Урок по теме "Искусство"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Урок к УМК О.В.Афанасьевой И.В.Михеевой "Английский язык.10 класс" .Издательство "Просвещение"
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Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе
Тема: “ Man the Creator.”
Проблема: “A thing of beauty is joy forever…”
Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.
Авторы: О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева.
Unit 1. Lesson 7
Цель: способствовать осознанию значимости искусства в нашей жизни в процессе формирования коммуникативных компетенций.
Социокультурная компетенция:
способствовать воспитанию интереса к родной и иноязычной культуре и развитию понимания ее общечеловеческой ценности; формировать умение высказывать свою точку зрения по проблеме и использовать формулы речевого этикета в рамках стандартных ситуаций общения.
Речевая компетенция:
cовершенствовать умение слушать, читать и понимать аутентичный текст с выборочным пониманием нужной информации; умение строить короткие монологические высказывания – рассуждения с выражением своего мнения и краткой аргументацией с опорой на план, вопросы и “Cluster” схемы.
Языковая компетенция:
cистематизировать и обобщить лексический материал по теме и использовать его в новых ситуациях общения.
Компенсаторная компетенция:
cовершенствовать умения использовать в качестве опоры при порождении собственных высказываний ключевые слова, переспрос для уточнения непонятного, толкование.
Учебно-познавательная компетенция:
cовершенствовать умения группировать и систематизировать языковые знания, работать с текстом ( извлекать нужную информацию, заполнять таблицы); работать в группе.
Оборудование урока:
- Презентация «A thing of beauty is joy forever ...» ( интерактивная доска ).
- Виртуальная экскурсия «The National Picture Gallery» (компьютеры-10, интернет).
- Раздаточный материал ( план для описания картин, «cluster» схема, план «синквейн» ).
- Репродукции картин.
- Музыка «Лунная соната» Л.Бетховена.
- Организационная часть.
Teacher: Nice to see you today, my friends. How are you?
Pupil : Fine, thanks and you?
T : Great! Yesterday I had a nice day. I visited the picture gallery in Rostov-on-Don and enjoyed the art of painting there. It made me feel joy and delight.
P : Nice to hear that!
T : I think, painting makes our life beautiful. The English writer, John Keats, wrote about the man’s creativity and its beauty. I suggest reading the quotation and comment if it can be applied to art.
- Чтение.
«A thing of beauty is joy forever. Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness…»
What is your opinion?
- Монологическая речь.
P1 : No doubt, the quotation is applied to art because there is nothing more beautiful than art in our life. One cannot help admiring painting, sculpture…
P2 : Beauty matters much. To my mind, our life would be dull without it.
P3 : It makes our life brighter and spiritually richer.
P4 : One should surround the life with beautiful things!
T I agree with you. «A thing of beauty is joy forever…» Let it be the motto of our discussion today.
T : What does beauty mean? What feelings does it evoke? They say, «so many people, so many opinions». I am ready to listen to all of your opinions. Fill in the gaps in the table.
- Письменная речь.
( Актуализация и обобщение лексических знаний по теме ( evocation ).
Physical Spiritual
Art Inner world of a person
Architecture sculpture painting
A painting genres colours impressions
A picture landscape tempera paints romantic, lyrical, powerful
A canvas seascape watercolors charming, original,
A piece of art portrait painting walnut oil breathtaking; delight,
Scene painting (bright, pale, intense, inspiration, comfort,
Still life pastel, soft, pure…) admiration…
- Монологическая речь.
( варианты ответов)
P1 : Beauty is spiritual richness. It inspires people, evokes admiration, joy, delight.
P2 : Painting is the source of beauty. People can experience different kinds of feelings looking at the pictures. They can be impressed by expressiveness, emotional impact, harmony of colours, elegancy…
T : What is painting for you? As for me, a good painting has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comforts and inspires.
P1 : Painting is an inevitably beautiful kind of art. I feel admiration and delight when I look at pictures.
P2 : Painting enriches our spiritual life. It makes it more expressive and emotional.
P3 : Painting is peace in the soul and comfort.
P4 : As for me, I am not interested in painting because I see nothing exciting in it. Maybe I do not understand it.
T : What must we be able to do in order to enjoy painting and feel admiration and inspiration?
P : We must understand art.
T : What do you think is the problem of our lesson today?
P : We should develop our taste and ability to understand painting?
T : OK, but it is not a matter of a few minutes and even hours. It takes much more time to succeed in appreciating art. But today we will try to make some efforts in cultivating abilities to do it. There are a lot of ways of cultivating them. What are they?
- Монологическая речь.
P1 : In my opinion, it is important to gain knowledge about art, its different trends, painters and paintings from books and magazines.
P2 : To my mind, one should visit picture galleries and museums as often as possible.
P3 : It is important to return to one and the same pictures again and again and look at them thoughtfully.
P4 : I would advise to attend art studios and try to learn to paint.
T : Now I suggest viewing the work prepared by some of our pupils. It is devoted to painting. Take the seats at the computer desks and click the file “A thing of beauty…” While viewing it pay attention to:
- some other ways of cultivating taste and abilities;
- significance of art in the life;
- your impressions of the work.
- Чтение ( поисковое ).
( просмотр презентации “A thing of beauty” (см.приложение) и поиск необходимой информации )
- Монологическая речь.
T : Let us start with your impressions of the presentation.
P1 : I think it is a success. It is distinguished by logic, interesting selection of paintings.
P2 : The paintings are impressive and represent different genres.
P3 : The work has an educational value.
T : What does painting give us?
P4 : It makes our life more beautiful and varied.
T : What other ways did you learn about?
P5 : It is necessary to surround our life with beautiful things: masterpieces of painting, sculpture.
P6 : I would advise to get interested in collecting antique things. They are of rare beauty.
T : Which way to learn to appreciate art do you think is the major one?
P7 : The best way is to view it thoughtfully and analyze.
T : This is what we should try to do now.
- Диалогическая речь.
( режим «вопрос-ответ», «тезис-тезис»; метод «Знаем, хотим узнать )
T : Our country is famous for its picture galleries. What are they?
P : They are the Tretyakov Picture Gallery, the Hermitage, the Museum of Fine Arts.
T : You have read about the Tretyakov Picture Gallery and know something about it. But two of our pupils have been there. I think it would be interesting for you to know some more details.
P1 : When was the Gallery founded?
P3 : The Gallery is known to be founded by P.M.Tretyakov. But I would like to know about the founder more.
P2 : P.M.Tretyakov was from the merchant class. He had a hobby of collecting works by the Russian painters of his time. In 1892 Pavel Tretyakov donated his entire collection to Moscow. His brother Sergei was also a collector but only of Western European paintings.
P4 : I read that Pavel Tretyakov was a famous patron of the artists. I wonder what artists he supported.
P1 : He helped to support the”peredvizhniki”, a movement, consisting of realistic painters in the second half of the 19th century.
P5 : What paintings does the gallery contain?
P2 : The gallery used to contain paintings both by Russian and Western European painters. Then Western European paintings have been transferred to the Hermitage and the Museum of Fine Arts. So, the Tretyakov Gallery specializes in Russian art.
P6 : I heard that the Gallery had been closed for some time. What was the reason?
P1 : It had been restorated for 10 years and in 1994 it was opened.
Ps : We would like to know about the Russian painters who painted landscapes more and look at them.
T : If you are interested in it, it would be better for you ( P 7,8,9 ) to prepare this report and organize a virtual tour around the Tretyakov Gallery.
In Great Britain there are also well-known picture galleries. Which of them do you know?
P : The British Museum, the Tate Gallery, the National Picture Gallery.
T : I suggest taking a virtual tour in the National Picture Gallery. Do you like the idea? Why? What are the reasons of visiting the gallery? I want you to be divided into three groups. The group that will be able to name most of them will be the winner.
- Письменная речь.
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
- to get into art and enjoy paintings; -to get inspiration; -to gain knowledge about painters, their works and the gallery.
| - to discover more about paintings; - to know about the history of the gallery. | -to relax; - to escape from the routine; -to buy exclusive gifts, prints of every painting. -to listen to music there (as far as I know there is a concert hall there). |
- Монологическая речь.
T : You have mentioned a lot of reasons. So, the gallery is worth visiting and you are ready to enter it. Let’s start our virtual tour (http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/virtualtour#/room-34/)
Let me introduce our guide to you. It is Andrew.
Ps : Nice to meet you.
Andrew: You are welcome. This way please. We are in the Central Hall. What feelings does it evoke?
P1 : It is magnificent .
P2 : It is incredibly beautiful here.
Andrew: There are a lot of rooms in the Gallery including Concert Hall. I suggest going there , listening to music and relaxing a bit.
P : We’d love to.
T : Let’s imagine that we are sitting on a comfortable sofa like this one and dreaming. You may close your eyes and imagine something pleasant.
( звучит «Лунная соната» )
Andrew: Let’s continue our excursion and visit Room 34. It houses collections of the British painters. This way, please. We are in Room 34. You have a chance to view pictures and admire them.
T : As we have already discussed the best way to get understanding and great enjoyment of art is…
P1 : to view pictures thoughtfully and analyze them.
T : There are a lot of masterpieces here. I suggest viewing them and expressing feelings.
- Чтение ( поисковое).
T : Friends, take the seats at the computer desks (by two) and click the file “virtual tour” and you will see your paintings. I suggest analyzing them according to the plan:
- The name of the picture.
- The author of the picture.
- Genre.
- Composition and colouring.
- Feelings, impressions.
13.Монологическая речь.
( одно из описаний картин)
“The Morning Walk” by Th. Gainsborough. It’s a genre painting representing a scene from everyday life. It is remarkable for its brilliant composition, harmony and form. In the foreground of the picture we see a pretty woman and an elegant young man. We are sure that they are happy because they are young and they are in love. It is an idylic scene in a romantic landscape. Thanks to the soft colour treatment the picture has a lyrical and poetic atmosphere. We feel peace and comfort in the soul.
14.Письменная речь ( рефлексия ).
T : Our lesson is coming to an end. I suggest doing some interesting work in conclusion Who is the best at “синквейн”? I want you to be divided into three groups. You are to make up a “poem” that is to write key words according to the five points. You are to write about
Group1 - a painting;
Group2 - a gallery;
Group3 - a tour
- Painting
- Wonderful, breathtaking
- Create, look at, enjoy
- The source of beauty
- Canvas
- Gallery
- Magnificent, tremendous
- Visit, listen to, impress
- A place where we look at pictures
- The process of viewing paintings
- Tour
- Exciting, amazing
- Make, guide, enjoy
- A way of visiting places
(учащиеся работают под музыку)
15.Подведение итогов урока.
T : Let’s sum up. I suggest making up the chain of the key words expressing the main points of our discussion.
Ps : Beauty - Painting - Tour - Gallery - Joy
T : Can you say that you got interested in art?
P1 : Yes, certainly. Painting is a wonderful kind of art.
P2 : I got interested in art too, but I can’t say I am a good connoisseur of art. It takes time.
16.Заключительная часть.
T : I want to finish our lesson with another quotation:
“A good painting to me has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comforts and inspires.” ( Hedy Lamarr )
Let paintings be your friends and you be in their company experiencing endless pleasure and inspiration.
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