Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку по теме: “Virtual journey to the capital city of Great Britain”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Виртуальное путешествие в столицу Великобритании"
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Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку
по теме: “Virtual journey to the capital city of Great Britain”
Ход урока
- Начало урока
1. Организационный момент.
Т: Good morning, dear guests! Hello, my dear pupils! I’m very happy to see you. And welcome to our English lesson.
- Warming up
- Before we start the lesson I want you to warm up. OK? Ready? The task for you is very easy: you should repeat the actions and the words after me:
It’s time to think
It,s time to speak
It’s time to show
Ready! Steady! Go!
- Now, we will try to do it a bit faster, ok?
- And let’s do it as fast as you can.
- Are you ready for the English lesson? Take your seats.
3. Просмотр видео. Речевая зарядка. Определение темы урока.
T: - Today we will have an unusual lesson. We’ll have an amazing virtual trip, but you should guess by yourselves where we will go a little bit later. And now I suggest you to watch a short video. Please, watch it attentively and be ready to answer my questions:
- What is this video about? (It’s about London.)
- Is it a big city or a small town? (It’s the biggest city of England.)
- What is the name of the river on which London stands? (the Thames.)
- Are there any interesting places in London? (Yes, there are a lot of them.)
- Where does the queen live and work? (The queen lives and work at Buckingham palace.)
- Is Big Ben a clock or a Tower? (It’s a clock.)
- So, I suppose that it’s not difficult to guess. What is the topic of our lesson? Exactly! London and it’s places of interest. We are going to revise all we know about London, to speak, to do some exercises and to learn more about the capital city and have some fun (may be).
- The famous English poet Samuel Johnson said: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”. Today, more than 200 years later, Johnson’s words still ring true. There are few places in the world that offer such a variety of sights, entertainments, world famous museums and theaters. So, his words will be the motto of our lesson.
- Центральная часть урока
- Актуализация лексических (лингвострановедческих) единиц.
- Have a look at the screen, please. This is a map of Great Britain. How do you think: Why the word London is in bold (in other words: why is it typed by Capslock)?
- Look here please, you can see some words and they are jumbled. Put these words in the correct order. The first word is… (London, etc.) London is the capital of both England and Great Britain. Translate this sentence, please. (Almost everyone in the world knows this phrase and you don’t even have to be the best student in your class to know it.)
- Let’s check what places of interest of London do you know. Your task is complete the geographical names of the sights).
- Now, look here, please. This is the map of London, and you can see some places of interest there.
- Now, I want you to repeat the pronunciation of these words after me all together (as they are rather difficult to pronounce them correctly).
- Проектная работа. Проверка домашнего задания.
- My dear pupils, it’s high time to create! We will make a similar map of London by ourselves. (Try to remember where each sight stands). Your home task was to revise some general facts about sights and be ready to speak about them. Let’s see what do you know about London’s sights. (Use these pictures and the glue, stick them on the map.) And then we will compare them. So, are you ready? Let’s start:
- The Houses of Parliament. The buildings in which the British parliament sits. Country’s leaders speak there. (Дом Парламента. Здания, в котором заседает Британский Парламент. Лидеры стран вещают оттуда).
- Big Ben is the famous clock. It is real bell. People say that it is a face of London. (Биг Бен – это знаменитая башня с часами. На самом деле – это название колокола. Люди называют Биг Бен лицом Лондона.)
- Westminster Abbey. It is a large gothic church. All kings and queens have been crowned there. Many famous British people buried there. (Вестминстрское Аббатство. Это большая церковь в готическом стиле. Все короли и королевы коронуются там. Многие известные британцы похоронены там.)
- Buckingham Palace. The Queen of Great Britain lives there. It is the home of the British royal family in London. (Букингемский Дворец. Королева Великобритании живет там. Это дом королевской семьи).
- Picadilly Circus
- Trafalgar Square. It is a central square of London. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson. (Трафальгарская площадь. Это центральная площадь Лондона. Здесь расположен памятник Адмиралу Нельсону).
- National Gallery
- St.Paul’s Cathedral. It is fine cathedral in central London. It was built by Sir Christopher Wren. (Собор Святого Павла. Это прекрасный собор в центре Лондона. Он был построен сэром Кристофером Реном).
- Tower of London. It was a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. But it is a museum now. (Башня Лондона. Она была крепостью, королевским дворцом и тюрьмой. Но сейчас это музей.)
- The Tower Bridge. It is the best-known bridge. This bridge is across the Thames. (Тауер Бридж. Это самый знаменитый мост, который расположен над рекой Темза).
- Have a look, what a fantastic map you have created! I really like it! Thanks a lot! And now, let’s compare these two maps. Does each sight stand on the right place? Yes! Good job!
3. Введение новой лексики (части света)
- If you look at the map carefully, you will see that London’s places of interest are located in different directions. And we will learn to determine them.
- Do you know what is it? This is a compass. And every compass has 4 cardinals: North, South, East, West. (Repeat after me)
Выводит компас и стороны света на доску.
Организует работу обучающихся на карточках.
- Please, take yellow cards. Put cardinals in the correct order. And I want one of you to put them on our map.
Организует проверку и самоконтроль задания.
Let’s check up your work. “North” is… “South” is… “West” is… “East” is…
4) Актуализация лексики. Работа в парах. Аудирование.
And now you will work in pairs. You’ve got red cards with the names of London’s places of interest. You should find them on the map and then tell us. Организует работу в парах для прослушивания краткого диалога и выполнения задания с опорой на образец.
Please, listen to a short dialogue.
You have 1 minute to prepare your dialogues.
Проверяет задание каждой пары.
5) Физкультминутка (песня о Лондоне).
- It’s time to have a rest. I want you to stand up, we will sing and dance. I ask you not to be shy.
- Perfect! You are relaxed now and we can continue our work.
6) Работа с текстом. Контроль понимания прочитанного.
T.: The next task is reading. You have white worksheets with the texts on your desks. You should fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations. You have 3-4 minutes to do this exercise.
a monument, centre, the City, the museum, London, places, St. Paul’s Cathedral , Sir Christopher Wren, the Tower, Trafalgar square, Towers, many tourists, column.
... is the capital of England. It is political and business ... . ... is the oldest part of London. There are many banks and offices there. You can visit some interesting ... in the city. One of them is ... of London. Now it is ... . One of the greatest English churches, ..., is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect, ... built it in the 17th century. It is a beautiful building with many columns and ... . The centre of London is ... . It is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a tall ... . It is ... to Admiral Nelson. There are two beautiful fountains in the square. Every day ... visit Trafalgar Square.
T.: Time is up. I see you are ready. Let’s check your work. So, you read your correct sentences.
T.: Very well, you are right.
- The next task for you is to write near every sentence True of False. You may start your work.
1. London is the capital of England.
2. Many people live in the City.
3. St. Paul’s Cathedral is very far from the Tower of London.
4. Tower isn’t a museum.
5. Tower of London was a fortress and a prison.
6. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren build the cathedral in the 17th centuries.
7. Trafalgar Square is not in the centre of London.
8. In the middle of the square stands a tall column of Admiral Nelson.
T.: Now you must take the card of your neighbor (exchange your cards) and check it. Please give (put) your marks.
III. Заключительная часть урока
1.Проверка знаний о Лондоне.
- It’s high time to check what you have learned about capital city and Britain itself. Let’s summaries. (рассказывают 11 предложений)
2. Викторина «Quiz»
- And now, let’s have some fun a little bit, let’s play a game. I want you to take your mobile phones and type the word “kahoot” in your browser. And enter the pin of the game. Type your name and let’s start.
- Read the questions attentively and choose the right variant.
- The winner is …. Congratulations!
9. Итоги занятия. Рефлексия.
1) Домашнее задание
- My dear pupils, I’ve got a present for you. These are bookmarks. There is a picture of Big Ben on each of them. And on the other side you can see a link. Your home task is to follow the link and find out additional (more) information about Big Ben. Is everything clear?
1) Итоги занятия.
Our lesson is coming to the end. I have a question for you:
- Do you want to visit London some day?
- If you had a chance what place would you visit first of all?
I hope you’ve learnt a lot about London. You have done a lot of exercises, you have watched the video, took the quiz, you answered a lot of questions. You worked well. It’s time to give you marks. (Evaluate your own work at the lesson.)
2) Рефлексия
Teacher: I liked the way you worked at the lesson and I would like to know your opinion about it. Please, take blue cards and give a feedback (choose the answer that suits you).
1. Was the lesson interesting for you?
а) yes, of course; | c) I don`t know; |
b) I believe so; | d) No, it wasn`t. |
2. Can you speak on this topic now?
а) yes, I can; | c) I am afraid not. |
b) I am not sure; | d) it is difficult for me. |
3. What did you find the most difficult at the lesson?
а) to translate; | c) to listen and understand; |
b) to the answer the questions; | d) to do exercises. |
- How are you now? Choose the drawing that reflects your spirits.
(Дети получают карточки с изображением трёх лиц: весёлого, нейтрального и грустного. Им предлагается выбрать карточку. которая соответствует их настроению).
Teacher: The lesson is over. Thank you for your good work.
Thank you for the lesson, you were very good today.ф
All of you will get excellent marks. Good bye.
- I have one question for you: Would you like to visit London?
2) Заключительные слова
As for me, I would like to finish our lesson with the words: “East or west – home is best”.
-I want to say you a big-big-big thank you for the great lesson that we had and I wish you all the best and I hope that one day you will visit all these places (sights) and will speak perfect English. So, I want you to say “thank you” to each other and to give your applauses for your classmates and for the lesson.
Приложение 1.
Test “London. Sightseeing”.
1. The capital of Great Britain is ...
a) Washington b) London c) Belfast
2. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in…
a) Piccadilly Circus b) Hyde Park c) Trafalgar Square
3. Another famous sight outside the Tower of London is the …
a) Pelicans b) Ravens c) Ducks
4. The London home of the Queen is …
a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Abbey c) Covent Garden
5. The seat of the British Government is
a) The Houses of Parliament b) Buckingham Palace c) Piccadilly Circus
6. St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by ...
a) Peter Berence b) Tom Roby c) Sir Christopher Wren
7) London is situated upon banks of ... .
a) the Thames b) the Severn c) the Clyde
Test “London. Sightseeing”.
1. The capital of Great Britain is ...
a) Washington b) London c) Belfast
2. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in…
a) Piccadilly Circus b) Hyde Park c) Trafalgar Square
3. Another famous sight outside the Tower of London is the …
a) Pelicans b) Ravens c) Ducks
4. The London home of the Queen is …
a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Abbey c) Covent Garden
5. The seat of the British Government is
a) The Houses of Parliament b) Buckingham Palace c) Piccadilly Circus
6. St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by ...
a) Peter Berence b) Tom Roby c) Sir Christopher Wren
7) London is situated upon banks of ... .
a) the Thames b) the Severn c) the Clyde
Test “London. Sightseeing”.
1. The capital of Great Britain is ...
a) Washington b) London c) Belfast
2. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in…
a) Piccadilly Circus b) Hyde Park c) Trafalgar Square
3. Another famous sight outside the Tower of London is the …
a) Pelicans b) Ravens c) Ducks
4. The London home of the Queen is …
a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Abbey c) Covent Garden
5. The seat of the British Government is
a) The Houses of Parliament b) Buckingham Palace c) Piccadilly Circus
6. St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by ...
a) Peter Berence b) Tom Roby c) Sir Christopher Wren
7) London is situated upon banks of ... .
a) the Thames b) the Severn c) the Clyde
Приложение 2.
Agree or disagree.
1. The capital of England is London
2. London stands on the river Thames.
3. There are no squares in London.
4. The buses are black in London.
6. William Shakespeare is a Russian writer.
8. The name of the Queen is Mary the 2nd.
9) London Eye is one of the most favourite tourist attractions in London.
10) Trafalgar Square is in Moscow.
11) St. Paul’s Cathedral is the main church in St. Petersburg.
12) You don’t want to visit London.
Приложение 3.
О каких достопримечательностях идет речь.
Teacher: I’ll give some short descriptions of famous places. Try to guess what it is.
1) It’s a clock in the tower and it’s a big bell. You can hear it every hour.
2) It is a place which has one of the most famous collections of painting in the world.
3) It is a symbol of England. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens took place there.
4) It is a place where the British Government sits.
5) It is the main church in Great Britain.
6) It is the central square of London and it is famous all over the world.
Task 1. Read the text. You should fill in the gaps. You have 4-5 minutes.
The places of interest
... is the capital of England. It is political and business ... . ... is the oldest part of London. There are many banks and offices there. You can visit some interesting ... in the city. One of them is ... of London. Now it is ... . One of the greatest English churches, ..., is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect, ... built it in the 17th century. It is a beautiful building with many columns and ... . The centre of London is ... . It is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a tall ... . It is ... to Admiral Nelson. There are two beautiful fountains in the square. Every day ... visit Trafalgar Square.
/a monument, centre, City, the museum, London, places, St. Paul’s Cathedral , Sir Christopher Wren, the Tower, Trafalgar square, Towers, many tourists, column/
- ___________________is the capital of England.
- It is political and business________________________.
- _______ is the oldest part of London. There are many banks and offices there.
- You can visit some interesting____________in the city.
- One of them is_____________of London.
- Now it is _______________________.
- One of the greatest English churches,_______________, is not far from the Tower of London.
- The famous English architect, _________________built it in the 17th century.
- It is a beautiful building with many columns and____________________.
- The centre of London is___________________________________.
- In the middle of the square stands a tall_______________________.
- It is _________________to Admiral Nelson. There are two beautiful fountains in the square.
- Every day___________________visit Trafalgar Square.
Task 2. Write near every sentence True of False.
1. London is the capital of England.
2. Many people live in the City.
3. St. Paul’s Cathedral is very far from the Tower of London.
4. Tower isn’t a museum.
5. Tower of London was a fortress and a prison.
6. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren build the cathedral in the 17th centuries.
7. Trafalgar Square is not in the centre of London.
8. In the middle of the square stands a tall column of Admiral Nelson.
Give a feedback. Read the questions and answer them.
1. Was the lesson interesting for you?
а) yes, of course; | c) I don`t know; |
b) I believe so; | d) No, it wasn`t. |
2. Can you speak on this topic now?
а) yes, I can; | c) I am afraid not. |
b) I am not sure; | d) it is difficult for me. |
3. What did you find the most difficult at the lesson?
а) to translate; | c) to listen and understand; |
b) to the answer the questions; | d) to do exercises. |
Give a feedback. Read the questions and answer them.
1. Was the lesson interesting for you?
а) yes, of course; | c) I don`t know; |
b) I believe so; | d) No, it wasn`t. |
2. Can you speak on this topic now?
а) yes, I can; | c) I am afraid not. |
b) I am not sure; | d) it is difficult for me. |
3. What did you find the most difficult at the lesson?
а) to translate; | c) to listen and understand; |
b) to the answer the questions; | d) to do exercises. |
Give a feedback. Read the questions and answer them.
1. Was the lesson interesting for you?
а) yes, of course; | c) I don`t know; |
b) I believe so; | d) No, it wasn`t. |
2. Can you speak on this topic now?
а) yes, I can; | c) I am afraid not. |
b) I am not sure; | d) it is difficult for me. |
3. What did you find the most difficult at the lesson?
а) to translate; | c) to listen and understand; |
b) to the answer the questions; | d) to do exercises. |
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