The Symbols of the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation
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В презентации представлен познавательный страноведческий материал по теме "Символика стран Соединенного Королевства и Российской Федерации". Материал для 5 - 11 классов. Изложен интересно и легок в запоминании.
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Why is the red rose a symbol of England? In the 15 th century there was a series of wars in England, which were called the Wars of Roses. They were between the Dukes of Lancaster (their emblem was the red rose) and the Dukes of York (their emblem was the white rose) over who should be a King. The Duke of Lancaster won, so the emblem of England is the RED ROSE.
Why is the thistle a symbol of Scotland? The Scandinavians planned to attack a Scottish village. The Scots started to prepare for war. Late at night the Scandinavians came in their bare feet so as not to awaken the Scottish warriors. But the thorns of the thistle hurt their bare feet. Their howls of pain pierced the silence and the Scotts awoke to fight the enemy. So the Scottish symbol is the THISTLE .
Why is the daffodil a symbol of Wales? The DAFFODILl is a symbol of the Welsh patron, St David. It is an icon of rebirth and faithfulness due to the fact that the flower blooms every single year, even following harsh weather conditions. This is something the Welsh believe to be representative of the spirit of their nation. LEEK is another symbol of Wales.
Why is the shamrock a symbol of Northern Ireland? The shamrock is the emblem of the saint patron of Ireland - St.Patrick . The legend says that St.Patrick used the shamrock with its three leaves to explain the Holy Trinity to the Celtic pagans. As the God is believed to represent the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit of Christianity as the shamrock represents faith, hope and love. Irish people believe that the shamrock with four leaves is the symbol of luck.
The symbol of Russia is a two-headed eagle watching to the West and to the East, Europe and Asia.
Flag of Russian Federation has 3 horizontal stripes. White colour symbolizes the Earth. Blue colour symbolizes the Sky. Red colour symbolizes the Liberty.
The emblem of Russia is a birch tree.
The emblem of Sverdlovskaya region is a sable.
The emblem of settlement Uralskiy is a silver falcon.
UK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland . The symbol of England is a red rose. The symbol of Scotland is a thistle. The symbol of Wales is a daffodil. The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock and a red hand. RUSSIA The symbol of Russia is a two-headed eagle watching to the West and to the East, Europe and Asia. Flag of Russian Federation has 3 horizontal stripes. White colour symbolizes the Earth. Blue colour symbolizes the Sky. Red colour symbolizes the Liberty. The emblem of Russia is a birch tree. The emblem of Sverdlovskaya region is a sable. The emblem of settlement Uralskiy is a silver falcon.
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