Разработка урока английского языка по теме "Экология"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)
Познавательный аспект урока -ознакомить учащихся с проблемами экологии и способами защиты окружающей среды, что может сделать рядовой человек для защиты окружающей среды.
Развивающий аспект – развить способности к анализу у учащихся, развить критичность, готовность и способность творчески мыслить, находить нестандартные решения, умение проявлять инициативу, развивать социальные и личные результаты учащегося.
Воспитательный аспект – воспитание чувства любви и сопричастности к родной природе, стране, родному городу, животным, растениям. Формирование потребности беречь родную природу, защищать окружающую среду, формировать межкультурную компетенцию.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The aims of our lesson are : - To show the beauty of our planet we live on ; To show that the environment of our planet is in danger ; To show how to protect the environment and how to save all plants and animals and people of the Earth ; To show why the weather has become so warm and what the reason is ; To show what a man should do to protect the environment ( Green rules )
What dose this word mean ? Ecology is a)the study of people’s behaviour and the way people, animals and plants live together. b) the study of the environment and the way people, animals and plants live together.
What dose this word mean ? Environment is a)the place where we live b)our planet
А cid rain When harmful gases from cars and factories released into the air fall back to the Earth with rain or snow.
Rainforests Evergreen woodlands that receive at least 100 inches of rain a year, home to more than half of the world’s plants and animals.
Habitat An area that provides animals and plants with food, water, shelter .
Use the new words cut nature natural pollute pollution waste dump danger factory power powerful dangerous pour
Find in it equivalents of the words and word combinations (check yourself) Чтобы мы могли жить to be able to live Воздух, чтобы дышать air to breathe Формировать почву to make the soil Столько сколько можем as much as we can Мы вырубаем леса we cut down forests Мы загрязняем окружающую среду we pollute the environment Мы производим массу отходов we make a lot of waste Сливаем ядовитые отходы p our toxic waste Опасный для дыхания dangerous to breathe Выжить to survive
In how many ways can you complete these sentences People can’t live without… People need to make our planet… We would like to see our rivers and lakes… It is dangerous to… There a lot of things we can take from nature:… We pollute the environment when we… People should always remember that…
Ecological problems destruction of wildlife ; the growth of population; traffic noise; acid rains; the greenhouse effect; radiation; deforestation and desertification; health and chemical safety; global warming.
Listen and sing along ‘Green Fields’(by R. Dehr , F. Miller.)
Make up sentences about ecology planet country Our air should be… rivers, lakes and seas food forests people water
Put the statements below in the right categories ( check yourself) You should You Don’t Plant more trees to Cut down trees, witch make make you country green. our air clean. Feed animals in cold seasons. Turn the rives into dumps. Help animals to survive. Build factories on rives banks . Clean rivers and lakes. Pour toxic waste into the rivers Be careful with farm waste . and lakes. Use fewer cars. Dump old cars in forests. Make Clean Air laws. Burn toxic waste. Take lorries out of city or town centers. Use rivers for washing cars. Pay big money if you’re a polluter. Make laws to control pollution.
What have you known today? I have known… Now I can … new facts about ecology new facts about environment how comparing and contrasting pictures what creative abilities I have got how prepare to exam read and understand words and texts about ecology talk and ride about environmental protection compare picture prepare to exam
Как описать фото? Как сравнить две фотографии? Следующие слова и выражения помогут вам это сделать. I took this photo last summer when I was in... I'd like to show you this photo because... The picture/photo shows... In the picture I can see... There is/are ...in this picture The central focus of the picture is… On the right/left there is/are... There is/are ... in the background The people in the picture are ... The people in the picture look happy because .. The people in the picture seem sad because ... The general atmosphere in the picture is positive because... The weather in the picture is... It seems to me that/It looks like…. I guess/I imagine… As I see it… From my point of view… It is not very clear, but probably… I’m not sure, but it could be… The picture makes me feel happy/sad/… The picture inspires me to think about… The picture gives me the impression that… To sum up/To summarize Both photos show... The pictures are similar because they both... The photos are really different/similar, for example... In both pictures the people are... I think the common theme here is ... One/the main similarity/difference between the pictures is that... What both pictures have in common is... However, there are also some differences between the pictures. The picture on the left is ... than the other one. The second picture contains... whereas the first picture...
Home-work Comparing any ecological pictures
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