Урок английского языка на тему "Famous Streets"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)

Урок рассказывает о самых знаменитых улицах Великобритании и США. Урок позволяет развить навыки чтения, письма и говорения.


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Слайд 1

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 6 класс Тема урока: Famous Streets 202 1 Учитель: Семаков Артём Сергеевич ГБОУ СОШ № 47 им. Д. С. Лихачёва

Слайд 2

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования What can you say about this photo?

Слайд 3

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования What can you say about this photo? Who are these people? What are they doing? Where are they?

Слайд 4

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования What can you say about this photo? Who are these people? They are The Beatles. What are they doing? They are crossing a street. Where are they? They are in London.

Слайд 5

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования This famous street is called Abbey Road , and it’s photo was on the cover of The Beatles’ album, called “Abbey Road”

Слайд 6

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования What other famous streets do you know? After the lesson YOU will be able to: n ame the most famous streets in the UK and the USA d escribe a famous street in your city

Слайд 7

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования

Слайд 8

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования 10 Downing St. 221b Baker’s St. Oxford Street Piccadilly Circus Fill in the gaps with the correct address: ________became famous after Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s series of “Sherlock Holmes” books. The talented detective lived there. ________ is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the UK . People say that the statue in the middle of __________ is a Cupid with a bow and an arrow. ____________ shopping is the reason many people come to London.

Слайд 9

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования 10 Downing St. 221b Baker’s St. Oxford Street Piccadilly Circus Fill in the gaps with the correct address: 221b Baker’s St. became famous after Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s series of “Sherlock Holmes” books. The talented detective lived there. 10 Downing St. is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the UK . People say that the statue in the middle of the Piccadilly Circus is a Cupid with a bow and an arrow. Oxford Street shopping is the reason many people come to London.

Слайд 10

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования The Most Famous Streets in the USA

Слайд 11

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования Read the text about American streets known all around the world and answer the questions. There are countless streets, avenues and boulevards in the cities of the United States, but only a few have specific associations. Wall Street in New York City is the financial heart of the United States. Wall Street is also a home to the New York Stock Exchange – which is the largest in the world . Broadway goes through Manhattan and is certainly known for its performances. There are 40 professional theaters situated on and around Broadway in Manhattan . Hollywood Boulevard is probably best known for having The Hollywood Walk of Fame. For over one mile the sidewalks are filled with more than 2,500 stars that list the names of famous actors, directors, musicians, fictional characters, producers and more. This part of Hollywood Boulevard alone attracts over 10 million people a year.

Слайд 12

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования There are countless streets, avenues and boulevards in the cities of the United States, but only a few have specific associations. Wall Street in New York City is the financial heart of the United States. Wall Street is also a home to the New York Stock Exchange – which is the largest in the world . Broadway goes through Manhattan and is certainly known for its performances. There are 40 professional theaters situated on and around Broadway in Manhattan . Hollywood Boulevard is probably best known for having The Hollywood Walk of Fame. For over one mile the sidewalks are filled with more than 2,500 stars that list the names of famous actors, directors, musicians, fictional characters, producers and more. This part of Hollywood Boulevard alone attracts over 10 million people a year. What is Wall street famous for? What can you watch at Broadway Street? What is the most popular part of the Hollywood Boulevard?

Слайд 13

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования Describe a famous street in your city. Use the plan: What is the name of the street? What is it famous for? How often do you visit this street. Why? E.g. This street is called Nevsky Prospect. It is famous for its architecture and boutiques. I visit it twice a month, because I like the views of old houses.

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