ФОС по дисциплине "Иностранный язык"
материал по английскому языку
Фонд оценочных средств
по общеобразовательной учебной дисциплине
ОБД 03. Иностранный язык
для специальности среднего профессионального образования:
43.02.14 Гостиничное дело
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Предварительный просмотр:
Министерство образования и науки Республики Бурятия
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Байкальский колледж туризма и сервиса»
Фонд оценочных средств
по общеобразовательной учебной дисциплине
ОБД 03. Иностранный язык
для специальности среднего профессионального образования:
43.02.14 Гостиничное дело
Составитель: преподаватель Лебедева М. К.
Усть-Баргузин, 2019
ОДОБРЕН Разработан на основе ФГОС СПО
Цикловой комиссией по УПР по специальности 43.02.14
Гостиничное дело Усть-Баргузинского филиала Зав.отделением по УПР
Протокол № 1 от« » сентября 2019г. ______________ /_____ подпись Ф.И.О /
Председатель цикловой комиссии
_______________ /Гаськова В.В. /
Паспорт фонда оценочных средств
Оценочные средства по общеобразовательной дисциплине ОДБ 03. Иностранный язык для специальности 43.02.14 Гостиничное дело предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, осваивающих программу учебной дисциплины
Фонд оценочных средств включает в себя контрольные материалы, контрольно – оценочные средства для проведения текущего контроля в форме текущего контроля – тестовые задания, контрольные работы, устный опрос, решения индивидуального задания, эссе и аттестации в форме экзамена.
Результаты обучения (освоенные компетенции, умения, усвоенные знания) | ПК, ОК | Наименование темы | Уровень усвоения темы | Наименование контрольно- оценочного средства | |
Текущий контроль | Промежуточная аттестация | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Знать значения новых лексических единиц. Понятие глагола-связки, спряжение глагола to be,to have в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. Имя прилагательное в английском языке, образование сравнительной, превосходной степеней в английском языке. Особенности перевода. Уметь вести диалог по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной темой– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания; понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней. | ОК1-4 | Входной контроль | 3 | Входное тестирование. | Экзамен в форме письменной экзаменационной работы |
ОК1-6,9 | Раздел 1 Повседневная жизнь. Условия жизни. | 2 | Приложение 2, тест, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, реферат | ||
Понятие и особенности употребления настоящего простого времени в английском языке, слова-указатели времени, построение утвердительного, отрицательного и вопросительного предложений. Читать аутентичные тексты разных стилей, используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное,изучающее, просмотровое/поисковое) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи. Самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас. | ОК1-16,9 | Раздел 2 Навыки общественной жизни. (Повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения). | 2 | Приложение 5, тест, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, реферат | |
Знание Л.Е. по теме, понимание общего и детального смысла услышанного, чтение текстов разных стилей, написание личной информации, заполнение бланков и анкет. Уметь вести диалог по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной темой– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания; понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней. | ОК1-6,9 | Раздел 3 Описание людей (Внешность, характер, личностные качества) | 2 | тест, проект, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, реферат | |
Особенности употребления, образования Future Simple Tense. Условные предложения 1 типа. Особенности перевода. Уметь вести диалог по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной темой– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания; понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней. – заполнять различные виды анкет, сообщать сведения о себе в форме, принятой в стране/странах изучаемого языка;использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической и профессиональной деятельности, повседневной жизни. | ОК1-6,9 | Раздел 4 Межличностные отношения. | 2 | тест, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, | |
Понятие прошедшего времени в английском языке. Слова-указатели, особенности построения утвердительного, отрицательного и вопросительного предложений. Выполнение грамматических упражнений. Монолог ическая речь по теме «Как я провел выходные» (с обязательным использованием глагола в прошедшем времени). Создавать словесный социокультурный портрет своей страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка на основе разнообразной страноведческой и культуроведческой информации; | ОК1-6,9 | Раздел 5 Человек, здоровье, спорт. | 2 | тест, проект, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, реферат | |
Понятие предлога в английском языке. Особенности употребления английских предлогов. Использование предлогов во фразовых глаголах. Знать Л.Е. по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать всвязи с изученной тематикой, проблематикой прочитанных/прослушанных текстов; описывать события, излагать факты, делать сообщения | ОК1-6,9 | Раздел 6 Город. Инфраструктура | 2 | тест, проект, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, реферат | |
Знать Л.Е. по теме. Уметь вести диалог по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной темой– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания; понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней. Читать аутентичные тексты разных стилей, используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, просмотровое/поисковое) в зависимости от коммуникативнойзадачи. | ОК1-6,9 | Раздел 7 Научно-технический прогресс. Изобретения, которые потрясли мир и их создатели. | 2 | Приложение 7, тест, проект, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, реферат | |
Знать Л.Е. по теме. Уметь вести диалог по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной темой– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания; понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней. Читать аутентичные тексты разных стилей, используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, просмотровое/поисковое) в зависимости от коммуникативнойзадачи. | ОК1-6,9 | Раздел 8 Природа и человек. Экология | 2 | Приложение 7, тест, проект, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, реферат | |
Уметь вести диалог по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной темой– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания; понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней. – заполнять различные виды анкет, сообщать сведения о себе в форме, принятой в стране/странах изучаемого языка;использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической и профессиональной деятельности, повседневной жизни. | ОК1-6,9 | Раздел 9 Досуг | 2 | тест, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, | |
Уметь вести диалог по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной темой– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания; понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней | ОК1-6 | Раздел 10 Новости. Средства массовой информации | 2 | тест, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, | |
Знать Л.Е. по теме, понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней уметь представить георафическоеположение, города, промышленность и с\х, полит.система, достопримечательности. Составление конспекта презентации, написание теста по просмотренному видео. Работа с картой. Диалогическая речь по теме. Составление плана, тезисов высказывания | ОК1-6,9 | Раздел 11 Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники. | 2 | Приложение 1, тест, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, | |
Уметь вести диалог по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной темой– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания; понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней. Уметь написать мини-сочинение по пройденной теме, выражая при этом свое мнение | ОК1-6 | Раздел 12 Путешествия | 2 | Приложение 6, тест, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, | |
Уметь вести диалог по теме, рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной темой– понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания; понимать основное содержание текстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию; оценивать важность/новизну информации, определять свое отношение к ней | ОК1-6 | Раздел 13. Гостиничное обслуживание | 2 | Приложение 6, тест, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, | |
Знание лексики по профессиям на английском языке, профессиональные качества, которые соответствуют той или иной профессии. Резюме на иностранном языке, особенности составления, основные пункты. | ОК1-6 | Раздел 14 Профессии и профессиональные качества, карьера. Должности | 2 | тест, монолог, диалог, см/р, эссе, |
Типовые критерии оценки сформированности компетенций
Оценка | Балл | Обобщенная оценка компетенции (2-5 балов) |
«Неудовлетворительно» | 2 балла | Обучающийся не овладел оцениваемой компетенцией, не раскрывает сущность поставленной проблемы. Не умеет применять теоретические знания в решении практической ситуации. Допускает ошибки в принимаемом решении, выполнении практических заданий, не уверено обосновывает полученные результаты. Материал излагается нелогично, бессистемно, недостаточно грамотно, без использования профессиональных терминов. |
«Удовлетворительно» | 3 балла | Обучающийся освоил 60-69 % оцениваемой компетенции, показывает удовлетворительные знания основных вопросов программного материала, умение анализировать, делать выводы в условиях конкретной ситуационной задачи. Излагает решение проблемы недостаточно полно, непоследовательно, допускает неточности в профессиональных терминах, затрудняется доказательно обосновать свои суждения |
«Хорошо» | 4 балла | Освоил 70-89 % оцениваемой компетенции, умеет применять теоретические знания и полученный практический опыт в решении практической ситуации. Умеет аргументировать свои выводы и принимает самостоятельные решения, но допускает отдельные неточности, как по содержанию, так и по умению и навыкам практической деятельности. |
«Отлично» | 5 баллов | Обучающийся освоил 90-100 % осваиваемой компетенции, умет связывать теорию с практикой, применять полученный практический опыт, анализировать, делать выводы, применять самостоятельные решения в конкретной профессиональной ситуации, высказывает и обосновывает свои суждения. Владеет навыками практической деятельности, показывает соответствие всем компонентам компетенции. Владеет устной и письменной коммуникацией, логически правильно излагает ответ. |
Контрольные задания или иные материалы, необходимые для оценки знаний, умений, навыков и опыта деятельности, характеризующих этапы формирования компетенций в процессе освоения образовательной программы
Входной контроль
Цель входного контроля - определить начальный уровень подготовленности обучающихся и выстроить индивидуальную траекторию обучения. В условиях
личностно-ориентированной образовательной среды результаты входного оценивания студента используются как начальные значения в индивидуальном профиле академической успешности студента.
Форма проведения – тестирование. Длительность тестирования – 45 минут.
Задание для входного тестирования
Тестовые задания типа А
Choose the right variant:
1. ... always go abroad during their summer holidays.
- they
- he
- she
- Give ... the book, please.
- I
- we
- me
- He is an old friend of... .
- your
- ours
- their
- He washed and dressed... .
- he
- herself
- himself
5. ... is that man?- Klimov Ivan Petrovich.
- What
- Who
- Where
6. ... ... pupils are there in your class?
- How many
- How much
- How old
7. ... is that man?- He is a doctor.
- Who
- What
- Which
8. ... friend made some mistakes in his dictation.
- My
- He
- Mine
- Is ... absent today?
- somebody
- Anybody
- nobody
Use the correct tag.
- He can play golf well, … ?
- …, doesn't he?
- …, can he?
- …, can't he?
- You are new secretary, …?
- …, aren‘t you?
- …, are you?
- … , don't he?
- Mr. Evans is speaking over the phone, …?
- …, is he?
- …, isn't he?
- …, doesn‘t you?
- I'm not ill, …?
- …, are I?
- …, am I?
- … is me?
- It's a nice day, …?
- …, does it?
- …, is it?
- …, isn't it?
- There isn't a cloud in the sky, … ?
- …, is it?
- …, does it?
- …, is there?
- We haven't got much time, … ?
- …, do we?
- …, don't we?
- …, have we?
- Catherine is studying law at the university, and so… Nick.
- is
- was
- does
- were
- I feel terrible. I think, I… to be sick.
- will
- am going
- go
- will be going
- My colleagues usually… four days a week, and these week they… five days.
- work, work
- are working, are working
- are working, work
- Work, are working
- It… outside; I do not like to walk in such weather.
- rains
- is raining
- is rain
- is rained
- I… a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.
- will have
- have
- am having
- would have
- am not going
- did not go
- was going
- had been going
- We were good friends, we… each other for years.
- had known
- were knowing
- had knowing
- know
- We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We … for more than 24 hours.
- had travelled
- had been travelling
- were travelling
- travel
- The economic situation is already very bad and it … worse.
- is getting
- got
- gets
- would be getting
- What time … your friend … tomorrow?
- will arrive
- will be arriving
- is arrived
- will arriving
- When Mark arrived, the Johnsons … dinner, but stopped in order to talk to him.
- were having
- had been having
- had
- was having
- While Tom… a book, Martha …TV.
- was reading, watched
- was reading, was watching
- read, watched
- read, was watching
- The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen… delicious.
- is smelling
- smelt
- smells
- will smell
- We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we….
- will plan
- plan
- were planning
- have planned
- How ... English words do you know?
- many
- much
- little
- few
- more
Тестовые задания типа В
Choose correct variant
- Мне бы хотелось присоединиться к вечеринке
- I would like to join the party
- I would to join the party
- I would to like to join the party
- I would to be like to join the party
- I would has liked to join the party
- Ты будешь танцевать со мной, если я пообещаю не наступать на ноги?
- Will you promise to step on your toes if I not dance with me?
- Will you promise not dance with me if I step on to your toes?
- If I promise not to step on your toes you will dance with me?
- Will you dance with me if I promise not to step on your toes?
- Will you dance with me if I promise not step on to your toes?
- Could you speak…, I cannot catch you?
- More slow
- Most slowly
- Slowliest
- More slowly
- Many slowly
Choose either the situation in each sentence refers to the future actions or present ones.
a. Future b. Present
- – What‘s the man doing? - He is mending the bike.
- - What are they doing?
- They‘re watching TV.
6. - What are you doing on Saturday?
- We‘re visiting the Tower.
7. - Can you mend the table?
- Sorry, but I‘m washing my car.
- - Is Ann coming to the concert tomorrow?
- No, she isn‘t.
- - Your sister is walking the dog, isn‘t she?
- Yes, she is.
- - What time are Nick and John coming?
- I believe, Ann knows.
- - When does the plane leave?
- It leaves at 8.00 p.m.
- – Who‘s standing with John at the moment?
- I'm sorry, I don‘t know.
- - Are you working next week?
- I think, I am.
- - What time does the lesson begin?
- I suppose at 7.30, as usual.
- — Are you meeting Jane this evening?
- I hope so.
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word:
- The police took immediate … when they realised the situation was getting out of hand. Economic … stagnated as the recession took hold.
- action/ activity
- activity/ action
- Can you … me on the best course of action to take? He offered me some excellent ….
- advice/ advise
- advise/ advice
- Cuts in spending will have a serious … on the National Health Service. The strike will seriously … train services.
- affect/effect
- effect/affect
- There is an … difference between manslaughter and murder. She was very … of our efforts to help.
- appreciable/ appreciative
- appreciative/appreciable
Текущая аттестация
Задание: подготовить презентацию на английском языке.
Требования к содержанию: использовать термины и лексику по данной теме на английском языке.
Требования к оформлению: титульный слайд с названием темы и автора работы, содержание слайдов на английском языке; в каждом слайде по одному предложению; на слайде обязательно использовать иллюстрацию.
Критерии оценивания презентации:
№ п/п | Критерии оценки | Баллы |
1. | Критерии оценки презентации (5 баллов) Объем презентации (8-10) Наличие разнообразного наглядного материала (рисунок, таблицы, диаграмм, схемы, фото) Техническая грамотность выполнения презентации (формат, объем текста не более 40 слов, шрифт) Уместность использования анимации (звуков, эффектов, музыки) Эстетический вид презентации (цвет, соразмерность картинок, шрифтов) | |
2. | Критерии оценки содержания презентации (5 баллов) Соответствие между темой и содержанием Информативная насыщенность проекта Логическое изложение материала | |
3. | Критерии оценки защиты презентации (5 баллов) Точное следование регламенту (2-3 минуты) Языковая правильность речи (грамматическая, лексическая, фонетическая) Степень владения материалом (свободное – без опоры, несвободное – с опорой) Самостоятельное управление слайдами презентации | |
ИТОГО: 13-15 баллов - «5» 10-12 баллов – «4» 7-9 баллов – «3» Итоговая оценка : |
Типовые задания для оценки освоения учебной дисциплины
1 вариант
1. Читать и переводить текст:
Any laboratory is a place where scientists must carry out experimental study in any branch of science for the purpose to advance men`s knowledge or to apply scientific principles in testing, analyses and special application of natural laws. The word «laboratory» denotes any room or building where men are to carry out investigation in techniques and sciences. The word `laboratory` can also denote the work – room of a chemist, or a testing – room of an industry.
In early days people called the place for chemical work simply a workshop to make drugs. Later chemists had to use the workshops to make chemical substances for the metallurgical industry or textiles, home life and so on.
Among the laboratories of the world we may note the laboratory of the Royal Institution of Britain established in 1800 and devoted to the applied sciences. The laboratory soon became the seat of activity where such great scientists as M. Faraday and J. Tyndall might conduct research in pure sciences.
Nowadays laboratories have to be introduced into educational institutions to teach scientific and technical knowledge by means of experiments. New laboratories will have to provide for more departments for research in pure sciences and for application of science to industrial purposes where skilful industrial workers, engineers and scientists will be able to carry their important work.
2. Ответить на вопросы:
- 1. What do we call a laboratory? 2. What does the word «laboratory» denote? 3. What is the purpose of experimental study?
3. Записать синонимы по парам:
1) to achieve; 2) to appear; 3) complex; 4) to protect; 5) conversation; 6) great; 7) to solve; 8) design; 9) task; 10) to reduce; 11) at present; 12) possibility; 13) to link; 14) simple; 15) huge.
1) to connect; 2) to obtain; 3) complicated; 4) project; 5) to emerge; 6) nowadays; 7) problem; 8) tremendous; 9) talk; 10) to defend; 11) opportunity; 12) common; 13) to decrease; 14) large; 15) to decide.
2 вариант
1. Читать и переводить текст:
One of today’s important tasks is to raise production efficiency and quality. To achieve this requires contributions from many scientific disciplines, among them the science of materials strength. The quality and reliability of machines and structures depend in large measure on its advances. The modern age has confronted this science with tasks of unprecedented scope demanding urgent solution.
The great Calileo is considered to be the father of the science of materials strength, one of the basic engineering disciplines, and the bane of undergraduates at technological colleges. There is probably historic justice in the fact that Galileo was also the first man to whom it occurred to direct an unsophisticated optical instrument skywards in order to see the mountains of the Moon: today we are faced with problems of the strength of instruments and apparatus the Moon, Venus, Mars … .
But before it could produce mechanisms capable of withstanding comic cold and vacuum, the strains and stresses of takeoff and return to Earth, the science of materials strength had to cover a long and difficult path. Its progress accelerated in the 19th century, when people began to lay thousands of miles of railway tracks, erect bridges and dig tunnels, build ocean – going ships and complex machines.
Our predecessors managed to cope with their tasks. Many structures built centuries ago have not only survived to our day but even remain in use.
2. Ответить на вопросы:
1. What is one the most important tasks of today? 2. What does the raise of production efficiency require? 3. What do the quality and reliability of machines and structures depend on? 4. Who is considered to be the father of the science of materials strength?
3. Заполнить пропуски словами из текста.
1. The progress of the science of materials strength … in the 19th century. 2. To be sure, there were also … and … when machines broke down or … collapsed. 3. One of today’s important … is to raise … efficiency and … of … . 4. Many … built centuries ago have only … to our day but even … in use. 5. Our predecessors … to cope with their tasks. 6. The … Galileo is considered to be the … of the science of … strength.
Приложение 1
Раздел 11 Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники.
Время на выполнение задания – 30 минут
1. The House of Commons | 5. The System of Government |
- Her Majesty’s Government, in spite of its name, derives its authority and power from its party representation in Parliament. Parliament is housed in the Palace of Westminster, once a home of the monarchy. Like the monarchy, Parliament is an ancient institution, dating from the middle of the thirteenth century. Parliament is the seat of British democracy, but it is perhaps valuable to remember that while the House of Lords was created in order to provide a council of the nobility for the king, the Commons were summoned originally in order to provide the king with money.
B. The reigning monarch is not only head of state but symbol of the unity of the nation. The monarchy is Britain’s oldest secular institution, its continuity for over a thousand years broken only once by a republic that lasted a mere eleven years (1649-60). The monarchy is hereditary, the succession passing automatically to the oldest male child, or in the absence of males to the oldest female offspring of the monarch. In law the monarch is head of the executive and of the judiciary, head of the Church of England, and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
C. The dynamic power of Parliament lies in its lower chamber. Of its 650 members, 523 represent constituencies in England, 38 in Wales, 72 in Scotland and 17 in Northern Ireland. There are only seats in the Commons debating chamber for 370 members, but except on matters of great interest, it is unusual for all members to be present at any one time. Many MPs find themselves in other rooms of the Commons, participating in a variety of committees and meetings necessary for an effective parliamentary process.
D. Britain is a democracy, yet its people are not, as one might expect in a democracy, constitutionally in control of the state. The constitutional situation is an apparently contradictory one. As a result of a historical process the people of Britain are subjects of the Crown, accepting the Queen as the head of the state. Yet even the Queen is not sovereign in any substantial sense since she receives her authority from Parliament, and is subject to its direction in almost all matters. This curious situation came about as a result of a long struggle for power between the Crown and Parliament during the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries.
E. Her Majesty’s Government governs in the name of the Queen, and its hub, Downing Street, lies in Whitehall, a short walk from Parliament. Following a general election, the Queen invites the leader of the majority party represented in the Commons, to form a government on her behalf. Government ministers are invariably members of the House of Commons, but infrequently members of the House of Lords are appointed. All government members continue to represent “constituencies” which elected them.
F. Each parliamentary session begins with the “State Opening of Parliament”, a ceremonial occasion in which the Queen proceeds from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster where she delivers the Queen’s Speech from her throne in the House of Lords. Her speech is drafted by her government, and describes what the government intends to implement during the forthcoming session. Leading members of the Commons may hear the speech from the far end of the chamber, but are not allowed to enter the House of Lords.
G. The upper chamber of Parliament is not democratic in any sense at all. It consists of four categories of peer. The majority are hereditary peers, a total of almost 800, but of whom only about half take an active interest in the affairs of the state. A smaller number, between 350 and 400, are “life” peers – an idea introduced in 1958 to elevate to the peerage certain people who rendered political or public service to the nation. The purpose was not only to honour but also to enhance the quality of business done in the Lords.
Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 – 8 и текстами A – G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Ответ: A: 4; B: 8; C: 1; D: 5; E: 7; F: 2; G: 3
Приложение 2 Раздел 1 Повседневная жизнь. Условия жизни.
'Second Stonehenge'
Archaeologists have discovered evidence of what they believe was a second Stonehenge located a little more than a mile away from the world-famous prehistoric monument.
The new find on the west bank of the river Avon has been called "Bluestonehenge", after the colour of the 25 Welsh stones of A___________________.
Excavations at the site have suggested there was once a stone circle 10 metres in diameter and surrounded by a henge – a ditch with an external bank, according to the project director, Professor Mike Parker Pearson, of the University of Sheffield.
The stones at the site were removed thousands of years ago but the sizes of the holes in B _________________ indicate that this was a circle of bluestones, brought from the Preseli mountains of Wales, 150 miles away.
The standing stones marked the end of the avenue C __________________, a 1¾-mile long processional route constructed at the end of the Stone Age. The outer henge around the stones was built about 2400BC but arrowheads found in the stone circle indicate the stones were put up as much as 500 years earlier.
Parker Pearson said his team was waiting for results of radiocarbon dating
D __________________ whether stones currently in the inner circle of Stonehenge were originally located at the other riverside construction.
Pearson said: "The big, big question is when these stones were erected and when they were removed – and when we get the dating evidence we can answer both those questions."
He added: "We speculated in the past E ____________________ at the end of the avenue near the river. But we were completely unprepared to discover that there was an entire stone circle. Another team member, Professor Julian Thomas, said the discovery indicated F_________________ was central to the religious lives of the people who built Stonehenge. "Old theories about Stonehenge that do not explain the evident significance of the river will have to be rethought," he said. Dr Josh Pollard, project co-director from the University of Bristol, described the discovery as "incredible".
- which could reveal
- which they stood
- which it was once made up
- that this stretch of the river Avon
- that there might have been something
- that it should be considered as integral part
- that leads from the river Avon to Stonehenge
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A – F частями предложeний, обозначенными буквами 1 – 7. Одна из частей в списке 1 – 7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.
A | B | C | D | E | F |
Ответ: A: 3; B: 2; C: 7; D: 1; E: 5; F: 4
Приложение 3
Вариант 1
1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
There are many kinds of shops helping people to meet their needs. You can go shopping to small food stores: the grocery store, store of dairy products, butcher’s, bakery, greengrocer’s, confectionery store. But most people do shopping in large stores – supermarkets. Supermarkets sell not only food. Many sell household goods, cards, magazines, cigarettes, and even flowers.
When you come into the supermarket you have to take a food basket or a shopping cart to put all the products you buy. All the necessary foodstuffs can be bought here. In the meat aisle the customers can buy beef, pork, veal, poultry. There is always a rich choice of fish there. In the grocery aisle you can see all kinds of cereals. Here you can buy flour, macaroni, salt, spices and some other products. Everything is sold in ready packets. You go to the dairy counter to buy milk products. There is a wide choice of them: milk, cream, kefir, sour cream, yogurt, margarine and butter, cheese and curds. In the bread aisle you take loaves of rye or wheat bread, rusks, rolls and buns. There is a big choice of items in the confectionery: sugar, sweet, chocolates, tarts, wafers, coffee, cocoa.
The green grocery and fruit aisles look very attracting. Here you can buy fresh vegetables, fruits and greens. Juicy apples, grapes, oranges, bananas, lemons, pears are sold in every season.
After buying all necessary products, you come up to the cashier’s desk to pay the money. Sometimes there are a lot of customers in the shop and you have to get in line, but most often it doesn’t take much time.
If you are a smart shopper, you compare prices, always look at the date of production of perishable foods and check the change.
Приложение 4
Материал к уроку контрольного чтения
Задание: прочитать текст и выбрать правильный вариант продолжения предложения, выписанного под текстом.
Getting What He Deserved?
There were seven or eight of us in the line, waiting to pay the cashier for our lunches. We were all in a hurry because that’s the way of the American business-day lunch. At the front of the line there was a pretty woman with a small boy of about eight. He was a cute little fellow wearing black jeans, white sneakers and a blue pullover sweater. A shock of dark hair fell over his eyes. He looked very much like his mother. The boy had a charming face with chiseled features but he was depressed.
As the woman fumbled in her purse, looking for money to pay her check, the kid noticed a display of candy bars beside the cash register and immediately wanted one.
“You can’t have any candy”, said his mother. “You had a pie with your lunch”. She took out her handkerchief, then put it back and went on fumbling in her purse.
“But I want some candy”, said the kid. His tone was surprisingly insistent. Almost aggressive.
The mother continued her search for money in her purse, and the kid continued to whine about the candy. Then he began to stamp his feet and shout.
The rest of us in line were beginning to get fidgety. We bunched a little closer together and several folks began mumbling under their breath. “Ought to snatch him bald”, said one man quietly.
The kid by now was reaching for the candy display in open opposition to his mother. She grabbed his arm and pulled it away, but not before he clutched a Snickers bar in his hand.
“Put it back”, she said.
“No!” shouted the child. It was an arrogant “No!”
The line bunched even more closely together, and the man who had suggested snatching the kid bald appeared ready to do so himself. So much for the kid’s shock of dark hair, I thought.
But the mother moved suddenly and with purpose. She paid the cashier, took back her change and dropped it into her purse. Then with one quick motion, she grabbed hold of the child’s pullover sweater and lifted him off the floor. The moment his sneakers came back to earth, she turned his back toward her and began flailing him. A look of disbelief came across the kid’s face. His eyes filled with tears. He tried to break away but that made his mother flail him again.
When she had finished administering the punishment, she turned the child around and pointed a finger squarely in his sobbing face. With a voice strong and certain, she said, “The next time I tell you do something, young man, will you do it?”
The child looked at the floor. Meekly and sincerely, he replied, “Yes, ma’am.”
The mother turned to go. The child returned the Snickers bar without further hesitation and marched dutifully out behind her.
The people in a line broke into spontaneous applause.
“Did the kid deserve the punishment he had? What would I do if I were his mother? She may have been absolutely right for all I know. I have no children. I have no right to argue with the mother” I thought. “There is nothing I can do but wait. Perhaps the best way to get an idea of normal behavior of children is to get married and raise a few”.
The people in the cafe were all in a hurry because
1. they had to buy their lunch far away from the office.
2. they wanted to be the first in line to pay for the food.
3. 3it was the way they normally behaved at lunch time.
4. they had to buy their lunch before the cashier left for her lunch.
Ответ: 3
Приложение 5
Раздел 2
Навыки общественной жизни. (Повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения).
Task 1(C1)
You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:
У Вас 20 минут на выполнение работы.
Вы получили письмо от друга по переписке, Тома, который пишет и просит ответить ему.
… I need some money to go on holiday with my friends at the end of August. Do you think I should find a job? Have you or any of your friends done summer jobs? I'm thinking of working as a waiter for a few weeks. Do you think it's a good idea? What other jobs do you think I could do. And what do you think the problems might be? Let me know what you think. |
Moscow 4 June 2011 Dear Tom, Thank you for your previous letter! It was lovely to hear from you. If you need some money, the best way to earn them is to find a job. And I think you should do it. I have a lot of friends who did summer jobs. Working as a waiter…Oh, it’s a good choice. Also you can work as a sales man or a postman, but I think that you may have some problems with these jobs because of your age. |
Приложение 6
Раздел 12 Путешествия
1. Используя реплики под чертой, восстановите и запишите диалоги; переведите их.
Диалог 1
A.: Have you ever been to Stratford-upon-Avon?
B.: ………………………………………………………………………
A.: ………………………………………………………………………
B.: Yes, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre was opened in Stratford in 1932. Only Shakespeare's plays are performed here.
- I know that there is a famous theatre in this town.
- Yes, I have. Stratford-upon-Avon is a small town which is associated with Shakespeare, the greatest English poet and playwright.
Диалог 2
- Here we are in London. I’m glad the trip is over.
- Only 3 days. I’d like to visit the British Museum, the National Gallery and Buckingham Palace.
- Let me accompany you. I know the city well. I’ll show you all interesting places in London.
- How long are you planning to stay in London?
Приложение 7
Раздел 7 Научно-технический прогресс. Изобретения, которые потрясли мир и их создатели.
Упражнение № 1. Найдите и выпишите из текста "Development of environmental engineering" следующие английские эквиваленты:
Улучшать качество окружающей среды
канализационная система
канализационные трубы
очистка воды
ухудшение качества окружающей среды
длительное воздействие
широкое применение
сельскохозяйственные вредители
на грани вымирания
наносить вред окружающей среде
Упражнение № 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Development of environmental engineering
Ever since people first realized that their health and well-being were related to the quality of their environment, they have applied thoughtful principles to improve the quality of their environment. The ancient Indus civilization utilized early sewers in some cities. The Romans constructed aqueducts to prevent drought and to create a clean, healthful water supply for the metropolis of Rome. In the 15th century, Bavaria created laws restricting the development and degradation of alpine country that constituted the region's water supply. In the mid-19th century in London Joseph Bazalgette designed the first major sewerage system. The introduction of drinking water treatment and sewage treatment in industrialized countries reduced waterborne diseases.
The field emerged as a separate environmental discipline during the middle third of the 20th century in response to widespread public concern about water and pollution and increasingly extensive environmental quality degradation. However, its roots extend back to early efforts in public health engineering.
In many cases, as societies grew, actions that were intended to achieve benefits for those societies had longer-term impacts which reduced other environmental qualities. One example is the widespread application of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) to control agricultural pests in the years following World War II. While the agricultural benefits were outstanding and crop yields increased dramatically, thus reducing world hunger substantially, and malaria was controlled better than it ever had been, numerous species were brought to the verge of extinction due to the impact of the DD T on their reproductive cycles. The story of DDT as vividly told in Rachel Carson's «Silent Spring» is considered to be the birth of the modern environmental movement and the development of the modern field of environmental engineering.
Упражнение № 3. Написать мини-сочинение по теме «Защита окружающей среды».
Development of environmental engineering
Эталон ответа для упражнения №1
Улучшать качество окружающей среды- to improve the quality of their environment
Водоснабжение- water supply
канализационная система- sewerage system
канализационные трубы- sewers
очистка воды- water treatment
ухудшение качества окружающей среды- environmental quality degradation
длительное воздействие- longer-term impacts
широкое применение- widespread application
сельскохозяйственные вредители- agricultural pests
на грани вымирания- to the verge of extinction
наносить вред окружающей среде- to harm the environment
Задания для проведения экзамена
Письменная экзаменационная работа
Задание 1. Составь мини диалог
Прочитай фразы. Подбери к каждой фразе подходящую ответную реплику.
- Hi Jeanne! How are you?
- (1)
- I’m also well, thanks! How’s the weather in Ottawa today?
- (2)
- You know, as usual. It’s quite foggy and chilly.
- (3)
- How is summer in Ottawa?
- (4)
(a) - I’m fine, thank you! And how are you?
(b) - It’s a fine weather, but it’s a bit rainy. How about London? Is the weather good there?
(c) - Yes, summer in London is gorgeous.
(d)- Well, it is nice, of course. It can also rain sometimes or be cloudy, but in general it’s warm
Задание 2. Составь предложения из предложенных слов.
We, when, ill, are, call, we, doctor, the.
Us, he, examines.
The, doctor, illness, the, diagnoses
Задание 3. Выбери подходящее по смыслу слово.
There is a certain type of(1) ______ called rugby. The game is called so because it was
originated at Rugby — a well-known English public school. As well as common football it is a
game played by two(2) _____ of fifteen (3)______ each. The game takes place on a field 100
meters long and 80 meters wide. There are goal posts at both ends of the field. Rugby is played
with an oval or egg-shaped ball which can be carried by hands and kicked. The (4)______ is
passed from hand to hand in order to be thrown across the goal line. It is a rather violent(5)
______, which is why the players must be big and strong. Another requirement for the players is
to wear helmets, masks and chest and shoulder .
Game, football, players, teams, ball.
Задание 4. Английский друг попросил тебя рассказать о твоем отце, напиши
небольшой рассказ о нем. В твоем рассказе должна содержаться следующая
информация: His name, age, hobby, work, personal characteristics, home duties, likes.
Задание 5. Подбери к слову перевод.
1.unique a) неуклюжий
2. sharp-minded b) пустоголовый
3. talented c)упрямый
4. empty-headed d)талантливый
5. awkward e)неповторимый
6. stubborn f)смышленый
Задание 6. Переведи русские слова и словосочетания на английский язык.
1. I have always wanted to spend more time in the (1)______________ (сельская
2. I canpick (2) ____________(ягоды и грибы).
3. The best thing in the countryside is the (3)____________ (свежийвоздух).
Задание 7. Выпишите из текста 6 глаголов в прошедшем времени и определите их
начальную форму.
Jane and John lived in an old house in an English village. John worked at home. The village
post-office was in one room in their house and John worked there. The people in the village
bought stamps, envelopes and newspapers in Jane and John's1 house. The red postbox was on the
front door. John and Jane were very happy in their house and they liked it very much.
Задание 8 . Подбери к слову его описание.
Countryside is… 1) the first wife of Prince Charles.
2) the medical service in Russia.
3) the area outside of the city.
4) the first and famous tennis tournament.
Задание 9. Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы. Используйте краткие ответы.
Living in the City.
Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages. From one hand, it is always easier to
find a good job or to visit interesting places and exhibitions. There is also a good choice of
public transport. From the other hand, the noise and pollution level in big cities is really high. As
for me, I quickly become tired of it. I live in Krasnodar with my family. It’s the biggest city in
Krasnodar region and its capital. It is also the cultural, political and social center of the region. I
should say that the city is really beautiful and many people from smaller towns and villages
come to work and study here. What they like about the city is that there are lots of interesting
things to do and places to see. They also like job and study opportunities. There are lots of good
universities and large companies in Krasnodar. There are also many ways to spend the
weekends, for example, visiting a museum, going to the cinema or theatre, shopping, eating in
good restaurants, going to concerts, etc. If people want to relax they go to parks for a walk or to
read a book. In general, the city offers various opportunities and you never get bored. However,
there are some disadvantages as well. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a cheap apartment, so
living in a city becomes very expensive. The roads are full of cars which pollute the air and the
traffic is really heavy on weekdays. Public transport is also over-crowded. That’s why many
people leave the city at weekends. They try to relax in the countryside, where the air is much
fresher and there isn’t any noise from cars. We also go away each Saturday and Sunday to visit
my grandparents.
1. What is easier to find in the city?
2. What ways to spend the weekends are there in the city?
3. Where do many people go on weekends?
Задание 1. Составь мини диалог
Прочитай фразы. Подбери к каждой фразе подходящую ответную реплику.
- Hi.
- (1)
- How’s the weather there today?
- (2)
- What’s the temperature?
- (3)
- Have you heard what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?
- (4)
- I really don’t like the winter. I wish it were summer.
(a) -It’s really cold. It snowed all day and the schools closed early.
(b) -Hi.
(c) -I was watching the news a little earlier. They said its probably going to snow tomorrow.
(d) -Its 30 degrees now. It was even colder this morning.
Задание 2. Составь предложения из предложенных слов.
1. A headache, have, we, when, go, we, the, to, doctor.
2. Our, temperature, takes, he.
3. Medicine, prescribes, doctor.
Задание 3. Выбери подходящее по смыслу слово.
Cricket is a popular summer sport in Britain. There are many cricket clubs in the country.
Cricket (1)____wear a certain uniform — white boots, a white T-shirt and white trousers. One
cricket (2)______ takes a terribly long time. There are two teams of 11(3) ______ each and test
matches between national teams can last up to 5 days. The spectators have to be very patient.
The game is played on a pitch with a wicket at each end. The (4)_____ of the game have
changed over the years. It is a game which is associated with long sunny summer afternoons, the
smell of new-mown grass and the sound of leather (5)_____ beating the willow cricket bat.
Cricket is more popular among men, but it is also played by women and girls.
Players, ball, game, rules, player.
Задание 4. Английский друг попросил тебя рассказать о твоих бабушке или дедушке,
напиши небольшой рассказ о нем (о ней). В твоем рассказе должна содержаться
следующая информация: his (her) name, age, hobby, work, personalcharacteristics,
homeduties, likes.
Задание 5. Подбери к слову перевод.
1. tactful a) застенчивый
2. emotionally stable b) чувствительный
3. sensitive c)тактичный
4. cheerful d) эмоционально уравновешенный
5. shy e)веселый
6. envious f) завистливый
Задание 6. Переведи русские слова и словосочетания на английский язык.
1. My grandparents live in the (1) __________(деревня).
2. I like (2) _________(старомодный дом).
3. Many farms have a (3) __________(амбар).
Задание 7. Выпишите из текста 6 глаголов в прошедшем времени и определите их
начальную форму.
Ellen Peel was over nineteen years old. Her father died in 1915 and her mother died in 1916.
Ellen started her first work in a rich family in London. She got up at 6 o'clock in the morning and
cleaned the rooms. At 7 o'clock she had breakfast. She got only twenty pounds for her job. In
1921 she went to another family and became a baby-sitter. There were four children in the family
and Ellen loved them. She lived in the family for twenty years. Ellen Peel looked after the
people's children till she was seventy years old.
Задание 8 . Подбери к слову его описание. Правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.
Wimbledon is… 1) the first wife of Prince Charles.
2) the medical service in Russia.
3) the area outside of the city.
4) the first and famous tennis tournament.
Задание 9. Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы. Используйте краткие ответы.
Living in the City.
Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages. From one hand, it is always easier to
find a good job or to visit interesting places and exhibitions. There is also a good choice of
public transport. From the other hand, the noise and pollution level in big cities is really high. As
for me, I quickly become tired of it. I live in Krasnodar with my family. It’s the biggest city in
Krasnodar region and its capital. It is also the cultural, political and social center of the region. I
should say that the city is really beautiful and many people from smaller towns and villages
come to work and study here. What they like about the city is that there are lots of interesting
things to do and places to see. They also like job and study opportunities. There are lots of good
universities and large companies in Krasnodar. There are also many ways to spend the
weekends, for example, visiting a museum, going to the cinema or theatre, shopping, eating in
good restaurants, going to concerts, etc. If people want to relax they go to parks for a walk or to
read a book. In general, the city offers various opportunities and you never get bored. However,
there are some disadvantages as well. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a cheap apartment, so
living in a city becomes very expensive. The roads are full of cars which pollute the air and the
traffic is really heavy on weekdays. Public transport is also over-crowded. That’s why many
people leave the city at weekends. They try to relax in the countryside, where the air is much
fresher and there isn’t any noise from cars. We also go away each Saturday and Sunday to visit
my grandparents.
1. In what town does the author live?
2. What is difficult to find in the city?
3. Whom does author visit on weekends?
Задание 1. Составь мини диалог
Прочитай фразы. Подбери к каждой фразе подходящую ответную реплику.
- (1)
- Hello, lovely day, isn't it?
- (2)
- Yes, it says it will be bright and sunny.
- (3)
- You are right.
- (4)
-See you.
(a) -Hello.
(b) -How nice. Nice weather for outing.
(c) - Absolutely wonderful, nice and warm. What's the weather forecast for tomorrow? Doyou
(d) - Seeyoulater.
Задание 2. Составь предложения из предложенных слов.
1. Have, a toothache, we, when, to, we, go, the, dentist.
2. Heart, our, he, examines.
3. Gives, a, doctor, us, prescription.
Задание 3. Выбери подходящее по смыслу слово.
Tennis is another favourite (1)______ of the Englishmen. People all over the world know
(2)_______ which is the center of lawn (3)______. It is the oldest tennis (4)________ in the
world considered by many people to be the most prestigious. It takes place over two weeks in
late June and early July. Wimbledon is known for its traditions — strict white dress code for
competitors, the absence of sponsor advertising around the courts and some others. Every tennis
(5)________ dreams of taking part at this tournament.
Wimbledon, player, sport, tournament, tennis
Задание 4. Английский друг попросил тебя рассказать о твоей матери, напиши
небольшой рассказ о ней. В твоем рассказе должна содержаться следующая
информация: his (her) name, age, hobby, work, personal characteristics, home duties,
Задание 5. Подбери к слову перевод.
1. irresistible a) покладистый
2. aggressive b) добросердечный
3. good-hearted c) симпатичный
4. intelligent d) неотразимый
5. easy-going e)агрессивный
6. charmingf) умный
Задание 6. Переведи русские слова и словосочетания на английский язык.
1. My grandparents have a (1) _________(маленький дом).
2. I enjoy spending my (2)________(выходные и праздники) there.
3. It is very relaxing to walk alone (3)_________ ( сельская дорога).
Задание 7. Выпишите из текста 6 глаголов в прошедшем времени и определите их
начальную форму.
I watched a long film on TV last night, and it was very late when I went to bed. I read a book in
bed because I couldn't go to sleep. I fell asleep at about two o'clock at night but I woke up
suddenly at three because I heard a loud noise in the kitchen. I walked downstairs, opened the
kitchen door and I saw — our cat! I shouted at it, and it ran away through the open kitchen
Задание 8 . Подбери к слову его описание.
Princess Diana is… 1) the medical service in Russia.
2) the area outside of the city.
3) the first and famous tennis tournament.
4) the first wife of Prince Charles
Задание 9. Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы. Используйте краткие ответы
Living in the City.
Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages. From one hand, it is always easier to
find a good job or to visit interesting places and exhibitions. There is also a good choice of
public transport. From the other hand, the noise and pollution level in big cities is really high. As
for me, I quickly become tired of it. I live in Krasnodar with my family. It’s the biggest city in
Krasnodar region and its capital. It is also the cultural, political and social center of the region. I
should say that the city is really beautiful and many people from smaller towns and villages
come to work and study here. What they like about the city is that there are lots of interesting
things to do and places to see. They also like job and study opportunities. There are lots of good
universities and large companies in Krasnodar. There are also many ways to spend the
weekends, for example, visiting a museum, going to the cinema or theatre, shopping, eating in
good restaurants, going to concerts, etc. If people want to relax they go to parks for a walk or to
read a book. In general, the city offers various opportunities and you never get bored. However,
there are some disadvantages as well. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a cheap apartment, so
living in a city becomes very expensive. The roads are full of cars which pollute the air and the
traffic is really heavy on weekdays. Public transport is also over-crowded. That’s why many
people leave the city at weekends. They try to relax in the countryside, where the air is much
fresher and there isn’t any noise from cars. We also go away each Saturday and Sunday to visit
my grandparents.
1. What is the capital of Krasnodar region?
2. What is really heavy on weekends?
3. What do you can visit in the city?
Задание 1. Составь мини диалог
Прочитай фразы. Подбери к каждой фразе подходящую ответную реплику.
- Good day.
- (1)
- It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?
- (2)
- It's 20° С now. I've just heard on the radio the temperature may rise to 29° С in the afternoon.
- (3)
- Well, as for me, I like hot weather better than cold.
- (4)
(a) - Oh, yes, most lovely. There isn't a cloud in the sky and the sun is shining brightly.
(b) - Good day.
( c) - I can't stand cold weather either.
(d) - It wouldn't be very nice.
Задание 2. Составь предложения из предложенных слов.
1. Lungs, he, our, examines.
2. Teeth, the, our, examines, dentist.
3. Stomachache, a, we, have, when, the, doctor, call, we.
Задание 3. Выбери подходящее по смыслу слово.
Golf is a (1)_____ of business community. In Great Britain it is very common to establish good
business relations playing golf. The equipment for this game is quite expensive as well as the
entrance to a prestigious golf (2)______, so not everyone can afford it. Golf is a (3)______ and
golf stick game (4)____ on a natural (5)______. In this game one has to knock a ball into a hole.
Club, played, field, game, ball
Задание 4. Английский друг попросил тебя рассказать о твоём брате или сестре,
напиши небольшой рассказ о нем (о ней). В твоем рассказе должна содержаться
следующая информация: his (her) name, age, hobby, work, personalcharacteristics,
homeduties, likes.
Задание 5. Подбери к слову перевод.
1. energetic a) храбрый
2. generous b) образованный
3. simple-hearted c) энергичный
4. educated d) красивый
5. brave e)простодушный
6. handsome f) щедрый
Задание 6. Переведи русские слова и словосочетания на английский язык.
1. I can swim in the (1) _______(местноеозеро).
2. I`d like to plant many(2) _________ (фруктовыедеревья).
3. (3)(Пастух) spends a lot of time looking after sheep.
Задание 7. Выпишите из текста 6 глаголов в прошедшем времени и определите их
начальную форму.
Monica Cox is a tennis player. She had won a lot of competitions. She started playing tennis with
her father when she was three years old. Two years ago she went to America to a famous tennis
school in California. Monica and her father travelled to many countries. Last month they went to
Australia. Monica played well but she didn't win. She hasn't played at Wimbledon yet, but she
hopes to do so.
Задание 8 . Подбери к слову его описание.
(a) Russia health system is… 1) the first and famous tennis tournament.
2) the area outside of the city.
3) the medical service in Russia.
4) the first wife of Prince Charles
Задание 9. Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы. Используйте краткие ответы.
Living in the City.
Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages. From one hand, it is always easier to
find a good job or to visit interesting places and exhibitions. There is also a good choice of
public transport. From the other hand, the noise and pollution level in big cities is really high. As
for me, I quickly become tired of it. I live in Krasnodar with my family. It’s the biggest city in
Krasnodar region and its capital. It is also the cultural, political and social center of the region. I
should say that the city is really beautiful and many people from smaller towns and villages
come to work and study here. What they like about the city is that there are lots of interesting
things to do and places to see. They also like job and study opportunities. There are lots of good
universities and large companies in Krasnodar. There are also many ways to spend the
weekends, for example, visiting a museum, going to the cinema or theatre, shopping, eating in
good restaurants, going to concerts, etc. If people want to relax they go to parks for a walk or to
read a book. In general, the city offers various opportunities and you never get bored. However,
there are some disadvantages as well. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a cheap apartment, so
living in a city becomes very expensive. The roads are full of cars which pollute the air and the
traffic is really heavy on weekdays. Public transport is also over-crowded. That’s why many
people leave the city at weekends. They try to relax in the countryside, where the air is much
fresher and there isn’t any noise from cars. We also go away each Saturday and Sunday to visit
my grandparents.
1. Are there many universities in the city?
2. Is public transport over-crowded in the city?
3. What choice we do we have in the city?
Время на подготовку и выполнение
Форма работы студента Время
Подготовка 5 мин
Выполнение 120 мин
Оформление и сдача 5 мин
ВСЕГО 130 мин
Критерии оценивания:
оценка «отлично» выставляется обучающемуся за работу, выполненную безошибочно, в полном объеме с учетом рациональности выбранных решений;
оценка «хорошо» выставляется обучающемуся за работу, выполненную в полном объеме с недочетами;
оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется обучающемуся за работу, выполненную в не полном объеме (не менее 50% правильно выполненных заданий от общего объема работы);
- оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется обучающемуся за работу, выполненную в не полном объеме (менее 50% правильно выполненных заданий от общего объема работы).
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