Материал для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку в 9 классе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Материал для проведения промежуточной аттестации в 9 классе предназначен для проверки знаний, полученных учащимися в течение учебного года и составлен согласно следующим нормативным документам: ООП ООО и Положение о промежуточной аттестации.
1.Контрольная работа (тест);
2. Кодификатор;
3. Критерии оценивания;
4. Ключи.
Контрольная работа (тест) состоит из двух частей. Первая часть работы предназначена для проверки навыков чтения текста с извлечением полной информации. Учащиеся должны прочитать текст и определить, являются ли нижеперечисленные утверждения верными.
Вторая часть предназначена для проверки лексико-грамматических навыков, полученных в течение учебного года. Учащимся нужно выбрать один правильный вариант в тесте.
На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 40 минут.
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Материал для проведения промежуточной аттестации
по английскому языку в 9х классах
Материал для проведения промежуточной аттестации в 9 классе предназначен для проверки знаний, полученных учащимися в течение учебного года и составлен согласно следующим нормативным документам: ООП ООО и Положение о промежуточной аттестации.
1.Контрольная работа (тест);
2. Кодификатор;
3. Критерии оценивания;
4. Ключи.
Контрольная работа (тест) состоит из двух частей. Первая часть работы предназначена для проверки навыков чтения текста с извлечением полной информации. Учащиеся должны прочитать текст и определить, являются ли нижеперечисленные утверждения верными.
Вторая часть предназначена для проверки лексико-грамматических навыков, полученных в течение учебного года. Учащимся нужно выбрать один правильный вариант в тесте.
На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 40 минут.
The keys
Variant 1
Part I. Reading
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
2 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
Total – 5
Part II. Grammar and vocabulary
I | II | III | IV |
| 1. visiting 2. apologise 3. getting up 4. hiking 5. to buy 6. swimming 7. go 8. to sell 9. shopping 10. doing 11. to visit | 1. of/about 2. for 3. from 4. to 5. in 6. to |
Total - 26
Variant 2
Part I. Reading
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 |
Total – 5
Part II. Grammar and vocabulary
I | II | III | IV |
| 1. go 2. to sell 3. shopping 4. doing 5. to visit 6. visiting 7. apologise 8. getting up 9. hiking 10. to buy 11. swimming | 1. for 2. of/about 3. from 4. to 5. in 6. in |
Total – 26
Sum-total: 31
Критерии оценивания:
Каждое правильно выполненное задание оценивается в 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов, которое может набрать учащийся за данную работу – 31 балл. Для оценивания результатов выполненных работ подсчитывается общий балл, который формируется путём подсчёта общего количества баллов за выполнение каждой части работы. Шкала перевода набранных баллов в отметку:
31- 26 баллов = «5»
25 - 20 баллов = «4»
19 - 16 баллов = «3»
Менее 16 баллов = «2»
Кодификатор требований к уровню подготовки обучающихся.
№ Задания | Код ПРО | Проверяемые умения |
Раздел 1. Чтение | 1.3 | Чтение |
1.3.1 | Читать несложные аутентичные адаптированные тексты разных жанров с полным и точным пониманием содержания. | |
1.3.4 | Определять тему (в том числе по заголовку), выделять основную мысль | |
1.3.5 | Выделять главные факты, опуская второстепенные | |
1.3.6 | Устанавливать логическую последовательность основных фактов текста. | |
1.3.7 | Использовать различные приемы смысловой переработки текста: языковую догадку, анализ. | |
Раздел 2. | 2.3 | Грамматическая сторона речи |
II | 2.3.11 | Распознавать и употреблять в речи конструкции с глаголами на -ing: to love/ hate doing something; Stop talking |
IV | 2.3.16 | Распознавать и употреблять в речи глаголы в следующих формах страдательного залога: Present Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive |
I | 2.3.20 | Распознавать и употреблять в речи причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени (причастие I и причастие II) |
2.4 | Лексическая сторона речи | |
2.4.1 | Распознавать и употреблять в речи лексические единицы, обслуживающие ситуации в рамках тематики начальной и основной школы | |
III | 2.4.2 | Распознавать и употреблять в речи наиболее распространенные устойчивые словосочетания. |
Раздел 1. Чтение
Read the text and do tasks after it
After inventing dynamite Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he realized its destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony.
Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest of this sum is used for tile awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma and money) are presented to the winners.
No awards were presented from 40 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.
I. Answer the questions.
1. When did the first award ceremony take place?
1) in 1895 2) in 1901 3) in 1962 4) in 1968
2. Why was the Nobel prize established?
1) to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity
2) to resolve political differences
3) to honor the inventor of dynamite
4) to spend money
3. In which area have people received awards since 1968?
1) literature 2) peace 3) economics 4) science
4. In how many fields are prizes given?
1) four 2) five 3) six 4) ten
II. Find the wrong statement.
1) Alfred Nobel became a very rich man after inventing dynamite.
2) Nobel preferred to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite.
3) Awards vary in monetary value.
4) Some people have won two awards.
Раздел 2. Лексика и грамматика.
Вариант 1.
- Complete the sentence using the right participles. (4 points)
- (Printing/Printed) texts are easier to read than those (writing/written) by hand.
- The music (sounding/sounded) from the radio was light and cheerful.
- The tree (growing/grown) behind my window is not a birch but an oak.
- I often write to my friend (living/lived) in another town.
- Underline the correct item. (11 points)
1. Penny loves visiting / visit museums.
2. His teacher made him apologise / to apologise for his bad behaviour.
3. Jane isn't used to get up / getting up early in the morning.
4. The boys went hiking / to hike in the woods yesterday.
5. Nikos agreed buy / to buy my old laptop.
6. Swimming / To swim keeps you fit.
7. His parents let him to go / go to the party.
8. They decided selling / to sell their old car.
9. Joan spent all day to shop / shopping.
10. I'm busy to do / doing my homework at the moment.
11. I'd love to visit / visiting India one day.
- Complete the sentences. Use about, for, from, of, in, to. (6 points)
- John’s mother complains ________ his constant use of the mobile.
- My granny thanked me ________ helping her.
- I will do everything I can to prevent you_______ going there.
- We are looking forward ________ our visiting Greece.
- We are not going to participate ___________ decorating the hall.
- My parents strongly object _________my working on the computer more than 3 hours a day.
IV. Choose the correct form. (5 points)
1) I hope that the truth ___ very soon.
A) will find out B) will be finding out C) is found out D) will be found out E) shall find out
2) New schools ___ in our city every year.
A) is built B) are to be built C) will build D) are built E) have built
3) The business letter ___ just ___ .
A) is / written B) has / been written C) was / written D) were / written E) is / going to write
4. All the business letters ___ yesterday. They ___ to the post office immediately.
A) answered / take B) were answered / took C) are answered / were taken
D) answered / took E) were answered / were taken
5) It is winter. Everything ___ with snow.
A) is covered B) covered C) were covered D) will cover E) are covered
Раздел 1. Чтение
Read the text and do tasks after it
Charlie Chaplin
This is a story that Chaplin liked to tell about himself. It happened after the great actor had become world famous.
A theatre announced that a competition would be held to see who could act like Charlie Chaplin. Those taking part had to dress like Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and act one of the roles in a Chaplin film.
When Charlie Chaplin heard about the competition he decided, as a joke, to take part in the competition himself. Naturally, he kept his plan a secret from everybody.
When the results of the competition were announced Chaplin said: “1 didn't know whether to feel angry or only surprised. I didn't win the first prize. But after thinking about it, I decided that it would be best to laugh.”
I. Complete the statements according to the text.
1. This is a story which...
1) Chaplin was fond of telling.
2) is written by Chaplin's friend.
3) was announced at the competition.
4) happened before Chaplin had become world famous.
2. People who took part in the competition had to...
1) sing songs.
2) keep it a secret.
3) imitate Chaplin's manners.
4) dance.
3. When the results of the competition were announced Chaplin learnt that...
1) his new film was a success.
2) he had won the first prize.
3) he had not won the first prize.
4) he had won the second prize.
4. When Chaplin learnt the news lie decided...
1) to be angry.
2) to keep it a secret.
3) to tell everybody about it.
4) to laugh.
II. Find the right statement.
1) Chaplin didn't take part in the competition.
2) Chaplin didn't allow to held this competition.
3) Chaplin didn't know about the competition.
4) Chaplin didn't tell anybody about his plans.
Раздел 2. Лексика и грамматика.
Вариант 2
I. Complete the sentence using the right participles. (4 points)
1) (Fascinating/Fascinated) by the story, the children did not move.
2) A house (building/built) of stone is stronger than a house (building/ built) of wood.
3) I didn’t understand the question (asking/asked) by the teacher.
4) I can still remember the legend (telling/told) to me by my great-grandfather.
II. Underline the correct item. (11 points)
1) His parents let him to go / go to the party.
2) They decided selling / to sell their old car.
3) Joan spent all day to shop / shopping.
4) I'm busy to do / doing my homework at the moment.
5) I'd love to visit / visiting India one day.
6) Penny loves visiting / visit museums.
7) His teacher made him apologise / to apologise for his bad behaviour.
8) Jane isn't used to get up / getting up early in the morning.
9) The boys went hiking / to hike in the woods yesterday.
10 )Nikos agreed buy / to buy my old laptop.
11) Swimming / To swim keeps you fit.
- Complete the sentences. Use about, for, from, of, in, to. (6 points)
- I think you should apologize __ your rude words.
- I have been dreaming ___ visiting London since I started learning English .
- Justin stopped us ___ buying that camera.
- I am not used __ drinking coffee without milk.
- My friends really succeed__ learning French.
- My sisters have always been interested__ collecting Barbie dolls.
IV. Choose the correct form. (5 points)
1) By the time we came to the bookshop all books ___
A) are sold B) were sold C) had been sold D) are being sold E) is being sold
2) The sports competitions which ___ on Sunday ___ by a lot of people.
A) are held / will be visited B) was held / will visit C) will held / will visit
D) have been held / have visited E) will be held / will be visited
3) This year a very beautiful theatre ___ in our city.
A) built B) was built C) has been built D) had been built E) has built
4)This school ___ next year.
A) will close B) is closed C) will be closed D) was closed E) would be closed
5. I ___ that I ___ at the station at 5.
A) was told / should be met B) told / is being met C) tells / am met
D) am told / was met E) will be told / would be met
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