Подготовка к ГИА (говорение)
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа, английский язык, 9 класс) по теме
Темы для монологического высказывания для ГИА в 9-м классе
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Темы для монологического высказывания для ГИА в 9ом классе.
Give a 1, 5 - 2 minutes talk on the capital of the USA. Remember to mention:
- what city the capital of the USA is and when it was founded,
- the history of the city,
- the sights of the city,
- what you’d like to visit there and why.
Give a 1, 5 -2 minutes talk on your pet or on the pet of your friend. Remember to mention:
- what pet you have got,
- its size, colour, age,
- what you teach the pet to do,
- what you like to do with the pet together.
Give a 1, 5 -2 minutes talk on your school library. Remember to mention:
- the name of the librarian and her help to you,
- the amount of books in it,
- books by which writers you can find there,
- what you can do in the library.
Give a 1, 5 – 2 minutes talk on the place you went camping to. Remember to mention:
- where it ‘s situated,
- why you went there,
- what you did there and how you spent time there,
- its nature,
- whether you’d like to return there and why.
Give a 1,5 – 2 minutes talk on your favourite dish. Remember to mention:
- what it’s name and what ingredients it consists of,
- where it’s originated from,
- when and how you eat it,
- whether you can cook it.
Give a 1,5 – 2 minutes talk on your favourite book. Remember to mention:
- when and by whom it was written,
- what country the action takes place in,
- who the main characters are,
- if you’d recommend to read it and why.
Give a 1.5 – 2 minutes talk on your attitude to fashion. Remember to mention:
- if you care about fashion and clothes and why,
- what clothes you usually wear and why,
- where you usually buy your clothes,
- whether your clothes influence your lifestyle.
Give a 1, 5 – 2 minutes talk on your lifestyle. Remember to mention:
- what your healthy habits re,
- whether you follow any diets and why/not,
- what you do to keep fit,
- what youк favourite food is and what ingredients it consists of.
Give a 1, 5 – 2 minutes on any British/American holiday. Remember to mention:
- what the holiday is called and when it is celebrated,
- what you know about its history,
- what people do on this day.
Give a 1, 5 – 2 minutes talk on sports in your life. Remember to mention:
- what sports you do or would like to do,
- if sport is important and why so,
- what sports are most popular in Russia,
- what you do in your PE classes.
Give a 1, 5- 2 minutes on your last birthday. Remember to mention:
- where you celebrated it,
- how you prepared or it,
- what presents you got and from whom,
- what you and your guests did at your birthday party.
Give a 1, 5 – 2 minutes talk on you school. Remember to mention:
- what school you attend and what you think of it,
- what kind of school it is,
- what school subjects you study, what your favourite subject is and why,
- what you usually do at your English lessons.
Give a 1, 5 – 2 minutes talk on the foreign language you study at school. Remember to mention:
- what foreign language you study at school and if you enjoy it,
- why you study it,
- what you must do to know it well,
- what you usually do at your English lessons.
Give a 1, 5 - 2 minutes talk on mass media. Remember to mention:
- what mass media you know,
- what sources of mass media you often use and why,
- what newspapers and magazines you and your family usually read,
- what your favourite articles in them are about.
Give a 1, 5 – 2 minutes talk on TV. Remember to mention:
- if you often watch TV, when and why,
- what your favourite TV programmes are,
- why some people are for TV and some people are against it.
Give a 1, 5 – 2 minutes talk on your favourite season. Remember to mention:
- what season the year has got,
- what your favourite season is and why,
- what you do outside during your favoutite season,
- if your birthday is in that season.
Give a 1, 5 - 2 minutes talk on the problems of the environment. Remember to mention:
- if the problems of the protection of the environment are important and why,
- what organizations deal with the protection of the environment,
- what you do and can do to protect the environment.
Give a 1, 5 - 2 minutes talk on travelling. Remember to mention:
- if you like traveling and why,
- what kinds of travelling you can travel by,
- what the most comfortable and the fastest means of transport are,
- what you can do while traveling.
Give a 1, 5 – 2 minutes talk on traveling. Remember to mention:
- if you like traveling and why,
- what kinds of transport you can travel by,
- what the most comfortable and the fastest means of transport are,
- what you can do while traveling.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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