Внеклассное мероприятие "Праздники Великобритании и США- Halloween"
классный час по теме
Внеклассное мероприятие "Halloween" знакомит с традициями проведения осеннего праздника"Halloween", ставит своей целью формирование межкультурной компетенции-способности понимать, интерпретировать особенности чужой и собственной культур.Развивает способности учащихся организовывать и осуществлять коммуникацию.
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Внеклассное мероприятие
« Праздники Великобритании и США»
“ Halloween”
Под музыку Грига « Троль» появляется ведьма:
Halloween is coming!
Halloween is coming!
Появляются ведущие, одетые в белые балахоны:
В: Halloween is coming!
What will you wear?
2B : I might wear a blanket
And be a brown bear.
B : Halloween is coming!
Who will you meet?
3B: I might be a princess
Skipping down the street.
B: Halloween is coming!
What will you do?
4В I might go trick or treating,
How about you?
B: Halloween is coming!
What will you be?
5B: I might be a pirate
On the deep blue sea.
B: Halloween is coming!
What will you see?
6В I might see a jack – o’ – lantern.
Winking at me.
B Halloween is coming!
What will you be?
7В It is a secret,
So, wait and see!
Пират: Hi! Witсhes, devils, vampires, ghosts and other evil spirits! Keep quiet for a minute! Keep your ears open so that everybody can hear a bat fly, a leaf fall down from a tree.
Приведение: Good evening! Dear goblins, water sprites, good evening, an evil spirits! Welcome! To our party!
Чёртик: Those who are very active today and know a lot will get special devil’s cards and keep them till the end of our party. Those who have more cards will get nice presents.
And who remembers why we have gathered here today?
Приведение: Do you know any superstitions?
Ответы учащихся:
- If you see two magpies you will be happy.
- Never open the umbrella in the house.
- Never break a mirror – that means 7 years bad luck.
- Don’t go past somebody on the stairs.
- The number 13 is very unlucky.
- Don’t go under the ladder.
- Don’t kill a spider before the competitions – you’ll lose.
- Keep your fingers crossed when you answer at the lesson or take your exams
Пират: Who knows any legend connected with this holiday?
Выступления учащихся:
- The name “ Halloween” comes from two words“ Hallo” – meaning “ holy” in the old English and quite contempory “ Eve” – meaning the evening before certain holiday. The holiday comes right after All Saints’ Day. So, Halloween is just the evening before All Saints’ Day.
- Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland by Celtic priests called Druids. The observed the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The Druids thought that Halloween was the night when the witches came out. As they were afraid of the witches they put on different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits. They also told scary stories on this holiday.
Пират: One of the stories is “ Mrs. Miker ”.
Сценка “ Mrs. Miker ”.
- They also placed food and small gifts near the door of their houses for the witches. This was the beginning of the expression “ trick or treat” – meaning “ Give me some thing or I’ll play a trick with you”.
- It is considered that Halloween was brought to America by the immigrants from Ireland and Scotland. In the 19 th centuries they celebrated Halloween according to their traditions. As time went by, grown – up people lost interest in Halloween and it was celebrated almost entirely by children.
- Dressed very strangely, children held festivals. During their carnivals groups of children visited nearly houses and ask for candies.
- In recent years, grown – up people have begun taking part in Halloween. In New York young and old take part in parades together. On the 31st of October long before the time when the carnival procession begins to move a great number of people get together in one of the streets. They are dressed as witches, demons, and other evil spirits. There are hundreds of large “pumpkins” in their hands. After the parade the festival lasts almost till early morning.
Пират: And now I am going to call the roll to see who has come to our party. Выкрикивает имена персонажей, и под звуки музыки появляются черти, ведьмы и другие « нечистые». Проходит парад костюмов.
Ведьма: I see there’s quite a crowd here. But still everyone has found the way. Let’s light our magic lights for them.
Гаснет свет, зажигаются гирлянды. Кричит петух, нечисть разбегается.
Приведение: It is time to listen toand watch our guests.
Стихотворение « Monstrous Imagination» by Collin West.
Приведение: And now another scary story “ Give me my bone”( Кулиш В.Г. Занимательный английский для детей. Изд. « Сталкер», 2001г.)
Чертенок: Each of you would like to know your future. Halloween is a holiday when you can try to do it.
Вносят поднос с булочками в форме костей. ( В каждой запечен секрет )
My assistants have brought some buns with your future inside. Who would like to learn about future? Be careful eating these buns not to ruin your teeth.
- You find a coin, you’ll become rich.
- You find figure 2, it means, you are going to get this mark at the lesson.
- You find a hidden sweet, your life will be nice and pleasant.
- You find black pepper. It will make your life better.
Кричит петух.
Ведущий: Oh! The cockerel has sung twice. Let’s play and enjoy our party. I have an apple and some water. Come and try to get an apple with your mouth.
Ведущий 2: My contest is more difficult. I give you a fork, make your eyes close and you’ll try to get apples with a fork.
Приведение: It’s time to award our active evil spirits:
- The best scary story is…
- The best evil spirits at the party were …
- Friends! Count your cards! Who has the most? Come here and get your prize!
Кричит петух, появляется ведьма:
Our party is up! Morning has come and it’s time for us to disappear.
Save your lives, evil spirits!
Гаснет свет, все исчезают под музыку Грига. Зажигается свет.
Ведущий: I see a lot of happy faces. Let’s leave here all the evils, all the bad things that are in our life. Then our planet will again become green, blue and white.
Звучит музыка и все участники выходят на сцену.
Оформление: До мероприятия каждый класс готовит газеты и плакаты с тематикой праздника, все желающие пишут “ Scary stories”. Зал украшается изображениями тыквы и героев праздника.
Оснащение: Музыка Грига, гирлянды с огоньками, 2 таза с водой, 4 яблока, 2вилки, поднос с булочками, лампа, призы для награждений.
1.Биболетова М.З. Учебник «Счастливый английский-4»
2.Кулиш В.Г. « Занимательный английский для детей» Изд.
« Сталкер» , 2001.
3.Журнал « Иностранные языки в школе» №5 1999
4.Приложение к газете « Первое сентября» №19 2005.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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