Новый год
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)
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Information about the celebration of the New Year in Russia appears from the end of the 15th century - “The Paris Dictionary of the Muscovites” (XVI century) retained the Russian name of the New Year holiday: “The first day of the year”. Each year began on March 1, according to the Julian calendar, and ended on February 28, or February 29 in leap years. Since 1492, each new year in Russia began on September 1, according to the Julian calendar. Under Peter I in Russia, beginning in 1700 from the birth of Christ, the new year began to be celebrated annually on January 1, according to the same Julian calendar .
New Year’s traditions The new year 1700 was celebrated in Moscow under the Tsar's order for seven whole days; homeowners had to put in front of houses and gates, for decoration, conifers, and every evening tar barrels were lit, rockets were fired, two hundred guns were fired in front of the Kremlin and in private courtyards with small cannons.
When the New Year is celebrated, close people gather at the New Year's table, usually in the evening of December 31 of the outgoing year. In the full version of the celebration of the New Year, the attendees first “see off” the old year - they remember what he remembered or what was the main thing for him in each of the assembled ones; wish each other that all the best of the old year passed into a new one. And after the speech of the head of state at 12 o'clock at night, the chime of the chimes begins. With the twelfth stroke of the clock, which marks the arrival of the new year, it is customary to clink glasses with champagne (and make a wish).
Santa Claus Santa Claus is a fantastic character, a symbol of the New Year in Russia. Santa Claus first appeared on Christmas in 1910, but did not become widespread. In Soviet times, a new image was distributed: he came to the kids on New Year's Eve and left gifts under the tree for children who behaved well during the year. He worked not alone, he was helped by the granddaughter Snow Maiden.
No New Year isn’t without gifts! From the beginning of December, and even earlier, people start to look into the shops to find something really interesting for their relatives and friends. When a gift is selected, it is beautifully packaged and most often placed under the Christmas tree. Solemn unpacking of presents takes place already on January 1st. Santa Claus also does not forget to give gifts to adults and children! He comes at night, when everyone is asleep, and leaves beautiful bundles under the tree. A good tradition to exchange gifts in the New Year makes this holiday even more magical and fabulous. Do not be lazy to make truly pleasant surprises for your loved ones, because it will give them unforgettable emotions for the whole next year!
New year is a holiday forever Nowadays, New Year's celebrations are central to the calendar. This is the main holiday of millions of people. It is a holiday that has experienced a lot, has a rich history and traditions, has seen both good and bad, was forbidden and reborn from the ashes. The holiday, which despite all the trials, over the centuries has managed to retain its charm and appeal. A holiday that will live as long as we and our Earth exist.
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