Диалоги и темы для экзамена по английскому языку
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

Доценко Екатерина Евгеньена

Диалоги и темы для экзамены по английскому языку 


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Microsoft Office document icon Темы85.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

1). You want to study English at the Language Courses. Phone there and find out where they are located, how long the term is, how much you should pay.

T: Good afternoon. English Language Courses. How can I help you?

S: Good afternoon. My name is……I want to take an English course.

T: That’s fine. You should come to our office and fill in the application form.

S: Where is your office?

T: 21, Sadovaya street.

S: How long the is term ?

T: It’s 6 months long.

S: When should I pay for that?

T: Before the course starts.

S: When do you start?

T: In September.

S: I’ve got it. Thank you very much.

T: You are welcome.

2). Your foreign friend has come to visit you in Saint-Petersburg. Arrange your weekend. Discuss where to go and why.

S: So where do you want to go at the coming weekend?

T: I like sports. Can we go somewhere to do sports?

S: We can go to the skating ring or to the swimming pool in the morning. Which one do you prefer?

T: A swimming pool. I can’t skate. And what will we do in the afternoon?

S: We haven’t seen much of Saint-Petersburg. I may show you Winter Palace where the Royal Family used to live. Nowadays it houses the Hermitage, one of the biggest art museums in the world.

 T: Well, you know I’m not a great fan of art museums. I find them boring. I prefer walking in the streets and seeing as much as possible.

S: Okay then. We may have a walk along the main city street Nevsky prospect. I’ll show you gorgeous churches there: Kazan Cathedral and Church on the Spilt Blood. After that we may go to Saint-Isaac’s cathedral, the biggest in the city and climb the colonnade. There is a perfect view on the city from above.

T: That’s a good idea. And at night that will be wonderful if we manage to get tickets to your famous Mariinsky Opera and Ballet theatre. Tchaikovsky is my favourite composer.

S: It’ not easy to get tickets there, but we’ll try.

3). You foreign friend has come to visit you in Saint-Petersburg. You are going to have an excursion. Discuss where to go.

S: What do you want to see?

T: I am interested in history.

S: Okay, then we should go to Peter and Paul Fortress. When Peter I liberated these lands from Swedes in 1703, he put up the fortress to protect the city.

T: Are there any monuments to the city founder?

S: Yes, we call it The Bronze Horseman. Peter I is shown on a galloping horse. It’s very expressive.

T: I know the city is big, but can we walk somewhere?

S: Of course, we can. We will go to Nevsky prospect. It’s the main street in our city. There are many theatres, cinemas, cafes and shopping centers there.

T: Are there any historical buildings in Nevsky? I heard Russian churches are gorgeous!

S: Yes, I will show you the church in Russian style. It’s Spilt Blood Church. One of the Russian Kings Alexander II was killed on the spot if the church by terrorists. Hence its name.

4).You must write an article about the environment protection. Discuss what problems you should interpret.

S: I think I should write an article about ecological situation in Saint-Petersburg. The whole thing worries me a lot.

T: You are right. What problems are you going to touch?

S: Well, first comes air pollution. Factories and cars make air dirty. It leads to health problems.

T: No doubt, it’s a great problem. What about water pollution?

S: I will touch upon this problem too. Companies dump chemical waste into the rivers. Moreover people litter rivers and canals with bottles, cans and plastic and paper packing.

T: Are you going to offer any methods to protect the environment?

S: To my mind it depends on the state a lot. The companies which cause harm to the environment should be fined.

T: Can regular people do anything?

S: We should use less harmful petrol and stop littering.

5). Your class has won the grant. Tell a foreign journalist what you have got it for and how you are going to spend the money.

T: What have you won the grant for?

S: We offered a new ecological project for our town.

T: What did you offer?

S: We created a group of volunteers who tidied up the territory near the lake. In summer our group will patrol the territory to prevent littering.

T: Sounds great! How are you going to spend the money?

S: We decided to buy a school bus, so that we could go on excursions.

T: That’s wonderful!

6). Your friend  has come from Great Britain. Ask him to share his impressions about  the trip.

T: When did you come back from Great Britain?

 S: Oh, just a week ago.

T: Did you like your trip?

S: Very much, indeed. I stayed in London. It’s a great city.

T: What did you like there most of all?

S: The city sights are gorgeous! We took a sightseeing tour on a double-decker bus. The guide showed us The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus.

T: Did you visit the Tower of London?

S: Yes, we saw  Beefeaters there, fed the Ravens and looked at the Crown Jewels.

T: What London museums did you visit?

S: I saw the wax figures of celebrities in Madam Tussaud’s Museum. It’s fantastic!

T: Did you visit any art museums?

S: No, I heard that The National Gallery has wonderful collection, but I didn’t have time to visit it.

7). You have lost you way in the city.  Ask a passer-by how you can get to the hotel.

S: Excuse me, I have lost my way. Can you explain to me how I can get to the hotel?

T: Sure. Do you have a city map?

S: That’s it.

T: What’s your hotel’s name?

S: It’s “Travelers’ Inn”

T: Well, it’s not within the walking distance. You can get there by tram.

S: Where is the nearest tram stop?

T: It’s near here. Go straight, turn right and you will see it round the corner.

S: How long will it take me to get to my hotel?

T: Half an hour.

S: Thanks a lot.

T: Not at all.

8). You are on tour in Great Britain. You have come to the shop to buy clothes for summer. Ask a shop assistant for advice.

T: How can I help you?

S: I’d like to buy shorts and a T-shirt for summer.

T: Here they are.

S: Fine! I like this green shorts and that orange T-shirt. What do you think?

T: In my opinion orange T-shirt doesn’t match green shorts. You’d better take white shorts.

S: You are right. Where can I try them on?

T: In the fitting room over there.

S: Oh, they don’t fit me. Do you have a bigger size?

T: Of course. Is it Okay now?

S: Great! They suit me well. I’ll take them.

9). You are going to make a project work about Great Britain. Ask your teacher what you should write about and how much time you have got to prepare this work.

S: Excuse me, I have a few questions concerning that project work about Great Britain.

T: Come on. You are welcome.

S: I have decided to make a project about London sights.

T: Great! Which sights are you going to describe?

S: The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus.

T: Sounds good! Don’t forget about the Tower of London.

S: I see. How much time do I have to finish my work?

T: A month.

10) You foreign friend is coming by air. He wants you to meet him at the airport. Ask him when he comes and what sights he wants to see in Saint-Petersburg.

S: When do you come?

T: I come tomorrow morning by plane from London at a half past ten. Will you meet me?

S: Surely. I will meet you at the airport. Where do you want to go after you come?

T: I want to have a walk in the city center. I heard Saint-Petersburg is gorgeous!

S: That’s true. We may walk along the main city street Nevsky prospect. There are many beautiful buildings there. Nevsky is always busy, because there are a lot of cinemas, theatres, cafes and shopping centers there.

T: Is it possible to see those famous draw bridges across the Neva-river?

S: Yes. But we won’t see them raised, because it happens only at night. They raise the bridges to let the ships pass to the seaside and back.

T: What a pity!

S: Don’t be upset! I will show you the river and the old port of the city on the Spit of Basil Island. You will like it.

11). You have come to great Britain to stay with your foreign friend. He invites you to do sports with him, but you haven’t decided yet which kind of sport you like most of all.

T: You will spend a fortnight here in Britain. Why don’t we go info sports?

S: That’s a good idea! I like swimming.

T: I’m afraid we don’t have a swimming pool near here. What about horse riding in our Riding School?

S: To my mind horse riding is good when you have more that two weeks. Can we play football somewhere?

T: Of course we can. I haven’t thought about it. And we don’t need special equipment!

S: We need just shorts,  a T-shirt, trainers and a ball.

 12). You want to take an English Language Course. But your friend  thinks that it’s a waste of time, because it takes you too much time and effort. Moreover an interpreter can help  you.Disagree with him. Give your reasoning.

S: I’ve decided to take an English course. To my mind good knowledge of English is necessary for an educated man.

T: I don’t think that’s a good idea. It will take you a lot of time to master the language.

S: I am not in a hurry. I am going to attend the courses twice a week for two years.

T: Are you ready to work hard? They will force you to do listening, to practice grammar a lot, not to forget about speaking.

S: Everybody says I’m hard-working. Moreover good command of English will help me to find a well-paid and prestigious job in the future.

T: I still don’t understand why you are going to spend time an effort. Interpreters help people with poor English to communicate.

S: I can’t always rely on the interpreter. It’s expensive and there are many situations when the interpreter is not at hand.

T: Okay. If you like it, do it.

13). You are going to take an interview from a foreign singer. Ask him when and why he chose this career and what his future plans are.

S: Can I ask you a few questions?

T: You are welcome.

S: I heard when you were young you were keen on football. Why did you become a singer then?

T: Once a friend of mine asked me to sing at the concert instead one man from their group who suddenly had fallen ill. Everybody liked my singing and I understood that I had a talent.

S: How old were you when you took up singing seriously?

T: I was 16.

S: When are you going to release a new album?

T: By winter.

S: What style will it be?

T: Hip-Hop.

S: Will you go on a tour to support you new album?

T: Yes, we are going to have a tour over the European countries.

14). Discuss with your foreign friend what you should do to be a success in life; have a talent, have a university diploma, get married or something else. Give your reasoning.

T: To my mind a talented man is always a success in life.

S: If you are not hard-working, the talent won’t help you. Once I thought a university degree can help a man to find a prestigious and well-paid job.

T: It depends much on profession. Teachers and engineers have university degrees, but these jobs are not well-paid in Russia.

S: That’s true. The university diploma by itself can’t guarantee you good living. Some people say a man can benefit from marriage.

T: You can’t always rely on your wife or husband’s income. What happens if you get divorced?

S: In my opinion if you have the aim, you should work hard, use your brains and talent to reach it. And when you reach it at last, help somebody else and you will feel happy and successful.

 15). Your foreign friend likes to visit McDonald’s. Explain to him it’s junk food. Tell him what real healthy lifestyle is. Give your reasoning.

T: Yesterday I was in McDonald’s. I go there every Sunday. Yesterday they offered a new type of hamburger, which is called “Great Donald”. It was delicious!

S: If you want to be healthy you should stop eating junk food. High-calorie food leads to gaining weight.

T: What is healthy food in your opinion?

S: Fruits, vegetables, cereals, yogurt, fish and chicken.

T: So eating healthy food will make me healthy, won’t it?

S: It’s not enough. Healthy lifestyle is not only healthy food. You should do sports or go dancing.

T: I’ve got it. Physical activity and healthy food will make me good.

S: We shouldn’t forget one more thing. Bad addictions such as smoking, watching TV or surfing the Internet for hours are harmful.

T: So what is healthy lifestyle?

S: Healthy lifestyle is eating low-calorie food, physical activity and lack of bad addictions.

16).Your foreign friend thinks that computers have more disadvantages than advantages. You disagree. Give your reasoning.

T: To my mind we’d better not use computers. If you spend long time sitting by computer, you’ll get poor eyesight.

S: That’s true. But people use computers everywhere nowadays. You can’t pilot a plane or forecast the weather without computers.

T: In my opinion surfing the Internet for hours leads not only to poor eyesight. It can result in nervous breakdown. People become computer addict.

 S: You and your parents should control the time you spend by computer. You see only negative sides. Don’t you see the positive?

T: What are they?

S: Firstly, computer E-mail is faster than regular one. Secondly, you can get any information you need all over the world though the Internet. Thirdly, you can type a report or a project work and supply it with illustrations or tables with the help of computer.

T: That’s true.

17). You are going to arrange a school party, dedicated to the Day of Foundation of Saint-Petersburg. Your foreign friends will take part in it. Discuss with your teacher when and how itshould be arranged.

S: Our city was founded in the end of May, so will organize the party on the last May’s Friday.

T: Sounds good! Do you have any ideas about it? Hope you remember your foreign friends will come.

S: Yes. Firstly, we will show our guests a slide show with the main city sights and tell them briefly the history of the foundation of Saint-Petersburg.

T: Who is responsible for that?

S: Mike will prepare the screen projector and the computer. Jane is responsible for the slides and comments.

T: What will come next?

S: There will be a quiz about the cities where we live. Our guests will answer the questions about Saint-Petersburg and we will answer the questions about London.

T: Not bad! Don’t forget about dancing.

S: Surely, the discothèque comes afterwards.

18). You are going to visit London in October. Ask you foreign friend, who lives there, about the weather and what you should take with you.

S: I am coming to London in October. What is the weather like that time?

T: It’s not very cold. The leaves just start turning yellow and red. But it’s foggy.

S: Should I take an umbrella with me?

T: No doubt. It’s rainy in autumn in Britain.

S: What about a warm sweater?

T: You’d better take a jacket. The weather is very changeable. If it’s rainy and cold, you’ll put it on.

19). Your foreign friend is in low spirits. Ask him what has happened to him and give him advice.

S: I see you are in low spirits. What has happened to you?

T: I can’t find my ticket back home. I’ve looked for it everywhere, but my search gave no results.

S: That’s not a trouble. We will go to the ticket office right now and they will give us a duplicate.

T: What do you think I should show them there?

S: Your passport and visa.

T: Are you sure they will help us?

S: No doubt.

20).You and your foreign friend are going to make a project work about Great Britain. Discuss what you are going o write about. Share the work.

S: We are going to write a project work about London sights.

T: Sounds good! How are you going to share the work?

S: I am going to search the description of the main city sights in the Internet and Mike will look for the pictures of these sights.

T: Which sights would you like to include?

S: The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus.

 T: Don’t forget about the Tower of London.

S: Sure.

T: I think there must be something else which can give students food for thoughts.

S: Yes. There will be a crossword and a questionnaire about London.

T: Fine.

Билет №1

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы хотите поступить на курсы иностранного языка. Позвоните на курсы и узнайте, где они находятся, каковы сроки обучения, сколько стоит обучение и что необходимо для поступления.

Беседу начинает экзаменатор в роли менеджера курсов.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

Hello. It’s “Foreign Languages for you”. Can I help you?

- Hello. I’d like to enroll for “Business English”. Is it available?

- Yes, of course. Наvе you studied English before?

- For several years at school.

- Then what about classes for Pre-Intermediate students?

- Alright. How long does the course run?

-It starts in September and lasts for nine months.

- And how much does it cost?

- It’s 250 pounds.

- What shall I do to enter the course?

- Nothing special. Just come and fill in the form.

- Perfect! What’s your address? How can I get there from the centre of the city?

- We are right in the centre. Put down the address…..

- Thank you very much.

- You’re welcome.

Билет №2

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуациюВы с зарубежным другом, который гостит в вашем городе, планируете, что будете делать в выходные. Спросите, когда он свободен, обсудите, чем вам заняться, почему именно этим.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Well, I see your group has a lot of activities every day: Russian classes, meetings

  at school, sightseeing tours. I wonder if you have any free time.

- You are right, I’ve been very busy this week but I can spend Sunday the way I


- I suggest spending it together. Why don’t we have a walk to the old castle?

  I bet, you don’t have buildings like that at home.

- That’s right. But we’ve walked too much this week. I think it would be

  interesting to go to the local theatre.

- I’m not really a theatre fan. I’m afraid you wouldn’t enjoy it either as it’s opera

  on these days. You aren’t fond of opera, are you?

- No, I’m not. What shall we do then?

- We could go to the exhibition of modern art. It’s a great chance to see works of

  contemporary artists. Moreover, they suggest a free art class for the visitors. How

  do you feel about it?

- Frankly speaking, I’ve never been interested in art, so I might be bored. I prefer

  taking pictures to painting.

- Oh, I’ve got an idea! Let’s go to the Moscow Zoo. You could take wonderful

  pictures there. Will you miss such a chance?

- Not now! Animals are the best models for photographing. But it will not be your

  first visit there, will it?

- It won’t. But I am never bored watching animals.

- Neither am I. What time shall we start?

- I’ll pick you up at 10 o’clock.

- Perfect.

Билет №3

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы с зарубежным другом, который гостит в вашем городе, собираетесь поехать на экскурсию. Обсудите с другом, куда и когда лучше всего пойти/поехать; кого с собой пригласить. Примите совместное решение.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Well, I see your group has a lot of activities every day: Russian classes, meetings

  at school, sightseeing tours. I wonder if you have any free time.

- You are right, I’ve been very busy this week but I can spend Sunday the way I


- I suggest spending it together. Why don’t we have a walk to the old castle?

  I bet, you don’t have buildings like that at home.

- That’s right. But we’ve walked too much this week. I think it would be

  interesting to go to the local theatre.

- I’m not really a theatre fan. I’m afraid you wouldn’t enjoy it either as it’s opera

  on these days. You aren’t fond of opera, are you?

- No, I’m not. What shall we do then?

- We could go to the exhibition of modern art. It’s a great chance to see works of

  contemporary artists. Moreover, they suggest a free art class for the visitors. How

  do you feel about it?

- Frankly speaking, I’ve never been interested in art, so I might be bored. I prefer

  taking pictures to painting.

- Oh, I’ve got an idea! Let’s go to the Moscow Zoo. You could take wonderful

  pictures there. Will you miss such a chance?

- Not now! I’ve always dreamt of such an excursion. But it would be more

  interesting if we had a guide to be told about the inhabitants of the zoo.

- I’ll ask Mike to join us. Не is my friend ad he is a student of the Biology

  Department.  He can speak about animals for hours.

- Perfect. What time shall we start?

- We’ll pick you up at 10 o’clock.

- See you on Sunday .

Билет №4

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы должны написать статью о защите окружающей среды в школьный журнал, который издается на иностранном языке. Обсудите с редактором, какие проблемы следует осветить, как назвать статью, к какому сроку ее сдать.

           Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли редактора журнала.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- I’ve got to write an article about the environmental problems. I know much but

  I’m not sure what exactly I should tell about. Could you help me?

- Yes, certainly. First, you should work out a plan of the article. Have you tried?

- Not yet. But I think the most urgent problems to be described are air and water

 pollution, acid rains, the ozone holes, the greenhouse effect. Do you approve of it?

- Sure. They are the main problems. Have you got any information about the aco

  situation in our town?

- I’ve got some figures on the air and water pollution  here. I will give them in the

  article. I could also add some pictures taken in the streets and yards of our town.

  The readers have to realize that we make the situation worse ourselves. Also I’m

  going to write what people can do to protect the Earth. Is it a good idea?

- No doubt. Have you thought over the title?

- I’ve not decided yet. Is “The Earth Needs a Friend” good?

- Why not? It reflects the main idea of the article.

- When shall I be ready with the article?

- By the end of March. Is it enough time for you?

- Yes, it is. Thank you.

- You’re welcome.  

Билет №5

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш класс выиграл конкурс и вам дали грант. Объясните иностранному журналисту, от кого вы получили грант, за что и что вы планируете купить на полученные деньги для школы.

Беседу начинает экзаменатор в роли иностранного журналиста.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Good morning! My name is Mike Smith. Would you answer some questions for

  my newspaper?

- Certainly.

- As I Know your class has won a grant. What have you been given it for?

- We took part in the exhibition of posters “Let’s Save our Planet”. Our poster

  has taken the first place!

- Who rewarded your class?

- We got the grant from the ecological Found “Friends of the Earth”.

- Have you decided what you are going to spend it on?

- Not yet. But we want to buy something for our school needs.

- What will you buy first?

- We think buying some equipment for a workout-room is a good idea. It would

  help our pupils and teachers to keep fit.

- Does your Head Teacher support the idea?

- Our Head Teacher let us to make our decision, but she approved it.

- I also think it’s a great idea. Good luck to you and thanks for the interview.

- You are welcome.

Билет №6

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш друг вернулся из поездки в страну изучаемого языка. Расспросите его о поездке: где он был, что произвело на него наибольшее впечатление и почему.

Беседу начинает учащийся.  Экзаменатор выступает в роли  друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Jess! It’s nice to see you again! You look great! Where did you go for this


- Oh, nice to see you too! Just imagine, my dream came true and I have visited

  Great Britain. It was a marvelous trip!

- But, what makes you so happy? You know a lot about the country you visited.

- That’s right. But look, I saw everything with my own eyes, I tasted the traditional

  English meals myself and I could practice my English in real situations.

- Did you understand the English well?

- Believe me or not, but I didn’t mind it. I understood them most of the time.

- It was a great experience. What places of interest did you manage to visit?

- Oh, quite a lot. The excursions to the haunted castles were very impressive.

- Were you lucky to face any famous ghost?

- You must be joking. But, it was really frightening.

- There is no a single word about London in your story. Weren’t you impressed

  by the capital of the UK?

- Oh, I can speak about London for hours. First, it is one of the most beautiful

  cities I have ever visited, rich in history and modern at the same time. Second,

  there is so much sightseeing to tell about. The Londoners care much about

  keeping the old traditions.

- I think, you mean the famous red telephone boxes. As I know, they were replaced

  in the 80s. But the old ones were put back because of the public protest.

- Right. It’s not the only example.

- Oh, I’ve got to go now. But I still have many questions to you. Could we meet


- Sure. I will call you. Bye!

- See you later.


                                                      Билет №7

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. В одном из европейских городов вы отстали от группы во время экскурсии. Вам нужно добраться до отеля, где вы остановились. Спросите у прохожего, каким транспортом туда быстрее добраться, сколько это займет времени и где ближайшая остановка.

Беседу начинает учащийся.  Экзаменатор выступает в роли прохожего.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Excuse me… Could you help me, please?

- No problem. What can I do for you?

- I’m lost, I’m afraid. How can I get to the Sunrise Hotel?

- It will take you about half an hour to walk there.

- The matter is I need to be there in 20 minutes. Is there any public transport                                                                                                                                                                             I could take?           

- Certainly. There are two buses that go there: the number 5 and the number 34.

- Great! Which will take me less time?

- The 34 will, but the bus stop’s quite a long way away from here.

- What about the number 5? How long exactly does it take to get to the Sunrise from here?

- It goes straight there. It won’t take more then 15 minutes including the way to the bus stop.

-  I think I should get it. Where is the bus stop?

-  It’s just round the corner.

- Thanks for your help.

- You’re welcome. Good luck!

Билет №8

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы в магазине в одном из европейских городов и хотите купить что-то из новой одежды на лето. Посоветуйтесь с продавцом, что купить, идет ли вам эта вещь, узнайте цену и решите, покупать ли вам ее.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли продавца.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hello. Can you help me, please?

- With pleasure. Are you looking for something special?

- I’m not sure. I need some summer clothes. Can you show me anything?

- We’ve got a new youth collection for summer: shorts, T-shirts, cotton trousers.

  What would you like to try on?

- I think these white trousers are nice and comfortable, aren’t they? I’d like to try

  them on.

- Good choice. This item is very popular with teenagers this season. What is your


- I think it’s 4.

- Here you are.

- Do you think they suit me?

- Great! But I think you need smaller size. Shall I bring another pair?

- Yes. And that blue T-shirt, please.

- Here you are.

- How much are they?

- 50…

- I’ll take them. Can I pay in cash?

- Certainly. Your change, please.

- Thank you.

- You’re welcome.


Билет №9

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы собираетесь сделать доклад о стране изучаемого языка. Посоветуйтесь с учителем, какую тему выбрать, как подготовиться к докладу, узнайте, сколько времени на него отводится.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли учителя.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Excuse me, Miss. You have given a tusk  to prepare a report. Could you tell me

  what country exactly do I have to write about?

- You have a choice! The theme of our project is “The World of English”. Your

  report can be devoted to any English-speaking country.

- Then, I will make a report on Great Britain. Do you approve of the idea?

- Why not? But your report must be informative. Using information from your

  school textbook only is not  enough.

- I’ve been always interested in the history of the UK. I think I could tell my

  classmates a lot about the background of the country. We didn’t learn much about

  it at school, did we?

- Just general information. It’s a great idea. What are you going to start with?

- Oh, to start is the most difficult. I have never made reports before. What would

  you advise?

- First, you should work out a plan of your report and think over the headline.

  Have you got any idea?

- Not yet. But now I know what to do.

- What sources of information are you going to use?

- First of all, the books on the history of the UK and Encyclopedia. Second, I’m

  going to search the Internet.

- I’m sure you’ll do your best.

- Thank you. How much time will I have to represent my report?

- Each pupil will have 10 minutes.

- Thank you very much.

- Good luck!    



Билет №10

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вам позвонил зарубежный друг. Он хочет, чтобы вы встретили его в аэропорту. Спросите, когда и каким рейсом он прилетает, где хотел бы побывать и что увидеть в вашем городе.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Helen! I’m glad to hear you.

- Hi, Masha! Me too. You know, I’m going to visit you.

- I’m so happy! When are you coming?

- Tomorrow. Can you meet me at the airport?

- Certainly. What time? And what’s your flight number?

- At 4 o’clock p.m. Flight number 45, London-Moscow. Could you be in time? I

  don’t know the city.

- Don’t worry. I’ll meet you. By the way, what would you like to visit?

- Oh, I’ve read a lot about Moscow and I hope my dream will come true. First of

   all, I’d like to visit Red Square and picture galleries. They are fantastic in


- And what about museums. Would you like to go there?

- Certainly. I’d like to visit Pushkin museum and Historical museum as well.

  And, of course, I would like to walk along Moscow streets and squares. There are

  so many places to see: theatres, cinemas, museums, cathedrals.

- You are right. Moscow is a very beautiful city. By the way, Helen, I know, you

  are a theatre-goer. What about going to the Bolshoi Theatre?

- That would be wonderful.

- OK. I’ll take tickets. Don’t worry. See you soon.

- Goodbye.

Билет №11

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы в гостях у своего зарубежного друга. Вместе с ним вы хотите записаться в спортивную секцию. Обсудите, каким видом спорта заняться и почему, согласуйте с ним, по каким дням вы будете заниматься спортом.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Helen! You see, I’m very interested in sports and I’m going to join a sport

  section, so I would like to know about the most popular games in England.

  What are they?

- There are both sports spread all over the world and a lot of national games

   which are very popular with English people. Football and cricket, tennis, golf,

   hockey are among them.

- I don’t know what sport section to join.

- What about cricket? It’s one of the most favorite games.

- I don’t think it’s a good idea. Maybe tennis or football. Tennis has become very

  popular, hasn’t it?

- Oh yes, in England tennis is played all the year round – in parks, in special

   tennis  courts, on grass courts and hard courts.

- I wonder if any indoor games are available. By the way, I like to play chess.

- There is chess, billiard, table tennis.

- I think, I choose chess section. How many times a week can I go in for sport?

- Maybe 2 or 3. I think, Monday and Friday will be the best.

- Great. Can you help me to join the section?

- Sure.

Билет №12

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы хотите пойти на курсы иностранного языка. Ваш друг считает, что не нужно учить иностранные языки, так как это требует много времени и усилий в то время как всегда можно прибегнуть к услугам переводчика. Вы с ним не согласны. Приведите не менее двух причин, почему необходимо изучать иностранные языки.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Kate! Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

- Just fine. And you?

- Fine. Sorry, I’m in a hurry. I’m going to the library to take some English books.

- Haven’t you given up studying English? It’s so hard!

- Nothing of the kind. Moreover, I’m going to enroll for English courses.

- Oh, I don’t think it’s necessary to study foreign languages. It’s better to use a

  translator if you need.

- I can’ agree with you. Of course, learning foreign languages isn’t easy. It’s a long

  process. I can read English, but it’s difficult for me to speak English.

- We don’t hear spoken English enough, I suppose. Do you listen to the records

  and  programmes in English?

- I listen to the news and talks from Britain. That helps me understand spoken

  English but it’s still difficult to speak it.

- Do you think it’s really necessary to learn English?

- Certainly. English is the most wide-spread language in the world. Many people

  learn it for their work, some learn for pleasure, some for travelling abroad.

- So, you think learning foreign languages is important nowadays, don’t you?

- Sure. Every educated person, every good specialist should know foreign

  languages. They help you get different information, learn the culture and history

  of other countries. Think it over. And now I’ve got to go.

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.

Билет №13

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Возьмите интервью у популярного зарубежного певца. Расспросите его. Когда он начал свою карьеру, почему он выбрал этот вид искусства, каковы его планы на будущее.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли певца.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hello, today John Brown, the famous American pop singer is with us. Hello,

  John! Could you answer our questions?

- Yes, I’m ready.

- So, when and where were you born?

- I was born on the 5th of May, 1975, in a little town in the North of America. 

- When did you begin singing?

- In 1995 I joined the “Strangers”, it’s a rather unknown pop group.

- And why are you in pop music?

- I practiced dancing, performing, playing musical instruments and at last I came

   to pop music.

- Our listeners want to know what is necessary to make a successful career in

  show business.

-I think you should have suitable education, be skillful and talented. And of

  course, a smile of fortune.

- What are your plans for the future?

- Songs, concerts…

- Thank you for the interview. Goodbye.

- Goodbye, everybody.

Билет №14

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3.  Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Обсудите с вашим зарубежным другом, что нужно сделать, чтобы быть успешным в жизни: иметь талант, закончить ВУЗ, успешно жениться/выйти замуж или что-то еще? Приведите не меньше двух причин, почему вы так думаете. Спросите, согласен ли ваш друг с вашей точкой зрения.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hello, Liz. I’m looking through the list of universities. Would you like to join


- Why?

- Don’t you think it’s a high time to think about future?

- You are right. And what are you going to do?

- I think I should do my best at school and go to the university if I want to be a


- Sure. Though, some of young people do not have to do anything to enjoy the life.

  They have wealthy parents to meet all their expenses. They were born under a

   lucky star, weren’t they?

- Nothing of the kind. They can’t do anything themselves. As for me, those who

  were born talented and smart are really lucky.  

- It sounds convincing. And what do you think about successful marriage?

- Look, it’s your luck if there are people to support you. But nevertheless you must

  work hard for your success.

- I agree with you. Well, where is the list of universities? Let’s examine it. We

  shouldn’t waste time.

- It’s a good idea!

Билет №15

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш зарубежный друг часто ходит в Макдональдс. Объясните ему, что это не очень полезно для здоровья, приведите не менее двух причин. Дайте совет, как правильно питаться, чтобы быть здоровым.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Ann! Where are you going?

- Hi, Liz! To McDonald’s. Would you like to join me?

- I’m afraid, I can’t. I stopped visiting fast food restaurants several years ago.

- Why?

- I think they are rather harmful for our health. Fast food can cause different


- I don’t believe it. What’s wrong with fast food restaurants?

- There are a lot of snacks, crisps and desserts in them.

- Yes, and the food is rather tasty, that’s why a lot of people prefer going there.

- That’s right, but there is too much fat and sugar in biscuits, cakes and ice-cream.

  Firstly, you can gain weight and, secondly, it’s harmful for your health. If I were

  you I wouldn’t visit such restaurants.

- Sorry, but I disagree with you. A lot of people enjoy McDonald’s.

- It’s a personal choice for everybody. But if you want to be healthy you should  

  avoid eating hamburgers, crisps and so on. Eat more fish, dairy products, fruit and  


- Maybe you are right and I will follow your advice. Goodbye.

- See you later.

                     Билет №16

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш зарубежный друг считает, что компьютер вреден для здоровья. Вы с ним не согласны. Докажите, что он ошибается. Приведите не менее двух причин в пользу использования компьютера.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Liz! What are you doing now?

- Hi! I’m reading a book, and you?

- I’m playing computer games.

- What? You are sitting at the computer again!?

- Yes, and what?

- I’ve already told you that computer is harmful for our health.

- I can’t agree with you. I don’t think it is harmful for my health. I feel well.

- But what about your eyes? Besides, you are always sitting. I don’t think it’s good

  for you.

- I’ve got a chair especially designed for working at the computer. As for my eyes,

  there are very easy and affective exercises I do every 40 minutes while working.

  Don’t forget about the advantages of having the computer.

- What do you mean? What are they?

- First of all – the Internet. It’s very interesting and useful. You can get information

  about everything surfing the Internet. Then the computer helps you to do your


- In what way?

- You can make different reports, for instance. And at last you can enjoy watching

  films, playing games and so on. Moreover, people all over the world use their

  computers for communication. Just imagine, they are able to see each other while

  speaking. I could tell you more but I’ve got to go now.

- Oh, I’d love to try it.

- No problem, I’ll show you. Bye.  

Билет №17

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы собираетесь подготовить в школе вечер, посвященный дню города, в котором примут участие зарубежные гости. Посоветуйтесь с учителем, как и когда можно организовать вечер.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли учителя.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Good afternoon, teacher.

- Good afternoon. Наve you got any questions to me?

- Yes. Can you help me? You see, I’m going to prepare a party at school.

- It’s a good idea. But what’s the party devoted to?

- The birthday of our town. I think it will be very interesting for our foreign guests.

  They are coming tomorrow.

- You are right. You have to find something interesting. First, think over the

   programme of the party.

- I think we should start with a concert with songs, poems and folk dances.

- That will be interesting for foreigners to listen to Russian songs, I think.

- I’ve got another idea.

- What’s that, I wonder?

- In my opinion, it will be interesting for our guests to listen to the history of our


- You are right. And I think you should speak English, otherwise our foreign

   friends won’t be able to understand you.

- And at the end we can organize a disco. It will be fun.

- A perfect idea!  

Билет №18

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы собираетесь поехать в страну изучаемого языка на неделю в октябре. Узнайте у своего зарубежного друга, который там живет, какая погода в октябре, часто ли она меняется и что лучше брать с собой из вещей.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Good morning, Jane! How are you?

- Fine, and you?

- Fine, thank you. I’ve got some news for you. I’d like to visit you in October.

- Oh, that’s a good idea. You are welcome.

- I wonder, what is the weather like in October there? I don’t know what clothes I

  should take with me.

- You know, in October the weather is very changeable. We have sunny, warm

   days, or they may be rainy and windy.

- I think, I’ll have a big luggage. It’s not very comfortable but I have to pack

  dresses, blouses, trousers, jackets and sweaters.

- Don’t forget your umbrella.

- Is the weather really so changeable?

- Yes, it is. But let’s hope the weather will be nice and we’ll be able to walk a lot.

  There are so many interesting things to see and visit here.

- I’m looking forward to visiting your country.

 Билет №19

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш зарубежный друг в плохом настроении. Попытайтесь узнать, в чем причина его плохого настроения, чем вы можете ему помочь, дайте совет, как исправить ситуацию.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Mike! You look upset. Are you OK?

- Yes, I am in some ways. But forget it. Just a family problem again.

- Speaking of family problems we usually mean quarrelling with the parents,

  don’t we?

- You are right, we do. As for my parents, they don’t understand me at all.

- I used to have conflicts with my parents too, but we have learnt how to resolve

  them. Can you tell me what’s wrong?

- Well, they don’t like my hairstyle, the music I listen to, the way I speak…

  Everything irritates them. This time it’s my clothes I put on going to school.

- I think they want you to look more conservative. Try to speak to them and find

  out why they want you to dress some other way.

- Frankly speaking, I don’t want to change anything. Whatever I wear  

  I do my best at school.

- If it doesn’t matter, you can dress more suitable clothes for school. Anyway we

  have to follow some kind of dress code.  Look, would you choose a black suit,

  a white shirt and a tie for the disko?

- Never! I didn’t think of it from this point of view. You seem to be right. I’ll

  put on a suit going to school next time.

- I’m sure, you will feel more comfortable. Moreover, you will prevent a conflict

  with your parents.

- Thank you for your advice.  

Билет №20

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы с другом готовите проект о стране изучаемого языка. Обсудите, о чем будет ваше сообщение и почему, кто и что будет делать.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Jane! How are you?

- Hi! Fine, and you?

- Thank you, me too. Are you ready to start? Do you remember about our project?

- You mean the project about the English speaking country, don’t you? Have you

   got any ideas?

- I think we should report about English holidays. What do you think about it?

- I think it’s better to tell about famous people.

- I don’t agree with you. We could search the Internet and find a lot of information

  about the holidays we haven’t studied in our textbooks. It would be also fun to

  show some customs, decorations.

- But if we do the project about famous people we could show pictures, photos,

  videos and films about them. It will be so fascinating.

- I’ve got an idea! Let’s mix our themes.

- What do you mean? I don’t understand.

- Look! We can make a performance, where English famous people, for example

  Shakespeare, tells about his Christmas or Easter.

- Great! Then, let me prepare the information about holidays, and you could think

  over the main characters of our performance.

- OK. We’ve got a lot of work to do.   See you later.


Предварительный просмотр:

Билет №1

My family

  1. Family is the most precious thing for me, because this       is where I find love & understanding, & support.
  1. Our   family   is    quite    large   by modern    standards.
  1. It   consists    of four   people - my parents, my  younger  sister   & me.
  1. My parents are quite young, about 35, & my sister is four years younger then me.
  1. My father is a civil navigator.
  1.  He spends most of his time at work, so the time when he is home in the evening is something special for my sister & me.
  1. My mother is a teacher, & she has more time to spare than  my  father.
  1. We share our problems & secrets with them, & they often give very good advice.
  1. There’ s often a lot to do about the house, but we are always willing to help with the chores, & everything is done quickly & efficiently.
  1. Most of all I like our late dinners or early suppers, when we all gather round the table, & the light of the kitchen lamp creates a relaxed & cosy atmosphere.
  1. We talk, &  joke, &   have fun,  because   we  are all                 friends.
  1. Sundays are also very nice.
  1. If the weather is fine, we go  skiing in the forest in winter, or to our ‘dacha’ in summer.
  1. In fact, it’s just a small cottage on a small plot of land, but we like it a lot, & like to work in the garden, planting, digging, gathering strawberries & tomatoes.
  1. But, if I were asked about  our  family  hobby,  I  would  name  reading.
  1. Reading is a perfect combination of business & pleasure, of intellectual work & entertainment.

That’s about all. I’m lucky to have such a loving & friendly family, & when I have a family of my own, I will try to make it work on the same lines

Билет №2

My hobby

  1. People get a kick out of doing most extraordinary things.
  1. The most widespread hobby is collecting.
  1. I can’t say that I’m really mad about this or that kind of leisure activity.
  1. I tried collecting stamps, they are so nice & informative.
  1. But gradually my interest just faded away, & I gave my collection to my friend for his birthday.
  1. Then I moved on to collecting recordings of the pop groups I liked, but after a while it seemed pointless because music radio stations play old & new hits all the time.
  1. I go on doing it, but I wouldn’t call it a hobby.
  1. I like dancing at some club or disco, but it’s just a way of spending time, not a hobby really.
  1. Best of all I like reading.
  1. It’s a very quiet occupation, & it does not require any particular skill or ability.
  1. But that’s what gives me the greatest pleasure.
  1. I enjoy reading all kinds of books - historical novels, travelogues, biographies, novels, science fiction, detective stories, poetry, etc.
  1. Someone said that reading to the mind is what exercise is to the body.
  1. Books can’t be replaced by all the mass media in the world.
  1. Reading is a perfect combination of business & pleasure, of intellectual work & entertainment.
  1.  So, frankly speaking reading is my hobby.


Билет №3


  1. Sport is, or rather should be, an important part of everyone’s life.
  1. Here we should distinguish between big-time sport & just keeping fit.
  1. We can’t all be professional athletes, but we should pay attention to out bodies.
  1. Our body needs exercise just as it needs food.
  1. Everyone chooses physical according to one’s tastes.
  1. Some people just jog.
  1. Others prefer more active kind of exercise, such as football, basketball, volleyball, martial arts.
  1. Tennis has become very popular, & it really is a good workout for all groups of muscles.
  1. Fitness centres, body building & shaping gyms are full of pumping iron.
  1. There are some specific British & American sports that are rather  interesting - golf, cricket, baseball, American football.
  1. Tastes differ, but one thing is for sure - if you want to be healthy & fit, you can’t do without sport.
  1. I start every day with a half hour of exercise - push ups, sit ups, chin ups, warming up all my muscles.
  1. Then a quick shower, & I feel as fit as a fiddle.
  1. Twice a week I have a two-hour workout in a gum on various training devices & just lifting weights.
  1. Once a week I visit a swimming pool .
  1. It’s enough for me to feel fit.
  1. Of course I would like to take up Alpine skiing or para-gliding, but I have neither time nor equipment for that.

Билет №4


  1. We are living in a rapidly changing, multinational & multicultural world.
  1. Barriers keep falling, people & cultures mix, but one thing remains basic & dear to my heart - my homeland, Russia.
  2. No one can deny that it is a great country in all senses of the world, with its area of 17,1 million square kilometres, & the population of 150 million people.
  3. It spans two parts of the world, Europe & Asia, serving as a bridge between them.
  4. It is washed by the seas of the Arctic & Pacific Oceans.
  5. The variety of climatic zones it the north down to the subtropics in the south.
  6. It has immense natural resources, such as coal, oil & gas, all kinds of mineral deposits, great forests & rivers, it has everything.
  7. There are many branches of industry in Russia - machine-building, steel production, chemical & electronic industries, & numerous others.
  8. Unfortunately, agriculture is in a rather poor state, & we have to import foodstuffs, & even wheat.
  9. The potential of Russia & its people is great, & with reasonable economic mechanisms & laws the country will overcome the present difficulties, & will occupy the place it deserves in the world community.
  10. The cultural heritage of Russia is rich & varied/
  11. The names of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky are known all over the world/
  12. Russia’s history, like that of any other great country, is full of glory & blood.
  13. Russia twice saved Europe from the Dark Age - stopping the Tartars, & crushing the German fascists.
  14. I’m proud of my country, I love Russia, my motherland, & will do the best I can to improve its economic & political situation.

Билет №5

Country that I want to visit.

  1. I haven’t been to Great Britain yet, & I’d like to visit this country very much, because I like the English language, & I’ m curious to learn about everyday life of the people who speak this beautiful language, & just see the sights.
  1. Here’s what I know about this country so far.
  1. The full official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.
  1. It is a constitutional monarchy - the nominal head of state is Queen Elizabeth the Second, but the real law-making body is the Parliament, consisting of two Chambers, the House of Commons & the House of Lords.
  1. The royal family is preserved as a kind of a tourist attraction.
  1. The country is situated on the British Isles, which lie off the north-west of Europe.
  1. They are separated from the continent by the English Channel, better known by its French name - La Manche.
  1. Now, there is a tunnel under the Channel, efficiently binding Great Britain & the continent.
  1. The climate is rather mild, influenced by the Gulf Stream, & famous English lawns & gardens are of some special shade of green.
  1. The UK is a very highly developed industrial country, with such branches of industry as ship-building, manufacturing of textiles, machinery, electrical & electronic equipment, & many others.
  1. The population of the UK is about  55 million people .
  1. There are two major political parties in the UK, Labour & Conservative.
  1. The Conservative are in office now.
  1. I know a lot more about the UK, but this information has been taken from books & mass media.
  1. I’d like to visit the country & see everything for myself.

Билет №6

Great Britain

1.The full name of the country the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

2. The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles.

3. Their total area is over 314 000 sq. km.

4. The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. 

5. The island of Great Britain consists of three main parts: England (the southern and middle part of the island), Wales (a mountainous peninsula in the West) and Scotland (the northern part of the island).

6. There are no high mountains in Great Britain.

7. In the north the Cheviots separate England from Scotland, the Pennines stretch down North England along its middle, the Cambrian mountains occupy the greater part of Wales and the Highlands of Scotland are the tallest of the British mountains.

8.Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea.

9. The Thames is. the deepest and the longest of the British rivers.

10. Some of the British greatest ports are situated in the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey, Trent, T Clyde and Bristol Avon.

11. Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources, it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.

12. The warm currents of the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain.

13. Winters are not severely cold and. summers are rarely hot.

14. The population of the United Kingdom is over 58 million people.

15.Great Britain is a highly industrialized country.

16. The main industrial centres are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol.

17. The capital of the country is London.

18.The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy. 

Билет №7

Me & My plans for the future.

  1. Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of schools leavers.                                                      
  1. Many roads are opened before us: vocational & technical school, institutes & universities.
  1. But, it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world.
  1. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents or friends, others can’t decide even after leaving the school.
  1. As for me I made my choice long ago.
  1. I specialize in the humanities.
  1. Social Sciences & English have always been my favorites, but my chief interest is law.
  1. My dream has always been to become a lawyer.
  1. My choice of this occupation didn’t come as a sudden flash.
  1. As a child, I listened to my aunt & uncle discussing professional matters.
  1. Little by little, I got interested in the subject & began thinking of law as my prospective occupation.
  1. For me, choosing a career  is not only a matter of future prestige & wealth.
  1. In my opinion, a job should be interesting & socially important.
  1. That is the reason why I have chosen the profession of a lawyer, which gives plenty of opportunities to help people in trouble.
  2. In addition I should say, whatever profession I choose to follow, the greatest pleasure will come from feeling that I am useful to my country.

Билет №8


  1. People began to travel ages ago.
  2. The very first travellers were explorers who went on trips to find wealth, fame or something else.
  3. Their journeys were very dangerous but still people keep on going to the unknown lands.
  4. Nowadays it is not as dangerous and much more convenient.
  5. Do you want to go somewhere?
  6. Hundreds of companies are there to help you.
  7. They will take care about your tickets and make all the reservations needed.
  8. You don't speak the language of the country you go to?
  9. There are interpreters that will help you.
  10. With modern services you can go around the world.
  11. You can choose the means of transport you like: plane, train, shi p, bicycle or you can travel hiking.

      12. Tourism became a very profitable business because people are ready to spend their money for the great opportunity to have a great time learning about new countries, going sightseeing, resting and enjoying themselves.

Билет № 9


  1. Every family has its own holidays, connected with some great events in its history.
  1. For ordinary people holidays are mostly the chance to relax & have a good time.
  1. There are some almost universal holidays, such as Christmas & New Year.
  1. We’ve got 2 favourite holidays New Year & Easter.
  1. The New Year is noisy & festive.
  1. Christmas trees are decorated with tinsel, toys, & strings of colored light bulbs.
  1. Children put stockings under the trees for Santa Claus to fill them up with gifts.
  1. It’s a family occasion - the whole family usually gathers, gifts are exchanged.
  1. There are parties, dancing, champagne drinking, fireworks & firecrackers.
  1. At midnight everyone at a party stops whatever they are doing to greet the New Year.
  1. It’s the most colorful & merry of all holidays.
  1. I can’t help mentioning Easter, which is connected with the idea  of spring & revival of nature.
  1. We exchange painted eggs, special cakes, & generally make merry.
  1. There are also our birthdays parties- we celebrate him or her with birthday, singing Happy birthday to you, present our gifts & have our family dinner.
  1. All holidays are nice, because people forget their worries for a while, & enjoy themselves.

Билет №10

Olympic Games

  1. The Olympic Games have a very long history.
  2. They began in 777 BC in Greece and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olimpia.
  3. They included many different kinds of sports: running, boxing, wrestling, etc.
  4. In 394 AD the Games were abolished and were not renewed until many centuries later.
  5. In 1894, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, addressed all the sports governing bodies and pointed out the significance of sports and its educational value.
  6. Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place.
  7. In 1896 the International Olympic Committee was set up.
  8. The International Olympic Committee decides upon the programme of the games, the number of the participants and the city-host for the Games.
  9. Summer and Winter Games are held separately.
  10. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games.
  11. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything.
  12. There is always an interesting cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals, etc., for each Games.
  13. Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952.
  14. Since then it has won a lot of gold, silver, and bronze medals.
  15.  In 1980 Moscow hosted the Twenty- Second Olympic Games. The latest Olympic Games were held in London.
  16. Russian sportsmen got medals for their records in many sports events.

Билет №11


  1. E is one of most wonderful & interesting cities in Russia.
  1. It’s the capital of Urals, & it is dear to the hearts of our citizens.
  1. It had a rich history, & when you walk along the quiet streets of old E
  1. You can feel the past everywhere.
  1. The sights of E are countless, so I will mention only my favourites ones.
  1. I like to walk window-shopping down Main Avenue, glittering & full of hurrying passers-by.
  1. I like to sit on a bench near the monument to Popov - I like the monument itself, but even more I like to watch the people passing by, & people that are waiting for their dates.
  1. E is a cultural centre.
  1. There are many theatres, picture galleries, film & sound recording studios.
  1. Most interesting cultural events, shows, exhibitions take place in E.
  1. E, of course, is an educational, scientific & industrial centre.
  1. There are a lot of enterprises producing a wide range of goods, such as machines mechanizms & so on.
  1. What I like most about E is the pulse of life, of change, of movement.
  1. E is the place where things are happening in all spheres of human activity - it’s the heart of Urals, full of energy.
  1. I just love this city.

Билет № 12

Outstanding Scientist.

  1. Russia gave birth to many wonderful people, who made great contributions to all fields of human activity.
  1. As for me, I think one of the greatest man, scientist- was A.  Sakharov.
  1. He could teach & inspire.
  1. His influence was consisting & increasing at the time of his untimely death.
  1. Sakharov received the honour & glory of his country for his outstanding work in physics which led to the Soviet hydrogen bomb.
  1. When he saw abuse of power he fought the authorities who had recently honoured him.
  1. He was treated with unbelievable indignity & cruelty.
  1. A.Sakharov set a standard for the modern hero.
  1. Few will achieve his level, but many will fight injustice because of his example.
  1. He risked not only his career but physical harm by speaking out when too many others were silent.
  1. His life was a feat, his death, a soldier’s death, was symbolic.
  1. So, I consider him one of the best representatives of humankind.

Билет №13


1.When we want to buy something, we go to a shop.

2. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men's and women's clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and a butchery.

3.I like to do my shopping at big department stores and supermarkets.

4.They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient.

5.A department store, for example, true to its name, is composed of many departments: readymade clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, china and glass, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc.

6. In the women's clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things.

7. In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc.

8.In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea.

9.At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry.

10.At the bakery you buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits.

11.Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not.

12. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products.

13.The methods of shopping may vary.

14. It may be a selfservice shop where the customer goes from cunter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy.

15. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants.

16.You pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change. 

Билет № 14

Holidays in Great Britain

  1. There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries.
  2. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday.
  3.  Public holidays in Britain are called bank holidays, because the banks as well as most of the offices and shops are closed.
  4. The most popular holiday is Christmas.
  5. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present.
  6. It's a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Central streets are beautifully decorated.
  7. The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December.
  8. Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their trees.
  9. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets.
  10. New Year's Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas.
  11. Besides public holidays there are some special festivals in Great Britain.
  12. One of them takes place on the 5th of November.
  13. On that day, in 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. He didn't succeed.
  14. Since that day the British celebrate the 5th of November.
  15. They burn a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire and let off fireworks. This dummy is called a "guy" (like Guy Fawkes) and children can often be seen in the streets before the 5th of November saying, "Penny for the guy."
  16. There are also smaller, local festivals in Britain.

Билет №15

My school. 

  1. There are many different types of school in our country now- specialised school, gumnasiums, lucees, colleges, private school.
  1. They offer different curricula, & you can choose the subjects you need.
  1. Our school is secondary school, & it is quite good.
  1. All in all, it is quite comfortable for studying.
  1. The classrooms are well-equipped, there are chemistry & physics labs, a language lab with tape recorders, headphones & mikes.
  1. The teachers are very knowledgeable, & the lessons were always interesting.
  1. So we have everything at our disposal, we only have to study.
  1. And we study hard, especially in the senior forms.
  1. I’m interesting both in natural sciences & the humanities, as I believe a person should have a broad general education.
  1. Beside the school building there is a stadium.
  1. We have football matches & all kinds of competitions there.
  1. Naturally, it isn’t just all work & no fun.
  1. We have a rock band, & often organise dancing parties with flashing lights & everything.
  1. We have different contests, including the one between teams of witty persons.
  1. Some of the jokes are quite funny.
  1. There is an amateur drama company, & they often stage short sketches by humorist writers.
  1. So, our school life is rather eventful & active, leaving no time for bedroom.
  1. I like my school & I ‘m going to miss my classmates, the easygoing atmosphere, & all the fun we have.

Билет №16


1.People began to speak many centuries ago, and since then they have been speaking different languages.

2.Peoples created their own alphabets and rules, but they always wanted to communicate with each other, to understand and to know more about each other.

3. Languages help people to understand each other better, they help them to solve different economic and political problems, which stands before them, and so people learn foreign languages. 
Today, in fact, over 250 million people are learning English.

5.Now English is spoken practically all over the world, it has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations.

6. It is spoken as a mother tongue in Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Besides, a lot of people speak English in Japan, India, China, Africa and many other countries.

7. English is one of the official languages of the United Nation Organisation.

8. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English.

9. It is the language of computer technology.

10. To my mind English is worth studying.

11. Speaking a foreign language one can not only read the papers, magazines and original books by outstanding writers, but as well watch satellite programmes, travel easily to different parts of the world.

12. Besides, understanding and speaking a foreign language became necessary while applying for a good and well-paid job.
Now I know that it is a must for XXI century professional no matter what job to choose.

14. The world is getting smaller and international connections tighter.

15.A lot of foreign delegations keep coming to our country, hundreds of join t ventures have appeared in every city of our country recently.

16. So without doubt you can't do without learning this beautiful language. 

Билет №17

Protection of environment.

  1. People have been polluting their environment since time immemorial.
  1. Toxic chemical waste, nuclear waste, deforestation, greenhouse effect, thoughtless exploitation of natural resources- all this has brought mankind to the age of abyss.
  1. The Earth can be saved only by united efforts of major industrial powers.
  1. A lot has been done & is being done in this respect.
  1. You can see the mark Ozone- friendly on most aerosol cans.
  1. But the hole in the ozone layer keeps on growing.
  1. The whales are still being killed in spite of the protest actions of Greenpeace.
  1. I personally think that solution is in safety precautions.
  1. Such as installing hi- tech purification systems & waste free production methods.
  1. On the other hand the most of Western countries are overproducing.
  1. Production & consumption should be balanced.
  1. That is my point of view.
  1. Besides, people should be conscious of their environment.
  1. Just don’t litter, & that already will be a step towards protecting the environment.

Билет №18

Our Health

  1. Scientists say that in the future people will live longer.
  2. With healthier lifestyles and better medical care the average person will live to 90 or 100 instead of 70 and 75 like today.
  3. But that's tomorrow.
  4. And today, we continue to stuff ourselves with fast food — chips and pizzas, hamburgers and hot dogs.
  5. We are always in a hurry.
  6.  We have no time to enjoy a home-cooked dinner with family and friends.
  7.  Doctors say that chips and pizzas are fattening, cola spoils our teeth and coffee shortens our lives.
  8. If we eat too much, we'll become obese, and obesity leads to heart disease, diabetes and other serious illnesses.
  9. But the world today is getting fatter and fatter.
  10. Lack of exercise is another serious problem.
  11. We spend hours in front of our computers and TV-sets.
  12. Few of us do morning exercises.
  13. We walk less, because we prefer to use cars or public transport.
  14. It's common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives dramatically.
  15. Cigarette-smoking, for example, kills about 3 million people every year.
  16. We all know that the healthier we are, the better we feel.
  17. The better we feel, the longer we live. So why not take care of ourselves?

Билет №19

My free time

1. I have little free time because I have to work hard in order to do well at school.

2.But I try to find some time during the weekends for my favourite occupation: knitting and sewing.

3.I learned to knit when I was ten.

4.The first thing I made was a muffler.

5.I knitted it for my Dad.

6. I was very proud when he wore it.

7. Now I can make quite complicated things.

8.This year I’ve knitted pullovers for my Mom and myself, and a hat for my friend as a birthday present.

9.When I see beautiful knitting-wool in a shop, I find it very difficult to go by without buying it.

10. I learned to sew at the age of 12.

11. Now I’m very good at it.

12.Sometimes I cut patterns out of magazines, but more often I design clothes by myself.

13.I think it’s a very useful hobby.

14Thanks to it I have some very nice inexpensive clothes.

  1. I don’t have to spend much money in order to look attractive.

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