Curriculum Vitae or Resume
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Материал предназначен для студентов разных специальностей. В презентации рассматривается написание резюме на английском языке.


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Слайд 1

Curriculum Vitae CV or Resume?

Слайд 2

CV ( BrE ) = Resume ( AmE ) Curriculum vitae is a short written document that lists your education and previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job.

Слайд 3

How to design the layout of CV? Always type your CV. Use A4 size paper. It should cover no more then two sides of A4 paper. You should attach a photograph. A good font size to use is 12 (or 10 if you want to put more information ). Only one font style (for example Times New Roman ). Keep your sentences short and simple.

Слайд 4

Main Paragraphs Personal Information Work experience Education and training Personal skills and competences Additional information References

Слайд 5

Personal Information Name: when writing your name, always put your first name first and your family name (surname) last. Title: Mr., Mrs., Miss, other Nationality Date of birth/ Age / Place of birth Address: the full address including the postcode E-mail address: check regularly Telephone number: mobile and home

Слайд 6

Work Experience Dates Occupation or position Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer List the most recent jobs first. You should not use the word “I ”.

Слайд 7

Education and Training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills Name and type of organization providing education and training

Слайд 8

Personal skills and competences If you have other skills or qualifications which you believe may be relevant, you can list these, for example: f oreign languages; o rganizational skills and competences; computer skills and competences; d riving license(s).

Слайд 9

Additional information The exact list you want to give may depend on your circumstances and what the job requires; i nclude interests which may show the interviewer that you have good social or team-working skills , that show your dedication, enthusiasm, success or that highlight additional skills that may be useful in the job.

Слайд 10

References References furnished on request Provide references if your employer asks for them Possible referees include a teacher or previous employer(s). You should give the name of the referees, the company’s name, the address of the company’s office, the e-mail address, the telephone number.

Слайд 11

Covering Letter Dear Sir, As my application for the job, I am sending you the following materials (enclosed ): 1. Completed Application Form. 2. Completed International Student Financial Statement. 3. Certified copy of my official transcript (academic certificate) with attached official translation into English made by the St. Petersburg State Notary Office 1. 4. Two-page Personal Statement. 5. Three letters of recommendation (in separate envelopes). 6. Copies of TOEFL, TWE. Please acknowledge the receipt of this packet. Please also let me know if you need any additional documents. I would be very grateful to you if you would duplicate your admission decision via e-mail . Thank you for consideration of my application . Sincerely yours. Tatyana Larina

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