Краткий конспект к открытому уроку по английскому языку по теме "Относительные местоимения".
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Вашему вниманию предлагается краткий констпект, который Вы можете доработать,, или использовать как есть.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Приветствие. Речевая разминка
Good afternoon, children! I’m glad to see you. What date is it today?
Now, let’s start the lesson and revise the material. Last time we talked about the words which help us to make 1 sentence out of two. What words are they? Repeat them after me:
How, what, where, when, why, who, whose, which. Good! Thank you!
2. Аудирование.
Open your textbooks on page 105. Find ex.1 – read the task. Now please open your copybooks and write down the date. Then write down the exercise number and the names we need.
с.105 упр.1 – Well done, thank you!
Answer: Mr Norris is in picture …
You can see a sentence from ex.1 on the blackboard.
Mary is the girl who is talking to the teacher.
Compare it with another one:
I lost the book which I bought last Sunday.
Translate them, please.
Who describes the noun girl, what describes the noun book.
3. Как вы думаете, о чем мы будем говорить сегодня?
– How do you think what we are going to talk about? What is the theme of our lesson?
Yes, you are right. We will talk about pronouns – words which describe a noun, about relative pronouns. Write down the theme into your copybooks and the translation of the words who и which.
Who – который, которая, которое, которые.
Which - который, которая, которое, которые.
Now read the sentence and find out what words, what nouns are described by who и which.
This is the woman who you wanted to see.
The book which I am reading is very interesting.
The dog which you see is a collie.
! Sometimes you can omit who и which – я читаю сама.
! Who and which can be replaced by that. Write it down into your copybooks.
that– который, которая, которое, которые.
4. Сформулируйте правило:
Can you formulate the rule in Russian?
Для описания людей используется who/that.
! Обратите внимание, с предлогами используется whom.
Alice is the girl with whom you played tennis last week.
Для описания неодушевленных предметов, а также животных, используется which/that.
The dog which you see is a collie.
На экране таблица.
5. Practice с.106 упр. 2 – Work in pairs. One of you will read the sentence and choose the right words, the other will translate.
Physical exercise.
Hands up
Hands down
Hands on hips
Sit down
Stand up
Hands to sides
Bend left
Bend right
Hands on hips
One, two, three – hop!
One, two, three – stop!
6. Now we are going to use one more relative pronoun. Read the sentences and write it down into your copybooks.
Whose – чей, обозначает принадлежность.
This is the man whose name is Rob Webster.
This is the cottage whose name is Sunny Beach.
7. Practice (all the pronouns).
с.107 упр.3
!!!!! А minute of humor. Describe the pictures. Start your sentence with «I can see…»
8. Homework: read the NB box p.105-106, p.110 ex.8
9. Introspection, marks.
Riddles. Work out your own riddle.
Я даю загадки, дети пытаются отгадать. Use who/which/that to make a riddle. Группы по 5 человек.
Сначала я загадываю загадку, потом они пытаются составить свою.
1) This is the animal whose color is grey.
This is the animal that has big ears.
This is the animal which size is large.
This is the animal whose nose is very long.
This is the animal which lives in Africa. (elephant)
2) This is the actor whose hair is black.
This is the actor that lives in the USA.
This is the actor who played a role in «Alice in the Wonderland».
This is the actor who played the role of a pirate.
This is the actor who is also known as the Captain Jack Sparrow. (Johnny Depp)
3) This is the man whose height is very high.
This is the man that lived in the 17th century.
This is the man who is well-known in Russia.
This is the man who was our tsar.
This is the man who opened the window to Europe. (Peter the Great)
4) This is the man who is very strong.
This is the man that likes sport very much.
This is the man whose teeth are not OK.
This is the man who plays ice hockey.
This is the man who is well-known in Russia and abroad. (Alexander Ovechkin)
5) This is the country which is situated on the islands.
This is the country that has four parts.
This is the country which has a queen.
This is the country whose language we learn.
This is the country whose capital is London. (the UK)
6) This is the country whose capital is Moscow.
This is the country that has rich history and culture.
This is the country which has the biggest territory.
This is the country whose scientists are famous in Russia and abroad.
This is the country that we love so much. (Russia)
7) This is the animal which size is large.
This is the animal that has long legs.
This is the animal whose color is brown and white.
This is the animal which lives in Africa.
This is the animal whose neck is very long. (giraffe)
Петр Первый
Не забудь, чтобы они себя оценили, сама поставь оценки! Разминку не забудь.
Опиши картинку – This is the man/cat/car….
Look left, right (глазами влево, вправо)
Look up, look down (глазами вверх, вниз)
Look around. (глазами по-кругу)
Look at your nose (смотрим на нос)
Look at that rose (одну руку вытягиваем как будто держим цветок, и смотрим)
Close your eyes (закрываем глаза)
Open, wink and smile. (открываем, моргаем и улыбаемся)
Hands up
Hands up
Hands down
Hands on hips
Sit down
Stand up
Hands to sides
Bend left
Bend right
Hands on hips
One, two, three – hop!
One, two, three – stop!
Boys and Girls
Boys hands up!
Boys hands down!
Boys and girls Turn around!
Girls hands up!
Girls hands down!
Girls and boys Turn around!
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