урок английского языка по теме "Canada"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку
урок английского языка по теме "Canada"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка по теме «Канада».
• ввести и закрепить новые лексические единицы на основе речевых и визуальных опор
• содействовать формированию языковой догадки
• способствовать интеграции общекультурных знаний, их осознанному применению в новой ситуации
• продолжить развитие логического мышления, поддерживать интерес к дальнейшему изучению иностранного языка.
Воспитательные: Воспитание на материале учебных текстов общечеловеческих ценностей, воспитание уважительного и толерантного отношения к другой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры.
Учебные: совершенствование лексических навыков чтения и говорения и аудирования.
Планируемые результаты:
выделение основной мысли, главных фактов, установление логической последовательности основных фактов.
1) Регулятивные УУД: умение самостоятельно работать, распределять учебные задачи внутри группы, выбирать правильные способы решения поставленных задач.
3) Познавательные УУД: постановка и решение проблем, выбор наиболее эффективных способов решения познавательных задач, смысловое чтение текста, извлечение из него информации, выделение существенного, формирование обобщенных знаний.
4) Коммуникативные: построение речевых высказываний в групповой форме работы.
5)Личностные: формирование нравственных чувств и нравственного поведения, толерантного отношения к ошибкам друг друга.
Ход урока.
- Организационный момент урока.
Teacher: Today we are going to make our trip to one of the most wonderful and unique countries in the world, the country with a rich history, the country of beautiful landscapes and lake districts, the country of ten provinces and three northern territories. It is an English-speaking country. Its flag is red and white. Its symbol is a maple leaf. It borders with the USA.
Could you guess, what country is it?
Students: It’s Canada.
Teacher: You are right! It’s Canada.
- 2. Повторение грамматического материала (Passive Voice)
- The task was to use Passive Voice in the sentences. (проверка выполнения)
Now let’s read these geographical names.
- Canada
- the North American continent
- the Pacific Ocean
- the Atlantic Ocean
- the Arctic Ocean
- Canadian islands
- Newfoundland [‘njuːfən(d)lənd]
- Victorian Island
- Baffin Island
- the Nelson, the Ottawa, the Mackenzie and the Yukon
- Now let’s watch a presentation on the topic.
- Студенты смотрят презентацию
2) Remember the words.
independent federative state – независимое федеративное государство
the most developed – наиболее развитый
provinces - провинции
territories - территории
the west - запад
the east - восток
percent - процент
is covered - покрыты
glacier ice - ледник
are occupied by - заняты
bank - берег
bridge - мост
timber – лесная промышленность
mining – горная промышленность
chemical – химическая промышленность
wheat - пшеница
barley - ячмень
flax - лен
prosperous - процветающий
founding member - основатель
United Nations – Организация Объединенных Наций
major UN agencies – основные учреждения ООН
Make up these sentences.
1) on the North American continent / is / it / situated.
2) a lot of / there are / in Canada / rivers and lakes .
3) of Canada / are / English and French / official languages.
4) consists of / Canada / ten / territories / and / provinces / two.
Now let’s read and translate the text about Canada.
Canada is an independent federative state. It is one of the most developed countries. Canada consists of ten provinces and two territories.
It is situated on the North American continent. The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north. About 2 percent of the Canadian territory is covered by glacier ice.
The eastern parts of the country are mainly valleys and plains. The western territories are occupied by the Cordilleras.
The main Canadian islands are Newfoundland, Victorian Island, Baffin Island and others. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Canada. The largest rivers are the Nelson, the Ottawa, the Mackenzie and the Yukon.
In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia. Its area is almost 10 million km2. The capital of Canada is Ottawa, which is situated on the bank of the Ottawa River. It is famous for its beautiful parks. It is also known as the city of bridges.
The most developed industries are timber, mining, chemical, meat and milk and food industries. Canada grows wheat, barley, flax, potatoes, vegetables and fruit. Fishing is also one of the prosperous industries.
Official languages of Canada are English and French. Canada is a founding member of the United Nations. It has been active in a number of major UN agencies.
Студенты читают и переводят текст.
Now answer my questions:
1) Answer the questions.
1. What does Canada consist of?
2. Where is it situated?
3. What oceans is Canada washed by?
4. What are there in the eastern part of the country?
5. What are the main Canadian islands?
6. What are the largest rivers?
7. What is the size of Canada?
8. What is its area?
9. What is the capital of Canada? Where is it situated? What is it famous for?
10. What are the most developed industries?
11. What are grown in Canada?
12. What are the official languages?
2) True or false.
1) Canada is the most developed country.
2) Canada consists of two provinces and ten territories.
3) It is situated on the South American continent.
4) The country is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the south.
5) The largest rivers are Newfoundland, Victorian Island, Baffin Island and others.
6) In size Canada is the first in the world.
3) Complete the sentences:
1. The country is washed by the … Ocean in the west, by the … Ocean in the east and by the … Ocean and its seas in the north.
2. The … parts of the country are mainly valleys and plains.
3. The largest rivers are the …, the …, the … and the ….
4. … is known as the city of bridges.
5. The most developed industries are…
6. Official languages of Canada are … and …
4) Quiz on the topic "What do you know about Canada?"
- Canada is ... .
a) the largest country in the world
b) the second largest country in the world
c) third largest country in the world
- The capital of Canada is ... .
a) Montreal
b) Toronto
c) Ottawa
- Canada has two official languages. They are ... .
a) English and German
b) English and French
c) English and Canadian
- Canada national sport is ... .
a) baseball
b) football
c) ice hockey
- A snow house built by the Inuit (Eskimos) is called ... .
a) an igloo
b) a cabin
c) a hut
- The world famous waterfall situated in Canada is ... .
a) Victoria
b) Niagara
c) Sutherland
- Canadians have a special celebration in honour of this sweet drink. What is it?
a) Cola
b) lemonade
c) maple syrup
3. I Заключительный этап урока
1. Рефлексия
(2 мин)
Проанализировать, дать оценку успешности достижения цели.
- Well, our lesson is coming to the end. Do you like the lesson? What was interesting for you?
- What new facts have you leant?
-Would you like to visit Canada?
Объяснение домашнего задания, оценивание учащихся
Your hometask is to make up a story about Canada and learn it by heart.
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