Essay “What do schoolchildren like and dislike about learning English?”
статья по английскому языку
Автор рассуждает на тему "Почему детям нравится и не нравится изучать английский язык?" В эссе указана важность изучения английского языка в современном мире. Анализируются данные опросов учеников и делаются выводы о повышении самостоятельной мотивации к обучению и созданию дополнительной. В эссе также анализируются трудности, с которыми приходится сталкиваться учащимся при изучении английского языка, а так же педагогам в процессе преподавания.
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Essay “What do schoolchildren like and dislike about learning English?”
by Burmistrova Irina
“Learn a new language
and get a new soul.”
Czech proverb.
English is a global language because about 20% of the world population use it. Every six person in the world speaks English. 750 million of them don’t come from English speaking country. In more than hundred countries including Russia, China, Germany and Egypt, English is the main foreign language taught in schools. It’s generally known that communication is a very important part of human life. Thus, we need to study foreign languages.
It seems to me that languages competence is very useful skill. There are many things to be said in favour of learning languages. In the first-place learning languages helps develop logistic skills. Secondly, language skills allow for communication with people from other countries. Language skills give people a sense of freedom and helps to express their thoughts and feelings more fluently and emotionally while communicating with other speakers. Furthermore, good knowledge of the language will help to get a good education in prestigious university and a well-paid job in an international company.
It should be admitted that knowing diverse languages plays a significant role in today’s modern world. Over the past few decades, there has been a growing interest among people, especially juveniles, to attend language classes. This fact has caused very deep concerns among psychologists in choosing the best age to start learning another language. From my point of view children should begin learning a foreign language as soon early as possible, because they can learn better and easier.
In most cases parents want their children to learn the language. Small child has a weak motivation to learn a language. The main goal at the initial stage of training is to create a positive motivation for learning. Does it always succeed? To achieve a positive result? It is necessary to find out: what do schoolchildren like and dislike about learning English?
A few years ago, I asked my students about their preferences in learning English. They named more than ten reasons why do they like to learn English. Here are the most popular ones. The most interesting for schoolchildren is learning new words as it helps to develop their imagination while using them. Students experience a sense of involvement in the language, which allows them to expand their consciousness. The more new English words they learn, the more confident they feel and much easier their communication becomes. Also, students like travelling, socializing, and making new friends in new countries. Communication helps show that they are open minded and tolerant. Teens like learning English as they understand that good knowledge of it will help them to travel and communicate. A lot of students consider English amusing. They enjoy English music and watch cartoons and movies with pleasure. And of course, a lot of schoolchildren different ages are fond of playing computer games and surfing the Internet. Learning a foreign language gives them an opportunity to become a member of a cyber sport community or group in social networks. That is why, they are interested in studying English as much as possible to use such a chance. Knowledge of the English language is prestigious and increases the social status.
At the same time, loathe being forced to study English and they are very demotivated. If I can find out the reasons, I might begin to address and be more successful as a language teacher. Every language has it is own grammar rules and English is not an exception. Most students complain that they must memorize a lot of rules. And doing grammar drills is very boring. This suggests that language is taught as a subject not as a skill like art, gym or music. Teachers need to do the language in classrooms and not know language. Students must learn the language as it used in a real situation. Students will figure out the rules and acquire language, not just learn it. Next real problem is providing choice. Many students believe that learning English is mandatory, and it is not their choice. Teachers need to allow students more control and allow them to study how, what and even when they want. Personalized learning experiences can help provide students choice.
In addition, most language classrooms have very differing levels of language learners. Those, who do not speak fluently, get very ashamed and stressed when trying to speak English in a classroom. Teachers need to be much more sensitive about anxiety of students. Also students need much more time before they are ready productively use the language.
Many people are convinced that education is an important part of life, especially for children. School helps them to become well-educated, to choose a profession and to achieve success. Without any doubt learning a foreign language is a challenge which means working hard and overcoming difficulties. If students want to achieve anything worthy in life and become well-educated people, they have to be prepared for hard work. We all have much more opportunities to learn, so more of our students will love learning English run to our classrooms with pleasure.
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