Пробный тест в формате ЕГЭ в разделе "Словообразование"
тест по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Сантур Константин Валерьевич

Пробный тест в формате ЕГЭ по английскому языку в разделе "Словообразование"


Предварительный просмотр:

Нефтеюганское районное муниципальное общеобразовательное бюджетное учреждение «Салымская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1»

Пробный тест  в формате ЕГЭ в разделе «Словообразование»

Подготовил: учитель английского языка

Сантур К.В.

Салым, 2021г.

Упражнения на словообразование



  1. He_____________________ a short passage from the Bible.


  1. The teacher always _________________________ the children with their tasks.                                                             ASSISTANT
  2. It’s Dad’s birthday and we’re going out for a meal to __________________


  1. He __________________________ his grip on David’s wrist.


  1. Mom flatly __________________________ to go back in the hospital.


  1. There was only one girl ________________________ customers.


  1. We should hire another secretary to ___________________________ Sarah’s  workload.                                        LIGHT
  2. The letter _________________________ to arrive.


  1. She was _______________________________with terror.


  1.  Our friendship has steadily _______________________ over the years.


  1.  Unfortunately, their aim for a rapid improvement in the economy was not ______________________________.        FULFILMENT
  2. We need drugs to _____________________ blood pressure.


  1.  He had been nearly ____________________________ through a failed business venture.                                         BANKRUPTCY
  2.  Drugs helped to _____________________________ the pain.


  1.  I could ___________________________ on Gary for friendship and support.                                                       RELIABLE
  2.  Angus ___________________________ his leg playing rugby.


  1.  The flowers _________________________ several different kinds of insects.                                                        ATTRACTIVE
  2.  Teachers simply do not have the time or the inclination to ___________________________ these matters.     INVESTIGATOR
  3.  ___________________________ the machine according to the manufacture’s instructions.                                      INSTALLATION
  4.  Young hairdressers must learn to __________________________ the client as a person, not a head of hair.                                TREATMENT


  1. That bag of yours ________________________ a ton.


  1. I’m _____________________ this bottle of champagne for a special occasion.                                                                  SAFETY
  2. Failure to ________________________ the law can lead to a large fine.


  1. The committee rejected the proposal to __________________________ taxes.                                                                        REDUCTION
  2. However, on closer inspection, a number of problems _______________________.                                  EMERGENCE
  3. The first edition was ____________________________ in 1784.


  1. Could you _________________________ one or two points for me?


  1. They no longer ______________________________ alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events.                                                        ADVERTISMENT
  2. He _______________________ Bea last year.       MARRIAGE
  3.  Kate __________________________ to let me_______________________ her.    AGREEMENT                                              PHOTOGRAPHY
  4.  The possibility that Jack was ___________________________ flashed through my mind.                                                    LIE
  5.  An academician is a member of an official organization which _______________________ the development of science, art etc.


  1.  Further studies __________________________ that fish oil can ____________________ blood pressure.                CONFIRMATION


  1.  He was unfairly ________________________ from his post.


  1.  Relations between the countries were formally ___________________ again.                                                                       NORMAL
  2.  The aircraft were ______________________________ as American.


  1.  Add fertilizers to _________________________ the soil.


  1.  The powers of the president are clearly _____________________________ in the Constitution.                                                  DEFINITION
  2.  No one was hurt, and we all ________________________ a sign of relief.


  1.  The prison was ordered to ____________________________ security after a prisoner __________________________ yesterday.      




  1. The company had been badly ______________________.


  1. The local farmers have ________________________ themselves with rifles and pistols.                                                              ARMS
  2. Our goal is to ______________________ a new research centre in the North.                                                                      ESTABLISHMENT
  3. The doctors _______________________ pneumonia.


  1. Within three months of his election he was forced to __________________.


  1. The government has __________________________ plans to _________________________ 10000 new jobs.   ANNOUNCEMENT


  1. The knot ____________________________ my lungs for another second and then ____________________________.         TIGHT


  1. These instruments _________________________ distances precisely.


  1.  The poor kid’s just ___________________________ for attention.


  1. She was too weak to _________________________ herself.


  1. The package _______________________ cycle hire for the duration  of your holiday.                                                            INCLUSION
  2.  I ______________________________ him, even though his history sounded unlikely.                                                     BELIEF
  3.  A balanced diet __________________________ good health.


  1.  Has anything been ____________________________ yet?


  1.  The thieves fled when they were ______________________________ by a neighbour.                                                                DISTURBANCE
  2.  These results are __________________________ in table 7.


  1.  I’ve got to __________________________ my geography.


  1.  The group was ___________________________ as being well-educated and liberal.                                                               CHARACTER
  2.  They are trying to __________________________ the discussion to _______________________________ environmental issues.



  1.  Some members __________________________________ to ______________________________.                    REFUSAL



  1. Young children ___________________________ helping around the house.


  1. His time was _______________________________ with the children.


  1. My folks are _______________________________ their 50th anniversary.


  1. You forgot to ___________________________ the cheque.


  1. I will _____________________________ to them that I’m the best man for the job.                                                                    PROOF
  2. Three people _____________________________ themselves by jumping from the window.                                                   SAFE
  3. A group of students was _________________________________ at random.                                                                  SELECTION
  4. No further changes were _________________________ necessary.


  1. The police were widely __________________________ for their role in repressing the protest movement.                         CRITIC
  2.  Please ____________________________ your name and address.


  1.  All hope of improvement has been snatched away by ___________________ her condition.                 WORSE
  2.  Union leaders have _______________________________ an agreement for a shorter working week.                                        NEGOTIATIONS
  3.  Rising prices _____________________________ increased wages.


  1.  Can you ___________________________ your leg?


  1.  You have to _______________________________ quickly to circumstance.                                                        REACTION
  2.  This would __________________________ interviewing all the staff.


  1.  Two years in the army _________________________ him up.


  1.  It ____________________________ me to death to see the consequences of your actions!                                                     TERROR
  2.  The money will be _____________________________ equally among the charities.                                                                DIVISION
  3.  Changing your eating habits is the best way to ______________________ weight.                                                                  LOOSE


  1. Science ________________________________ what the world is like, and why it __________________________ as it does.



  1. Nothing __________________________ murdering another human being.


  1. Emergency aid could __________________________ millions threatened with starvation.                                                     SAFELY
  2. I ____________________________to having to rewrite the article.


  1. In law, beer is _____________________________ as a food product.


  1. The two people have been critically ______________________ in an accident.                                                               INJURY
  2. The issues to be studied are well ________________________.


  1. Are we doing enough to ____________________________ the environment?                                                       PROTECTIVE
  2. It took us ages to __________________________ a new carpet.


  1.  The hope to give fans something to _____________________________ this season.                                                                 CELEBRATION
  2.  Increased level of Fat in the diet could ____________________________ the risk of cancer.                                                HIGH
  3.  The gap between rich and poor seems to be ________________________.


  1.  I’m not very good at German, but I can make myself ______________________________ .                UNDERSTAND
  2.  They need someone who can ______________________________ them in planning their careers.                                           ASSISTANCE
  3.  Over the last two years the president’s position has __________________________.                          WEAK
  4.  The police took fingerprints and ______________________________ the body.                                                                     IDENTIFICATION
  5.  __________________________ the mixture with a little honey.


  1.   It was __________________________ that four hospitals should ____________________________.                     DECISIVE


  1.  People in higher social classes are more likely to ________________________ late.                       MARRIAGE
  2.  This medicine will ___________________________ you for pain.




  1. quoted
  2. assists
  3. celebrate
  4. loosened
  5. refused
  6. serving
  7. lighten
  8. failed
  9. frozen
  10. strengthened
  11. fulfilled
  12. lower
  13. bankrupted
  14. relieve
  15. rely
  16. injured
  17. attract
  18. investigate
  19. Install
  20. Treat


  1. weighs
  2. saving
  3. obey
  4. reduce
  5. emerged
  6. published
  7. clarify
  8. advertise(d)
  9. married
  10. agreed, photograph
  11. lying
  12. encourages
  13. confirmed, lower
  14. dismissed
  15. normalis/ zed
  16. identified
  17. enrich
  18. defined
  19. breathed
  20. tighten, escaped


  1. managed
  2. armed
  3. establish
  4. suspect(ed)
  5. resign
  6. announced, create
  7. tightened, loosened
  8. calculate
  9. starved
  10. feed
  11. includes
  12. believe(d)
  13. promotes
  14. decided
  15. disturbed
  16. summaries/zed
  17. revise
  18. characteris/zed
  19. widen, include
  20. refused, participate


  1. enjoy
  2. occupied
  3. celebrating
  4. sign
  5. prove
  6. saved
  7. selected
  8. considered
  9. criticis/zed
  10. state
  11. worsening
  12. negotiated
  13. neutralis/ze
  14. straighten
  15. react
  16. necessitate
  17. toughened
  18. terrified
  19. divided
  20. lose


  1. explains, behaves
  2. justifies
  3. save
  4. objected
  5. classified
  6. injured
  7. defined
  8. protect
  9. choose
  10. celebrate
  11. heighten
  12. widening
  13. understood
  14. assist
  15. weakened
  16. identified
  17. Sweeten
  18. decided, close
  19. marry
  20. ease



  1. The meat was declared unfit for human _________________________ .


  1. For the third time in arrow, she had failed to keep her ________________.


  1. It was fun for a while, but the _______________________ wore off.


  1. It’s very important to have a realistic ___________________________ of  the situation.                                                           APPRECIATE
  2. He’s 65 now, and nearing __________________________ .


  1. She accepted his __________________________ to join him for lunch.


  1. The book’s __________________________ is the conflict between love and duty.                                                                THEMATIC
  2. It’s a region famous for its cheese _________________________.


  1. It’s very important for your son to improve the _______________________ of reading.                                                             EFFICIENT
  2.  Do you have a colour _________________________ ?


  1.  The annual _________________________ of teenagers for the Glastonbury Festival makes the local somewhat nervous.


  1.  I don’t like being a _________________________ for other people.


  1.  People were pushing each other out of the way in their ________________ to get to front.                                                     EAGER
  2.  I’d like to see the new computer system in _________________________.


  1.  The project is under _______________________ as a possible joint venture.                                                                DISCUSS
  2.  What’s the secret of your _______________________ ?


  1.  The decision provoked an angry from ______________________.


  1.  The president has already given his ___________________________ to this plan.                                                              APPROVE
  2.  I wish I had a _________________________ of Thomas.


  1.  They had a short _________________________ in German.



  1. consumption
  2. appointment
  3. novelty
  4. appreciation
  5. retirement
  6. invitation
  7. theme
  8. making
  9. efficiency
  10. preference
  11. invasion
  12. burden
  13. eagerness
  14. action
  15. discussion
  16. success
  17. residents
  18. approval
  19. photograph
  20. conversation


  1. He was left with a feeling of _____________________ and ________________.                                     REJECT


  1. He read out a short _____________________ from the Bible.


  1. I resented being treated as an _________________________ .


  1. If he’s saying that the accident was my fault, he’s a ___________________.


  1. It was an _____________________ operation to save her sight.


  1. A high ________________________ of businesses fall in the first year.


  1. He’s one of the _________________________ in burglary case.


  1. Thank you for all the ________________________ you’ve shown us during our time in England.                                  GENEROUS
  2. We want to organize a support group for cancer _____________________.


  1.  Some ski resorts opened early, ________________________ to a late-October snowstorm.                                   THANK
  2.  __________________________ is one of the factors that affects the learning process.                                        MOTIVATE
  3.  I was already 45 minutes late for a dental ___________________________.


  1.  Children sometimes need help expressing their ______________________ and ___________________.                     THINK


  1.  He doesn’t need another car – it’s pure _____________________________.


  1.  A ____________________ is a country ruled by a king or a queen.


  1.  He gave an ________________________ that the work would be completed by Monday.


  1.  I think she’ll be successful as a ___________________________.


  1.  She stared ay him in _____________________________.


  1.  Graham was in his _____________________________, building a fire and cooking the steaks.


  1.  Shaun took a deep _____________________________ and dived in.



  1. rejection, loss
  2. passage
  3. invalid
  4. liar
  5. emergency
  6. percentage
  7. suspects
  8. generosity
  9. sufferers
  10. thanks
  11.  motivation
  12.  appointment
  13. thoughts, feelings
  14. greed
  15. kingdom
  16. assurance
  17. photographer
  18. astonishment
  19. element
  20. breath


  1. The New Jazz ______________________ is a famous all over the world.


  1. By some _________________________, the population will reach 8 million soon.


  1. The certificate qualifies you to work as a dental ______________________.


  1. We’ll have to take a _________________________ to see the sightseeing.


  1. Research shows that _________________________ don’t want GM foods.


  1. Rogers never turns down an _______________________ to dinner.


  1. I wrote them to express my gratitude for their _______________________.


  1. A true _____________________ is thoughtful of death.


  1. He’s got a degree in _______________________________ .


  1.  Despite all the modern technology, weather _______________________ is still unreliable.


  1.  With a little more ______________________ you should be able to pass your test.


  1.  The _____________________ is off.


  1.  _____________________ is included in your bill.


  1.  It was dark and their ___________________________ into the camp had gone unnoticed.


  1.  His question left an _______________________ for me to ask a question.


  1.  The old furnaces operated at 60% _________________________.


  1.  She used all her powers of ____________________________ to convince Willy that it was the right thing to do.


  1.  Using a seatbelt will reduce the likelihood of serious __________________ in a car accident.


  1.  She had the reputation of being a __________________________.


  1.  The _________________________________ continued for nearly three years.



  1. festival
  2. calculations
  3. assistant
  4. guide
  5. consumers
  6. invitation
  7. hospitality
  8. believer
  9. economics
  10. prediction
  11. practice
  12. wedding
  13. service
  14. entry
  15. opening
  16. efficiency
  17. persuasion
  18. injury
  19. beauty
  20. investigation


  1. His ________________________ were without parallel in Olympic history.


  1. Flooding in this area is a common _______________________.


  1. This is just a little present to show my ___________________________ for all your _____________________.                     APPRECIATE


  1. The children are just an _______________________ for him when he’s trying to work.                                                     IRRITATE
  2. _____________________ from heart disease varies widely across the world.


  1. Candida is the most interesting ________________________ in the play.


  1. Any _________________________ of privacy is against the law.


  1. She’s had enough of his __________________________ - she’s going to do what she wants to do from now on.                   SELFISH
  2. The pace of technological _______________________ shows no sign of showing down.                                                  INNOVATORY
  3.  A ______________________ is an extremely tall strong man, who is often bad and cruel, in children’s stories.                  GIGANTIC
  4.  Rescuers had abandoned all the hope of finding any more _____________________ .                              SURVIVE
  5.  The headmaster will not tolerate bad _____________________.


  1.  Hotel _____________________ have to be tactful when dealing with difficult ____________________.                   RECEIVE


  1.  The __________________________ of democracy in ancient Greece was one of the most important events in history.   EMERGENCY
  2.  Retirement can often cause feelings of _____________________.


  1.  I was surprised at her calm ___________________ with which she handled the horse.                                                        ASSURE
  2.  All ____________________ to the apartment building must be announced.


  1.  It was only after a great deal of _____________________ that I got a satisfactory answer.                                       PERSIST
  2.  To his _____________________________, Gina never turned up at the party.                                                             DISAPPOINTED
  3.  His _____________________ throughout the affair has been beyond reproach.                                                       BEHAVE


  1. achievement
  2. occurrence
  3. appreciation, kindness
  4. irritation
  5. mortality
  6. character
  7. invasion
  8. selfishness
  9. innovation
  10.  giant
  11.  survivors
  12.  behavior
  13.  receptionists, customers
  14.  emergence
  15.  isolation
  16.  assurance
  17. visitors
  18.  persistence
  19.  disappointment
  20.  behaviour



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