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методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[u:]-r oo m bathr oo m living-r oo m bed roo m [ɔː]-wall fall floor door small [æ]-have has pan [ ɛə ]-chair hair share [ ʧ]-cheese chare teacher check Фонетическая зарядка
Do you live in a flat or house? How many rooms are there in your house? Have you got a room of your own? What have your got in your room? Речевая зарядка
Listen and repeat . Which of these words are similar in your language
Name a room . Say what thighs it has got . It is a … It has got a…..
It is a … It has got а ….
It is a…. It has got a….
It is a …. It has got…
There is/there are…
There _____ two cups of tea on the table. There _____ some milk in the cup. There _____ an orange in the salad. There _____ six balls in the box. There _____ some cheese on the plate. There ______ a blue chair at the door. There _____ five chicks and a hen on the farm. There _____ a table and nine desks in the classroom. There _____ a big window to the left of the door. There _____ three rooms in our country house Упражнение . Вставьте is или are.
_________ some sandwiches in the fridge. _________ a biscuit on the plate. _________ some jam on the table. _________ some cornflakes in the cupboard. _________ some sugar in the glass. _________ two cups of tea on the table. Упражнение . Write in There's / There’re.
Is / Are there a sofa in the room? ______________________ Is / Are there any chairs? ______________________ Is / Are there any lamps? ______________________ Is / Are there a wardrobe in the room? ______________________ Is / Are there two armchairs? ______________________ Is / Are there a carpet on the floor? ______________________ Упражнение . Circle the correct word. Give short answers about your room.
There ________a sofa in the room. There ________any armchairs. There ________ any lamps. There ________a bookcase. There ________a bed. There________any books. Упражнение . Write in isn't or aren't.
Are there any sausages in the fridge? ____________________. Is there any sugar in the cupboard?____________________. Are there any eggs in the fridge?____________________. Is there any jam in the fridge?____________________. Are there any biscuits in the cupboard?____________________. Упражнение . Give short answers. Yes, there is. Yes, there are. No, there isn't. No, there aren't.
Did you like the lesson? I feel pleased I am bored I am happy
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[w] Wall, wardrobe, window, washbasin [ tʃ ] Chair, armchair, picture, kitchen [ t] Table, carpet, computer, TV [ ð] There is, there are, this, that [ θ ] Bath, bathroom, three, thank
behind In front of above under next to in on Prepositions of place
Me bedroom There is a computer in my bedroom Переводим на русский язык с конца предложения B моей комнате ( имеется ) компьютер Используя местоимения behind, in front of In, under ,next to, on above составляем предложения
На стене ( имеется ) книжная полка На полке книги Под окном кровать Около кроватки мячик Над кроваткой картинка Под кроваткой коробки На кроватке плюшевая мишка
Когда много предметом мы используем There are There are books on the table На столе (имеются) книги В сумке ручки В вазе цветы
_________ some sandwiches in the fridge. _________ a biscuit on the plate. _________ some jam on the table. _________ some cornflakes in the cupboard. _________ some sugar in the glass. _________ two cups of tea on the table. Упражнение . Write in There is / There a re .
Задаем вопрос There is a table in the room Чтобы получился вопрос слова Is и are выносим вперед : Is there a table in the room? Ответы: Yes ,there is No ,there isn’t
There are books on the table .выносим слово аге вперед и получается вопрос Are books on the table ? Ответы Yes ,there are - Да,есть No ,there aren’t - Нет,не имеется
Are there any sausages in the fridge? ____________________. Is there any sugar in the cupboard?____________________. Are there any eggs in the fridge?____________________. Is there any jam in the fridge?____________________. Are there any biscuits in the cupboard?____________________. Упражнение . Give short answers. Yes, there is. Yes, there are. No, there isn't. No, there aren't.
Is / Are there a sofa in the room? ______________________ Is / Are there any chairs? ______________________ Is / Are there any lamps? ______________________ Is / Are there a wardrobe in the room? ______________________ Is / Are there two armchairs? ______________________ Is / Are there a carpet on the floor? ______________________ Упражнение . Circle the correct word. Give short answers about your room.
Что бы сказать в комнате нет телевизора ,просто доб а вить слово not В комнате не имеется телевизор There is not или i sn’t a TV in the room There are not или aren’t books on the table
There ________a sofa in the room. There ________any armchairs. There ________ any lamps. There ________a bookcase. There ________a bed. There________any books. Упражнение . Write in isn't or aren't.
Are there any sausages in the fridge? ____________________. Is there any sugar in the cupboard?____________________. Are there any eggs in the fridge?____________________. Is there any jam in the fridge?____________________. Are there any biscuits in the cupboard?____________________. Упражнение . Give short answers. Yes, there is. Yes, there are. No, there isn't. No, there aren't.
Домашняя работа : выполнить письменно и отправить на ватсап - 8 9227651452 упр. н а стр.54 и учим предлоги н а стр . 50 (устно) упр.1
W hat room is it ? What color is furniture in the room ? What has room got ?
Say and spell the word
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
I / we / you / they verb ( глагол) it / he / she verb + –s (– es )
Если на конце глаголов стоят – ch , – tch , – s , – ss , – sh , – x , – z , к ним присоединяется окончание – es : I touch. ( Я касаюсь.) She touches. ( Она касается.) I watch. ( Я смотрю.) He watches. ( Он смотрит.) I witness. (Я даю показания.) She witnesses . (Она дает показания.) I fix. ( Я исправляю.) He fixes. ( Он исправляет.)
Тоже правило работает и с глаголами, оканчивающимися на – o : Если глагол оканчивается на – y с предшествующей согласной, то – y заменяется на – i , а к слову добавляется окончание – es . В случае, если перед – y стоит гласная, это правило не действует.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE Предсказания в общем , основанные на личном мнении ( general prediction based on personal opinion) 2 . Факты из будущего ( future facts) He hopes he ’ ll be a lawyer in 5 years She’ ll be a hundred next Sunday.
FUTURE SIMPLE 3. Спонтанные решения, обещания, предупреждения (decision made at the time of speaking, promises, warnings) I I’ ll take the yellow one.
BE GOING TO + INFINITIVE (V) Предсказания, основанные на фактах в настоящем ( prediction based on present evidence) Намерения, планы личные и неличные( intention personal or impersonal) It’ s going to rain. What is he going to do?
PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Планы, подтвержденные действием ( arrangements) They’ re getting married next week.
FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE Предполагаемое продолжительное действие в определенный момент в будущем ( prediction of an action in progress) This time next Friday I’ ll be sunbathing on the beach.
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Предполагаемое действие, которое закончится к определенному моменту в будущем ( prediction about a completed action in the future) Will he have solved the problem by the end of the conversation?
PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE 1. Действие в рамках программы, расписания ( the event that is a part of a timetable) 2. После союзов when, as soon as, before, after, if и др. , в придаточных предложениях времени и условия (after certain expressions of time e.g. as soon as) Their plane takes off in half an hour. Ring me up as soon as you get home, please.
Be going or Future Simple 1 . In the restaurant I _____________________________ have a glass of red wine. 2. I think we _____________________________ have a cold winter this year. 3. What are your plans for tomorrow ? - I _____________________________ have a quiet evening at home. 4. Look at this man on a ladder. He _____________________________ fall. 5. It's so hot in here. I _____________________________ open the windows. 6. I _____________________________ sell my car. Do you want to buy it ? 7. Have you got my notebook ? - Sorry, I still need it. I _____________________________ bring it back tomorrow. 8. I think the company _____________________________ increase the sales by 10% next year. 9. I _____________________________ never do it again. I promise !
1 variant Be going or Future Simple The phone is ringing, I ______________________________ (answer). ______________________________ that dress ? (buy/I). Peter and Sarah ______________________________ to London next week (move). It's cloudy. I think it ______________________________ (rain). It is sure. We ______________________________ something for you (do). It is so hot in here. ______________________________ the window ? (open/I). The kettle is boiling. I ______________________________ some tea (make). What will you do when you ______________________________ 18 ? Don't worry. They ______________________________ (not/get) lost, they know the road. I am upset, I ______________________________ (cry).
Future Continuous or Perfect Don't come before 5pm, ______________________________ (I/ work) at my office. Come at 5.30pm, ______________________________ (I/ finish) working. Do you think ______________________________ (you/ still/ live) in the same house next year? If you can, come to see me, ______________________________ (I/ stay) at the Beach Hotel until Saturday. In my dreams, tomorrow ______________________________ (I/snuggle up) to you and not taking my exam ! I'm visiting Australia at the moment, at the end ______________________________ (I/ travel) more than 6000 km. I'll come to join you around 7pm, ______________________________ ; (my meeting/ end) by then. I can imagine that tomorrow ______________________________ (the holiday/ finish), it's sad.
Future Continuous or Perfect Jonathan ______________________________ (work) on his invention for three hours before he finally goes to bed. Jack ______________________________ (work) at the post office for 20 years by the time he's 50. I'm afraid Jack ______________________________ (not/recover) from the accident by the time his football training begins. I ______________________________ (grow) my own vegetables for 2 years by the end of the year. ______________________________ (you/ mail) the invitations before Friday? We ______________________________ (convert) the rooftop of our apartment into a garden by the end of the week. Scientists hope they ______________________________ (solve) the world's food shortage problem by the end of the century. By June, Mr. Patterson ______________________________ (teach) music at school for ten years. By November, Harry ______________________________ (sell) his products to local stores for 2 years. Are you sure you ______________________________ (clean) the living room before the guests arrive?
Домашнее задание 1 . Выберите верный вариант глагола и переведите предложения . By the time Teddy comes home Pamela … (will eat/will have eaten/will be eating) all the apple jam. It’s still not clear if the weather … (will change/will have changed/changes) for the better. When Sandra enters a Design College she … (will study/will be studying/will have been studying) Drawing for 5 years there. We … (will travel/will have travelled/will have been travelling) to lake Baikal in 2 months. She … (will be playing/will have played/will have been playing) tennis tomorrow afternoon. My dear granny … (will become/will be becoming/will have become) a pensioner by 2018. When you come to the station I … (will wait/will be waiting/will have waited) for you by the central entrance. By the time he returns, we … (will starve/will have starved/will have been starving) here for 3 days!
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