Урок по теме "Хобби"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)

Урок по теме "Хобби" к учебнику "Радужный английский" О.В.Афанасьева,И.В.михеева, 6 класс


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Слайд 1

Тема урока: “Hobbies”

Слайд 2

Hobby is what people like doing in their free time Учебник английского языка О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, К.М.Баранова 5 «А» класс

Слайд 3

Цель урока: Систематизировать знания и умения по всем видам речевой деятельности по теме «ХОББИ»

Слайд 4

Задачи урока: 1. Образовательные: активизация лексики по теме «Хобби»; формирование коммуникативной формы общения учащихся; взаимообучение и взаимоконтроль в процессе работы в парах; 2. Развивающие: развитие навыков речевой деятельности: способности к догадке, к сравнению, памяти, логического мышления; умения пользоваться опорами.

Слайд 5

3.Воспитательные Прививать интерес к внеклассным занятиям ; Правильно организовать отдых ; Воспитывать умения внимательно слушать и слышать ; Уважать мнение другого человека ; Формировать потребность в коллективной работе

Слайд 6

Формы обучения: Сочетание парной, индивидуальной, творческой деятельности

Слайд 7

Методы обучения: По восприятию информации: словесные, наглядные, практические. Стимулирующие: создание ситуации занимательности, успеха. Систематизирующие: обобщение и систематизация знаний. Контроля: индивидуальный и фронтальный опрос.

Слайд 8

Методы и технологии Информационно-поисковый Проблемный Обучение в сотрудничестве Здоровье сберегающая технология

Слайд 9

План урока 1. Организационная часть: - цель и задачи урока - введение в тему; 2. Актуализация знаний : фонетическая зарядка; речевая разминка; чтение текста составление диаграммы игра в угадайку аудирование текста работа с диалогом 3. Заключительная часть: подведение уроков; домашнее задание

Слайд 10

Ход урока 1. T: Hello! Nice to meet you! Today we’ll speak about what we like doing in our free time. It’s a hobby. A hobby is a favorite pastime of a person. If you have a hobby your life will be more interesting. No matter what kind of hobby a person has.

Слайд 11

2. Фонетическая зарядка T: Listen to me and repeat after me: [d]-do, does, dance, do sports, Do you like gardening? [t]- tell, talk, travel, Do you like travelling? [r]-read, roller-skate, crazy

Слайд 12

Речевая зарядка T: Read these word expressions and say if they are hobbies: - to make models of planes and ships; - to make toys dresses for dolls; - to take care of different kinds of fish, a hamster, a rabbit, a parrot; - to draw pictures; - to make pictures of old buildings, beautiful places in the city. Ученики читают словосочетания и говорят, что все это хобби и многие люди занимаются этим в свое свободное время. T: And now answer my questions: - What is the hobby? - What do you usually do in your free time? - Do you have many different hobbies? What are they? - Do you know what your friends hobbies are? - Do you think hobbies make people’s lives more interesting? Why? - ( learn more interesting things about the world, people, countries, nature) - Who is fond of dancing, drawing, collecting stamps, coins, books, working in the garden, playing sports and games? T; I see how interesting you spend your free time

Слайд 13

Работа с текстом A) T: Read the text and say what hobbies people can have. HOBBIES Different people like doing different things; different people have different hobbies. My brother is fond of collecting stamps. He has got a very good collection and he is proud of it. His stamps can tell you about different people and different countries. My brother often says that his hobby is popular with people of all ages. Collecting stamps is easy and interesting. He is real fun. You begin to learn many interesting facts about history and famous people when you start to collect stamps. At first people collect every kind of stamps. But soon they begin to make special collections. Sometimes they specialize in stamps of one subject o nly: for example, birds, animals, flowers or sports. Birds or sports is your theme. This kind of collecting is c a lled thematic. My brother’s collection is thematic. His theme is fish. My best friend, nelly, is a collector too. She is fond of collecting badges. Her collection is thematic. Her theme is sports. She keeps her badges on the wall. When you come into her room you can see them all there. M y grandfather collected coins when he was a boy. Some people collect dolls. My uncle does. When he travels he always brings some dolls from different countries. Some people collect pictures, cups, toys, toy soldiers, books, pencils and many other things. But collecting things is not the only hobby people have. Some people are fond of travelling or gardening. Very many boys and girls are fond of sports and that is their hobby. My aunt’s hobby is taking pictures and my mother is fond of music.

Слайд 14

Обсуждение текста b) T: Little John read the text about hobbies and didn’t understand it at all. This is how he has understood the text. Could you correct him? Who wants to be little John? Один из учеников будет говорить неверные предложения, ученики будут исправлять его. Hobbies means to collect stamps. Collecting stamps is popular only with old people. Collecting can teach you nothing. People usually begin to collect stamps for a special collection. Collectors never specialize in one subject. Thematic collections are not popular.

Слайд 15

Работа с диаграммой T: I’ll draw the following diagram on the board. Think of as many words as possible related to the subject “hobby” and say: - English students are fond of _______. - Russian pupils are fond of ________ .

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Слайд 17

Hobbies Fishing Cooking Collecting stamps, coins, badges, books, pictures Going to the theatre, to the cinema, to the museum, to the swimming pool Reading books Taking pictures Travelling G ardening Sports

Слайд 18

Игра “Guess the hobby” T: I see you are tired and would like to have some minutes of rest. Let’s play the game which is called “Guess the hobby”. I have a surprise in the box. You’ll try to guess what there is in my box. You can ask only “ Y es” / “No” questions. P1: Is it horse racing? P2: Is it music? P3: Is it dancing? P4: Is it roller skating? P5: Is it collecting coins? Ученики задают вопросы, учитель отвечает «да» / «нет» Затем роль учителя будет выполнять ученик.

Слайд 19

Аудирование с элементами игры T: I see you like games very much. Let’s play another game. Listen to me very attentively and name the hobby. T: - They can play football or hockey, swim or run very well. People like to go to the stadium or to the sports ground. P: sports T: - Some people like to sing songs. Sometimes they go to music school. They like to listen the songs and sing them. P: singing

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T: - I know some people like to visit different cities, towns and historical places. Some people even visit other countries. They can travel by car, by plane, by train, by bus or on foot. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography and traditions of different people and countries. P: Travelling T: People like to spend their free time near rivers and lakes. They often go there with their friends or relatives. They can have picnic there. They usually go there in summer but some people like to go there in winter too. Also they can cook fish soup. P: Fishing T: - Some people like to watch different kinds of programmers or films on TV. Children are usually fond of films about animals. P: Watching TV

Слайд 21

Работа в парах ( составление диалогов) T: The next task is working with the dialogues. The t ask is to give Jack’s answer’s to Jill’s questions. Jill: What is your hobby, Jack? Jack: …… . Jill: When did you begin to collect stamps? Jack: …… . Jill: Have you got a big collection of stamps? Is it a thematic collection? Jack: …… . Jill: What is your theme? T: Now pretend that one of you is Jack and the other is Jill. Act out the dialogue. Think of three more questions that Jill could ask Jack . ( ученики составляют свои диалоги, учитель ходит по рядам и слушает. Спросить 2-3 пары)

Слайд 22

3. Заключительный этап 1. Подведение уроков: T: Can you answer my question what hobby is and when we can do it? 2. Домашнее задание: Напишите статью в школьную газету о самых популярных увлечениях в вашей семье. T: The lesson is over. Thank you very much for the lesson. Good bye.

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