Кооперативное обучение. Разработка урока по теме Загрязнение окружающей среды
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)

Мещерикова Ольга Александровна

УМК: New Matrix Kathy Gude 10 класс Envirionmental pollution

Тема урока:Environmental problems.

Технология: Кооперативное обучение


Предварительный просмотр:

Учитель: Мещерикова Ольга Александровна

УМК: New Matrix Kathy Gude 10 класс

Тема урока:Environmental problems.

Цель урока: Совершенствование ключевых языковых компетенций на уроке английского языка.

Задачи урока:

Практическая: Совершенствование коммуникативных умений в говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме с учетом речевых возможностей, потребностей и интересов учащихся по теме «Проблемы окружающей среды».

Образовательная: активизировать и совершенствовать актуальный словарный запас обучающихся.

Развивающая:  содействовать установлению в сознании ребенка устойчивых связей между накопленным и новым опытом познавательной и практической деятельности; формировать и развивать учебно-организационные умения и навыки (самостоятельная работа, коллективная деятельность, самоконтроль); развивать способность к рефлексии, как важнейшей составляющей умения учиться.

Воспитательная: развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для достижения намеченной цели; активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность; повышать интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитывать культуру языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умение  внимательно слушать собеседника.

Тип урока:         урок комплексного применения знаний и умений (с использованием электронно-образовательных ресурсов).

УУД: Личностные: осознание возможности самореализации средствами иностранного  языка, осознание ответственности человека за проблемы окружающей среды.

Регулятивные: умение оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи,  собственные возможности её решения; умение осуществлять самооценку, самоконтроль; умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество; умение работать индивидуально и в группе.

Познавательные: умение анализировать, устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, строить  логическое рассуждение; умение использовать карту памяти для решения коммуникативных задач.

Коммуникативные: умение организовывать  учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками; умение адекватно использовать коммуникативные средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач, владеть монологической формой коммуникации, используя, в том числе средства и инструменты ИКТ; владение устной и письменной речью;

Планируемые результаты:

Базовый уровень: тренировка в использовании лексико-грамматического материала в устной речи опираясь на карту памяти, понимание текста для аудирования, чтения по теме урока.

Повышенный уровень: умение строить монологическое высказывание по  просмотренному фильму, самостоятельное озвучивание фильма.


I Организационный этап

1 Приветствие

2 Определение темы урока (структура Continuous Round Robin)

II этап

Проверка д\з. Актуализация знаний (структура Think Write Round Robin)

III этап

Усвоение нового материала

1 Развитие умения аудирования, просмотр фильма Pollution (структура Single Round Robin)

2 Совершенствование лексических навыков, развитие умения чтения, аудирования по теме Pollution (структура Zoom in)

IV этап

Самостоятельное творческое использование сформированных навыков и умений (структура Connect extend Challenge )

V этап

Заключительный этап

1 обобщение усвоенного материала, самоконтроль

2 Д/З

Ход урока.

I этап

1 Организационный момент. Эмоциональный настрой.

Hello dear girls, nice to see you today! How are you? We have a lot of guests, do you like guests? What way do people usually behave themselves when guests come? Let’s smile each other and get pleasure from our lesson. Are you ready to do your best?(2m)

2 Постановка учебной проблемы. (Continuous Round Robin)

Look at the screen there are a lot of words here. What is common about them? Find the problem which is the most important one and it’s a common problem of men living all over the world. What is it? Why is it a problem of the whole world, why should we study this problem? Discuss it in your groups. (2m)

II этап

 Актуализация знаний. (Think Write Round Robin)

Work in  groups. I have prepared for you a lot of pictures. Your task is: look at them and tell me what you can see. You can use your mind maps “Pollution” which you were to complete at home. Each group that guesses what is shown on the picture, after discussion raises a hand. (Slideshow) 5m

OK, very nice, I can see that you have worked hard at home and you’ve learnt a lot of new words.

What environmental problems will we discuss at the lesson? (water, air, noise, nuclear, land pollution).

What way will it be interesting for you to study environmental problems: to read an article, to listen to a tape recorder or to watch a film? (1m)

G:\карта памяти Загрязнение окружающей среды 001.jpg

III этап

 Усвоение нового материала.

  1. Watch the film “Environmental problems” and tell us what problems are mentioned, which of them impressed you very much and why.
  • Film watching, questions answering. (6) (Single Round Robin)
  1. Complete the first part of the text with the missing words. Use the following words to complete the text: activities, air, nervous system, environment, traffic, mobility, atmosphere, pneumonia___bronchitis.(2) (Zoom In)

People are now more concerned about their environment. One of the most serious environmental problems is pollution in its many forms: air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and nuclear pollution.

As the population of large cities continues to grow, pollution problems become worse. The air around us becomes polluted as a result of our own activities. For instance, when coal is burnt, gases and smoke are produced that make the air dirty and unpleasant. The air in big cities is being polluted by traffic and industry. The most dangerous pollutant from cars is lead. Even small amounts can affect the brain and nervous system of people. The number of cars and lorries is growing all the time. On the one hand, they bring mobility to millions of people, but on the other hand, they need bigger, better and more expensive roads, which often ruin the countryside.

Every year the world’s industries pollute the atmosphere with about 1,000 million tons of dust and other substances. Some factories release harmful substances all the time as a result of removing wastes from the factory. Other factories may usually produce little or no pollution, but can cause lung diseases like pneumonia or bronchitis.

     4) Now listen to and check your answers.(2)

5) Complete the secondpart of the text with the missing words.Use the following words to complete the text: chemicals, water, sewage, oil, land, tips, rubbish, people.(2) (Zoom In)

Water pollution has become a serious problem because factories also pour poisonous wastes into streams and rivers. Farming can also cause water pollution. The chemicals used by the farmer to protect crops against pests, weeds and disease sometimes get into rivers and kill fish. Although these chemicals are carefully controlled, this still sometimes happen. To make things still worse, many towns pour sewage straight into rivers with little treatment beforehand.

Oil pollution is like a recurring nightmare. Sea birds like gulls are always the most common victims. Covered in a thick black coating of oil, such birds are unable to fly or feed themselves.

Our land is also polluted because of our activities. Rubbish tips, dumped poisonous chemicals, broken cars, thrown away bottles and dropped sweet wrappers are all types of land pollution. Some types of land pollution are just unpleasant to look. Others can be dangerous for people and for animals. Land pollution is something that we can all help to prevent by not leaving rubbish in the streets or in the countryside.

     6)  Listen to and check your answers.(2)

  1. Complete the third part of the text with the missing words.Use the following words to complete the text:noise,  deaf,  airports, nuclear pollution,  waste products, accidents, health.(2) (Zoom In)

Although noise is not a chemical and cannot be seen like a broken car, it is a kind of pollution. Noise is all around us, wherever we live, and we do not notice it most of the time. But people leaving near airports suffer from the noise of larger and powerful jet airliners taking off and landing. Loud noise can make people ill. People who are exposed to loud noises all the time become very nervous and upset. Moreover, they run a risk of going deaf.

The most alarming form of pollution is nuclear pollution. Accidents at nuclear power stations cause dangerous health problems. The waste products can last hundreds of years.

To sum up, pollution of the environment threatens human health. It can lead to different diseases. To make the air and water clean we need good filters and purifying systems.

  1. Listen to and check your answers. (2)
  2. Now look through the text once again and fill in your mind map with some more (missing) information. (2) (Zoom In)

IV этап

 Самостоятельное творческое использование сформированных умений и навыков. (Connect Extend Challenge)

What structure should we follow discussing any environmental problem?(the problem itself, factors it is caused by, consequences it leads to). Now you will work in groups again. Group one you work with the first part, group two with part  two, group three with part three. Look through your texts and mind maps and prepare to play a  role of a  speaker of the film. (4)

     Now you will see the film without a volume, your task is to voice the film, pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation and follow the structure of environmental problem discussion. (6)

V этап

 Обобщение усвоенного материала. Самоконтроль.

Let’s make conclusion of our lesson. Have enjoyed it? Are you satisfied with your work? Have you learnt anything new? What marks will appreciate your work with?

Fill in this table, give yourself a mark in every column and the final mark for the lesson. (3)



Have you enjoyed the lesson?

Personal satis-


Getting new information

Vocabulary knowledge



Work with the text (filling in missing words)

Voicing the  film

Total mark for





7 Домашнее задание

Choose any task: (1)

1 Write an essay “Environmental problems”.

2 Prepare a slideshow and presentation of environmental problems.

3 Prepare a  perfect voicing of the film “Environmental problems”.

Предварительный просмотр:

        1 Complete the first part of the text with the missing words. Use the following words to complete it: activities, air, nervous system, environment, traffic, mobility, atmosphere, pneumonia___bronchitis.

      People are now more concerned about their _____________. One of the most serious environmental problems is pollution in its many forms: air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and nuclear pollution.

      As the population of large cities continues to grow, pollution problems become worse. The air around us becomes polluted as a result of our own _____________. For instance, when coal is burnt, gases and smoke are produced that make the ______ dirty and unpleasant. The air in big cities is being polluted by __________ and industry. The most dangerous pollutant from cars is lead. Even small amounts can affect the brain and ____________________ of people. The number of cars and lorries is growing all the time. On the one hand, they bring ______________ to millions of people, but on the other hand, they need bigger, better and more expensive roads, which often ruin the countryside.

      Every year the world’s industries pollute the _________________ with about 1,000 million tons of dust and other substances. Some factories release harmful substances all the time as a result of removing wastes from the factory. Other factories may usually produce little or no pollution, but can cause lung diseases like _______________________________________.

        2 Listen to the speaker and check your answers.

        3 Complete the second part of the text with the missing words. Use the following words to complete the text: chemicals, water, sewage, oil, land, tips, rubbish, people.

___________ pollution has become a serious problem because factories also pour poisonous wastes into streams and rivers. Farming can also cause water pollution. The ____________ used by the farmer to protect crops against pests, weeds and disease sometimes get into rivers and kill fish. Although these chemicals are carefully controlled, this still sometimes happen. To make things still worse, many towns pour ___________ straight into rivers with little treatment beforehand.

    Oil pollution is like a recurring nightmare. Sea birds like gulls are always the most common victims. Covered in a thick black coating of ________, such birds are unable to fly or feed themselves.

Our ___________is also polluted because of our activities. Rubbish _________, dumped poisonous chemicals, broken cars, thrown away bottles and dropped sweet wrappers are all types of land pollution. Some types of land pollution are just unpleasant to look. Others can be dangerous for ____________ and for animals. Land pollution is something that we can all help to prevent by not leaving ______________in the streets or in the countryside.

        4 Listen to the speaker and check your answers.

        5 Complete the third part of the text with the missing words. Use the following words to complete the text: deaf, noise,  airports, nuclear pollution,  waste products, human  health, accidents.

Although __________ is not a chemical and cannot be seen like a broken car, it is a kind of pollution. Noise is all around us, wherever we live, and we do not notice it most of the time. But people leaving near ___________ suffer from the noise of larger and powerful jet airliners taking off and landing. Loud noise can make people ill. People who are exposed to loud noises all the time become very nervous and upset. Moreover, they run a risk of going ___________.

The most alarming form of pollution is ________________________. _______________ at nuclear power stations cause dangerous health problems. The ___________________________ can last hundreds of years.

To sum up, pollution of the environment threatens _______________________. It can lead to different diseases. To make the air and water clean we need good filters and purifying systems.

        6 Listen to the speaker and check your answers.

Fill in this table, give yourself a mark in every column and the final mark for the lesson.



Have you enjoyed the lesson?

Personal satis-


Getting new information

Vocabulary knowledge



Work with the text (filling in missing words)

Voicing the  film

Total mark for





Fill in this table, give yourself a mark in every column and the final mark for the lesson.



Have you enjoyed the lesson?

Personal satis-


Getting new information

Vocabulary knowledge



Work with the text (filling in missing words)

Voicing the  film

Total mark for





Fill in this table, give yourself a mark in every column and the final mark for the lesson.



Have you enjoyed the lesson?

Personal satis-


Getting new information

Vocabulary knowledge



Work with the text (filling in missing words)

Voicing the  film

Total mark for





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