Открытый урок "Home, sweet home", 5 класс, Spotlight
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Шишигина Олеся Васильевна

Данный урок - готовая разработка для проведения открытого мероприятия по теме "Виды домов в Англии", "Необычные дома" в 5м и 6м классах.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Цель: активизация лексических и грамматических единиц в речи и на письме  по теме « My home»,  составление рассказа о доме своей мечты.

Планируемые результаты:

1. предметные: 

  • лексика:  a detached house, I would like to have …
  • грамматика: предлоги места, there is/there are
  • аудирование:  описание комнаты
  • устная речь:  устное высказывание о комнате, доме, построение вопросов

2. личностные: потребность в самовыражении и самореализации, социальном признании

3. метапредметные:

  • регулятивные: построение жизненных планов во временной перспективеуметь самостоятельно контролировать своё время и управлять им; распределение ролей в группе
  • познавательные: соотносить понятие и образ;
  • коммуникативные: адекватно использовать речь для планирования и регуляции своей деятельности.

Ход   урока

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Организационный этап


Введение в языковую среду

Приветствует учащихся на английском языке, вводит в языковую среду.


Good afternoon? Nice to meet you! How are you? Today we have an unusual lesson. We will play and make a project. I’ve got a surprise for you. Look under your desk. There is a sheet of paper with a question on it. Address it to your classmate, please.

Отвечают учителю на приветствие :Good afternoon/ Ask questions to classmates:

How are you? What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? Do you live in the house or in the flat? Which floor do you live on? How many rooms have you got? What is your favourite room? What is your favourite furniture? What nationality are you?



Сообщение темы урока







 Знакомство с новой лексикой


Указывает на модели комнат и домов, просит учеников угадать тему занятия.

- Look at the models, please.

- What is the topic of our lesson?

- Yes, today we continue our work on the topic “My home”. Look at the blackboard, please. I would like to tell you about some British houses (detached, semi-detached, terraced, a bungalow, a cottage and some unusual types)-презентация на доске.


Ученики догадываются о теме урока. Ученики сами озвучивают тему и предполагают что будет на уроке изучено. 



 Ученики знакомятся и повторяют за учителем новые слова по теме «Британские дома».






Активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме, тренировка новых ЛЕ.



 - Look at these house models. What type of the houses is it? You can see the projects of the rooms and furniture here. What rooms are they? At the previous lesson we studied the prepositions of place. Will you name them, please?

Обучающиеся  вспоминают названия домов и комнат, используют в речи предлоги места. Заполняют ими по смыслу, используя проекты опору, пробелы в предложениях на доске.

Развитие умений аудирования, говорения и грамматических навыков


- Take the cards with numbers, please. We work at the agency “Home, sweet home”. We make projects and sell houses.

We are to take some roles now:

1. A project maker (desk 1)

2. A project maker (desk 1)

3. A project maker (desk1)

4. A manager

5. A client (a customer)

6. A project maker (desk 2)

7. A project maker (desk 2)

8. A project maker (desk 2)

9. A project maker (desk 3)

10. A project maker (desk 3)

11. A project maker (desk3)


  • Project makers – make a project of one definite room. Get the information about the description of other rooms, make the project of the house.
  • A manager – gets information from the client and writes it down in the table, makes a presentation of the house/flat.
  • A client (a customer) – wants to buy a house or a flat, answers the questions. In the end he/she buys the house/flat or not (says why not).

-Take your seats, please.


- Look at the text, fill the gaps in. There are the prepositions in the task. You will listen to the record two times.

Let’s check the answers.

Now you have one 3 minutes to design your room and make the description of it.

Now one project maker from each group goes to other 2 groups and fills in the chart. You have 5 minutes only.


Учащиеся принимают роль, рассаживаются, изучают задание, слушают текст «Моя спальня», заполняют пропуски в тексте, расставляют мебель в зоне «The bedroom”, проектируют комнату по заданию, делают письменное описание комнаты на основе текста «The bedroom” с использованием грамматических конструкций, предлогов времени. В это время менеджер расспрашивает клиента о предпочтениях при покупке дома/ квартиры.

Обучающиеся заполняют chart, задавая вопросы участникам других команд, вернувшись в команды, расставляют мебель по полученному описанию.

В это время менеджер составляет описание дома с использованием опоры.

Группы развешивают получившиеся проекты. Менеджер презентует дом. Дизайнеры разных комнат представляют описание своих комнат.

Покупатель принимает решение о покупке дома, аргументирует ответ.

Подведение итогов работы. Рефлексия.

Оценивание работы учащихся. Домашнее задание.





Dear students, we have been studying the theme “Home, sweet home” for several lessons and I suppose you can say what you know now.

Thank you for your work. You were rather good. I am always happy to work with you.

Ученики проговаривают, что они научились делать за время работы по теме:

Now I know how:

  • To talk about a new flat/house.
  •  To make a presentation of the     house.
  •  To ask questions about a house and a room.
  •  To answer questions about a house and a room.
  • The houses in England are called.








My bedroom

by Ann Smith

What’s your bedroom like? My bedroom is great! It’s very big and there is a lot of furniture in it. Everything is blue in my bedroom and I call it the blue room. I’ve got a small bed, a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a bookcase. The bed is 1) in front of the wardrobe. My desk is 2) under the window. There’s a big poster 3) behind my bed. There is a computer and a lamp 5) on my desk and I’ve got books in the bookcase next to my desk. I haven’t got a TV but I’ve got a CD player. I like my bedroom very much!

Insert the necessary prepositions: on, under, in front of, behind, next to.

My bedroom

What’s your bedroom like? My bedroom is great! It’s very big and there is a lot of furniture in it. Everything is blue in my bedroom and I call it the blue room. I’ve got a small bed, a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a bookcase. The bed is 1)__________ the wardrobe. My desk is 2) __________ the window. There’s a big poster 3)__________ my bed. There’s a computer and a lamp 4)__________my desk and I’ve got books in the bookcase 5)__________ my desk. I haven’t got a TV but I’ve got a CD-player. I like my bedroom very much.

Use the text “My bedroom” as a model. Make a description of your room-project starting with:

This is a __________________  (name of the room). It is a big/small/medium room. It has got a ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Manager (ask questions to a Russian client and write down the answer):

Say: Nice to meet you at our agency “Home, sweet home”. Take a seat, please!

  1. Would you like to have a house or a flat in a block of flats?
  2. (a house) Would you like to have a detached, a semi-detached or a terraced house?
  3. Would you like to live in the country or in the city?
  4. How many rooms are there in your house/flat?
  5. What rooms are they?

  1. Would you like to have any special features like central heating (центр.отопление), cold and hot water, conditioning, a lift (in a block of flats), a garage or a garden?

Take a catalogue, please, and have a look at the presented cottages)








6. central heating, cold and hot water, conditioning, a lift (in a block of flats), a garage or a garden? Нужное подчеркнуть

Manager (then make a presentation for a client). Try to tell the description and not to read it.

We’d like to suggest you the projects of this house/flat.

It is a detached/semi-detached/terraced house.

It is in the city/in the country.

It has got ________rooms.

They are _______________________________.

As for special features, there are ____________


A сlient (customer). Answer the manager’s questions about the house/flat you would like to buy.

At the end of the lesson: buy or do not buy the house. Say why.

I like/ don’t like this house because it is/isn’t great/beautiful/nice. It has got _____ rooms and central heating, cold and hot water. I will/won’t buy it.

Which is your

 project room?

Has it got any furniture?

Where is ………? (place in the room)


1. a small bed

2. a desk

3. a chair

4. a wardrobe

5. a bookcase

6. a big poster

7. a computer

8. a lamp

9.a bookcase

1. in front of the wardrobe

2. under the window




6. behind a bed

7. on the desk

8. on the desk

9. next to the desk

Living room

























































Оценочный лист работы учеников

Происходило ли общение

 только на англ. языке?

(+)- 3 балла/(-) – 0 баллов,

(+/-) – 1-2 балла

Удалось ли ученикам выполнить поставленную задачу?

Выполнен ли коллаж правильно (за основу берется выделенная красным маркером комната)

(+)- 3 балла/(-) – 0 баллов

(+/-) – 1-2 балла

Общее кол-во баллов

(0-9 баллов)

Команда №1(team 1)

Комната спроектирована  - 1 балл;

сделана ее презентация на англ. языке в письменной и устной форме у доски - 1 балл; 

коллаж этой комнаты у других команд соответствует образцу, т.е. в ходе диалога, команда смогла качественно описать свою комнату другим командам  - 1 балл

Команда №2 (team 2)

Комната спроектирована  - 1 балл;

сделана ее презентация на англ. языке в письменной и устной форме у доски - 1 балл; 

коллаж этой комнаты у других команд соответствует образцу, т.е. в ходе диалога, команда смогла качественно описать свою комнату другим командам  - 1 балл

Команда №3 (team 3)

Комната спроектирована  - 1 балл;

сделана ее презентация на англ. языке в письменной и устной форме у доски - 1 балл; 

коллаж этой комнаты у других команд соответствует образцу, т.е. в ходе диалога, команда смогла качественно описать свою комнату другим командам  - 1 балл

Покупатель (customer)

Правильно отвечает на вопросы, формулирует пожелания по поводу покупки дома, его особенностей. Покупает дом или отказывается от покупки, аргументирует свой ответ.-

3 балла

Не оценивается

(0-6 баллов)

Менеджер (manager)

Узнает необходимую информацию о пожеланиях клиента, при необходимости отвечает на его вопросы, представляет готовый проект дома. – 3 балла

(0-6 баллов)

Домашнее задание:

Draw a plan of your ideal house and make its description.

My Ideal Home

I would like to live in the country/city/town. My favourite type of the house is a block of flats/a detached house/a semi-detached house/a terraced house/a bungalow/a cottage/ a house in the tree/ the bottle house/the balancing barn/the house in the sea/pineapple house/house in the clouds. There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is a living-room, a bedroom (two bedrooms), a kitchen and a bathroom (two bathrooms) in my house. There is central heating, cold and hot water, conditioning, a lift (in a block of flats) there. There is a garage and a garden next to the house. I think this house is an ideal house.

My Ideal Home

I would like to live in the country/city/town. My favourite type of the house is a block of flats/a detached house/a semi-detached house/a terraced house/a bungalow/a cottage/ a house in the tree/ the bottle house/the balancing barn/the house in the sea/pineapple house/house in the clouds. There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is a living-room, a bedroom (two bedrooms), a kitchen and a bathroom (two bathrooms) in my house. There is central heating, cold and hot water, conditioning, a lift (in a block of flats) there. There is a garage and a garden next to the house. I think this house is an ideal house.

My Ideal Home

I would like to live in the country/city/town. My favourite type of the house is a block of flats/a detached house/a semi-detached house/a terraced house/a bungalow/a cottage/ a house in the tree/ the bottle house/the balancing barn/the house in the sea/pineapple house/house in the clouds. There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is a living-room, a bedroom (two bedrooms), a kitchen and a bathroom (two bathrooms) in my house. There is central heating, cold and hot water, conditioning, a lift (in a block of flats) there. There is a garage and a garden next to the house. I think this house is an ideal house.

My Ideal Home

I would like to live in the country/city/town. My favourite type of the house is a block of flats/a detached house/a semi-detached house/a terraced house/a bungalow/a cottage/ a house in the tree/ the bottle house/the balancing barn/the house in the sea/pineapple house/house in the clouds. There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is a living-room, a bedroom (two bedrooms), a kitchen and a bathroom (two bathrooms) in my house. There is central heating, cold and hot water, conditioning, a lift (in a block of flats) there. There is a garage and a garden next to the house. I think this house is an ideal house.

My Ideal Home

I would like to live in the country/city/town. My favourite type of the house is a block of flats/a detached house/a semi-detached house/a terraced house/a bungalow/a cottage/ a house in the tree/ the bottle house/the balancing barn/the house in the sea/pineapple house/house in the clouds. There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is a living-room, a bedroom (two bedrooms), a kitchen and a bathroom (two bathrooms) in my house. There is central heating, cold and hot water, conditioning, a lift (in a block of flats) there. There is a garage and a garden next to the house. I think this house is an ideal house.

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Typical British Houses

Слайд 2

The main types of houses in England are: A Detached House (a house not joined to another house )

Слайд 3

A Semi-Detached House (two houses joined together)

Слайд 4

A Terraced House In most towns, there are streets of houses joined together in long rows. They are called terraced houses.

Слайд 5

A Block of Flats

Слайд 6

A Bungalow A bungalow is a house which is only on one floor, no stairs. It usually has a veranda.

Слайд 7

A Cottage (a small house in a village, no stairs)

Слайд 8

An Oast House Many people in England live in buildings which were once built for something else other than a home. Oast Houses were not originally a building where people lived. They were part of farm buildings and were where hops (a plant from which beer is made) were layed out and dried.

Слайд 9

Unusual houses Tree house

Слайд 10

The Bottle house (« Дом бутылка »)

Слайд 11

The Balancing Barn (“ Балансирующий сарай »)

Слайд 12

The House in the Sea

Слайд 13

Pineapple house (« Дом ананас»)

Слайд 14

House in the Clouds (« Дом в облаках »)

Слайд 15

“Home, Sweet Home”

Слайд 16


Слайд 18

in the box on the sofa In front of TVset Behind the table Under the table At the table

Слайд 19

This is your part (role) today. Take your seat, please. 1. A project maker (desk 1) 2. A project maker (desk 1) 3. A project maker (desk1) 4. A manager 5. A customer 6. A project maker (desk 2) 7. A project maker (desk 2) 8. A project maker (desk 2) 9. A project maker (desk 3) 10. A project maker (desk 3) 11. A project maker (desk3)

Слайд 20

Parts: Project makers – make a project of a definite room, then a house. A manager – gets information from the client and writes it down in the table, makes a presentation of the house/flat. A client – wants to buy a house or a flat, answers the questions. In the end he/she buys the house/flat or not (says why not).

Слайд 21

Insert the necessary prepositions: on, under, in front of, behind, next to. My bedroom What’s your bedroom like? My bedroom is great! It’s very big and there is a lot of furniture in it. Everything is blue in my bedroom and I call it the blue room. I’ve got a small bed, a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a bookcase. The bed is 1)__________ the wardrobe. My desk is 2) __________ the window. There’s a big poster 3)__________ my bed. There’s a computer and a lamp 4)__________my desk and I’ve got books in the bookcase 5)__________ my desk. I haven’t got a TV but I’ve got a CD-player. I like my bedroom very much.

Слайд 22

Now I know how: To talk about a new flat/house. To make a presentation of the house. To ask questions about a house and a room. To answer questions about a house and a room. The houses in England are called.

Слайд 23

Draw a plan of your ideal house and make its description. My Ideal Home I would like to live in the country/city/town . My favourite type of the house is a block of flats/a detached house/a semi-detached house/a terraced house/a bungalow/a cottage/ a house in the tree/ the bottle house/the balancing barn/the house in the sea/pineapple house/house in the clouds. There are two floors in my house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is a living-room, a bedroom (two bedrooms), a kitchen and a bathroom (two bathrooms) in my house. There is central heating, cold and hot water, conditioning, a lift (in a block of flats) there. There is a garage and a garden next to the house. I think this house is an ideal house.

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