"Is it easy to be the Queen?" материалы к уроку в 5-6 классе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6 класс)
В данной разработке содержится материал к уроку, в котором совершенствуются речевые навыки говорения, аудирования. Материалы можно использовать как в 5 так и в 6 классах.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Is it easy to be the Queen?
Pay compliments
One day with the Queen The Queen listens to BBC news in bed. 1) True 2) False 2. The Queen reads personal letters before breakfast. 1) True 2) False The Queen works in her office at 5 o’clock. 1 ) True 2) False The Queen meets her Secretary in St. James Palace. 1) True 2) False 5. The Queen phones her family to tell some news. 1 ) True 2) False The Queen goes to bed before midnight. 1) True 2) False
Check yourself 2 2 1 2 2 1
Table Manners
1. We can do small things with great love. 3. You should support to your parents, the elderly, your brothers and sisters. 4. Protect our fields, forests and animals. The Queen’s advice for children 2. Learn to cook for yourself. 5. Never stop learning. 6. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. 7. Mistakes are some of the best teachers.
1. The Queen says (that) we can do small things with great love. 3. The Queen says we should support to our parents, the elderly, our brothers and sisters. 4. The Queen says to protect our fields, forests and animals. The Queen’s advice for children Check yourself 2. The Queen says to learn to cook for ourselves. 5. The Queen says to read a lot and n ever to stop learning. 6. The Queen says not to be afraid to make mistakes. 7. The Queen says m istakes are some of the best teachers.
Is it easy to be the Queen? I think it’s easy it isn’t easy to be the Queen because… She should She shouldn’t She must She mustn’t read a lot. look perfect. meet different people. know table manners well. be ideal person. be rude help people. work hard. eat healthy food. have good sense of humour visit schools, hospitals, special places. write and make a speech. offend people
Are you ready to be the Queen or the King? I’m ready! I don’t think about it I’m not ready
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока английского языка по ФГОС
Ф.И.О.: Горшкова Елена Викторовна
Предмет: английский язык (программа И. Н. Верещагина, О. А. Афанасьева “English V”).
Класс:5 класс
Тип урока: обобщение изученного материала
1. Организационный момент.
-Good morning, boys and girls!
- Good morning, teacher and guests!
- I’m glad to see you and our guests.
- We are glad to see you too.
- Take your sits. Let’s begin our lesson. What date is it today?
Р.:It is the 1st of March.
T.: What day of the week is it today?
Р.: It is Wednesday.
T.: How are you?
P.: I’m fine! Thank you.
2.Речевая разминка.
- Today we are going to visit very interesting and famous person. Try to guess who she is.
Tell about her.
Речевая разминка «Угадай, о ком идет речь»
Учитель предлагает учащимся рассказать о человеке, глядя на картинку
- She is the Queen Elizabeth II.
- Her full name is Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander Windsor.
- She is 90.
- She is the Head of four countries: the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. She is the Head of the Commonwealth.
- She has got 4 children: 3 sons and 1 daughter.
II. Формулирование темы урока
Постановка цели, составление плана урока (7мин)
T.: OK. Well done! This lesson we’ll spend with the Queen. What will we do?
P.: We’ll meet people and visit different places.
We’ll have breakfast/ lunch/dinner.
We’ll do the Royal duties.
T.: You are right! How do you think it’s easy to be the Queen.
P.: answers
T.: It is the main question of our lesson and we’ll try to answer it.
III.Активизация речевых навыков (5 мин)
T: At the beginning you make pairs and imagine that one of you is the Queen or the King. Pay compliments to each other and answer them.
P: Pay compliments to each other and answer them.
T: Great! Now we see you’re very polite and well-mannerd pupils. Moreover you are ready to be introduced to the Queen.
IV. Активизация аудитивных и речевых навыков
(6 мин)
T: Would you like to spend one day with the Queen?
Now you will listen to a story about ordinary day of the Queen. Before listening read the statements and say if they are “True” or “False”. Write down your answers into the table.
P: Listen to a story about ordinary day of the Queen.
Read the statements and say if they are “True” or “False”.
Write down answers into the table.
T: Well done! Now change your sheets of paper and check your answers. Now put marks to each other.
Таблица для взаимопроверки:
6 правильных ответа – «5»;
5 правильных ответа – «4»;
4-3 правильных ответа – «3»
V. Совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме «Правила поведения за столом. Сервировка стола» (10 мин).
T: At your desks you have cards with pieces of a picture. Now you’ll make groups collecting a picture.
Guess what are your pictures?
P: A cup and a plate
T: Each group should set the table for 3 minutes. Then you say how to set the table and remember good table manners. Texts at the tables can help you to find information. You will have 5 minutes to do the task.
Other students shall listen to and put their marks for work of each group into a special blank.
VI. Совершенствование грамматических навыков (5 мин)
T.: Now we are going to the private office. The Queen works here.
You should read the Queen’s advice for children. Write these sentences in reported speech. You have 3 minutes.
P.: Write sentences in reported speech.
T.: The time is over. Let’s check your work.
VII. Рефлексия учебной деятельности на уроке (5 мин)
T: Ok. You’ve spent one morning with the Queen Elizabeth II. You’ve done some tasks and now, I think, you’re ready to answer the main question of our lesson – Is it easy to be the Queen? Make your answers using the table
P: I think it’s/it isn’t easy to be the Queen because she should/shouldn’t/must/ mustn’t ….
T.: Are you ready to be the Queen/ the King?
Use coloured circles for answers.
T.: Thank you for your work at the lesson. Some of you worked well, the others worked perfectly. So you have such marks.
VIII. Домашнее задание.(2 мин.)
Revise words at p. 32-33 ex. 12. Be ready for a word dictation. P. 35 ex. 16 learn this poem by heart.
Our lesson is over. Good bye.
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