Конспект урока в 5 классе, тема "Подъем!", Spotlight 5
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе по теме "Подъем!", учебник Spotlight 5
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок в 5 классе «Подъем»
Цели урока:
Обучающие: освоить новые лексические единицы по теме «Распорядок дня»; научить рассказывать о распорядке дня с указанием времени, освоить употребление предлогов at/in для обозначения времени.
Развивающие: развивать умения самонаблюдения, самоконтроля и самооценки; развивать умения смыслового чтения: восстанавливать пропущенные слова по контексту, развивать навыки работы с информацией; умения работать в парах.
Воспитательные: воспитание организованности, дисциплинированности, уважения к собеседнику; привитие интереса к иностранному языку; способствовать созданию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка.
Практические: развитие навыков диалогической речи, употребление в речи изученных ЛЕ по теме, активизация и закрепление темы Present Simple.
- Ввести ЛЕ по теме время и распорядок дня и дать первичное закрепление посредством упражнений.
- Повторить и закрепить в упражнениях грамматическое время Present Simple для выражения регулярных действий.
- Познакомить и дать первичное закрепление предлогов at/in для обозначения времени.
It’s two o’clock in the afternoon | It’s half past seven in the evening | It’s quarter to seven in the morning |
It’s ten o’clock in the evening | It’s quarter past twelve in the afternoon | It’s half past six in the evening |
It’s two o’clock in the afternoon | It’s half past seven in the evening | It’s quarter to seven in the morning |
It’s ten o’clock in the evening | It’s quarter past twelve in the afternoon | It’s half past six in the evening |
It’s two o’clock in the afternoon | It’s half past seven in the evening | It’s quarter to seven in the morning |
It’s ten o’clock in the evening | It’s quarter past twelve in the afternoon | It’s half past six in the evening |
Hello, my name is Masha. I have a very busy life. In the morning I _______ up at six o’clock and ____ jogging. Then I _____ my breakfast at half past six. I have milk, orange juice and a banana for breakfast. I ____ to school at seven o’clock. At half past one in the afternoon I ____ lunch and ____ my homework. In the evening I _____ TV or ____ on my computer. I ____to bed at quarter past nine.
Hello, my name is Masha. I have a very busy life. In the morning I _______ up at six o’clock and ____ jogging. Then I _____ my breakfast at half past six. I have milk, orange juice and a banana for breakfast. I ____ to school at seven o’clock. At half past one in the afternoon I ____ lunch and ____ my homework. In the evening I _____ TV or ____ on my computer. I ____to bed at quarter past nine.
Hello, my name is Masha. I have a very busy life. In the morning I _______ up at six o’clock and ____ jogging. Then I _____ my breakfast at half past six. I have milk, orange juice and a banana for breakfast. I ____ to school at seven o’clock. At half past one in the afternoon I ____ lunch and ____ my homework. In the evening I _____ TV or ____ on my computer. I ____to bed at quarter past nine.
o’clock |
half past |
quarter past |
quarter to |
in the morning |
in the afternoon |
in the evening |
Questions | Answers |
What time do you get up? | |
What time do have breakfast? | |
What time do you go to school? | |
What time do you have lunch? | |
What time do you do your homework? | |
What time do you have dinner? | |
What time do you go to bed? |
Questions | Answers |
What time do you get up? | |
What time do have breakfast? | |
What time do you go to school? | |
What time do you have lunch? | |
What time do you do your homework? | |
What time do you have dinner? | |
What time do you go to bed? |
Questions | Answers |
What time do you get up? | |
What time do have breakfast? | |
What time do you go to school? | |
What time do you have lunch? | |
What time do you do your homework? | |
What time do you have dinner? | |
What time do you go to bed? |
Questions | Answers |
What time do you get up? | |
What time do have breakfast? | |
What time do you go to school? | |
What time do you have lunch? | |
What time do you do your homework? | |
What time do you have dinner? | |
What time do you go to bed? |
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