Презентация подготовке к ВПР (говорение)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)
Презентация подготовке к ВПР (говорение) по английскому языку
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Описание действия In the foreground you can see ___ having a family dinner/working on computer/doing sport activities/having a rest after work. He/she/they is/are smiling/talking to/sitting/lying/standing next to/holding smth /cooking/reading/listening to smth or smb /driving/riding a bike. Описание внешности человека / людей на картинке The man looks happy/unhappy. He/she is beautiful. They are beautiful/ugly. He/she has big brown/green eyes. His/her/their face is pretty. He/she/they is/are tall, short, fat, slim. He/she/they is/are wearing …
Описание реакции на фото: нравится ли фото и почему As for me ( что касается меня), I really like this photo because the atmosphere in this photo is amazing/friendly/great. It makes me think ( заставляет меня подумать о) about my summer vacations/family/last holiday. 6) Заключительная фраза That is all I wanted to say
Полезные фразы In the centre /middle of the photo we can see a … — В центре/ середине фотографии мы видим … She looks tired. — Она выглядит уставшей. I guess … — Я полагаю … In the foreground there is a … — На переднем плане находится … In the background there are … — На заднем плане находится … I can suppose that … — Я могу предположить, что … It seems to me that … — Мне кажется, … It is situated in … — Он расположен в … On the left (of …) stands … — Слева (от …) стоит … On the right (of …) sits… — Справа (от…) сидит … At first glance, … — На первый взгляд, … But if you look closely, you can see … — Но если присмотреться, вы можете увидеть…
I’d like to describe picture № 3. The picture shows us a couple of friends. The photo was (probably) taken inside , may be in a library. (In the foreground) we can see two friends reading a book. One girl is holding the book and shiwing something to her friend. Both girls are wearing casual clothes. They look like they are about 9 years old. The girls look very interested in the book. I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful. It makes me think of my childhood. That is all I wanted to say.
I’d like to describe picture № 1. The picture shows us a girl jogging in the park. (The girl is running to the photographer.) She is wearing sportswear. She about 16 years old and she is slim and sporty. The girl looks happy, she is smiling. We can see that she likes what she is doing. I guess she is cheerful and kind. I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful. It makes me think of my sister. That is all I wanted to say.
I’d like to describe picture № 1. The picture shows us a martial arts tournament. The photo was (probably) taken inside. In this picture the action is taking place in the sports hall. In the foreground you can see 2 men fighting. They are wearing kimonos. They look like they are in their early forties. I guess they are ambitious and competitive, because they look very determined. I like the picture because the atmosphere is enthusiastic. It makes me think of my brother. That is all I wanted to say.
I’d like to describe picture № 2. The picture shows us a group of builders. The photo was (probably) taken outside. In this picture the action is taking place at the construction site. Looking at this picture I get the impression that they are discussing something important. They are wearing casual clothes. In the background there are some other construction workers, presumably (предположительно) their employees. Both men look like they are in their early forties. I guess they are ambitious and competitive, because they look very determined. I like the picture because the atmosphere is enthusiastic. It makes me think of my father.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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