Сценарий сказки "A Good Idea"
материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Данный сценарий рассчитан на обучающихся второго или начала третьего года обучения. В мини-спектакль включены стихи, песни, танцы, что дает обучающимся возможность раскрыть свой потенциал, а также способствует положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Действующие лица:
Кот по имени Том/ Белла
1-ый мышонок (самый маленький)
2-ой мышонок
3-ий мышонок (самый умный)
другие мышата.
Once in a very, very old house there lived a very, very big cat and a lot of very, very little mice.
Hi! My name is Tom/Bella
I live in the kitchen
I am very lazy!
I like to sleep and to watch TV…
And, of course, I like mice!
I think mice are very nice,
Their tails are long,
Their faces are small,
They haven`t any chins at all!
Their ears are pink,
Their teeth are white,
They run about the house at night!
They eat things
They must not touch
And no one seems to like them much
But I think mice are very nice!
Oh, little grey mouse,
Where is your house?
I can show you my flat
If you don`t tell the cat
My flat has no door,
I live under a floor.
I come out in the night
And go back when it`s light
I see, the cat,
Whose name is Tom/Bella,
Lives in the kitchen and the mice live under the kitchen.
1-ый мышонок:
We are poor little mice!
2-ой мышонок:
We are always hungry!
3-ий мышонок:
We are hungry because we live under the kitchen
And Tom/Belly lives in the kitchen!
1-ый мышонок:
Where can we get food to eat?
2-ой мышонок:
In the kitchen, of course!
3-ий мышонок:
But there is the cat there!
Stop talking!
The day is over
It`s time to go to bed!
1-ый мышонок: поет песню (все подпевают)
Breakfast in the morning
Dinner in the day.
Tea comes after dinner
Then comes time to play
Supper in the evening
When the sky is red
Then the day is over
And we go to bed!
2-ой мышонок:
I can`t sleep
I`m too hungry!
3-ий мышонок:
Let`s think what to do!
They thought what to do,
They thought, and thought, and thought.
2-ой мышонок:
Oh, I have an idea!
Все мышата: Really?
2-ой мышонок:
Let`s go to the kitchen when Tom/Bella is not there!
That`s not a bad idea
But the cat runs quicker than you!
He can catch and eat you!
They thought, and thought, and thought again!
3-ий мышонок:
I think I know what to do!
Let`s buy a TV set for Tom/Bella!
We all know that he/she likes watching TV very much!
That`s a good idea!
When Tom/Bella is busy watching TV,
We can eat all the food we want!
1-ый мышонок:
I like this idea very much!
2-ой мышонок:
Oh, it`s a very good idea!
Все мышата вместе:
Oh, yes, it`s a very good idea!
Хлопают в ладоши и прыгают от радости
Let`s go to the shop and buy TV set for Tom/Bella.
3-ий мышонок:
But first of all let`s do our exercises/
Все дружно делают зарядку.
Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips, sit down
Hands up – to the sides
Bent left, bent right.
Все старательно несут ТВ и ставят его на стол, прямо перед Tom/Bella. Tom/Bella смотрит ТВ, а мыши едят все, что есть на столе.
Now every evening Tom/Bella watches TV and the mice have a very good supper in the kitchen.
They can eat all the things they want!
They are very happy now!
ФИНАЛ. Все поют и танцуют!
“If you are happy and you know it,
Clap your hands”.
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