Творческий конкурс эссе на иностранном языке, номинация «MY ENGLISH ESSAY»
материал по английскому языку
Материалы к творческому конкурсу Всероссийского портала "Завуч"
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In spite of some negative effects the use of computers and Internet can have the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
Computers have already become a part of education. We can say, that computers have become a part of our life. There is a great challenge to teachers in all levels of education in this situation. The assess of information increases and the control of information decreases. Moreover the question arises if computers will replace the teacher completely. There are online degrees to students from the institutes. These students can attend classes without the face-to-face interaction. This trend is catching on public education. Virtual schools and home-schooling are available for students.
In spite of many benefits the computer can bring to the education process, this will hardly happen, and there are several reasons for this. First, the students expect to be taught. Most of them are not ready to think, to make generalizations and select the necessary information. Second, students learn better under the teacher’s control. However, the most important reason is the teacher’s role in education. Teachers value, motivate and encourage the children. They help them to overcome difficulties and problems. In fact teachers become accountable for every aspect of students’ intellectual, emotional and moral development.
The human contact is the most important in teaching, computers do not have the ability to communicate with them, because they are machines and teachers care about their children and do everything to make them progress and learn. Machines can not do something like that. I think this is the main thing that computers can not be teachers and a teacher is the main person during the lesson.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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