Методическая разработка по теме Easter
методическая разработка по английскому языку
- Презентация по теме Easter разработана для того, чтобы познакомить учащихся с традициями этого праздника в разных культурах. В конце презентации есть кроссворд, который основывается на информации, которая давалась ранее в презентации.
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Do you know … When and who celebrate Easter? What do they celebrate? What are the symbols of Easter? How do people celebrate Easter in different countries?
When is Easter? Who celebrates it? - Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. That is why it is on the different date each year. - Easter is celebrated around the world by Christian people (major denominations: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant) -And though the celebration should follow the customs of the Christian Church, in different counries Easter is celebrated in different ways.
What do they celebrate? Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Many people celebrate the beginning of the spring as well.
Symbols of Easter The main symbol of Easter is an egg. Eggs and chickens symbolize a new life. Eggs have been a symbol of spring since ancient times. An egg also is a symbol of the rock tomb out of which Christ emerged when he arose again. The chick, hatching out of the egg, symbolizes new life or re-birth. The eggs were hard- boiled and coloured in different colures. Bright colours represented spring and light. Easter is also the end of Lent, traditionally is time of fasting in the Christian Calendar. So it is time for fun and celebration.
Easter in Russia Easter in Russia is one of the two most important Russian religious holidays There are such Easter traditions as coloring eggs, baking kulich (a special Easter cake) and making paskha (a cottage cheese cake shaped as a pyramid Easter in Russia is also marked by a forty-day fast, otherwise known as Lent. On the night of Easter, Orthodox Christians attend the night service in churches and participate in the procession of the Cross. On Easter morning the breakfast consists of colored eggs, kulichi and paskha.Then, people go to church if they didn’t attend the night service.
Easter in Russia Easter in Russia is called Paskha, which goes back to the Jewish holiday of Pesach. On Easter morning and throughout the day people congratulate each other by saying “Khristos Voskrese” - Christ is risen, and the reply is “Voistinu” or “Voistinu voskrese” - Indeed or Indeed He is risen. After saying that, don’t forget to kiss the other person on the cheek, three times—the Russian way! People exchange with eggs and kulichi. Usually people spend this day with family and friends. People don’t work during the day. And, of course, the old Russian tradition of Easter is to send and deliver gifts to poor families, relatives and strangers.
Easter in Great Britain - British celebrate this holiday with relatives. They have a holiday meal during the day. - People decorate hard-boiled eggs and buy chocolate eggs. They bake hot –cross buns. Besides eggs there is one more symbol of Easter. It is Easter bunny (hare). It symbolizes a new life because rabbits have many children. The tradition of the Easter Hare, or Easter Bunny comes from a Northern European legend. Long ago in a small village the mothers had no money to buy their children presents for Easter. They painted eggs with lots of beautiful pictures and hid them in the forest near the village. When the children went to play in the forest on Easter Sunday they saw the eggs but they didn't know where they came from. Suddenly a hare ran out from behind a pile of eggs and the children started shouting: " They are hare's eggs!".
Easter in Great Britain Easter Egg hunts The legend says an “Easter bunny” hides eggs in the garden and children have to find them on Easter morning. Sometimes the eggs are put in a basket. From this time children started to look for hidden eggs. Easter Egg Rolling Egg rolling is very popular in England and it’s an Easter Monday sport. Children roll hard boiled eggs down a hill.
Easter in Germany -In the morning families go to church service. After that they have holiday meal. The main symbols of Easter are eggs and bunnies. Before Easter day people decorate eggs. And then during the day there are Easter Egg hunts. The legend says an “Easter bunny” hides eggs in the garden and children have to find them on Easter morning. E gg hunt game is very popular among the Germans. - Another good tradition is a decoration of Easter tree. People decorate bushes or trees with wooden or plastic eggs. - German people have tradition of making fire in the evenings. It symbolizes a holiday and welcomes the spring. Sometimes they even use Christmas tree to make the fire.
Easter in Mexico Easter is very important religious holiday in Mexico. People usually go to church this day and then celebrate quietly with their families. A few days earlier in cities reconstruction of Jesus Christ life take place. Several moments of Jesus Christs’s life are staged by actors and volunteers. These moments are the Last Supper, the Betrayal, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. In towns like San Miguel de Allende , another tradition called “The Burning (or Firing) of the Judases.” Big wooden dols representing Judas which would be hung and burned in town squares to punish Judas for betraying Christ.
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Thank you for you attention! Happy Easter!!!
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