Сочинение-эссе для 9 класса на тему "Travelling" (Путешествие)
статья по английскому языку (9 класс)
Данное сочинение-эссе предназначено для учеников 9 класса и может быть использовано на уроках английского языка. Путешествия - это неотьемлемая и очень важная часть жизни каждого человека. Предлагаемый материал подскажет вам в общих чертах, как провести свой отпуск или каникулы достойно, комфортно и плодотворно.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The best way to get to a holiday destination is traveling by plane. This way is fast and comfortable but a little bit dangerous. The safest way of getting to a holiday destination is travelling by train. It is also very comfortable. Though it is not as fast as by plane there are some advantages which are not in other kinds of traveling. There is a possibility to lie on the coach, to sleep and to have meal whenever you want, to get out in railway stations in order to breathe fresh air or to buy something to eat. You can communicate with neighbours of your tour or read a book. The most uncomfortable and risky way of traveling is one by yourself, by car or on foot. I think that only tough people can do such kind of getting to a holiday destination. Besides it is very tedious and you don t know what can happen with you during this trip. You are not safe and don t have any guarantees of your life and purse.
When we are already there we use of course the help of tourist agency, the tourist guide, the map, the transfers, instructions of the hotel. Also we must follow the rules of behavior which are accepted in that country and society in order not to drop into ridiculous or criminal situation. Of course we must listen attentively what the guide says and follow his advises.
At the place of our holiday we try to visit every sight which is suggested by the agency, to get acquainted with the culture of that country where we have come in. Certainly those who know the language are capable to talk to local people to know more about their way of life, interests, culture and the character. Such tourists can get more satisfaction from the tour than those who don t know the language.
What do we leave behind? First of all we leave behind us the impression about ourselves which the aboriginals had gained looking at our behavior and listening what we were saying. They look at our culture image. And after our tour they make a conclusion who we are, good, intelligent and cultural people with whom it is pleasant to communicate or we are pigs whom they don t want to see any more. All depends on ourselves. Of course we must leave behind clean rooms, clean beaches and good impression.
What do we bring back? We also bring back the impression: about the country, the people, the service, about the monuments and picturesque places, about all the places of interest, the impression about the excursions, hotels, the way of travelling, the impression of sea and beaches and we make the conclusion if we will visit this place once more or not. We also bring back artifacts, souvenirs, photos or something material for the memory.
Travelling is essential part of every human s life and spending your holiday must be worthy, impressive and wonderful.
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