Методическое пособие "Традиции и праздники Великобритании"
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку

Данная презентация посвящена теме "Традиции и праздники в Великобритании" Она может быть использована как на уроках английского языка, так и во внеурочной деятельности. Она знакомит с семью праздниками традициями, связанными с этими праздниками.


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Слайд 1

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЮ ПОДГОТОВИЛА : Ермохина Галина Георгиевна, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №88 Калиниского района г. Санкт-Петербурга Методическое пособие «Традиции и праздники в Великобритании»

Слайд 2

Traditions and Holidays in Great Britain

Слайд 3

Christmas The British celebrate Christmas December 25th - this is the main family and state holiday. At this time, it is customary to buy gifts for loved ones, to cook traditional dishes - turkey, pudding, hot alcoholic drinks. Christmas trees, garlands and candles are put in the houses. Children hang socks near the Christmas tree or fireplace, where in the morning parents will lay out gifts.

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Easter Easter is the main Christian holiday, popular in Britain. It is most in demand among religious holidays. For Easter people go to church, give Easter eggs, go hunting for chocolate eggs .

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St. George's Day St. George is the patron saint of England: according to biblical legend, he boldly killed the dragon and saved the princess. On April 23, people raise the national flag of England - the red cross of St. George on a white background, pin red roses symbolizing England to their clothes, markets open in the central squares of cities.

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Halloween Halloween is held October 31st on the eve of the Western Christian holiday of All Saints Day. This is a time dedicated to the memory of the dead, saints, martyrs. Unlike the United States, this is a relatively calm event: children put on costumes and walk around the neighborhood with the famous phrase Trick or treat, collecting treats. Neighbors very rarely let children play themselves, but prefer to treat them with sweets.

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Guy Fawkes Night Bonfire Night is held on November 5th, associated with the tradition of celebrating Guy Fawkes' failed attempt to blow up the parliament in 1605. Participants make bonfires, admire the fireworks, take part in street processions and festivities.

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Queen's official birthday The Queen's real birthday is April 21, but since 1748 it has been a tradition for England to celebrate the birthday of the king or queen in June. This is due to the fact that in June the weather is more favorable for festivities. An important part of the holiday is the military parade, known as Trooping the Color, held in London, and the presence of the royal family.

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Memorial Day, November 11 Every year on November 11, the British remember the soldiers who died in the fields of the First World War. Royal British Legion sell paper poppy flowers - a symbol of Memorial Day, sending all the proceeds to charity to raise funds for war veterans and their families. At 11.00 am, a two-minute silence is announced throughout the country.

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