Пробный тест в формате ЕГЭ в разделе "Чтение"
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)
Пробный тест в формате ЕГЭ по английскому языку в разделе "Чтение"
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Нефтеюганское районное муниципальное общеобразовательное бюджетное учреждение «Салымская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1»
Пробные тесты в формате ЕГЭ в разделе «Чтение»
Подготовил: учитель английского языка
Сантур К.В.
Салым, 2021г.
Задание 1
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
- Joke D. Fairy- tale
- Poem E. The most popular fiction
- Gardening F. Retrospection
- I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate?
And do they know?
The places where we go
When we are grey and old?
- - What your husband needs, Mrs. Lopez, is a complete rest. I have prescribed sleeping pills.
- Very well, doctor. How should he take them?
- He shouldn`t, take them yourself.
- I claim to smoke for pleasure but I realize that slowly I am losing control and I hate that. I feel I`m already cooked.
- What kind of person are you really?
- I follow my first instincts. In a retrospect I am a “Why do you do that” type of person.
- If you are leaving in emergency what three things would you take?
- A toothbrush, a change of underwear, and my camera with a flash.
- The genre of detective stories is one of the most popular nowadays both in Britain and in Russia. Detective stories together with romances are sold in millions of copies all over the world. That is what we prefer.
- If you want your flower to grow constantly within summer, water them regularly and fertilizer in a proper way as the instruction demands.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Задание 2
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.
William Blake (1757-1827) is today regarded as one of the most original English writers and artists, 1___________________________________________.
Born in London, he spent most of his years in the centre of the capital, but 2___________________; the streets of the metropolis became for him windows to infinite time and space.
Blake`s visions began early, and throughout his life he experienced what was, for him, direct contact with spirits of the long-dead, with angels, God and the devil. While modern psychiatry would consider Blake to have been under the spell of hallucinations, 3___________________________.
He was also not shy in describing the sources of his inspiration to his friends and colleagues. The eccentric reputation he thus gained did little to help him to commercial success; for most of his life his work was neglected, 4____________________________________.
But while his work was often out of step with his time, few of the best artists of his day doubted his technical ability. Trained as an engraver, he pushed forward the boundaries of that art by his own innovations, and combined it with his poetry to such an extent 5_____________________________. Among the best known (and easiest to understand) of his hand-illustrated books are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, 6________________________________________________.
- and he often lived near to poverty
- yet during his lifetime he was largely ignored and often called mad
- that one cannot be properly understood without the other
- for him the vision were real and directly inspired and guided his art
- his visionary powers transformed everything around him
- which contain some of the simplest and most beautiful lyrics in the English language
- he never quite left home
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Задание 3
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-G и текстами 1-7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только 1 раз. |
В 2. А. Fairy – tales
B. Thriller
C. Reference books
D. Dictionaries
E. Non – fiction books
F. Biographies
G. Westerns
1. A book which tells an exciting story about dangerous, frightening or mysterious events.
2. A book for children with stories about magical events and imaginary creatures.
3. Books about hobbies, crafts, plants, animals, rocks and weather.
4. Books about facts about almost anything and everything.
5. Books about another person’s life.
6. Books about American frontier of the 19th centuty.
7. Books about words of a language with the information about their meanings, pronunciations, etc.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
2 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 3 | 5 | 6 |
Задание 4
Прочтите текст и заполните пропуски 1-4 частями предложений A-E. Одна из частей в списке А-Е лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу. |
The book is 1_____________. It is set in the USA in the present time. The 2___________ is a girl whose name is April Corrigan and she has a good life. She has a boyfriend, lots of friends and long blonde hair. Then one afternoon in May she is taken home early from school and when she gets there 3_________________. Do you want to know what kind of job it was? She made some mistakes. Do you want to know what they were? Why 4____________________________ ? Why does her brother wear contact lenses? You’ll find the answers to all these questions if you read this book.
А. and very interesting.
B. did she have to cut her hair short.
C. an adventure and thriller.
D. April discovers her father’s real job.
E. main character.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
C | E | D | B |
Задание 5
Прочтите текст и заполните пропуски, обозначенные А 22 – А 28 (в них представлены возможные варианты ответов). Обведите номер ответа, который вам кажется наиболее верным. |
In most countries pupils study their country’s _________ A 22 and usually the syllabus focuses on the nation’s greatest playwrights, ___________ A 23 and writers. In Britain this traditionally means studying the ____________ A 24 of long-dead people like Shelly, Shakespeare and Jane Austen. However, many schools are introducing ___________ A 25, the plays and poetry of _________________ A 26 writers. Needless to say, teachers still concentrate on ___________________ A 27 literature. Not many schools encourage their students to read popular books like detective or historical ___________ A 28.
A 22 1) literature 2) lyrics 3) literary
A 23 1) poems 2) poets 3) writers
A 24 1) working 2) works 3) workers
A 25 1) bestsellers 2) hits 3) top
A 26 1) old 2) new 3) contemporary
A 27 1) silly 2) strict 3) serious
A 28 1) romance 2) novels 3) tales
A 22 – 1
A 23 – 2
A 24 – 2
A 25 – 1
A 26 – 3
A 27 – 3
A 28 – 2
Задание 6
Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. Thoughtless behavior
2. Benefits of private business
3. Too complicated to use
4. Bad for business
5. Science brings hope
6. Road incident
7. More parking places
8. Personal choice
A. City center parking is expensive and many important roads are now closed to private transport. This would be fine — if public transport was cheap and convenient, but it is neither. The result is that people are avoiding the city centre so restaurants, cinemas and shops are closing.
B. The motorcyclist drew along side and I heard abusive language as he banged on the car roof. I immediately locked the car doors and tried to work out what was wrong. He then shouted that I had almost collided with him. Truth to tell — I didn't see him until now. I tried to apologize but he wouldn't listen.
C. They now have cars that run on electricity, solar power and even on vegetable oil. New petrol engines are super efficient and make less harmful emissions. More people are working from home because of advances in communication technology and computer security. At last we have some grounds for optimism.
D. As she approached the traffic lights the driver in front of her tipped out a mess of fast food boxes, polystyrene cups and chip bags. She pressed her horn angrily. "Why don't people consider what they do", she wondered helplessly. "Someone will have to clear this up and we all have to pay for it."
E. Sarah has worked for herself more than 10 years now. It had been risky but now her interior decoration business is a success. She loves being her own boss. It constantly amazes her that her friends in big corporations believe they have job security. How can they think this way when these companies are constantly firing people to make bigger profits?
F. It was not easy deciding. It never is when buying a new car. Reliability and comfort are big issues as are fuel economy, maintenance and so forth. A car has to feel right as well. Price and value for money are also critical. But in the end Ralph made his decision confident that it was just the right one for him.
G. Jane studied the small print. To make a successful insurance claim for her accident she needed so much information. Several complicated forms took hours to complete. She then needed three independent quotations, a witness statement, and a police statement and after everything she still had to pay the first $500 anyway.
Задание 7
Установите соответствие тем 1 — 7 текстам A — F. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. the chocolate consumed today is made
2. that chocolate, eaten in moderation
3. central and southern America for
4. of the world's most popular flavours
5. hand contains no cocoa solids and
6. cacao seeds are intensely bitter and have
7. many countries worldwide at
Chocolate is made from a number of raw and processed foods produced from the seeds of tropical cacao trees. Cacao has been cultivated in A ___ last 3000 years.
For most of this time it was made into a drink called, in translation — "bitter water". This is because В ___ to be fermented to develop a palatable flavour. After fermentation the beans are dried and roasted and the shell is removed to produce cacao nibs. These are then ground and liquefied into chocolate liquor.
The liquor is then processed into cocoa solids or cocoa butter. Pure chocolate contains primarily cocoa solids and butter in different proportions. Much of С ___ with added sugar.
Milk chocolate is sweetened chocolate that additionally contains either milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate on the other D ___ is therefore not a true chocolate.
Chocolate contains theobromine and phenethylamine which have physiological effects on the body. It is similar to serotonin levels in the brain. Scientists claim E ___ , can lower blood pressure. Recently, dark chocolate has also been promoted for its health benefits.
But pet owners should remember that the presence of theobromine makes it toxic to cats and dogs. Chocolate is now one F ___ , although 16 of the top 20 chocolate consuming countries are in Europe. Also interesting is that 66% of world chocolate is consumed between meals.
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