вопросы к тексту Статуя Свободы
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

Круц Ирина Владимировна

проверка понимания текста при помощи предложений типа true/false


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Предварительный просмотр:

NAME _______________ FORM 11B DATE 08.12.2021

Use the right words to complete the definition: homeland, continent, replica, freedom/liberty, torch, yearn

1. When someone want something very much it’s called to ______________

2. When someone can do everything they want is called _________________

3. A place where you live is called a ___________________

4. An object with fire which can be held in a hand is called a ___________________

5. A copy of an object is called a ________________

6. A large area of land in the world ocean is called a _______________



NAME _______________ FORM 11B DATE 08.12.2021

Use the right words to complete the definition: homeland, continent, replica, freedom/liberty, torch, yearn

1. When someone want something very much it’s called to ______________

2. When someone can do everything they want is called _________________

3. A place where you live is called a ___________________

4. An object with fire which can be held in a hand is called a ___________________

5. A copy of an object is called a ________________

6. A large area of land in the world ocean is called a _______________

NAME _______________ FORM 11B DATE 08.12.2021

Use the right words to complete the definition: homeland, continent, replica, freedom/liberty, torch, yearn

1. When someone want something very much it’s called to ______________

2. When someone can do everything they want is called _________________

3. A place where you live is called a ___________________

4. An object with fire which can be held in a hand is called a ___________________

5. A copy of an object is called a ________________

6. A large area of land in the world ocean is called a _______________



NAME _______________ FORM 11B DATE 08.12.2021

Use the right words to complete the definition: homeland, continent, replica, freedom/liberty, torch, yearn

1. When someone want something very much it’s called to ______________

2. When someone can do everything they want is called _________________

3. A place where you live is called a ___________________

4. An object with fire which can be held in a hand is called a ___________________

5. A copy of an object is called a ________________

6. A large area of land in the world ocean is called a _______________

1. The Statue of Liberty is one of the symbols of the USA.

1. The first immigrants sailed to Washington’s harbour.

2. The immigrants looked for democracy, freedom and opportunity.

3. The legal requirement wasn’t necessary.

4. The Statue of Liberty depicts a woman in tight-fitting robe.

5. The rays of her crown represent seven continents and seas.

6 the Statue of Liberty which was given to America by the French

7 in her hands there is a tablet with the date of International Women’s Day 

8 it stands 93 m tall

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