиева. – Москва : Академия, 2000. – 264 с. – ISBN 5-7695-0672-5.
Предварительный просмотр:
Name: _________________________________ Date:___________________
eternal | [ɪˈtɜːn(ə)l] | вечный |
lighthouse | [ˈlaɪthaʊs] | маяк |
quay | [kiː] | причал |
cable car | [keɪbl kɑː] | канатная дорога |
coastal | [ˈkəʊstl] | береговой |
completion | [kəmˈpliːʃn] | завершение |
conceive | [kənˈsiːv] | воспринимать |
dam | [dæm] | дамба |
defensive | [dɪˈfensɪv] | оборонительный |
dome | [dəʊm] | купол |
fleet | [fliːt] | флот |
fortification | [fɔːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] | укрепление |
fortress | [ˈfɔːtrɪs] | крепость |
harbor | [ˈhɑːbə] | гавань |
hydrofoil | [ˈhaɪdrəfɔɪl] | теплоход на подводных крыльях |
large-scale | [lɑːʤ skeɪl] | крупномасштабный |
merchant | [ˈmɜːʧənt] | купец, торговец |
navy | [ˈneɪvɪ] | морской флот |
pier | [pɪə] | пристань |
request | [rɪˈkwest] | запрос, просьба |
restoration | [restəˈreɪʃn] | реставрация |
surviving | [səˈvaɪvɪŋ] | сохранившийся, выживший |
Read the text and underline new words:
Have you already been to Kronshtadt? Peter the Great founded this town – fortress - port in 1704 for the protection of Saint-Petersburg against enemies from the Baltic Sea side.
The city of Kronstadt is an administrative unit of St. Petersburg. Kronstadt is an island city thirty kilometers west of the center of Saint-Petersburg. Until 1984, when the northern part of the dam with a highway was opened, communication with Kronstadt was carried out only by water. The completion of the southern part of the dam with a highway took place in 2011. These days you can get to Kronstadt by car, public transport from the metro station Chernaya Rechka or Begovaya, as well as from the city of Lomonosov and by meteor (hydrofoil) from the central pier.
What is interesting about Kronstadt?
Three centuries ago the huge defensive system was created around Kronshtadt. It began from Fort Kronshlot, from which the history of the Russian city on the island of Kotlin began in 1704. Also there are a lot forts “Peter the First” (Citadel), “Alexander the First” (Plague), “Grand Duke Konstantin”, “Pavel the First” (Risbank), “Totleben”, “Obruchev”, etc. Few surviving sections of the fortress walls and other fortifications can be seen today in the central part of the city.
Port City
Kronshtadt was conceived by Peter the Great as a seaport; harbors for military and merchant ships were built on the southern side of the city. Their names speak for themselves – Merchant, Military, Medium, Coastal, Forest, Coal. The Medium harbor is also called Petrovskaya after the nearby Petrovsky Park, here is the (Zimnyaya) Winter Quay, from where boat trips depart. You can also see an old wooden lighthouse on the pier of the Petrovsky Canal.
City of the Navy
All the most important sights in Kronstadt are connected with the fleet. For the sailors and at their request, the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral was built. The cathedral is located in the heart of the city on Anchor Square and is the tallest building Its central dome, like a lighthouse, is visible from anywhere on the island and far beyond. Also on Anchor Square there is a monument to the famous Admiral Makarov and an eternal flame.
A little further from the historical center there is a new point of attraction – the Navy Park “Island of Forts”. This is a large-scale project that involves not only the thematic public spaces and playgrounds, but also the restoration and adaptation of the nearest forts – “Kronshlot”, “Peter the First” and “Alexander the First”. The latter will be connected to the park by a cable car, and from “Peter the First” already depart “meteors” (hydrofoils) to the center of St. Petersburg.
- Explain the words in bold.
b) Fill in the phrases from the text:
against, administrative, transport, system, military , trips, important, dome, eternal, project
1. … enemies
2. an … unit
3. public …
4. defensive …
5. … ships
6. boat …
7. … sights
8. central …
9. … flame
10. a large-scale …
с) Find synonyms in the text for the words below:
- citadel, castle ________________
- defence, safety, security ___________________
- finish, ending, realization ____________________
- attractive, amusing, exciting ____________________
- significant, major _________________________
- include, take into account _________________________
d) Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false):
- Peter the Great founded Kronshtadt. _______
- You can get to Kronshtadt only by water.________
- Fort Kronshlot was the part of the huge defensive system around Kronshtadt. ________
- The Medium harbor is also called Zimnyaya. __________
- All the most important sights in Kronstadt are connected with the fleet. ___________
- The Navy Park “Island of Forts” is the oldest park in the town. ______________
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
KRONSHTADT cathedral a dam a fort an island a park a hydrofoil a lighthouse a harbor a fortress 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I think , picture … shows … cathedral an island a fort a harbor a dam a hydrofoil a fortress a lighthouse a park
VOCABULARY: KRONSHTADT eternal [ ɪˈtɜːn (ə)l] вечный lighthouse [ˈ laɪthaʊs ] маяк quay [ ki ː] причал cable car [ keɪbl kɑ ː] канатная дорога coastal [ˈ kəʊstl ] береговой completion [ kəmˈpliːʃn ] завершение conceive [ kənˈsiːv ] воспринимать dam [dæm] дамба defensive [ dɪˈfensɪv ] оборонительный dome [ dəʊm ] купол fleet [ fliːt ] флот fortification [ fɔːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ] укрепление fortress [ˈ fɔːtrɪs ] крепость harbor [ˈ hɑːbə ] гавань hydrofoil [ˈ haɪdrəfɔɪl ] теплоход на подводных крыльях large-scale [ lɑːʤ skeɪl ] крупномасштабный merchant [ˈ mɜːʧənt ] купец, торговец navy [ˈ neɪvɪ ] морской флот pier [ pɪə ] пристань request [ rɪˈkwest ] запрос, просьба restoration [ restəˈreɪʃn ] реставрация surviving [ səˈvaɪvɪŋ ] сохранившийся, выживший
Let’s read about Kronshtadt
Have you already been to Kronshtadt ? Peter the Great founded this town – fortress - port in 1704 for the protection of Saint-Petersburg against enemies from the Baltic Sea side. The city of Kronstadt is an administrative unit of St. Petersburg. Kronstadt is an island city thirty kilometers west of the center of Saint-Petersburg. Until 1984, when the northern part of the dam with a highway was opened, communication with Kronstadt was carried out only by water. The completion of the southern part of the dam with a highway took place in 2011. These days you can get to Kronstadt by car, public transport from the metro station Chernaya Rechka or Begovaya , as well as from the city of Lomonosov and by meteor (hydrofoil) from the central pier.
What is interesting about Kronstadt ? City-fortress Three centuries ago the huge defensive system was created around Kronshtadt . It began from Fort Kronshlot , from which the history of the Russian city on the island of Kotlin began in 1704. Also there are a lot of forts “Peter the First” (Citadel), “Alexander the First” (Plague), “Grand Duke Konstantin”, “Pavel the First” ( Risbank ), “ Totleben ”, “ Obruchev ”. Few surviving sections of the fortress walls and other fortifications can be seen today in the central part of the city.
Port City Kronshtadt was conceived by Peter the Great as a seaport; harbors for military and merchant ships were built on the southern side of the city. Their names speak for themselves – Merchant, Military, Medium, Coastal, Forest, Coal. The Medium harbor is also called Petrovskaya after the nearby Petrovsky Park, here is the ( Zimnyaya ) Winter Quay, from where boat trips depart. You can also see an old wooden lighthouse on the pier of the Petrovsky Canal.
City of the Navy All the most important sights in Kronstadt are connected with the fleet. For the sailors and at their request, the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral was built. The cathedral is located in the heart of the city on Anchor Square and is the tallest building Its central dome, like a lighthouse, is visible from anywhere on the island and far beyond. Also on Anchor Square there is a monument to the famous Admiral Makarov and an eternal flame.
A little further from the historical center there is a new point of attraction – the Navy Park “Island of Forts”. This is a large-scale project that involves not only the thematic public spaces and playgrounds, but also the restoration and adaptation of the nearest forts – “ Kronshlot ”, “Peter the First” and “Alexander the First”. The latter will be connected to the park by a cable car, and from “Peter the First” already depart “meteors” (hydrofoils) to the center of St. Petersburg.
FILL IN THE PHRASES FROM THE TEXT: administrative, dome, transport, system, trips, military, eternal, project , important, against 1. … enemies 2 . an … unit 3. public … 4. defensive … 5. … ships 6. boat … 7. … sights 8. central … 9. … flame 10 . a large-scale … against administrative transport system military trips important dome eternal project
FIND SYNONYMS IN THE TEXT FOR THE WORDS BELOW: 1. citadel , castle 2. defence , safety, security 3. finish , ending , realization 4. attractive , amusing, exciting 5. significant , major 6. include , take into account fortress protection completion interesting important involve
Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false ): 1. Peter the Great founded Kronshtadt . 2. You can get to Kronshtadt only by water. Fort Kronshlot was the part of the huge defensive system around Kronshtadt . 4. The Medium harbor is also called Zimnyaya . 5. All the most important sights in Kronstadt are connected with the fleet. 6. The Navy Park “Island of Forts” is the oldest park in the town. F T T F T F
Match the pictures of Kronshtadt sights to their names. St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral The Cauldron The Petrovsky Park The Footstock the Navy Park “Island of Forts” fort “Alexander the First” (Plague) What other interesting places in Kronshtadt do you know?
What is your favourite place in Kronshtadt ? Where is it situated ? How does it look like ? What interesting historical facts do you know ? What do you usually do there? Work in pairs. You are a journalist and your partner is a person from Kronshtadt . Ask him or her about interesting places in Kronshtadt using the questions.
Home Task: Find out more information about one of these places. - Island Kotlin - Kronshtadt dam -Fort Kronshlot -the Navy Park “Island of Forts” Make notes using the plan - what is it and where is it situated - historical features - what people can do there - how people feel in this place Use your notes to write a short article about the sightseeing. (60-100 words)
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Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 3 класса "Английский-это здорово!"
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Английский-это здорово!" проводилось для учащихся 3 класса в рамках недели английского языка. Цель мероприятия-повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению англ...
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку 2-4 кл. на тему "Интерактивная игра"Классное ориентирование" (конспект)
Интерактивная игра «Классное ориентирование» Цель: тематическое повторение, оценка планируемых результатов освоения учащимися:А) образовательной программы УМК за текущий годБ) и...
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия для учащихся 1-го класса на тему "Музицирование"
Я предлагаю сделать работу по усвоению навыков музицирования регулярной и более значимой для детей и педагога. А значит – более интересной. Это мероприятие - «внеклассный урок» или факультатив, которы...
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА Внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для обучающихся 5 классов
В данной методической разработке описаны технологические аспекты подготовки и проведения внеклассного мероприятия по иностранному языку. Представлены задания для проведения конкурса, которые предполаг...
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по истории в 8 классе по теме "И вечной памятью двенадцатого года..."
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по истории в 8 классе по теме И вечной памятью двенадцатого года......