Essay My English classroom.
материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
My language classroom
Knowledge of English language is very important nowadays because it is international language. If you want to succeed in life you will need it. That’s why this language is the part of educational program of all schools. Children start to learn English from second form and to ninth form they must get a specific skill set. I work as a teacher in secondary school. I would like to talk about it.
First of all, I would like to speak about my students. I teach students from fifth to ninth forms. I prefer to work with fifth form. They work for the assessment because their parents are still engaged in their upbringing. Then they lose interest in learning as their parents lose interest in their children’s lives.
Moreover, children lose interest in the educational process due to the lack of technical means in our school. In my classroom I have only a laptop for 29 students. If I had more technical means I would involve more students in educational process. I would love to use some educational videos such as “Ted talks” or Skype for develop listening and speaking skills but I can’t.
Secondly, the administration of our school only cares about the performance indicators so we need to give C’s to the underachievers. Only those children who need a good grade in the certificate work.
I really want all my students to work in the classroom I hope that the information I learned from the video will help me in educational process. For instance, I would like to try to use assessment portfolio for my students. I hope that tracking achievements will increase the interest of students. I will learn more about EAP lessons and try to use them.
In conclusion I will try to use this information in my educational process and try to find new methods of teaching a foreign language which I could use without technical means.
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