Конспект урока Home sweet home 5 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока в 5 классе по УМК
М.В.Вербицкой, Б.Эббс, Э.Уорелла “Forward”.
Тема: Home sweet home.
Тип урока: традиционный, комбинированный урок для учащихся среднего звена по формированию навыков.
Цели урока:
образовательные: формирование лексических навыков по теме «Дом»;
практические: развитие практических навыков аудирования, чтения, письма, говорения;
развивающие: расширение познавательной активности обучающихся; развитие коммуникативных умений, навыков индивидуальной и групповой работы ;
воспитательные: воспитание уважения и любви к своему дому и семейному очагу;
Задачи урока: пополнить словарный запас учащихся новой лексикой, провести серию упражнений по совершенствованию навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения, письма.
Оснащение урока: учебник, аудиозапись, раздаточный материал, магнитная доска, наглядный материал (люди и дома).
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент.
Good morning, girls and boys! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Let’s get started. Now we are talking about people and houses where they live.
2. Речевая разминка.
There are different proverbs about people’s house. Look! ” My home is my castle.” “ East or West – home is best”. “There is no place like home”.
3. Введение новой лексики.
We say “home”, we say “house”, in Russian they mean «дом», but what’s the difference between these two words? Which does mean ’building’? Which does mean ‘my place’?
There are a lot of different houses. You can see houses and their names. Match. Now repeat please after me
4. Аудирование
Please listen and match a person with her\his house:
1. This person lives in America. It took him seven years to build this house. This is a smart house with a lot of wonderful things, swimming pool, sport ground, trampoline, six kitchens, twenty-four bathrooms and a very big dining room. A lot of computers control the house.
2. This house is built in Los Angeles on the top of the hill. Inside you can find a gym, a comfortable home cinema and a home library. Near the house there is a modern swimming pool and a nice garden. If you look through the window you can see the Atlantic Ocean.
3. It looks like a castle on the top of the hill. Inside there is a home cinema, a winter garden, a sports complex with a swimming pool, and a lift. The person who lives there likes looking at the stars. So, there is a small home observatory.
4. This building is located in London. It was built three hundred years ago and looks like a palace. It has nearly 600 rooms, picture gallery and even a swimming-pool. The garden and special places for horses are also very interesting to see.
5. Активизация новой лексики.
And can you find the correct description for our houses? Let’s see!
1. We cook our meal there. A lot of people have breakfast there and say that it is the heart of the home.
2. We sleep in this room. Some children share it with sisters or brothers.
3. The whole family usually like spending time in this room, watching TV and have fun.
4. You use this room to have a shower or wash your hands.
5. When you open the front door you can see this room. 6. If your house is big and you have a large family you need this room to eat all together. 7. People who have got a car need a special place. What’s this?
Look at this family. They need a new house. Can you help them to make a project?
7.Complete the text using 2 or 3 adjectives
My Ideal Home
I would like to live in the (village - city – town). My favourite type of the house is a (block of flats - a semi-detached house - a terraced house - a cottage.) There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is ( a garage - a swimming pool next to my house.) Also there is (a garden - a sport ground). I think this is an ideal house for me and my family.
comfortable – nice – big – small – cozy – modern – large – noisy – quiet
8 . Домашнее задание и итоги урока.
Our lesson is coming to the end. Your homework: Draw your ideal house for your family and describe it. You can use your notes.
9. Рефлексия.
Today we’ve done a lot of interesting things. Let’s see how many words you remember. Picture – house. Great!
You’ve worked very actively today. Your marks are excellent. Did you like the lesson? Thank you! The lesson is over. Goodbye.
This is my …………. Those are the trees This is my ……… This is where I ………….. This is where I lie What is my soul And I sit by the ……… all over again It's all that's left This is my …………… That was the dark This is my house | This is my …………. Those are the trees This is my ……… This is where I ………….. This is where I lie What is my soul And I sit by the ……… all over again It's all that's left This is my …………… That was the dark This is my house | This is my …………. Those are the trees This is my ……… This is where I ………….. This is where I lie What is my soul And I sit by the ……… all over again It's all that's left This is my …………… That was the dark This is my house |
7.Complete the text using 2 or 3 adjectives
My Ideal Home
I would like to live in the (village - city – town). My favourite type of the house is a (block of flats - a semi-detached house - a terraced house - a cottage.) There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is ( a garage - a swimming pool next to my house.) Also there is (a garden - a sport ground). I think this is an ideal house for me and my family.
comfortable – nice – big – small – cozy – modern – large – noisy – quiet
7.Complete the text using 2 or 3 adjectives
My Ideal Home
I would like to live in the (village - city – town). My favourite type of the house is a (block of flats - a semi-detached house - a terraced house - a cottage.) There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is ( a garage - a swimming pool next to my house.) Also there is (a garden - a sport ground). I think this is an ideal house for me and my family.
comfortable – nice – big – small – cozy – modern – large – noisy – quiet
7.Complete the text using 2 or 3 adjectives
My Ideal Home
I would like to live in the (village - city – town). My favourite type of the house is a (block of flats - a semi-detached house - a terraced house - a cottage.) There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is ( a garage - a swimming pool next to my house.) Also there is (a garden - a sport ground). I think this is an ideal house for me and my family.
comfortable – nice – big – small – cozy – modern – large – noisy – quiet
7.Complete the text using 2 or 3 adjectives
My Ideal Home
I would like to live in the (village - city – town). My favourite type of the house is a (block of flats - a semi-detached house - a terraced house - a cottage.) There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is ( a garage - a swimming pool next to my house.) Also there is (a garden - a sport ground). I think this is an ideal house for me and my family.
comfortable – nice – big – small – cozy – modern – large – noisy – quiet
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Тема урока: « Home, Sweet Home» урок английского языка 3 класс
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