Открытый урок в 11 классе тема урока: "Resume Writing".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Данный урок предназначен для учащихся 11 класса общеобразовательной школы изучающих английский язык по УМК М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English"
Цель урока: Формирование практических навыков владения письменной речью: написание резюме.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: «Resume writing”
ЦЕЛЬ: формирование практических навыков владения письменной речью: написание
- ознакомление учащихся с алгоритмом написания резюме;
- формирование практических умений изучающего чтения с использованием различных приёмов смысловой переработки текста в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи (языковой догадки, дословного перевода, использования словаря);
- формирование умения оценивать полученную информацию и выражать собственное мнение;
- формирование умения действовать по образцу и аналогии при написании резюме;
- познавательной активности;
- смыслового чтения;
- логического мышления ;
- коммуникативных способностей учащихся в совместной деятельности.
Воспитание :
- культуры общения;
- привычки работать самостоятельно;
- стремления к приобретению новых знаний;
- использование материала урока для выработки учеником собственного взгляда на мир и отношения к нему, для формирования научного мировоззрения.
мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, презентация, конспекты с заданиями.
- Организационный этап.
-Hello, my dear students! (Hello!)
-How are you? (Fine, thank you. And you?)
-I’m OK. Thank you. … (обращение к ученику(це),who is absent today? (All are present./ … is absent today.)
-It’s fine./ What’s up with … ? (May be he/she is ill.) It’s a pity.
Упражнение, направленное на определение цели урока.
-Look at the pictures and try to guess what we are going to speak today about? (слайды 2-3).
(We are going to speak about a resume that is very important for applicants to find a good job.)
(Time: 3 min)
- Речевая разминка.
Упражнение, направленное на положительную мотивацию и снятие напряжения.
(фронтальный опрос учащихся)
-Will you write a resume in the nearest future? (Yes, I will) Why? ( I want to find a well-paid( good, prestigious)job.)
-Can you write a resume? (No, I can’t). Is a resume necessary for your future career? (Yes, it is). Do you want to learn resume writing? (Yes, I do.)
(Time: 2 min)
- Этап ознакомления.
Упражнение, направленное на определение учебных действий для достижения цели урока.
-What should we do to master resume writing? Any ideas?(слайд 4)
(We should learn the rules of resume writing and investigate different kinds of resume.)
-Yes, you are right. I can offer you the following plan of our lesson (слайд 5):
1. Rules of resume writing;
2. Resume structure;
3. Resume practice.
-Do you agree with it? (Yes, we do.)
-Let’s begin with the rules of resume writing(слайд 6).
(Time: 2 min)
Упражнение , направленное на формирование навыка определения понятий
-Answer the question: “What’s a resume?” Match the word with its definition.(слайд 7)
- the employee’s tool to be interviewed for the position he or she is seeking.
A resume is b) the employer’s tool for choosing among candidates.
- the employee’s tool to say any important information he or she didn’t discuss during the interview.
(The right answers: a), b))
-What conclusion can we make? (So, we can make the conclusion that a resume is a very important tool for both the employees and employers.)
(Time: 2 min)
Упражнение , направленное на расширение вокабуляра (лексический навык)и совершенствование произносительных навыков.
-Find the English equivalents for the word “a resume” (слайд 8):
a business letter, a job application form, a questionary, a personality profile, a curriculum vitae (CV), a cover letter
-Read and translate all the words and word combinations.
(Time: 2 min)
Упражнение , направленное на совершенствование умения использования норм лексической сочетаемости в коммуникативном контексте.
-Complete the text using the words from the box. Read and translate the sentences into Russian.(слайд 9)
capabilities correspondence strengths resume achievements
Resume writing.
- When you want to find a job you need a ... . (resume)
- A resume is a kind of business … (correspondence) that helps employers to choose among candidates.
- A resume should tell about your successes, ... (achievements) and … (strengths ) .
- It should quickly cover your past tasks that you have done and future … (capabilities) because employers spend only 15 to 20 seconds on each resume.
(Time: 4 min)
Упражнение, направленное на активизацию лексики по теме: “Resume writing” в чтении и переводе и совершенствование грамматического навыка (употребление побудительных предложений).
-Read and translate the rules of resume writing.(слайды 10-12)
Never write!
- Don’t use cheap paper. Don’t use bright colours, if you want to look conservative and business-like.
- Don’t write a resume longer than 2 pages. Never write it on two sides of the same paper.
- Don’t forget to put your name on the second page, if you have two-page resume.
- Don’t handwrite your resume. The best way of typing a resume is using a computer and a printer.
- Don’t include personal information such as: weight, nationality, race, desired salary, the reasons why you left the previous job ( sometimes personal interests and hobbies).
- Don’t use “I”-statements because it’s a formal document but not a story.
- Don’t forget to give your work experience and education in reverse chronological order.
- Don’t avoid to use active verbs such as “managed”, “provided”, “directed”, “coordinated”, “accomplished”, “maintained”, “encouraged”, “ increased”, “conducted”, “participated”.
(Time: 7 min)
(Комментарии учителя)
-Remember!!! Employers prefer neatly organized one-page resume. It should quickly tell about your past performance and future capabilities.
Otherwise, … you can watch the following tragic or comic situations. Wow!!!
(слайд 13)
(Time: 1 min)
IV. Динамическая пауза.
-Let’s have a rest! Do like me! (музыкальное сопровождение)
(слайд №14)
(Time: 2 min)
V Этап ознакомления.
(Комментарии учителя)
- Look at resume structure. (слайд 16) A resume consists of six parts. Let’s consider every part in details. Sometimes I will speak Russian to explain important things to you.
-Well, let’s learn the strategies how to write a resume.
The first part of the resume is Contact Information(слайд 17). The contact information tells about who you are, where you live, what your phone number and e-mail address are, and how your employer can reach you. Then you should write date of your birth. Probably, it’s the most important information in your document.
(Один из учеников переводит объяснение учителя.)
-Look at the sample and translate it into Russian. Pay attention to punctuation marks.
Contact information
Peter Brown
35 Green Street,
New York, WA 87954
Phone (503) 456-6781
Fax (503) 456-6782
E-mail petert@net.com
Date of Birth
3 October 1966
You should miss one line before the second part.
The second part is Objective. (слайд 18) The objective is a statement describing what type of work you hope to get.
-Look at the sample and translate it into Russian.
Employment as a manager in important clothing retailer
-The third part is Work Experience. (слайд 19) It is your professional summary in reverse chronological order. Besides, you should list your most marketable skills and abilities which relate to the job you are seeking. If you are a recent graduate and have no work experience, you should miss this part.
-Look at the next sample and translate it into Russian.
Work Experience
1998-Present Jackson Shoes Inc. New York, WA
Manager staff of 10
Provide helpful service to customers concerning shoe choices
1995-1998 Smith Office Supplies & Yakima, WA
Assistant Manager
Managed warehouse operations
Interviewed new applicants for open positions
-The fourth part is Education. (слайд 20) You should give your education in reverse chronological order. If you are an applicant with more than two years of experience , write only degree, school, location and date. If you are a recent graduate, you should list all your educational strengths:
e.g. honours, courses, studies, educational programmes you took part in. Sometimes Education and Work Experience can be exchanged. Your employer is interested in the information which shows your level of suitability for the position.
-Let’s consider the following example. Read and translate it.
1991-1995 Seattle University, WA
Bachelor of Business Administration
-The fifth part of resume is Additional Skills and Interests. (слайд 21) You can list them if they have some value for the position you are applying for.
-Look at the example.
Additional Skills
Computer literacy, good knowledge of French, driving license
-And the last part is References. (слайд 22) Former employers and teachers are the best to give you references but don’t forget to ask their permission before you include them into your resume.
Each reference should include name, position or title, business address and a telephone number.
Besides, you may just write: “Will be furnished on request” or ”Available upon request”.
-Look at the sample and translate.
-Have you got any questions concerning resume structure?
(Time: 12 min)
VI. Этап тренировки.
-Well, it’s time for Resume Practice. (слайд 23)
Упражнение, направленное на отработку алгоритма написания письма.
-What are the functions of these resume parts? Choose the right heading from the box. Put the parts of the resume in the right order. (слайды 24-26)
Contact information Objective Work Experience Education Skills Reference
- September 2009 to present: Sales Assistant,
S & S Clothes Store, 19 Lefferts Boulevard,
New York 11202.
- Will be furnished on request
- Jeffrey Stevenson
25 Queens Boulevard,
NY 11202
- The Bowker Business School, 500 Fifth Avenue,
New York, New York 10011, June 2011
Certificate on travel and Tourism Courses
included: The World of Travel; Time Management;
Travel Sales and Services.
- Effective in communication and time management,
good typing skills, good knowledge of Spanish and
French, computer literacy, driving license
- an entry-level position in the travel industry
(Учащиеся используют интерактивную доску для занесения правильных ответов).
(Time: 5 min)
VIII. Домашнее задание.
Упражнение, направленное на формирование практических навыков написания резюме.
-Read the text and make up the resume of Julia Nikolayeva. (слайд 27)
Julia Nikolayeva lives in Moscow in Tamanskaya Street. Her house, №22, is a multistoreyed brick building. She lives on the 7th floor in flat 76. She is 19 years old. Julia is a nice sociable girl with many interests. Her phone number 7639912 is known to all her friends and on her birthday, March 19, they always come to her place. She is fond of classical music and can play the violin. She also likes gardening and there are a lot of beautiful flowers in her garden. She is a PC user and likes emailing and chatting in the Internet. Her email is htpp.www.info@junik.ru. She left school № 1423 last year and worked as a courier in the Swedish furniture shop Ikea. She also learned Swedish and studied at the secretarial courses. She received a diploma confirming her skills as a typewriter and shorthand. She types 180 letters per minute. She wants to work in Sweden in the Russian branch of Ikea as a secretary.
(Time: 1 min)
VII. Подведение итогов
-Are you glad of your work? What have you learnt today? I hope that in the nearest future when you are graduates, you’ll be able to say the following: “ I have a good resume”. (слайд 28)
- I’m pleased with your work too. Thank you . Good bye! (слайд 29)
(Time: 1 min)
Предварительный просмотр:
- Answer the question: “What’s a resume?”
Match the word with its definition.
- the employee’s tool to be interviewed for the position he or she is seeking.
A resume is b) the employer’s tool for choosing among candidates.
- the employee’s tool to say any important information he or she didn’t discuss during the interview.
- Find the English equivalents for the word “a resume”:
a business letter, a job application form, a questionary, a personality profile, a curriculum vitae (CV), a cover letter
- Complete the text using the words from the box. Read and translate the sentences into Russian.
capabilities correspondence strengths resume achievements
Resume writing.
- When you want to find a job you need a ... .
- A resume is a kind of business … that helps employers to choose among candidates.
- A resume should tell about your successes, ... and … .
- It should quickly cover your past tasks that you have done and future … because employers spend only 15 to 20 seconds on each resume.
- Read and translate the rules of resume writing.
Never write!
- Don’t use cheap paper. Don’t use bright colours, if you want to look conservative and business-like.
- Don’t write a resume longer than 2 pages. Never write it on two sides of the same paper.
- Don’t forget to put your name on the second page, if you have two-page resume.
- Don’t handwrite your resume. The best way of typing a resume is using a computer and a printer.
- Don’t include personal information such as: weight, nationality, race, desired salary, the reasons why you left the previous job ( sometimes personal interests and hobbies).
- Don’t use “I”-statements because it’s a formal document but not a story.
- Don’t forget to give your work experience and education in reverse chronological order.
- Don’t avoid to use active verbs such as “managed”, “provided”, “directed”, “coordinated”, “accomplished”, “maintained”, “encouraged”, “ increased”, “conducted”, “participated”.
- Learn the strategies how to write a resume.
Contact information
Peter Brown
35 Green Street,
New York, WA 87954
Phone (503) 456-6781
Fax (503) 456-6782
E-mail petert@net.com
Date of Birth
3 October 1966
Employment as a manager in important clothing retailer
Work Experience
1998-Present Jackson Shoes Inc. New York, WA
Manager staff of 10
Provide helpful service to customers concerning shoe choices
1995-1998 Smith Office Supplies & Yakima, WA
Assistant Manager
Managed warehouse operations
Interviewed new applicants for open positions
1991-1995 Seattle University, WA
Bachelor of Business Administration
Additional Skills
Computer literacy, good knowledge of French, driving license
Football, diving
John Campbell
Managing Director
Jackson Shoes Inc. New York, WA
Tel: (503) 202-4224
- What are the functions of these resume parts? Choose the right heading from the box.
Contact information Objective Work Experience Education Skills Reference
- September 2009 to present: Sales Assistant,
S & S Clothes Store, 19 Lefferts Boulevard,
New York 11202.
- Will be furnished on request
- Jeffrey Stevenson
25 Queens Boulevard,
NY 11202
- The Bowker Business School, 500 Fifth Avenue,
New York, New York 10011, June 2011
Certificate on travel and Tourism Courses
included: The World of Travel; Time Management;
Travel Sales and Services.
- Effective in communication and time management,
good typing skills, good knowledge of Spanish and
French, computer literacy, driving license
- an entry-level position in the travel industry
- Put the parts of the resume in the right order.
- Copy the underlined words and expressions in your exercise-books. Find their transcription and translation. Learn them by heart.
Homework: read the text and make up the resume of Julia Nikolayeva.
Julia Nikolayeva lives in Moscow in Tamanskaya Street. Her house, №22, is a multistoreyed brick building. She lives on the 7th floor in flat 76. She is 19 years old. Julia is a nice sociable girl with many interests. Her phone number 7639912 is known to all her friends and on her birthday, March 19, they always come to her place. She is fond of classical music and can play the violin. She also likes gardening and there are a lot of beautiful flowers in her garden. She is a PC user and likes emailing and chatting in the Internet. Her email is htpp.www.info@junik.ru. She left school № 1423 last year and worked as a courier in the Swedish furniture shop Ikea. She also learned Swedish and studied at the secretarial courses. She received a diploma confirming her skills as a typewriter and shorthand. She types 180 letters per minute. She wants to work in Sweden in the Russian branch of Ikea as a secretary.
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