Контрольно- измерительные материалы по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольно-измерительные материалы

По английскому языку

для проверки знаний обучающихся 4 класса МАОУ СОШ №1

по темам учебных предметов учебного плана,

изучение которых проводилось в 2019-2020 учебном году

 в период повышенной готовности

Цель работы: проверить знания учащихся за курс 3 класса начальной школы. Материал составлен на основе Рабочей программы и учебника «Английский язык в фокусе» Быковой Н.Н.

Работа состоит из 2х частей: чтение и лексико- грамматические задания. К работе прилагаются ключи и критерии оценок.

Name  ______________________class_______test________date _________________

1 вариант

Часть I. Reading

Read and write   yes or no.

Our house is very big .There is a kitchen , a living room, three bedrooms and

two bathrooms .There is a big sofa and two arm chairs in the living room.

There are two beds in my living room. There are flowers in the garden.

Our house is lovely!

e.g.  Our house is small                          No

1.There is one kitchen                                     ………

2.There are two living rooms                                   ………

3.There are two sofas in my living room            ………

4.There is a bed in the living room                     ……….

5.There are flowers in the garden                        ………..

Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест.

  1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпишиего.

a) ten, twelve, tea, fourteen, thirty

 b) hockey, tennis, football, corn, basketball

 c) cheese, bread, breakfast, meat, cake

d) nose, rabbit, neck, teeth, arm

e) Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Ben.

f) sister, mother, father, bag, brother.

2.Read and complete : is/are .

e.g. This is my cat

1.Our car …….not white.

2.Lulu and  Maya ……my friends.

3…………it a pencil-case?

4.They ….not at home.

5.Betsy…..Larry’s little sister.

3. Read and choose

1.e.g.   A. Hello! I am Paco. +

        B. Hello ,IPaco

1 .A . What this?

 B. What’s this?

2. A. My name’s Larry.

 B. My name Larry.

3. A. This is my pet, Max.

  B.  This my pet, Max.

4.A.What’s your name?

B. What your name?

5.A. It’s school bag.

 B. It’s a school bag.

6. A. This is my sister.

   B. This my sister.



1 +

 2 –

3 –

4 –



1. a) tea b) corn c) breakfast d) rabbit e) Ben  f)bag














Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации
За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 3 балла, за
второе задание – 8 баллов, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 3 балла, за
пятое задание – 3 балла. Максимальное количество баллов -  22. Успешность выполнения
промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:
20 – 22 балла = 5 (отлично)
15 – 19 баллов = 4 (хорошо)
9 – 14 баллов = 3 (удовлетворительно)
Менее 9 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)

Name  ______________________class_______test _______date _________________


Часть I. Reading

Read and write   yes or no.

Our house is very big! There’s a kitchen,two living rooms, two bathrooms and four bedrooms.  

There is a big table and six chairs in the kitchen. There is a nice computer in my room. There are trees in the garden.

Our house is lovely!

e.g.  Our house is small      No

1.There is one living room.        ………

2.There are four bedrooms.                         ………

3.There is a small table in the kitchen.                        ………

4.There are four chairs in the kitchen.                    ……….

5.There are trees in the garden. ………..

ЧастьII. Лексико-грамматическийтест.

  1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпишиего.

a) ten, twelve, tea, fourteen, thirty

 b) hockey, tennis, football, corn, basketball

 c) cheese, bread, breakfast, meat, cake

d) nose, rabbit, neck, teeth, arm

e) Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Ben.

f) sister, mother, father, bag, brother.

2.Read and complete : is/are .

e.g. This is my cat

1.Our house…….not big.

2.Mike and  Pete ……my brothers.

3 …………it a pen?

4.They ….not at work.

5.Lulu…..Larry’s little sister.

3. Read and choose

1.e.g.   A. Hello! I am Paco. +

        B. Hello ,IPaco

1 .A . What this?

     B. What’s this?

2.  A. My name’sPete.

 B. My name Pete.

3.   A. This is my cat, Max.

     B.  This my cat, Max.

4.   A .What’s your name?

     B. What your name?

5.   A. It’s parrot.

      B.  It’s a parrot.

6. A. This is my brother.

   B. This my brother.



1 -

 2 +

3 –

4 –



1. a) tea b) corn c) breakfast d) rabbit e) Ben  f)bag














Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации
За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 3 балла, за
второе задание – 8 баллов, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 3 балла, за
пятое задание – 3 балла. Максимальное количество баллов -  22. Успешность выполнения
промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:
20 – 22 балла = 5 (отлично)
15 – 19 баллов = 4 (хорошо)
9 – 14 баллов = 3 (удовлетворительно)
Менее 9 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Ex. 1 He _______ (never \ fly) an aeroplane . John isn’t here. He _____ (just \ go) out. They _____ (not \ play) the game yet. ______ (you \ ever meet) someone famous? We ____ (already \ pack) our suitcases.

Слайд 2

Present Perfect ( have \ has + V 3 ) законченной действие в прошлом в неустановленное время, связанное с настоящим через результат; I have seen this film. действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся до сих пор… I have known her for five years. She’ s (just, already) finished her lunch.

Слайд 3

Present Perfect ( have \ has + V 3 ) I have You have He ha s she ha s W e have You have They have I’ve You’ve He’ s She’ s We’ve You’ve They’ve

Слайд 4

Подготовка к ПА 7 класс

Слайд 5

Translate! Driving license Come out Come across Come round Put up a tent Quite boring A creepy film Argue with Reduce pollution Be scared Водит. удостоверение Выходить, появляться Натолкнуться Заходить, заехать Ставить палатку Довольно скучно Леденящий душу к\ф Спорить с Сократить загрязнение Быть напуганным

Слайд 6

Translate! Take away Take back Take out According to A funny comedy Shop assistant Run after Run out Look after Look for Responsible Hang out Уносить с собой Возвращать Приглашать с собой куда-л. Согласно (закону) Весёлая комедия Продавец-консультант Бежать за Истощить свой запас Ухаживать за Искать Ответственный Гулять, тусовать

Слайд 7

Reflexive pronouns, p. GR 9 I wash You wash He wash es she wash es It wash es We wash You wash They wash m yself y ourself h imself h erself itself o ursel ves y oursel ves themsel ves

Слайд 8

SB: p. 99, ex. 5 h erself h imself m yself themsel ves

Слайд 9

Conditionals ( 1 ) Выражает реальную или вероятную ситуацию в будущем. If + Present Simple, Future Simple, can, must, may + V 1 V 1, V s + will \ can, must, may + V 1 If I sit my exams, I will go to Italy.cc If he studie s hard, he can get excellent marks. If the weather is fine, I’ll hang out with my friends.

Слайд 10

SB: p. 54, ex. 6 1.If I see Harry, I’ ll tell him you called. 3.If you get home late, we won’t go out. 4.If you don’t call , he’ ll be upset.

Слайд 11

Relative clauses ( относительные придаточные ) Союзы: w ho, which, whose, why, when, where…. Brian who lives next door is a graphic designer. Ben whose father is a teacher is studying electronics. I’ve just bought a book which is about inventions. It’s a city where we met our relatives.

Слайд 12

Comparison degrees, p. 5 - 6 Короткие прилагательные (1-2 слога) small – smaller than – the smallest b usy – busier than – the busiest 2) Длинные прилагательные (2, 3 и более слогов) Excellent – more excellent – the most excellent Clever – cleverer than – the cleverest Clever – more clever than – the most clever 3) исключения: g ood – better – the best b ad – worse – the worst

Слайд 13

Comparison degrees, p. 5 - 6 Со словами Very (очень) , rather (довольно) , quite (довольно, вполне) употребляются прилагательные в положительной степени. very good v ery old r ather interesting r ather new q uite cheep q uite young

Слайд 14

Сравнительные конструкции , p . 6 a s + прилагательное + as (такой же, как) Mike is as strong as his friend Tom. not as + прилагательное + as (не такой, как) Mike is not as strong as his friend Tom.

Слайд 15

Comparison degrees, p. 5 - 6 She ran the _____ of all. Fast b) faster c) fastest 2. Laura is ____ than him. intelligent b) intelligenter c) more intelligent 3. it’s the _____ film I have ever seen. Funny b) funnier c) funniest 4. Jamie is _____ Pete. a) As tall as b) more tall c) the tallest

Слайд 16

Homework 1) повторить слова; 2) повторить грамматику к модулям 3, 7, 9.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Подготовка к ПА 8 класс

Слайд 2

Translate! Hurricane To occur Cyclone speeds 225 miles per hour the Earth’s movement to go counterclockwise full of moisture track the storms try various inventions to weaken storms to measure their intensity Ураган Происходить Циклон Скорость 225 миль в час Движение Земли идти против часовой стрелки полный влаги отслеживать штормы пробовать разл . изобретения ослабить шторм измерить их интенсивность

Слайд 3

Translate! To set up video cameras Keep track of any change ants prefer a re busy with their chores able to anticipate the shakes to break that routine the sciencists are not sure of настроить видеокамеры отслеживать любые изменения муравьи предпочитают з аняты своими делами в состоянии предвидеть встряски нарушить эту рутину ученые не уверены в том,

Слайд 4

Translate! Education Otherwise The supporters Compulsory otherwise than at school the National Curriculum no single « right » way which offers support «either by regular attendance at school or otherwise» offer a more suitable education О бразование в любом случае Поддерживающие Обязательное иначе, чем в школе Национальный учебный план нет единого «правильного» пути который предлагает поддержку «Либо регулярным посещением школы, либо иным способом » предложить более подходящее образование

Слайд 5

Translate! no reason to give up this responsibility some children face bullying an extensive network of members a nation-wide team Small fees the majority of families in rural part own schools нет причин отказаться от этой ответственности некоторые дети сталкиваются с издевательствами обширная сеть членов общенациональная команда Небольшие сборы большинство семей в сельской части собственные школы

Слайд 6

English in Use s uccess successful care c areful b eautiful w onderful legal responsible Formal s uccess ful successful ly care ful c areful ly b eautiful ly w onderful ly il legal ir responsible in formal

Слайд 7

English in Use t o amuse s ad p rotect b eauti ful wonder ful to attract a lot of ________ day w eek Month summary apology a muse ment s ad ness protec tion a beauty a wonder a ttrac tion attraction s d a i ly w eek ly m onth ly s ummar ize a polog ize

Слайд 8

English in Use Derek refused to _____ for his rude behaviour . APOLOGY Can you _____ the text about Marie Curie? SUMMARY 3. Helen left her keys in the car! She’s very ____. RESPONSIBLE 4. Stuart has got a huge ______ of stamps. COLLECT 5. Ian thanked his hosts for their _____. KIND 6. Dad can’t find his glasses. I think he has ____ them. PLACE

Слайд 9

English in Use Keys a polog ize s ummar ize i r responsible c ollect ion k ind ness r e placed

Слайд 10

Homework Подготовиться к ПА Повторить условные предложения

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Подготовка к ПА 4 класс

Слайд 2

Translate! a bicycle a stadium a present t o worry i n front of you s hoes a mouth t hank – thanked s tand up – stood up c omfortable c razy Велосипед Стадион Подарок Волноваться Перед тобой Ботинки, обувь Рот Благодарить Вставать Удобный сумасшедший

Слайд 3

Translate! week ago last year the day before yesterday last night a month ago Неделю тому назад В прошлом году Позавчера Вчера Вчера вечером Месяц тому назад

Слайд 4

Степени сравнения прилагательных Исключения! Good – better – the best Bad – worse – the worst Little – less – the least

Слайд 5

Степени сравнения прилагательных Короткие прилагательные (1 – 2 слога) с помощью суффиксов ( - er , - est ) . bus y bus i er The bus i est happ y happ i er The happ i est short short er The short est big big g er The big g est hot hot t er The hot t est

Слайд 6

Напишите степени сравнения Clever Tall Cold Windy

Слайд 7

Степени сравнения прилагательных 2 ) Длинные прилагательные (3 слога и более) Образуют степени сравнения с помощью слов more & the most Fantastic – more fantastic – the most fantastic Beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful

Слайд 8

Напишите степени сравнения Interesting Comfortable Wonderful fabulous

Слайд 9

Оборот There is \ There are Есть, имеется There is a pen on the table. There is no apple s on the table. There are some orange s in the basket. There are five song s in the album. There are two son s in the room.

Слайд 10

There is \ There are There _____ a table in the living room. _____ there pupils in the class ? There _______ a mirror in the bathroom. There _________ chairs in the kitchen. There ____ some girls at the lake. There _____ some coffee in the cup.

Слайд 11

Present Simple ( V 1) Указатели времени : always, every day … I always _____ (go) to the stadium. Children _____ (play) on the playground every day . We _____ (visit) our grandparents every summer .

Слайд 12

Past Simple ( V 2, ed ) Указатели времени : yesterday, last summer … We _____ (go) to the stadium yesterday. Children _____ (play) on the playground last summer . We _____ (visit) our grandparents every last weekend .

Слайд 13

Future Simple (will + V 1) Указатели времени : tomorrow, next day … We _____ (go) to the stadium tomorrow. Children _____ (play) on the playground next summer . We _____ (visit) our grandparents next weekend.

Слайд 14

Homework Готовиться к ПА

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольня работа по грамматике и чтению для 4 класса

1.  Соедини профессии и действие, составь предложение по примеру.

Пример: A waiter serves people.

 A baker                        help sick people

A mechanic                  teach pupils

A nurse                         sell fruit

A teacher                      take letters to people

A greengrocer              fix cars

A postman                    bake bread

2.Впиши в предложения ,в зависимости от того, как часто ты выполняешь  эти действия





  1. I ________________ go to school.
  2. I________________ ride a bike.
  3. I _______________ play the piano.
  4. I _______________ play football.

3. Заполни пропуски  используя  don't / doesn't

1. I ----------- like  tennis

2. She--------like hockey

3. We----------play volleybaall

4. My mother--------like computer

4. Напиши предложения,используя таблицу


go(es) to the cinema


a day

My parents



a week

My grandma


three times

a month

My dad

go(es) to the sea

a year

My friend

watch(es) TV

My mum

clean(s) the room

wash(es) the car

My friend  plays tennis three times a week


Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Read the following text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

The person I admire the most is Albert Einstein. He was born on 14th March, 1879, in the Germantown of Ulm in Wurttemburg. Einstein was the greatest scientist of all time. One of his most famous discoveries is the mathematical equation about the nature of energy: E = mc 2. Einstein loved physics and learning. He never stopped exploring the world of science and he wrote many books and articles explaining his theories. Some of them are at the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton. People in universities all over the world respected Einstein. He was awarded with honorary degrees in science, medicine and philosophy. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Despite his intelligence, Einstein is also famous for being a very funny man! I admire Albert Einstein for his love of learning and the fact that he discovered new things. Heal ways kept his mind active.

  1. Einstein was born in Germany. ______
  2. Einstein loved  Maths. ______
  3. He wrote articles about science. ______
  4. In 1911, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. ______
  5. Kerry admires Einstein for his love of learning. ______


  1. The girls (didn’t write/haven’t written/are writing) their exercise yesterday.
  2. Steve (hasn’t washed/washed/ was washing) his face yet.
  3. Mom and Dad (rode/ will ride/ were riding) the rollercoaster last weekend.

4. My brother  (has been playing/was playing / played) computer games for 3 hours since 2 o’clock

5.In my opinion songwriters are … (more talented/ the most talented) than singers.

6.Madonna is … (more famous /the most famous/ famouser) than Beyonce.

7.My brother is … (taller/astall/ sotall) as me.

8.Natasha is the ... (good/gooder/  the best) student in the class.

9. Jim (was watching TV/ watched TV/ is watching)  when I phoned him.

10.If it is sunny, we ... (will go/go/ went) to the zoo.

3.Fill in the missing words:

plot                       lyrics                    romance                    thriller

talented                          rich                      powerful

  1. I love the … of this film. I think I will watch it soon.
  2. Most of celebrities are very … so they donate (жертвовать) money to the needy people.
  3. I don’t want to watch this  … at night because I will have nightmares (кошмары).
  4. “Titanic” is the best … I’ve ever watched! But it hasn’t got a happy ending.
  5. Keanu Reeves is a … actor. His role in “The Matrix” made him famous.









1.didn’t write

2. hasn’t washed

3. rode

4. has been playing

5.more talented

6.more famous


8. the best

9.was watching TV

10.will go







Предварительный просмотр:

                         Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 города Когалыма

                                                       (МАОУ СОШ №1)


           РАССМОТРЕНО                                                    СОГЛАСОВАНО

           на заседании ШМО

                                                                                            Заместитель директора

          Протокол №_2_ от  08.04.2019г.                     ____________Арсланова Э.А.


промежуточной аттестации

по английскому  языку в 8 классах

за 2018-2019 учебный год

город Когалым


Пояснительная записка

Цель контроля - оценить уровень знаний учащихся 8 класса по английскому языку .

Характеристика структуры и содержания работы – контрольная работа составлена в двух вариантах и включает в себя 3 задания.

Задание 1 ( чтение)а)предлагает учащимся найти верное заглавие к каждому абзацу (5 баллов).

Задание 2 –задания  по грамматике и лексике (выбор правильного лексического ответа, определение видовременных форм глагола) (15 баллов).

Задание 3  – словообразование (видоизменение частей речи, подбор однокоренных слов) (5 баллов).

Система оценивания

Максимальное количество баллов в работе – 25.

Каждое правильно выполненное задание оценивается одним баллом.

При наличии ошибок у обучающихся в работе предлагаются следующая шкала оценивания:

«5» - 25-22 баллов

«4» - 21 -16 баллов

«3» - 15-11 баллов

Менее 15 баллов – «2».

На выполнение работы отводится 40 минут.

                                    8th form,         Variant 1

   Part I. Reading.


A.  Read the text and match the titles to the paragraphs A-E. One title is extra.



It was supposed to hit the coast of Florida. But hurricane Isaac changed the course midway It directed its fury towards the three Gulf states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

  1. Hurricanes also known as cyclones in some parts of the world, are super powerful storms. They gain strength from winds that help them blow at speeds ranging from 75 to 225 miles per hour, resulting in massive destruction when they hit land. When a hurricane first begins, the rising winds blow in towards the centre of the storm. While the cane is attempting to go straight, the Earth’s movement causes it to turn to the right, forcing it to go counterclockwise.
  2. For hurricanes to occur, the ocean temperatures must be at least 80Fahrenheit and the atmosphere around it, full of moisture. Also, the winds must be blowing in the same speed to force the air upward from the surface of the ocean. The warm water creates low-pressure air, causing it to rises, it collects moisture-forming thunderclouds. The warm air produces more heat and rises faster, causing colder air to rush in. This increases the intensity of the storm. This water is the most deadly part of the hurricane, because it dumps into any landmass it hits, causing floods and devastation.
  3. Hurricanes are given names, so that scientists can track the storms from start to finish. In the fifties, hurricanes were named after the phonic alphabet, like Able, Baker etc. From 1953 to 1979, the US Weather Bureau decided to shift to only women’s names. Since then, they have chosen between male and female names and now have six different name lists that the change each year. If a hurricane causes real major devastation, like Katrina did to New Orleans in 2005 the name is never used again.
  4. In the past, scientist tried various inventions to weaken these storms. But they gave up in the 1960’s after realizing that the weather patterns were too large to affect. Instead, they changed their focus to understanding how hurricanes form and move, so that they could predict the time and intensity with greater accuracy. But like other acts of nature, this too remains an inexact science that is neither completely predictable nor controllable.
  5. The hurricane categories range from 1 to 5. It is a way to measure their intensity, with 5 being the worst. A typical season sees about six hurricanes, the peak of the season is not until the end of September. The good news is that Isaac is the fourth hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic season – the first three did not land on the US soil. So maybe the USA will escape the rest too, which would make this the best hurricane season Americans have had in many year.

                  Part II. Grammar and Vocabulary

                                    A. Read the text and choose the right options.

                                       Can Red Wood Ants Predict Earthquakes?

The scientists (1)_____ up video cameras that monitored the (2)______ movements, day and night. A special software also kept  track of any (3)_____ of the normal behavior pattern of the ants. What they (4)_____ was fascinating.

The ants (5)_____  pretty much the same routine every day busy with their (6)_____ and then resting inside their mounds (муравейники) at night. However, before an earthquake they seemed to (7)_____ that routine by staying the entire night outside their mounds. Only after the earthquake was (8)_____, they relaxed and went back to their regular way of life.

What was even (9)_____ is that they did not change their behavior for they earthquake below 2.0

What the scientists are not sure (10)_____ is how ants are able to anticipate the shakes. Now, if only these amazing insects could talk!

  1. A) kept         b) set      c) took      d) made
  2. A) insect      b) insect’s      c) insects’      d) insects
  3. A) innovation      b) difference     c) turn      d) change
  4. A) invented      b) made up      c) discovered      d) thought
  5. A) took        b) preferred       c) followed      d) kept
  6. A) duty      b) chores       c) jobs      d) task
  7. A) interrupt      b) burst      c) disobey       d) break
  8.  A) finished     b) over      c) above      d) left
  9. A) interesting     b) more interesting  c) most interesting  d) too interesting
  10. A) of      b) in       c) by     d) with

B. Read the sentences and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. If you boil water, it … (turn) to steam.

2. You will become a better player if you … (practise) more.

3. If I go to London, I … (visit) Big Ben.

4. If I found his phone number, I … (tell) it to you.

5. If I had seen you, I … (tell) you the truth.

Part III. Language in use.

Complete sentences with the words derived from the words in brackets.

  1. My uncle likes to communicate with people. He is a ______________ businessman. (SUCCESS)
  2. Nick enjoys _____________ walking  in  the park in the evening. (DAY)
  3. Mary’s homework was ______________ prepared. So her mark was excellent. (CAREFUL) Let’s go to the concert. It will be a _______________ show! (WONDER)
  4. Let’s go to the concert. It will be a _______________ show! (WONDER)
  5. I like to go to London very much. There are a lot of _____________ there. (ATTRACT)


                                   8th form,          Variant 1I

                                           Part I. Reading.

A) Read the text and match the titles to the paragraphs. One title is extra.







                                       Education Otherwise

  1. Thought education is compulsory in the UK children between the ages of five and sixteen, school is not. Many families prefer to educate their children otherwise than at school, and it is their right under UK law to do so. Home educating families do not have to follow the National Curriculum and there is no single «right» way to educate a child at home.
  2. Education Otherwise ( EO ) was formed by a small group of parents in 1977 and has evolved into a large self-help organization which offers support and information to its members. They take their name from the Education Act, which states that parents are responsible for their children`s education, «either by regular attendance at school or otherwise».
  3. Some families make a carefully considered decision to home educate long before their child reaches «school age». There may be philosophical, religious or various other reasons for their choice, and ultimately they feel  that in some way they can offer a more suitable education for their children at home. It is also a natural choice for parents who have enjoyed participating in their child`s early learning and see no reason to give up this responsibility when the child reaches the age of five.
  4. Other parents send their child into the school system, but later find that school does not work for their child. School does not suit everyone. Sometimes children may find it hard to fit in; some children have special needs; some children face bullying and may become very anxious and distressed. Children may find that school does not suit their particular way of learning, so parents who become unhappy with the education which is provided in schools also decide to home educate.
  5. EO has an extensive network of members that includes those families, groups and individuals who are practicing home education as an alternative to school, those who are considering the possibility of home education. This work has been carried out by a nation-wide team of dedicated, experienced members who volunteer their services free to support other members and promote home education. Membership of Education Otherwise gives one the opportunity to meet other home educating members, as well as offering a range of information and ideas.

Part II. Grammar and Vocabulary .

A. Read the text and choose the right options.

                                             What Is The School System (1)_____ in China?

Education is compulsory and (2)_____ for Chinese citizens from 6 (3)_____ 15 though parents must pay small (4)_____ for books and uniforms. Chinese children all get a primary and middle school public education. Each class (5)_____ 35 students. After middle school, parents must pay for public high school though the (6)______ of families in cities can afford the modest fees. In (7)_____ part of China, many students stop their (8)_____ (9)_____ the age of 15. There are (10)_____ schools in China for wealthy people as well as dozens of international feepaying schools.

  1. A) look       b) alike      c) like      d) similar
  2. A) easy       b) cheap     c) free     d) expensive
  3. A) up      b) by       c) until      d) to
  4. A) money      b) fees      c) parts      d) bonus
  5. A) averages     b) is     c) consists     d) is made
  6. A) majority      b) many      c) most      d) few
  7. A) country     b) village      c) rural     d) countryside
  8. A) class     b)education      c) study     d) school
  9. A) by      b) from      c) at      d) in
  10. A) own     b) property   c) individual     d) private

             B. Read the sentences and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. She would be upset if she … (lose) her ring.                                                                                                                                                                                   2.  If the weather is fine, we … (have) a picnic in the garden.                                                                                                                                                                                               3.  I would study hard if I … (have) an exam  on Monday.                                                                                                                                                                                 4.  If I earn enough money, I … (buy)   a new car.                                                                                                                                                                                                5.  I would have bought that picture if I … (find) it.

                                                        Part III. Language in use.

Complete sentences with the words derived from the words in brackets.

  1. We play board games on long journeys for _______(Amuse)
  2. At the end of his holiday , he always feels a bit of_________(Sad)about leaving a place.
  3. We meet on Monday evenings to discuss the _________(Protect) of animals in danger.
  4. In the UK, it is___________ (Legal) to drive a car if you under 17.
  5. This letter is written in __________(Formal) style.


Variant 1

Part I. Reading.

1c, 2e, 3a, 4extra, 5d, 6b

Part II. Grammar and Vocabulary

  1. 1b, 2c, 3d, 4e. 5b, 6b, 7d,8b, 9b, 10a.
  2.   B.1turns 2  practise   3will visit    4 would tell   5would have told

Part III. Language in use.

1.Successful 2. Daily 3. Carefully 4. Wonderful 5. Attractions

Variant II

Part I. Reading.

A) 1e, 2b, 3a, 4d, 5 extra, 6c.

Part II. Grammar and Vocabulary

A.1c, 2c, 3d, 4b, 5a, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9c,10a.

 B.1 lost 2 will have    3 had     4will buy   5had found

Part III. Language in use.

  1. Amusement, 2.Sadness , 3.Protection,  4.Illegal, 5.Informal

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 города Когалыма

                                                       (МАОУ СОШ №1)


           РАССМОТРЕНО                                                    СОГЛАСОВАНО

           на заседании ШМО

                                                                                            Заместитель директора

          Протокол №_2_ от  08.04.2019г.                     ____________Арсланова Э.А..



промежуточной аттестации

по английскому  языку в 10 классах

за 2018-2019 учебный год

город Когалым


Пояснительная записка

   Данная контрольная работа предлагается учащимся 10 класса по окончании изучения всех разделов учебника с целью проверки качества усвоения материала на конец учебного года. Содержание  работы направлено на контроль знаний учащихся, сформированных у школьников навыков работы с тестовым материалом, знание лексики и грамматики, умения написать письмо.

    Контрольная работа состоит из 3 заданий, направленных на контроль усвоения знаний по следующим видам деятельности: чтение, лексика и грамматика, письмо. Контрольная работа рассчитана на 40 минут. Рекомендованное время выполнения по частям работы. Раздел 1 (задания по чтению) включает задания, которые позволят оценить понимание прочитанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий – 10 минут. Раздел 2 содержит задания по лексике и грамматике, рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий –10 минут. Раздел 3 содержит задания по написанию письма, рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий –20 минут. Материалы промежуточной аттестации составлены по темам, изученным в учебном году в соответствии с программными требованиями с использованием Сборника тренировочных и проверочных заданий в 10 классе.

        Обучение английскому языку в 10 классе ведется по рабочей программе по учебному предмету «Английский язык» для учащихся 10 класса  (базовый уровень), составленной на основе примерной программы по английскому языку основного общего образования с учётом авторской программы Английский в фокусе  “Spotlight”  авт. О.В.Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, Рекомендовано МОН РФ. Москва: «Просвещение », 2010г. 

Максимальное количество баллов -25.

Чтение – 7 баллов

Лексика и грамматика – 8 баллов

Письмо – 10 баллов

Критерии оценивания

85-100 %                21-24 баллов    «5»

64-84 %                    15-20 баллов   «4»

41-63 %                    10-14 баллов   «3»

40% и менее 40%     менее 10 баллов   «2»


I. Match the headlines (1-8) to the paragraphs (A-G) There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

1.  When we don’t sleep                                 5. Why dreams can be scary

 2. Not only for humans                                 6. What we feel dreaming

 3. How dreaming helps                                 7. How we forget dreams

 4. When we dream                                         8. How we remember dreams


        A. Even though our dreams may feel like they last for hours and hours, we hardly spend more than two hours dreaming each night, which means a person spends a total of nearly six years dreaming throughout a lifetime. In general there are four phases of the sleep cycle and all dreaming occurs practically at the final phase. Each of these sleep cycles lasts approximately 60 to 90 minutes and may repeat several times throughout the night.  

        B.  Anxiety is the most popular emotion experienced in dreams. Many people dream of falling, which is often connected to something in our lives that is going in the wrong direction. In addition, dreams of being chased are very common and are linked to avoidance. Also people report dreams about their teeth falling out, which is related to the words and communication we might have in real life.

       C. Dreaming helps people make sense of the information and events that occur in their lives. Dreams play an important role in processing and remembering information that we absorb daily. Also, they help reduce stress and even solve problems. It’s very possible to work through real-life problems while dreaming at night. In addition, dreams provide a lot of important content and meaning that can be used to inspire and direct our lives during the day.  


        D.Nearly 5 to 10% of adults have nightmares. There are several reasons for it, for example when people start taking certain medications or when they withdraw from drugs. Some physical conditions, such as stress or illness, can also be a trigger. However, in some cases adults may have frequent nightmares that are unrelated to their everyday lives, which may signify that they are more creative, sensitive, and emotional than the average person.  


       E.There is no person who does not have dreams, but not everybody recalls them. The most vivid dreams happen during the Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage when the brain is extremely active and the eyes move back and forth quickly underneath the eyelids. Although dream recall varies from person to person, some people have little or no recollection of the content, and around 90% of dreams are gone following the first 10 minutes of waking up.    


         F. Scientists have found that animals also dream and their subconscious thoughts are connected to real experiences. Animals’ dreams are complex, containing long sequences of events. Animals’ brains share the same series of sleeping states as the brain of human beings. Analyzing animals’ dreams and the content of their dreams may help scientists treat memory disorders and develop new ways for people to learn and retain information more effectively.  


          G. Only five minutes after the end of a dream and half of the content is likely to vanish from our memories. It’s not that dreams aren’t important enough to keep in mind, but other things tend to get in the way. Dream researcher L. Strumpell believes that dreams disappear from our memories for a number of factors. For example, we may not recall dream images that lack intensity, association or repetition, which are usually needed for dream recall

II.      8. A lady … red-handed (на месте преступления) yesterday in the shop.
            a) is caught  b) caught  c) was caught  

  1. This marvelous poem … by Tom today. 
    a) is written  b) was written  c) be written  
  2. Harry is a well-going person and gets … well with everyone in his class.
    a) by        b) around         c)  on

  1. It doesn’t matter if you lose the game; just do … you can.
    a) the better      b) best      c) the best

  1. Stephen … talk to the teacher if he’s having problems with the assignment.
  1. has         b) ought        c) should

  1. If Martha … to Jenny, she would have forgiven her.
  1. had apologized     b) apologized     c) would apologized

  1. Alex couldn’t find his glasses and he asked me if I knew where … .
  1. were they     b) they were      c) are they
  1. Leslie and Susan … yet. Should we leave without them?
  1. didn’t arrive  b) haven’t arrived    c)hadn’t arrive

III. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nancy who writes:

 … I hope you liked my New Year card. Where and how did you celebrate New year this time? What was the weather like? What’s your secret wish or at least hopes and expectations for the coming year?  I’ve redecorated my room and it looks much nicer now …

     Write a letter to Nancy. In your letter

-answer her questions,

-ask 3 questions about the way her room looks now.

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


A.  4                                           9. а

B.  6                                           10. с

C.  3                                            11. с

D.  5                                            12. c

E.  8                                            13. a

F.  9                                             14. b

G. 2                                             15.b

8. с


 I. Match the headlines (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

1.  The history of the name                                      5.  Pumpkin recipes

2.  Pumpkin: brief facts                                           6.  Pumpkin’s magical popularity

 3.  Cooking with pumpkin                                      7.  Growing a pumpkin

4.  The autumn celebrity fruit                                   8.  Pumpkin in the learning process  

A.  The pumpkin is a large round fruit with a thick orange skin and large seeds. Pumpkins are 90% water but they contain potassium and vitamin A. Six of seven continents can grow pumpkins. Pumpkins symbolize the colours and the spirit of the autumn. Lots of movies were made with pumpkin and Halloween themes.


 B.  It's believed that pumpkins come from North America. Native American Indians ate pumpkins for centuries before the Europeans discovered the fruit. In European languages the word ''pumpkin'' originated from the Greek word for "large melon" which is "pepon." "Pepon" was changed by the French into "pompon." The English changed "pompon" to "pumpion."


 C.  In the United States, pumpkins go hand in hand with the autumn holidays of Thanksgiving and Halloween. On almost every Thanksgiving table there is the customary Pumpkin Pie. Pumpkins are carved into decorated lanterns for Halloween. The pumpkin is also one of the important symbols of the harvest festivals and has been an American favourite for over 400 years now.  


 D.  In the USA, the pumpkin is a very popular Thanksgiving dish. We don't know for sure whether the pumpkin was at the very first Thanksgiving dinner but it was used in all traditional meals long before the arrival of the Europeans. Most parts of the pumpkin are suitable for eating, including the shell, the seeds, the leaves, and even the flowers. When ripe, the pumpkin can be boiled, baked, steamed or roasted.


 E.  The pumpkin is a warm-season fruit. If you want to have a nice pumpkin for Halloween, plant the seeds from late May in northern regions to early July in southern regions. Pumpkins can be harvested whenever they are a deep, solid colour (orange for most varieties) and the coat is hard. Cut off pumpkins carefully and leave 3 to 4 inches of stem attached.


 F.  The pumpkin is a real October icon – the fruit of the month. It's also popular as an available, inexpensive material for some wonderful classroom activities! Its size, colour, smell and taste make it perfect for observation and exploration. Working in groups students can search, suggest, predict and estimate the number of seeds in a set of pumpkins.  


G.  For centuries the pumpkin has been popular with wizards, witches and fairies. Maybe that’s why it is celebrated in so many festivals, folklore and fiction. People make jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween in the USA. In European and American fairy-tales witches often turn people into pumpkins. Even in modern the Harry Potter novels  pumpkin juice is the favourite drink of the students of

II. 8. A doctor … for by the time I entered my house.
a) had been sent b) have been sent  c) will be sent

  1. At this moment your task … .
    a) is being done   c) are done     d) are being doing

  1. The children are really looking forward … on holiday abroad.

      a) to go    b) going      c) to going

  1. David can’t speak to you now; he’s … the phone, talking to his mother.
  1. in         b) at      c) on

  1. Don’t use these peppers. They are … .
  1. bitter       b) sour        c)  spicy

  1. Of all the household … , ironing is my least favourite.
    a) jobs         b) chores        c) sprees

  1. If only my school … so far from my house! Then I wouldn’t have to get up so early to get there.
  1. weren’t    b) hadn’t been        c) isn’t
  1. Where … on holiday last summer?
  1. had you gone       b)  have you been       c) did you go

III. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Brian who writes: … This year we had a school costume party for Halloween. It was a big success. What costume would you fancy wearing to a costume party? What would you rather do: make a costume yourself or buy one, and why? What do you think of costume parties in general?  Our history teacher is taking us to a museum for a field trip next week …

Write a letter to Brian.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask 3 questions about the museum. 

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writ


A. 2                                9. a

B. 1                                10. b

C. 4                                11. c

D. 3                                 12. c

E.  7                                13. b

F.  8                                14. a

G.  6                                15. c

8. a


I. Match the headlines (A-G) to the paragraphs (1-8). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

1.  The scientific explanation                                     5.  Places without rainbows

2.  The real shape                                                       6.  A personal vision

3.  A lucky sign                                                           7.  A bridge between worlds

4.  Some tips                                                                8.  Impossible to catch


 A.  Two people never see the same rainbow. Each person sees a different one. It happens because the raindrops are constantly moving so the rainbow is always changing too. Each time you see a rainbow it is unique and it will never be the same! In addition, everyone sees colours differently according to the light and how their eyes interpret it.   


 B.  A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that is seen in the atmosphere. It appears in the sky when the sun’s light is reflected by the raindrops. A rainbow always appears during or immediately after showers when the sun is shining and the air contains raindrops. As a result, a spectrum of colours is seen in the sky. It takes the shape of a multicoloured arc.   


 C.  Many cultures see the rainbow as a road, a connection between earth and heaven (the place where God lives). Legends say that it goes below the earth at the horizon and then comes back up again. In this way it makes a permanent link between what is above and below, between life and death. In some myths the rainbow is compared to a staircase connecting earth to heaven.   


 D.  We all believe that the rainbow is arch-shaped. The funny thing is that it's actually a circle. The reason we don’t see the other half of the rainbow is because we cannot see below the horizon. However, the higher we are above the ground, the more of the rainbow’s circle we can see. That is why, from an airplane in flight, a rainbow will appear as a complete circle with the shadow of the airplane in the centre.   


 E.  In many cultures there is a belief that seeing a rainbow is good. Legends say that if you dig at the end of a rainbow, you'll find a pot of gold. Rainbows are also seen after a storm, showing that the weather is getting better, and there is hope after the storm. This is why they are associated with rescue and good fortune. If people happen to get married on such a day, it is said that they will enjoy a very happy life together.   


F.  You can never reach the end of a rainbow. A rainbow is all light and water. It is always in front of you while your back is to the sun. As you move, the rainbow that your eye sees moves as well and it will always ‘move away’ at the same speed that you are moving. No matter how hard you try, a rainbow will always be as far away from you as it was before you started to move towards it.  



 G.  To see a rainbow you have to remember some points. First, you should be standing with the sun behind you. Secondly, the rain should be in front of you. The most impressive rainbows appear when half of the sky is still dark with clouds and the other half is clear. The best time to see a rainbow is on a warm day in the early morning after sunrise or late afternoon before sunset. Rainbows are often seen near waterfalls and fountains.      

   II.   8. At this moment your task …
             a) is being done  b) is done  c) are done    
          9. This person can’t be … . He’s very fickle (ненадежный).
              a) relying upon   b) relied upon   c) to rely upon  
          10. Garry is so … that very few people trust what he says.

  1. selfish        b)  jealous        c) dishonest

 11. Jane needs to see a doctor because she has been suffering … headaches lately.

     a) from       b) of        c)   about

 12. Nathan asked Ian if … his car for a few hours.
     a) could be borrow     b) he could borrow      c) he can borrow

 13. Sophia never … the car for short distance; she prefers walking.

     a) catches         b) takes       c) travels

 14. Mum … for her car keys for the last hour, and she still can’t find them.

      a) was looking     b) has been looking      c) is looking

 15. Julie … play the guitar very well yet; she’s only had four lessons.

      a) can’t        b) mustn’t       c) shouldn’t

III. You have got the extract  from your English-speaking pen-friend Emma who writes:

… I like extreme sports. Do you like sports? How much time do you spend on doing sports? What other hobbies do you have? I’m going to a musical festival this weekend. I can’t wait!

Write a letter to Emma.

In your letter

- answer her questions

- ask 3 questions about the musical festival. 

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing


A.  6                                                     9. b

B. 1                                                      10. c

C.  7                                                      11. a

D. 2                                                      12. b

E.  3                                                      13. b

F.  8                                                      14. b

G.  4                                                      15. a

8. a


I. Match the headlines (A-G) to the paragraphs (1-8). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

 1. For information and urgent help       5. Key under your skin

2. World without buttons                         6. Big brother is watching you

 3. To monitor and treat the disease        7. Disadvantages of tech

4. A built-in charger                                  8. Phone always on you  


A. Sure, we’re virtually connected to our phones 24/7 now, but what if we could be literally plugged in to our phones? That’s already starting to happen. Last year, for instance, artist Anthony Antonellis had a chip put in his arm that could store and transfer data to his handheld smartphone. And researchers are already experimenting with sensors that turn human bone into living speakers.  


 B. In the future patients will be able to use implantable technologies to diagnose and even treat diseases. Scientists in London are developing swallowable capsule-sized chip that will control fat levels in obese patients and generate genetic material that makes them feel “full”. It has potential as an alternative to surgery to handle obesity. Also it can monitor blood-sugar levels for diabetics.   


 C. The U.S. military has programs to identify any person using face scanning device. Some people see it as a doubtless advantage: improved crime fighting, secure elections and never a lost child again. However, such technologies can hammer against social norms and raise privacy issues. And one day there might be a computer to see all, know all and control all.  


 D. One of the challenges for implantable tech is delivering power to devices which are inside human bodies. You can’t plug them in as you do with your phone or computer. You can’t easily take them out to replace a battery. A team in Cambridge is working on specific bio batteries that can generate power inside the body, transfer it wirelessly where needed, and then simply melt away.   


 E. Soon tattoos will not only make you look cool but will be able to perform useful tasks, like opening your car or entering smartphone codes with a fingerpoint. Researchers have made an implantable skin fibers thinner than a human hair. Scientists are working on the chip that can be put inside a finger through a tattoo-like process, letting you unlock things or enter codes simply by pointing. 


F. The British research team is developing pills with microprocessors in them that can text to hospitals directly from inside your body. The pills can share inside info to help doctors know if you are taking your medication properly and if it is having the desired effect. Moreover, in case of emergency, it can send a signal to the computer and the ambulance will come straight away.  



G. Lately touchscreens are everywhere – from computers, phones, tablets to car systems and vending machines. Even doorbells now include touch screen controls. One has to wonder: are we moving to a world of only touchscreen devices? And the answer is probably yes. We are coming to an age where every flat or even curved surface could be made a touchscreen and we can operate from it.   

II. 8. What’s the matter? My car ___.

  1. was just stolen           b)  has just been stolen          c) is just stolen
  1. That house ___ a long time ago.

           a) has been sold          b)  was sold           c) is sold

     10.  If I … you, I would book a table before going to the new Thai restaurant.

                a) had been      b) would be    c) were

      11. Jill is very proud … her son because he got top marks in all exams.

                 a) with           b) of          c) about

      12. A simple way to … energy at home is to turn off  the lights when you leave a room.

               a) save         b) protect        c) store            

       13. I heard this … tune on the radio this morning, and I’ve been humming it all day.

              a) catchy                 b) predictable         c) pointless

       14. I … for my MP3 player. Do you know where it is?

               a) have looked        b) am going to look        c) am looking

       15. Liam … the opening of the new art gallery and met famous artists there.

             a) participated       b) attended         c) watched

III. You have got an extract from your English-speaking pen-friend Amy who writes:

I can’t believe you’ve moved away! What’s your new home like? Do you like it better than your old one? Do you enjoy living there? I’m so happy summer’s here at last. I’ve been helping my dad out in the garden lately!

Write a letter to Amy.

In your letter

- answer her questions

- ask 3 questions about working in the garden. 

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


A.   8                                     9. b

B.   3                                    10. c

C.   6                                     11. b

D.  4                                      12. a

E.   5                                     13. a

F.   1                                      14. c

G.  2                                      15. b

8. b


I. Match the headlines (A-G) to the paragraphs (1-8). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

1.  Travel memories                                  5.  Popular hobby

 2. Animal lover magazine                       6.  Family magazine

 3.  Travel to stars                                    7.  People and nature

4.  Star dreams                                         8.  Animals in danger


 A.  Most people who spend a holiday travelling take a camera with them and photograph anything that interests them – sights of a city, views of mountains, lakes, waterfalls, men and women, children, ruins of ancient buildings, and even birds and animals. Later looking through their albums they will remember the happy time they have had, the islands, countries and cities they have seen.


 B. Of course, different people dream of different things. Someone wishes a calm and quiet life; others imagine their life as a never-ending adventure. The majority dream of something concrete: a villa in some warm place, an account in a Swiss bank, a splendid car… It’s interesting to know what the dreams of people who already have all this are. Celebrities, as we know, never hide their unusual hobbies, and often shock us with their extravagant behaviour.


 C. It is Junior Baseball Magazine’s mission to provide information that enhances the youth baseball experience for the entire family. The player improves his skills and is more successful. The family enjoys the activity more and shares this precious time in their life. Junior Baseball emphasizes good sportsmanship, safety, physical fitness and wholesome family values.


D.  The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison like industrial, nuclear and chemical waste. The Mediterranean Sea is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following it. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas. Every ten minutes one species of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.


E.  Lots of people all over the world enjoy collecting stamps. Stamps are like little pictures. Very often they show the flowers or the trees which grow in this or that country, or they can show different kinds of transport of the country. Stamps may also have portraits of famous people on them. Some stamps show art work from the history of the country.


F.  “Friend” is the title of my favourite magazine. It consists of 70 pages, with lots of colourful and bright pictures and provides interesting and useful information for people who love animals. The magazine includes numerous articles devoted to various topics connected with domestic animals, ways to take care of them, pet food, animal health and many other topics crucial for any animal lover.


G.  People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not just somebody else’s. Many people join and support various international organizations and green parties. What could be more important than human life? Polluted air, poisoned water, wastelands, noise, smoke – all these influence not only nature but people as well. Everything should be done to improve ecological conditions on our planet.

  1. 8. All the banks ___ on Sundays.

              a)        are closed           b)   had been closed       c) are been closed

       9.  The flowers in the flowerbeds ___ in the evening.

             a)  are watered                 b) were water       c)     will have been watered

      10. David can’t speak to you now; he’s … the phone, talking to his mother.

           A) in         b) at      c) on

      11.   Don’t use these peppers. They are … .

         A) bitter       b) sour        c)  spicy

12.  If Martha … to Jenny, she would have forgiven her.

  1.  had apologized     b) apologized     c) would apologized

  1. Where … on holiday last summer?                                                                                              а)  had you gone       b)  have you been       c) did you go
  2. Can we have something to eat, please?  My tummy is … .
  1. moving     b) rumbling      c) starving

          15. I … for my MP3 player. Do you know where it is?

               a) have looked        b) am going to look        c) am looking

III. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben. 

 … I am very busy now preparing for my exams but yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends. We saw a new film about Sherlock Holmes. You’ve probably seen it too. … What kinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why? What would you make a film about if you had a chance?…

Write him a letter.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask 3 questions about future education. 

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.



A.   1                               9. a

B.   4                               10. c

C.   6                               11. c

D.   8                               12. a

E.   5                               13.c

F.   2                               14. b

G.   7                               15. с

8. a

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 города Когалыма

                                                       (МАОУ СОШ №1)


           РАССМОТРЕНО                                                    СОГЛАСОВАНО

           на заседании ШМО

                                                                                            Заместитель директора

          Протокол №_2_ от  08.04.2019г.                     ____________Арсланова Э.А.



промежуточной аттестации

по английскому  языку в 11 классах

за 2018-2019 учебный год

город Когалым


Пояснительная записка

   Данная контрольная работа предлагается учащимся 11 класса по окончании изучения всех разделов учебника с целью проверки качества усвоения материала на конец учебного года. Содержание  работы направлено на контроль знаний учащихся, сформированных у школьников навыков работы с тестовым материалом, знание лексики и грамматики, умения написать письмо.

    Контрольная работа состоит из 3 заданий, направленных на контроль усвоения знаний по следующим видам деятельности: чтение, лексика и грамматика, письмо. Контрольная работа рассчитана на 40 минут. Рекомендованное время выполнения по частям работы. Раздел 1 (задания по чтению) включает задания, которые позволят оценить понимание прочитанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий – 10 минут. Раздел 2 содержит задания по лексике и грамматике, рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий –10 минут. Раздел 3 содержит задания по написанию письма, рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий –20 минут. Материалы промежуточной аттестации составлены по темам, изученным в учебном году в соответствии с программными требованиями с использованием Сборника тренировочных и проверочных заданий в 11 классе.

        Обучение английскому языку в 11 классе ведется по рабочей программе по учебному предмету «Английский язык» для учащихся 10 класса  (базовый уровень), составленной на основе примерной программы по английскому языку основного общего образования с учётом авторской программы Английский в фокусе  “Spotlight”  авт. О.В.Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, Рекомендовано МОН РФ. Москва: «Просвещение », 2009г. 

Максимальное количество баллов -25.

Чтение – 7 баллов

Лексика и грамматика – 8 баллов

Письмо – 10 баллов


Максимальное количество баллов -25.

Чтение – 7 баллов

Лексика и грамматика – 8 баллов

Письмо – 10 баллов

Критерии оценивания

85-100 %                21-24 баллов    «5»

64-84 %                    15-20 баллов   «4»

41-63 %                    10-14 баллов   «3»

40% и менее 40%     менее 10 баллов   «2»


I. Match the headlines (A-G) to the paragraphs (1-8). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

1.  Travel memories                                  5.  Popular hobby

 2. Animal lover magazine                       6.  Family magazine

 3.  Travel to stars                                    7.  People and nature

4.  Star dreams                                         8.  Animals in danger


 A.  Most people who spend a holiday travelling take a camera with them and photograph anything that interests them – sights of a city, views of mountains, lakes, waterfalls, men and women, children, ruins of ancient buildings, and even birds and animals. Later looking through their albums they will remember the happy time they have had, the islands, countries and cities they have seen.


 B. Of course, different people dream of different things. Someone wishes a calm and quiet life; others imagine their life as a never-ending adventure. The majority dream of something concrete: a villa in some warm place, an account in a Swiss bank, a splendid car… It’s interesting to know what the dreams of people who already have all this are. Celebrities, as we know, never hide their unusual hobbies, and often shock us with their extravagant behaviour.


 C. It is Junior Baseball Magazine’s mission to provide information that enhances the youth baseball experience for the entire family. The player improves his skills and is more successful. The family enjoys the activity more and shares this precious time in their life. Junior Baseball emphasizes good sportsmanship, safety, physical fitness and wholesome family values.


D.  The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison like industrial, nuclear and chemical waste. The Mediterranean Sea is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following it. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas. Every ten minutes one species of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.


E.  Lots of people all over the world enjoy collecting stamps. Stamps are like little pictures. Very often they show the flowers or the trees which grow in this or that country, or they can show different kinds of transport of the country. Stamps may also have portraits of famous people on them. Some stamps show art work from the history of the country.


F.  “Friend” is the title of my favourite magazine. It consists of 70 pages, with lots of colourful and bright pictures and provides interesting and useful information for people who love animals. The magazine includes numerous articles devoted to various topics connected with domestic animals, ways to take care of them, pet food, animal health and many other topics crucial for any animal lover.


G.  People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not just somebody else’s. Many people join and support various international organizations and green parties. What could be more important than human life? Polluted air, poisoned water, wastelands, noise, smoke – all these influence not only nature but people as well. Everything should be done to improve ecological conditions on our planet.

  1. 8. All the banks ___ on Sundays.

              a)        are closed           b)   had been closed       c) are been closed

       9.  The flowers in the flowerbeds ___ in the evening.

             a)  are watered                 b) were water       c)     will have been watered

      10. David can’t speak to you now; he’s … the phone, talking to his mother.

           A) in         b) at      c) on

      11.   Don’t use these peppers. They are … .

         A) bitter       b) sour        c)  spicy

12.  If Martha … to Jenny, she would have forgiven her.

  1.  had apologized     b) apologized     c) would apologized

  1. Where … on holiday last summer?                                                                                              а)  had you gone       b)  have you been       c) did you go
  2. Can we have something to eat, please?  My tummy is … .
  1. moving     b) rumbling      c) starving

          15. I … for my MP3 player. Do you know where it is?

               a) have looked        b) am going to look        c) am looking

III. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben. 

 … I am very busy now preparing for my exams but yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends. We saw a new film about Sherlock Holmes. You’ve probably seen it too. … What kinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why? What would you make a film about if you had a chance?…

Write him a letter.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask 3 questions about future education. 

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.



A.   1                               9. a

B.   4                               10. c

C.   6                               11. c

D.   8                               12. a

E.   5                               13.c

F.   2                               14. b

G.   7                               15. с

8. a


I. Match the headlines (1-8) to the paragraphs (A-G) There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

1.  When we don’t sleep                                 5. Why dreams can be scary

 2. Not only for humans                                 6. What we feel dreaming

 3. How dreaming helps                                 7. How we forget dreams

 4. When we dream                                         8. How we remember dreams


        A. Even though our dreams may feel like they last for hours and hours, we hardly spend more than two hours dreaming each night, which means a person spends a total of nearly six years dreaming throughout a lifetime. In general there are four phases of the sleep cycle and all dreaming occurs practically at the final phase. Each of these sleep cycles lasts approximately 60 to 90 minutes and may repeat several times throughout the night.  

        B.  Anxiety is the most popular emotion experienced in dreams. Many people dream of falling, which is often connected to something in our lives that is going in the wrong direction. In addition, dreams of being chased are very common and are linked to avoidance. Also people report dreams about their teeth falling out, which is related to the words and communication we might have in real life.

       C. Dreaming helps people make sense of the information and events that occur in their lives. Dreams play an important role in processing and remembering information that we absorb daily. Also, they help reduce stress and even solve problems. It’s very possible to work through real-life problems while dreaming at night. In addition, dreams provide a lot of important content and meaning that can be used to inspire and direct our lives during the day.  


        D.Nearly 5 to 10% of adults have nightmares. There are several reasons for it, for example when people start taking certain medications or when they withdraw from drugs. Some physical conditions, such as stress or illness, can also be a trigger. However, in some cases adults may have frequent nightmares that are unrelated to their everyday lives, which may signify that they are more creative, sensitive, and emotional than the average person.  


       E.There is no person who does not have dreams, but not everybody recalls them. The most vivid dreams happen during the Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage when the brain is extremely active and the eyes move back and forth quickly underneath the eyelids. Although dream recall varies from person to person, some people have little or no recollection of the content, and around 90% of dreams are gone following the first 10 minutes of waking up.    


         F. Scientists have found that animals also dream and their subconscious thoughts are connected to real experiences. Animals’ dreams are complex, containing long sequences of events. Animals’ brains share the same series of sleeping states as the brain of human beings. Analyzing animals’ dreams and the content of their dreams may help scientists treat memory disorders and develop new ways for people to learn and retain information more effectively.  


          G. Only five minutes after the end of a dream and half of the content is likely to vanish from our memories. It’s not that dreams aren’t important enough to keep in mind, but other things tend to get in the way. Dream researcher L. Strumpell believes that dreams disappear from our memories for a number of factors. For example, we may not recall dream images that lack intensity, association or repetition, which are usually needed for dream recall

II.      8. A lady … red-handed (на месте преступления) yesterday in the shop.
            a) is caught  b) caught  c) was caught  

  1. This marvelous poem … by Tom today. 
    a) is written  b) was written  c) be written  
  2. Harry is a well-going person and gets … well with everyone in his class.
    a) by        b) around         c)  on

  1. It doesn’t matter if you lose the game; just do … you can.
    a) the better      b) best      c) the best

  1. Stephen … talk to the teacher if he’s having problems with the assignment.
  1. has         b) ought        c) should

  1. If Martha … to Jenny, she would have forgiven her.
  1. had apologized     b) apologized     c) would apologized

  1. Alex couldn’t find his glasses and he asked me if I knew where … .
  1. were they     b) they were      c) are they
  1. Leslie and Susan … yet. Should we leave without them?
  1. didn’t arrive  b) haven’t arrived    c)hadn’t arrive

III. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nancy who writes:

 … I hope you liked my New Year card. Where and how did you celebrate New year this time? What was the weather like? What’s your secret wish or at least hopes and expectations for the coming year?  I’ve redecorated my room and it looks much nicer now …

     Write a letter to Nancy. In your letter

-answer her questions,

-ask 3 questions about the way her room looks now.

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


A.  4                                           9. а

B.  6                                           10. с

C.  3                                            11. с

D.  5                                            12. c

E.  8                                            13. a

F.  9                                             14. b

G. 2                                             15.b

8. с


I. Match the headlines (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

1.  The history of the name                                      5.  Pumpkin recipes

2.  Pumpkin: brief facts                                           6.  Pumpkin’s magical popularity

 3.  Cooking with pumpkin                                      7.  Growing a pumpkin

4.  The autumn celebrity fruit                                   8.  Pumpkin in the learning process  

A.  The pumpkin is a large round fruit with a thick orange skin and large seeds. Pumpkins are 90% water but they contain potassium and vitamin A. Six of seven continents can grow pumpkins. Pumpkins symbolize the colours and the spirit of the autumn. Lots of movies were made with pumpkin and Halloween themes.


 B.  It's believed that pumpkins come from North America. Native American Indians ate pumpkins for centuries before the Europeans discovered the fruit. In European languages the word ''pumpkin'' originated from the Greek word for "large melon" which is "pepon." "Pepon" was changed by the French into "pompon." The English changed "pompon" to "pumpion."


 C.  In the United States, pumpkins go hand in hand with the autumn holidays of Thanksgiving and Halloween. On almost every Thanksgiving table there is the customary Pumpkin Pie. Pumpkins are carved into decorated lanterns for Halloween. The pumpkin is also one of the important symbols of the harvest festivals and has been an American favourite for over 400 years now.  


 D.  In the USA, the pumpkin is a very popular Thanksgiving dish. We don't know for sure whether the pumpkin was at the very first Thanksgiving dinner but it was used in all traditional meals long before the arrival of the Europeans. Most parts of the pumpkin are suitable for eating, including the shell, the seeds, the leaves, and even the flowers. When ripe, the pumpkin can be boiled, baked, steamed or roasted.


 E.  The pumpkin is a warm-season fruit. If you want to have a nice pumpkin for Halloween, plant the seeds from late May in northern regions to early July in southern regions. Pumpkins can be harvested whenever they are a deep, solid colour (orange for most varieties) and the coat is hard. Cut off pumpkins carefully and leave 3 to 4 inches of stem attached.


 F.  The pumpkin is a real October icon – the fruit of the month. It's also popular as an available, inexpensive material for some wonderful classroom activities! Its size, colour, smell and taste make it perfect for observation and exploration. Working in groups students can search, suggest, predict and estimate the number of seeds in a set of pumpkins.  


G.  For centuries the pumpkin has been popular with wizards, witches and fairies. Maybe that’s why it is celebrated in so many festivals, folklore and fiction. People make jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween in the USA. In European and American fairy-tales witches often turn people into pumpkins. Even in modern the Harry Potter novels  pumpkin juice is the favourite drink of the students of

II. 8. A doctor … for by the time I entered my house.
a) had been sent b) have been sent  c) will be sent

  1. At this moment your task … .
    a) is being done   c) are done     d) are being doing

  1. The children are really looking forward … on holiday abroad.

      a) to go    b) going      c) to going

  1. David can’t speak to you now; he’s … the phone, talking to his mother.
  1. in         b) at      c) on

  1. Don’t use these peppers. They are … .
  1. bitter       b) sour        c)  spicy

  1. Of all the household … , ironing is my least favourite.
    a) jobs         b) chores        c) sprees

  1. If only my school … so far from my house! Then I wouldn’t have to get up so early to get there.
  1. weren’t    b) hadn’t been        c) isn’t
  1. Where … on holiday last summer?
  1. had you gone       b)  have you been       c) did you go

III. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Brian who writes: … This year we had a school costume party for Halloween. It was a big success. What costume would you fancy wearing to a costume party? What would you rather do: make a costume yourself or buy one, and why? What do you think of costume parties in general?  Our history teacher is taking us to a museum for a field trip next week …

Write a letter to Brian.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask 3 questions about the museum. 

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writ


A. 2                                9. a

B. 1                                10. b

C. 4                                11. c

D. 3                                 12. c

E.  7                                13. b

F.  8                                14. a

G.  6                                15. c

8. a


I. Match the headlines (A-G) to the paragraphs (1-8). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

1.  The scientific explanation                                     5.  Places without rainbows

2.  The real shape                                                       6.  A personal vision

3.  A lucky sign                                                           7.  A bridge between worlds

4.  Some tips                                                                8.  Impossible to catch


 A.  Two people never see the same rainbow. Each person sees a different one. It happens because the raindrops are constantly moving so the rainbow is always changing too. Each time you see a rainbow it is unique and it will never be the same! In addition, everyone sees colours differently according to the light and how their eyes interpret it.   


 B.  A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that is seen in the atmosphere. It appears in the sky when the sun’s light is reflected by the raindrops. A rainbow always appears during or immediately after showers when the sun is shining and the air contains raindrops. As a result, a spectrum of colours is seen in the sky. It takes the shape of a multicoloured arc.   


 C.  Many cultures see the rainbow as a road, a connection between earth and heaven (the place where God lives). Legends say that it goes below the earth at the horizon and then comes back up again. In this way it makes a permanent link between what is above and below, between life and death. In some myths the rainbow is compared to a staircase connecting earth to heaven.   


 D.  We all believe that the rainbow is arch-shaped. The funny thing is that it's actually a circle. The reason we don’t see the other half of the rainbow is because we cannot see below the horizon. However, the higher we are above the ground, the more of the rainbow’s circle we can see. That is why, from an airplane in flight, a rainbow will appear as a complete circle with the shadow of the airplane in the centre.   


 E.  In many cultures there is a belief that seeing a rainbow is good. Legends say that if you dig at the end of a rainbow, you'll find a pot of gold. Rainbows are also seen after a storm, showing that the weather is getting better, and there is hope after the storm. This is why they are associated with rescue and good fortune. If people happen to get married on such a day, it is said that they will enjoy a very happy life together.   


F.  You can never reach the end of a rainbow. A rainbow is all light and water. It is always in front of you while your back is to the sun. As you move, the rainbow that your eye sees moves as well and it will always ‘move away’ at the same speed that you are moving. No matter how hard you try, a rainbow will always be as far away from you as it was before you started to move towards it.  



 G.  To see a rainbow you have to remember some points. First, you should be standing with the sun behind you. Secondly, the rain should be in front of you. The most impressive rainbows appear when half of the sky is still dark with clouds and the other half is clear. The best time to see a rainbow is on a warm day in the early morning after sunrise or late afternoon before sunset. Rainbows are often seen near waterfalls and fountains.      

   II.   8. At this moment your task …
             a) is being done  b) is done  c) are done    
          9. This person can’t be … . He’s very fickle (ненадежный).
              a) relying upon   b) relied upon   c) to rely upon  
          10. Garry is so … that very few people trust what he says.

  1. selfish        b)  jealous        c) dishonest

 11. Jane needs to see a doctor because she has been suffering … headaches lately.

     a) from       b) of        c)   about

 12. Nathan asked Ian if … his car for a few hours.
     a) could be borrow     b) he could borrow      c) he can borrow

 13. Sophia never … the car for short distance; she prefers walking.

     a) catches         b) takes       c) travels

 14. Mum … for her car keys for the last hour, and she still can’t find them.

      a) was looking     b) has been looking      c) is looking

 15. Julie … play the guitar very well yet; she’s only had four lessons.

      a) can’t        b) mustn’t       c) shouldn’t

III. You have got the extract  from your English-speaking pen-friend Emma who writes:

… I like extreme sports. Do you like sports? How much time do you spend on doing sports? What other hobbies do you have? I’m going to a musical festival this weekend. I can’t wait!

Write a letter to Emma.

In your letter

- answer her questions

- ask 3 questions about the musical festival. 

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing


A.  6                                                     9. b

B. 1                                                      10. c

C.  7                                                      11. a

D. 2                                                      12. b

E.  3                                                      13. b

F.  8                                                      14. b

G.  4                                                      15. a

8. a


I. Match the headlines (A-G) to the paragraphs (1-8). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

 1. For information and urgent help       5. Key under your skin

2. World without buttons                         6. Big brother is watching you

 3. To monitor and treat the disease        7. Disadvantages of tech

4. A built-in charger                                  8. Phone always on you  


A. Sure, we’re virtually connected to our phones 24/7 now, but what if we could be literally plugged in to our phones? That’s already starting to happen. Last year, for instance, artist Anthony Antonellis had a chip put in his arm that could store and transfer data to his handheld smartphone. And researchers are already experimenting with sensors that turn human bone into living speakers.  


 B. In the future patients will be able to use implantable technologies to diagnose and even treat diseases. Scientists in London are developing swallowable capsule-sized chip that will control fat levels in obese patients and generate genetic material that makes them feel “full”. It has potential as an alternative to surgery to handle obesity. Also it can monitor blood-sugar levels for diabetics.   


 C. The U.S. military has programs to identify any person using face scanning device. Some people see it as a doubtless advantage: improved crime fighting, secure elections and never a lost child again. However, such technologies can hammer against social norms and raise privacy issues. And one day there might be a computer to see all, know all and control all.  


 D. One of the challenges for implantable tech is delivering power to devices which are inside human bodies. You can’t plug them in as you do with your phone or computer. You can’t easily take them out to replace a battery. A team in Cambridge is working on specific bio batteries that can generate power inside the body, transfer it wirelessly where needed, and then simply melt away.   


 E. Soon tattoos will not only make you look cool but will be able to perform useful tasks, like opening your car or entering smartphone codes with a fingerpoint. Researchers have made an implantable skin fibers thinner than a human hair. Scientists are working on the chip that can be put inside a finger through a tattoo-like process, letting you unlock things or enter codes simply by pointing. 


F. The British research team is developing pills with microprocessors in them that can text to hospitals directly from inside your body. The pills can share inside info to help doctors know if you are taking your medication properly and if it is having the desired effect. Moreover, in case of emergency, it can send a signal to the computer and the ambulance will come straight away.  



G. Lately touchscreens are everywhere – from computers, phones, tablets to car systems and vending machines. Even doorbells now include touch screen controls. One has to wonder: are we moving to a world of only touchscreen devices? And the answer is probably yes. We are coming to an age where every flat or even curved surface could be made a touchscreen and we can operate from it.   

II. 8. What’s the matter? My car ___.

  1. was just stolen           b)  has just been stolen          c) is just stolen
  1. That house ___ a long time ago.

           a) has been sold          b)  was sold           c) is sold

     10.  If I … you, I would book a table before going to the new Thai restaurant.

                a) had been      b) would be    c) were

      11. Jill is very proud … her son because he got top marks in all exams.

                 a) with           b) of          c) about

      12. A simple way to … energy at home is to turn off  the lights when you leave a room.

               a) save         b) protect        c) store            

       13. I heard this … tune on the radio this morning, and I’ve been humming it all day.

              a) catchy                 b) predictable         c) pointless

       14. I … for my MP3 player. Do you know where it is?

               a) have looked        b) am going to look        c) am looking

       15. Liam … the opening of the new art gallery and met famous artists there.

             a) participated       b) attended         c) watched

III. You have got an extract from your English-speaking pen-friend Amy who writes:

I can’t believe you’ve moved away! What’s your new home like? Do you like it better than your old one? Do you enjoy living there? I’m so happy summer’s here at last. I’ve been helping my dad out in the garden lately!

Write a letter to Amy.

In your letter

- answer her questions

- ask 3 questions about working in the garden. 

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


A.   8                                     9. b

B.   3                                    10. c

C.   6                                     11. b

D.  4                                      12. a

E.   5                                     13. a

F.   1                                      14. c

G.  2                                      15. b

8. b

I. Match the headlines (A-G) to the paragraphs (1-8). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

1.  Travel memories                                  5.  Popular hobby

 2. Animal lover magazine                       6.  Family magazine

 3.  Travel to stars                                    7.  People and nature

4.  Star dreams                                         8.  Animals in danger


 A.  Most people who spend a holiday travelling take a camera with them and photograph anything that interests them – sights of a city, views of mountains, lakes, waterfalls, men and women, children, ruins of ancient buildings, and even birds and animals. Later looking through their albums they will remember the happy time they have had, the islands, countries and cities they have seen.


 B. Of course, different people dream of different things. Someone wishes a calm and quiet life; others imagine their life as a never-ending adventure. The majority dream of something concrete: a villa in some warm place, an account in a Swiss bank, a splendid car… It’s interesting to know what the dreams of people who already have all this are. Celebrities, as we know, never hide their unusual hobbies, and often shock us with their extravagant behaviour.


 C. It is Junior Baseball Magazine’s mission to provide information that enhances the youth baseball experience for the entire family. The player improves his skills and is more successful. The family enjoys the activity more and shares this precious time in their life. Junior Baseball emphasizes good sportsmanship, safety, physical fitness and wholesome family values.


D.  The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison like industrial, nuclear and chemical waste. The Mediterranean Sea is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following it. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas. Every ten minutes one species of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.


E.  Lots of people all over the world enjoy collecting stamps. Stamps are like little pictures. Very often they show the flowers or the trees which grow in this or that country, or they can show different kinds of transport of the country. Stamps may also have portraits of famous people on them. Some stamps show art work from the history of the country.


F.  “Friend” is the title of my favourite magazine. It consists of 70 pages, with lots of colourful and bright pictures and provides interesting and useful information for people who love animals. The magazine includes numerous articles devoted to various topics connected with domestic animals, ways to take care of them, pet food, animal health and many other topics crucial for any animal lover.


G.  People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not just somebody else’s. Many people join and support various international organizations and green parties. What could be more important than human life? Polluted air, poisoned water, wastelands, noise, smoke – all these influence not only nature but people as well. Everything should be done to improve ecological conditions on our planet.

  1. 8. All the banks ___ on Sundays.

              a)        are closed           b)   had been closed       c) are been closed

       9.  The flowers in the flowerbeds ___ in the evening.

             a)  are watered                 b) were water       c)     will have been watered

      10. David can’t speak to you now; he’s … the phone, talking to his mother.

           A) in         b) at      c) on

      11.   Don’t use these peppers. They are … .

         A) bitter       b) sour        c)  spicy

12.  If Martha … to Jenny, she would have forgiven her.

  1.  had apologized     b) apologized     c) would apologized

  1. Where … on holiday last summer?                                                                                              а)  had you gone       b)  have you been       c) did you go
  2. Can we have something to eat, please?  My tummy is … .
  1. moving     b) rumbling      c) starving

          15. I … for my MP3 player. Do you know where it is?

               a) have looked        b) am going to look        c) am looking

III. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben. 

 … I am very busy now preparing for my exams but yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends. We saw a new film about Sherlock Holmes. You’ve probably seen it too. … What kinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why? What would you make a film about if you had a chance?…

Write him a letter.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask 3 questions about future education. 

Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.



A.   1                               9. a

B.   4                               10. c

C.   6                               11. c

D.   8                               12. a

E.   5                               13.c

F.   2                               14. b

G.   7                               15. с

8. a

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1» города Когалыма


РАССМОТРЕНО                                                                                                 СОГЛАСОВАНО                                                                                                      

на заседании ШМО                                                                        Заместитель   директора

Протокол № 3 от 20 марта 2020г.                                           __________Арсланова Э.А.


промежуточной аттестации

по английскому языку в 8-х классах

за 2019-2020 учебный год

город Когалым


Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 8 классе

Пояснительная записка.

Цель контроля - оценить уровень знаний учащихся 8 класса по английскому языку.

Характеристика структуры и содержания работы – контрольная работа состоит из 2 частей и включает в себя 3 задания.

Задание 1: Чтение включает в себя основное понимание текста с выбором ответа (5баллов).

Задание 2: Лексико-грамматическое (выбор правильного лексического ответа, определение видовременных форм глагола) (10 баллов).

Задание 3: Письмо (написать письмо другу 50-80 слов) (10 баллов).

Система оценивания

Максимальное количество баллов в работе – 25

Каждое правильно выполненное задание оценивается одним баллом.

При наличии ошибок у обучающихся в работе предлагаются следующая шкала оценивания:

«5» - 25-22 баллов

«4» - 21 -16 баллов

«3» - 15-11 баллов

Менее 11 баллов – «2».

На выполнение работы отводится 40 минут.

Промежуточная аттестация

8 класс.



Read the texts and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F)

  1. In this photo I’m not the one who's going to jump. I’m getting that person ready. That's my unusual job, and it’s more difficult than it looks. You have to prepare people both physically and mentally. Some get really frightened so you have to make them feel confident. And you must check all the equipment very carefully. If anything goes wrong, you're responsible. Of course, you mustn't be afraid of heights! I like my job because I’m sociable and I can meet people from all over the world. All sorts of people come to do bungee-jumping. For some of them the jump changes their life. It makes them feel more confident, like they can do anything! It’s nice to know that by doing your job, you're making a difference. It can be hard work though. At busy times we get 25 people jumping in an hour.


  1. A lot of people like shopping. Me, I'm a professional ‘mystery shopper . It’s like being an actor, or a spy. For example, I go to a clothes shop and tell a shop assistant that I want to buy a coat. I pretend to be a normal member of the public. I mustn’t tell them who I really am. But when I finish, I have to do paperwork, answering questions about the service. Usually shops pay me to do this. The boss wants to know if the shop assistants are doing a good job. Or sometimes magazines pay me because they want to write an article comparing different shops. It’s difficult because sometimes you have to say bad things about somebody who may lose their job because of your report. But I suppose shop assistants should always treat their customers well.


  1. There are two different sides to Rayon’s job.
  2. Rayon believes that his job can have a positive influence on people.
  3. Ana has to act in her job.
  4. The magazines don’t pay her.
  5. Shop assistants never know what Ana’s real job is.

(___/ 5)


Complete the sentences. Choose the correct form of the verbs and nouns.

  1. Spaghetti ….. from wheat.

a)make    b)is maked   c) is made

  1. Penicillin ……  by Alexander Fleming.

a)is discovered   b)was discovered   c)discovered

  1. “It’s going to rain”, said old man. The old man said that….. to rain.

a)it were going   b) it went  c)it was going

  1. “We have worried about Pitter”, the said. They said that …… about Pitter.

a)they had worried    b)they have worry    c) they had worry

  1. Her watch is broken. She …… a new one.

a)mustn’t buy    b)has to buy  c) must to buy

  1. ………… rubbish is one way to help protect the environment.

a)Recycle   b) recycling    c) to recycle

  1. They are planning ……… a new supermarket in our town.

a)Build        b)to build       c)built

  1. Dinner is ready! I ….. some lasagna.

a)I made   b) I was making   c) I have made

9. You can’t go to the bank. It…… raining.

a)don’t  stop   b)not stop   c)hasnt’t stopped.

10. I …… this car five years ago.

a) bought   b)have bought   c)had bought



Write an email to your English pen-friend to tell him/her all about your last holiday (50-80 words). You may use the plan.


  • Start with: Dear [name],….
  • Begin the main part of the letter with a short introduction. You can use phrases like: How are you? Thanks for your letter…
  • Write in paragraphs about your visit to a cinema (who with, when, where).
  • Do not use very formal language in your letter.
  • Use contractions (it’s, there’s, etc).
  • Finish the main part of the letter with a short paragraph: That’s all for now. Write again soon…
  • End the letter with Love, or Best wishes, and your first name.


Промежуточная аттестация

8 класс.



Read the texts and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F)

  1. A lot of people like shopping. Me, I'm a professional ‘mystery shopper . It’s like being an actor, or a spy. For example, I go to a clothes shop and tell a shop assistant that I want to buy a coat. I pretend to be a normal member of the public. I mustn’t tell them who I really am. But when I finish, I have to do paperwork, answering questions about the service. Usually shops pay me to do this. The boss wants to know if the shop assistants are doing a good job. Or sometimes magazines pay me because they want to write an article comparing different shops. It’s difficult because sometimes you have to say bad things about somebody who may lose their job because of your report. But I suppose shop assistants should always treat their customers well.


  1. I'm a rickshaw driver. Rickshaws are a mixture of a bike and a taxi. Two or three people can sit at the back and you pull them by cycling. Nowadays there are a lot in London. Some taxi and bus drivers say we shouldn't be on the streets because we're dangerous. It’s important to stay calm in this job because those drivers often shout at us. But nearly all the work is late at night, when there isn’t much traffic. You don’t have to have any qualifications to be a rickshaw driver, but you have to be fit and strong. You must be patient too because sometimes you have to wait a very long time before finding a customer. Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights are the busiest. And rickshaws

are much more popular in the summer. In the winter you get cold and wet.


  1. Grace sometimes write the article in magazines.
  2. Grace never write bed things about the shop assistant because she feels sorry for them.
  3. Some people are trying to get rickshaws off the roads.
  4. All the personal qualities that a rickshaw driver needs are physical.  
  5. The worst time to find a customer is a week day in the winter.  

(___/ 5)


Complete the sentences. Choose the correct form of the verbs and nouns.

  1. 500 student flats……last year.

a)was build    b)were built     c)built

  1. Water ……on Mars.

a)has discovered   b) discovered    c)has been discover  

  1. “I work in an office”, Jane said. Jane said that …… in an office.

a)she worked   b)I worked  c) she works

  1. “I have won the lottery”, the pretty woman said. The pretty woman said that …… the lottery.

a)she had won   b)I won    c)she had win

  1. Your room is dirty! You really ……. It!

a)can clean    b)must to clean   c) must clean

  1. ……….. in front of a computer four hours can hurt your eyes.

            a)work   b)working   c)to work

  1. I’m very tired and I want ……… at home tonight.

              a)staying   b)stays  c) to stay

  1. I think I …… my umbrella at work. I can’t find it anywhere.

a)have left    b)leave   c) left

  1. They …….. all their exams. They have two more tomorrow.

a)didn’t do   b)don’t do   c)haven’t done

  1. I ….. in Boston eight years ago.

a)were   b)was   c)have been



Write an email to your English pen-friend to tell him/her all about your last holiday (50-80 words). You may use the plan.


  • Start with: Dear [name],….
  • Begin the main part of the letter with a short introduction. You can use phrases like: How are you? Thanks for your letter…
  • Write in paragraphs about your visit to a cinema (who with, when, where).
  • Do not use very formal language in your letter.
  • Use contractions (it’s, there’s, etc).
  • Finish the main part of the letter with a short paragraph: That’s all for now. Write again soon…
  • End the letter with Love, or Best wishes, and your first name.



Вариант 1

№1 1-T, 2-T, 3-T, 4-F, 5-T

№2 1-c, 2-b, 3-c, 4 –a, 5 –b, 6-b, 7-b, 8-c, 9-c, 10-a

Вариант 2

№1 1-T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-F, 5-T

№2 1-b, 2-a, 3-a, 4-a, 5-c, 6- b, 7- c, 8- a, 9-c, 10-b

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1» города Когалыма


РАССМОТРЕНО                                                                                                                 СОГЛАСОВАНО

на заседании ШМО                                                                                         Заместитель директора

Протокол № 3 от 20 марта 2020 г.                                                   ____________Арсланова Э.А.


промежуточной аттестации

по английскому языку во 2-х классах

за 2019-2020 учебный год

город Когалым


Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 2 классе

Пояснительная записка.

Цель работы: проверить знания учащихся по английскому языку за курс 2 класса начальной школы. Материал составлен на основании Рабочей программы по английскому языку для 2 класса и учебника «Английский в фокусе» («Spotlight») Быковой Н.И.

Работа состоит из 2х частей: лексико-грамматические задания и чтение. Лексико-грамматические задания включают в себя упражнения на знание лексики, употребление предлогов, личных местоимений. Чтение включает в себя основное понимание текста и заполнение пропусков.

К работе прилагаются ключи и критерии оценок. Работа рассчитана на учащихся 2 –х классов, изучающих английский язык.

Промежуточная аттестация

2 класс.


№1. Выбери   правильный   ответ. (6 б.)

  1.                                                       2.                                          3.                 3.  

  1. cat     b. dog                  a. mummy   b. daddy                          a. chair     b. cheese

4.                                                          5.                               6.

  1. bedroom     b. kitchen                 a. ears      b. eyes                       a. skirt    b. socks         ___б./ 6б.

№2.  Найди ответы на данные вопросы и запиши ответы в таблицу. (5 б.)

1) What is your name?                      A) It is ice-cream

2) Where is the soldier?                    B) I am Tim

3) How old is she?                            C) No, I can’t

4) Can you fly?                                 D) It is in the toy box

5) What is it?                                    E) She is 7                                                               ___б./5б.







№3. Почитай рассказ и  отметь YES \ NO в предложениях. (5 б.)

I have got many toys. My toys are in the big toy box. I have got a doll. She is very nice. She has got fair hair and blue eyes. I have got a big brown teddy bear. It is wonderful. I have got six soldiers.  I have got two  puppets  and  five cars. I like my toys.

1. My toys are on the toys box.                 YES \ NO

2. My doll has got blue eyes.                    YES \ NO

3. I have got a small brown teddy bear.    YES \ NO

4. I have got seven toy soldiers.                YES \ NO

5. I like my toys.                                        YES \ NO                                                      ___б./5б.

№4. Вставьте пропущенные слова. (4 б.)

black,   like,   on,   cold

What’s the weather _____________  today?  It’s ___________. Put _____ your coat. What colour is your coat? It’s _________.

 «5» - 17-20 баллов

 «4» - 13-16 баллов

 «3» - 9-12 баллов

 «2» - 8 и менее

Промежуточная аттестация

2 класс.

Вариант 2

№1. Выбери   правильный   ответ. (6 б.)

  1.                                                       2.                                          3.                 3.  


  1. cat     b. pizza                  a. birthday b. bird                          a. bed    b. bedroom

4.                                                          5.                               6.


  1. bedroom     b. bathroom                 a. ears      b. eyes                       a. skirt    b. socks         ___б./ 6б.

№2.  Найди ответы на данные вопросы и запиши ответы в таблицу. (5 б.)

1) What is your name?                      A) It is a toy box

2) Where is my doll?                         B) My name’s Max

3) How old are you?                          C) Yes, I can

4) Can you run?                                 D) It is under the shelf

5) What is it?                                    E) I’m 8.                                                               ___б./5б.







№3. Почитай рассказ и  отметь YES \ NO в предложениях. (5 б.)

I have got many toys. My toys are in the big toy box and on the shelf. I have got a car. It is very big. It is rad. I have got a toy soldier. It has got black hair and brown eyes. It is wonderful. It is wonderful. I have got six ballerinas.  I have got two puppets. I like my toys.

1. My toys are under the bed.                   YES \ NO

2. My toy soldier has got brown eyes.      YES \ NO

3. I have got four ballerinas.                     YES \ NO

4. I have got small car.                              YES \ NO

5. I like my toys.                                        YES \ NO                                                      ___б./5б.

№4. Вставьте пропущенные слова. (4 б.)

white,   like,   off,   hot

What’s the weather _____________  today?  It’s ___________. Take _____ your jacket. What colour is your jacket? It’s _________.

 «5» - 17-20 баллов

 «4» - 13-16 баллов

 «3» - 9-12 баллов

 «2» - 8 и менее


Вариант 1

№ 1

1-b, 2- a, 3 - a, 4- b, 5-b, 6-b

№ 2

1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-c, 5-a

№ 3

1-no, 2-yes, 3-no, 4-no, 5-yes

№ 4

1-like, 2-cold, 3-on, 4-black

Вариант 2

№ 1

1-b, 2-b, 3-a, 4-b, 5-b, 6-a

№ 2

1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-c, 5-a

№ 3

1-no, 2-yes, 3-no, 4-no, 5-yes

№ 4

1-like, 2-hot, 3-off, 4-white

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 города Когалыма

                                                       (МАОУ СОШ №1)


           РАССМОТРЕНО                                                    СОГЛАСОВАНО

           на заседании ШМО

                                                                                            Заместитель директора

          Протокол №_3_ от  20.03.2020г.                     ____________Арсланова Э.А.


промежуточной аттестации

по английскому  языку в 3 классах

за 2019-2020 учебный год

Г.  Когалым


Пояснительная записка.

Цель работы: проверить знания учащихся по английскому языку за курс 3 класса начальной школы. Материал составлен на основании Рабочей программы по английскому языку для 3 класса и учебника «Английский в фокусе» («Spotlight») Быковой Н.И.

 Работа состоит из 2х частей в двух вариантах: лексико-грамматические задания и чтение. Лексико-грамматические задания включают в себя упражнения на соотнесение, знание лексики,  употребление “much/ many”,глаголов “ to be, have/ has”. К работе прилагаются ключи и критерии оценок. Работа рассчитана на учащихся 3 –х  классов, изучающих английский язык  

I вариант

I Чтение

1. Прочитайте письмо и выполните задания 1-4, выбрав букву А, В, С, D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете правильным (3 балла).

Dear pen friend,

My name is Nick. I am 10. My birthday is on the 15th of June. I am from Great Britain. I live with my mum and dad. My favourite holiday is Christmas. I like to get presents. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a nice dog Spot. My dog is black and brown. Spot likes meat and ham. I like to play with my dog. Have you got a pet? What is its name? Is it funny? My favourite sport is football. I can play football very well. But I can’t skate. I like to read and draw. I can draw Spot very well. On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well?

Please write back.                                                                                                                        Your pen friend,                                                                                                                                      Nick Chester

1. When is Nick’s birthday?

A the 18th of July

B the 15th of June

C the 16th of August

D the 10th of May

2. What is Nick’s favourite holiday?

A Birthday

B Christmas

C New Year

D St Valentine’s Day

3. What colour is Nick’s dog?

A white

B grey

C black

D black and brown

II Лексика и грамматика

2. Прочитайте слова и найдите их значения (8 баллов)








слушать музыку














have breakfast




listen to music







3. Прочитай каждое предложение и выбери верный вариант ответа, чтобы заполнить пропуски (5 баллов):


1. Where … the cats?

A- is, B- are, C- be,

2. You must wash your … every day.

A- hand, B- hands, C –hair,

3. When … your mum write letters?

A- does, B –do, C- have

4. I swim … summer.

A- on, B – in, C- to

5. Tiny … a bike every day.

A- ride, B- to ride, C rides

4. Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его (3 балла):

1) April, May, December, September, Sunday

2) cake, sweets, tea, book, coffee

3) cat, dog, rabbit, tiger, cockerel

5. Выбери и обведи нужное слово (3 балла):

1) How many/ much tea do you drink every day?

2) How much / many meat do you eat at dinner?

3) He has got much/ many bananas.

Всего: 22 балла

II вариант

I Чтение

1. Прочитайте письмо и выполните задания 1-4, выбрав букву А, В, С, D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете правильным (3 балла).

Dear pen friend,

My name is Bob . Iam 9. My birthday is on the 10th of May. I am from London. I live with my mum and dad. My favourite holiday is New Year. I like to sing and dance. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a parrot. My parrot is red and green. It likes to talk. I like to play with my parrot. Have you got a pet? What is its name? Is it funny?

My favourite sport is basketballl. I can play basketball very well. But I can’t ski.  On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well?

Please write back.

Your pen friend,

Bob Wales.

1. When is Bob’s birthday?

A the 18th of July

B the 15th of June

C the 16th of August

D the 10th of May

2. What is Bob’s favourite holiday?

A Birthday

B Christmas

C New Year

D St Valentine’s Day

3. What colour is Bob’s parrot?

A white

B red and green

C black

Dblack and brown

II Лексика и грамматика

2. Прочитайте слова и найдите их значения (8 баллов)








слушать музыку








физическая культура










listen to music




have breakfast



3. Прочитай каждое предложение и выбери верный вариант ответа, чтобы заполнить пропуски   (5 баллов):

1. Where … the children?

A- is, B –are, C - am

2. You must clean your … every day.

A- tooth   B- teeth   C- tooths  

3. When … Tiny write letters?

A -does    B- do       C- have    

4. I skate … winter.

A –in, B –at,  C- to

5. Martin … a bike on Sunday.

A- ride, B- to ride, C- rides

4. Какое слово лишнее? (3 балла):

1) Today, Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday

2) mum, brother, sister, boy, dad

3) one, two, and, four, five

5. Выбери  нужное слово (3 балла):

1) Do you have much / many coffee for breakfast?

2) Have they got many / much friends?

3) Billy hasn't got much / many sweets on the table.

Всего: 22 балла

 Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации
За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 3 балла, за
второе задание – 8 баллов, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 3 балла, за
пятое задание – 3 балла. Максимальное количество баллов -  22. Успешность выполнения
промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:
20 – 22 балла = 5 (отлично)
15 – 19 баллов = 4 (хорошо)
9 – 14 баллов = 3 (удовлетворительно)
Менее 9 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)


I вариант

I -Чтение

1- B


3- D

II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –e

2 – d

3- f

4- a

5- g

6- h

7- b

8- c

       2)1- B

           2 – B

           3 – A

            4 –B

            5 – C

      3)1- Sunday

         2-  Book  

          3 -   Tiger      



       3 – many

II вариант

I -Чтение


2- C


II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –c

2 – d

3- f

4- e

5- a

6- g

7- b

8- h

       2)1- B

           2 – B

           3 –A

            4 – A

            5 –C

      3)1- today

         2- boy

         3 -and   

       4)1- much

         2- many

         3 – many


Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1» города Когалыма


РАССМОТРЕНО                                                                                                     СОГЛАСОВАНО

на заседании ШМО                                                                                         Заместитель директора

Протокол № 3 от 20 марта 2020 г.                                                   ____________   Арсланова Э.А.



промежуточной аттестации

по английскому языку в 5-х классах

за 2019-2020 учебный год

город Когалым


Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку за курс 5 класса.

Пояснительная записка.

Цель работы:

 Проверить знания учащихся по английскому языку за курс 5класса . Материал составлен на основании Рабочей программы по английскому языку для 5 класса и учебника «Английский в фокусе» («Spotlight») , авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс.

Работа состоит из 2 вариантов включающих лексико-грамматические задания и  задания по чтению.

Лексико-грамматические задания состоят из упражнений на соотнесение, выбор времени глагола настоящего продолженного, настоящего простого, количественных местоимений  “ some, any”.

К работе прилагаются ключи и критерии оценок. Работа рассчитана на учащихся 5 –х классов, изучающих английский язык.

Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации

За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 5 баллов, за второе задание – 9 баллов, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 5 баллов .Максимальное количество баллов - 24.

Успешность выполнения промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:

24 – 23 балла =    5 (отлично)

22–  17баллов =  4 (хорошо)

16–  12 баллов =  3 (удовлетворительно)

Менее 12 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)


I вариант                                                                                         II вариант

I –Чтение                                                                                     I -Чтение

1- с  (Boston)                                                                              1 –b  (in August)

2- b  (summer school)                                                                 2 – c  (discussed texts)

3- a  (learned English)                                                                 3 –a  (fire)

4- a  (four weeks)                                                                        4 – b  (summer)

5- c  (texts)                                                                                  5 – a  (English)    

 Задания по лексике и грамматике

II.                                                                                                 II.                                                                                                

  1. some\  some\ some                                                           1. some some some
  2. any \ any                                                                           2. any \ any                                                                            
  3. any                                                                                    3. any  
  4. some\ any                                                                         4. some\ any                                                                          
  5. any                                                                                    5. any  

III                                                                                                 III

  1. isn’t making                                                                     1 – isn’t watching
  2. are watching                                                                     2 – are playing
  3. stay                                                                                   3 -go
  4. is she wearing                                                                   4 –is he wearing
  5. do you like                                                                        5 – does Tim work

IV                                                                                                  IV

1 – b (high heels)                                                                          1 – c (high heels)                                                                          

2 – a  (a coat)                                                                                2 – b (shorts)

3 – c  ( acap)                                                                                 3 – a (a raincoat)

4 -  a  (an umbrella)                                                                      4 – b  (a cap)

5 -  c  (a suit)                                                                                5 – a  (a suit)

Промежуточная аттестация

5 класс

Вариант 1                                        


Прочитайте текст.

Dear Lena,

Thank you for your letter. It was so good to hear from you. I also travelled a lot this summer. I was very lucky. In August I went to Summer School in Boston. I spent four weeks there. We lived and studied at a good state school.

We learned English 4 hours every day. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English words and poems by heart, played games, asked and answered questions, worked on a computer. We didn’t speak Russian at our lessons. We also read much about American history and traditions.In the evenings we usually made a fire, played the guitar and sang songs. I took a lot of pictures of my friends and of myself.With lots of love and best wishes from my parents.

                                                                                                                Your friend,


Выберите правильный ответ.

1.Where did Lena go in summer?

a)London b) Moscow c) Boston

2.Where did she study?

a)at sport school b) at summer school c) at the museum

3. What did she do during the holidays?

a)learned English b) swam in the river c) skate-boarding

4. She spent …….. there.

a)four weeks b) four months c) four days

5. At the lessons they learned ……. .

a)games b) poems c) text                                                                                                               5 баллов

II Заполните пропуски местоимениями some или any.

1.We need ____ flour, ____ eggs and ___ sugar.

2. Do you buy _____bread and _____coffee?

3. I don’t bring you ____ice cream.

4. We have ____ orange juice, but we don’t have ___ cake.

5. Are there ___ onions in the basket?                                                                                            9 баллов

III. Underline the correct form of the verb. Подчерни правильную форму глагола

1. Fiona doesn’t make / isn’t making a snowman at the moment.

2. Helen and Tom are watching / watch TV now.

3. On Sundays, we usually stay / are staying at home.

4. Look at Anne. What does she wear / is she wearing?

5. What do you like / are you liking?

                                                                                                                                                          5 баллов      

IV.Choose the correct answer

1.The boys don't have……………. a) boots b) high heels c) trainers

2.In winter I wear ………………..a) a coat b) shirts c) high heels

3. In sunny weather I have got……. a) a raincoat b) a coat c) a cap

4.In rainy weather I have got……..a) an umbrella b) a suit c) a scarf

5.The boy can wear ……..a) a dress b) a blouse and a skirt c) a suit                                               5 баллов


                                                                                                                                           ИТОГО: 24 балла.

Промежуточная аттестация

5 класс

2 вариант


Прочитайте текст.

Dear Lena,

Thank you for your letter. It was so good to hear from you. I also travelled a lot this summer. I was very lucky. In August I went to Summer School in Boston. I spent four weeks there. We lived and studied at a good state school.

We learned English 4 hours every day. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English words and poems by heart, played games, asked and answered questions, worked on a computer. We didn’t speak Russian at our lessons. We also read much about American history and traditions.In the evenings we usually made a fire, played the guitar and sang songs. I took a lot of pictures of my friends and of myself. With lots of love and best wishes from my parents.

                                                                                                                           Your friend,


Выберите правильный ответ.

1. When did the girl go to Summer School?

a)in May b) in August c) in November

2. What did she do at the lessons?

a)worked in the garden b) played in the yard c) discussed texts

3. What did they make in the evening?

a )fire b) kites c) toys

4. She travelled a lot this …..

year b) summer c) week

5. At the lessons they spoke ……. .

a)English b) Russian c) French                                                                                                      5 баллов

II. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some или any.

1.We need ____ flour, ____ eggs and ___ sugar.

2. Do you buy _____bread and _____coffee?

3. I don’t bring you ____ice cream.

4. We have ____ orange juice, but we don’t have ___ cake.

5. Are there ___ onions in the basket?                                                                                            9 баллов

III. Underline the correct form of the verb.

1. Jack doesn’t watch / isn’t watching a film at the moment.

2. Peter and Martha are playing / play in the snow now.

3. We go / are going to the cinema every Saturday.

4. Look at Mike. What does he wear / is he wearing?

5. Where does Tim work / is Tim working?                                                                                  5 баллов

IV.Choose the correct answer

1. Men don't wear……………. a) suits b) shirts c) high heels

2.In summer I wear ………………..a) a coat b) shorts c) a jacket

3. In autumn I have got……. a) a raincoat b) a T-shirt c) shorts

4.In sunny weather I have got……..a) a boots b) a cap c) a scarf

5.The boy can wear ……..a) a suit b) a blouse and a skirt c) a dress                                                5 баллов

                                                                                                                                           ИТОГО:  24 балла.

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1» города Когалыма


РАССМОТРЕНО                                                                                                     СОГЛАСОВАНО

на заседании ШМО                                                                                         Заместитель директора

Протокол № 3 от 20 марта 2020 г.                                                   ____________   Арсланова Э.А.



промежуточной аттестации

по английскому языку в 5-х классах

за 2019-2020 учебный год

город Когалым


Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку за курс 5 класса.

Пояснительная записка.

Цель работы:

 Проверить знания учащихся по английскому языку за курс 5класса . Материал составлен на основании Рабочей программы по английскому языку для 5 класса и учебника «Английский в фокусе» («Spotlight») , авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс.

Работа состоит из 2 вариантов включающих лексико-грамматические задания и  задания по чтению.

Лексико-грамматические задания состоят из упражнений на соотнесение, выбор времени глагола настоящего продолженного, настоящего простого, количественных местоимений  “ some, any”.

К работе прилагаются ключи и критерии оценок. Работа рассчитана на учащихся 5 –х классов, изучающих английский язык.

Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации

За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 5 баллов, за второе задание – 9 баллов, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 5 баллов .Максимальное количество баллов - 24.

Успешность выполнения промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:

24 – 23 балла =    5 (отлично)

22–  17баллов =  4 (хорошо)

16–  12 баллов =  3 (удовлетворительно)

Менее 12 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)


I вариант                                                                                         II вариант

I –Чтение                                                                                     I -Чтение

1- с  (Boston)                                                                              1 –b  (in August)

2- b  (summer school)                                                                 2 – c  (discussed texts)

3- a  (learned English)                                                                 3 –a  (fire)

4- a  (four weeks)                                                                        4 – b  (summer)

5- c  (texts)                                                                                  5 – a  (English)    

 Задания по лексике и грамматике

II.                                                                                                 II.                                                                                                

  1. some\  some\ some                                                           1. some some some
  2. any \ any                                                                           2. any \ any                                                                            
  3. any                                                                                    3. any  
  4. some\ any                                                                         4. some\ any                                                                          
  5. any                                                                                    5. any  

III                                                                                                 III

  1. isn’t making                                                                     1 – isn’t watching
  2. are watching                                                                     2 – are playing
  3. stay                                                                                   3 -go
  4. is she wearing                                                                   4 –is he wearing
  5. do you like                                                                        5 – does Tim work

IV                                                                                                  IV

1 – b (high heels)                                                                          1 – c (high heels)                                                                          

2 – a  (a coat)                                                                                2 – b (shorts)

3 – c  ( acap)                                                                                 3 – a (a raincoat)

4 -  a  (an umbrella)                                                                      4 – b  (a cap)

5 -  c  (a suit)                                                                                5 – a  (a suit)

Промежуточная аттестация

5 класс

Вариант 1                                        


Прочитайте текст.

Dear Lena,

Thank you for your letter. It was so good to hear from you. I also travelled a lot this summer. I was very lucky. In August I went to Summer School in Boston. I spent four weeks there. We lived and studied at a good state school.

We learned English 4 hours every day. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English words and poems by heart, played games, asked and answered questions, worked on a computer. We didn’t speak Russian at our lessons. We also read much about American history and traditions.In the evenings we usually made a fire, played the guitar and sang songs. I took a lot of pictures of my friends and of myself.With lots of love and best wishes from my parents.

                                                                                                                Your friend,


Выберите правильный ответ.

1.Where did Lena go in summer?

a)London b) Moscow c) Boston

2.Where did she study?

a)at sport school b) at summer school c) at the museum

3. What did she do during the holidays?

a)learned English b) swam in the river c) skate-boarding

4. She spent …….. there.

a)four weeks b) four months c) four days

5. At the lessons they learned ……. .

a)games b) poems c) text                                                                                                               5 баллов

II Заполните пропуски местоимениями some или any.

1.We need ____ flour, ____ eggs and ___ sugar.

2. Do you buy _____bread and _____coffee?

3. I don’t bring you ____ice cream.

4. We have ____ orange juice, but we don’t have ___ cake.

5. Are there ___ onions in the basket?                                                                                            9 баллов

III. Underline the correct form of the verb. Подчерни правильную форму глагола

1. Fiona doesn’t make / isn’t making a snowman at the moment.

2. Helen and Tom are watching / watch TV now.

3. On Sundays, we usually stay / are staying at home.

4. Look at Anne. What does she wear / is she wearing?

5. What do you like / are you liking?

                                                                                                                                                          5 баллов      

IV.Choose the correct answer

1.The boys don't have……………. a) boots b) high heels c) trainers

2.In winter I wear ………………..a) a coat b) shirts c) high heels

3. In sunny weather I have got……. a) a raincoat b) a coat c) a cap

4.In rainy weather I have got……..a) an umbrella b) a suit c) a scarf

5.The boy can wear ……..a) a dress b) a blouse and a skirt c) a suit                                               5 баллов


                                                                                                                                           ИТОГО: 24 балла.

Промежуточная аттестация

5 класс

2 вариант


Прочитайте текст.

Dear Lena,

Thank you for your letter. It was so good to hear from you. I also travelled a lot this summer. I was very lucky. In August I went to Summer School in Boston. I spent four weeks there. We lived and studied at a good state school.

We learned English 4 hours every day. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English words and poems by heart, played games, asked and answered questions, worked on a computer. We didn’t speak Russian at our lessons. We also read much about American history and traditions.In the evenings we usually made a fire, played the guitar and sang songs. I took a lot of pictures of my friends and of myself. With lots of love and best wishes from my parents.

                                                                                                                           Your friend,


Выберите правильный ответ.

1. When did the girl go to Summer School?

a)in May b) in August c) in November

2. What did she do at the lessons?

a)worked in the garden b) played in the yard c) discussed texts

3. What did they make in the evening?

a )fire b) kites c) toys

4. She travelled a lot this …..

year b) summer c) week

5. At the lessons they spoke ……. .

a)English b) Russian c) French                                                                                                      5 баллов

II. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some или any.

1.We need ____ flour, ____ eggs and ___ sugar.

2. Do you buy _____bread and _____coffee?

3. I don’t bring you ____ice cream.

4. We have ____ orange juice, but we don’t have ___ cake.

5. Are there ___ onions in the basket?                                                                                            9 баллов

III. Underline the correct form of the verb.

1. Jack doesn’t watch / isn’t watching a film at the moment.

2. Peter and Martha are playing / play in the snow now.

3. We go / are going to the cinema every Saturday.

4. Look at Mike. What does he wear / is he wearing?

5. Where does Tim work / is Tim working?                                                                                  5 баллов

IV.Choose the correct answer

1. Men don't wear……………. a) suits b) shirts c) high heels

2.In summer I wear ………………..a) a coat b) shorts c) a jacket

3. In autumn I have got……. a) a raincoat b) a T-shirt c) shorts

4.In sunny weather I have got……..a) a boots b) a cap c) a scarf

5.The boy can wear ……..a) a suit b) a blouse and a skirt c) a dress                                                5 баллов

                                                                                                                                           ИТОГО:  24 балла.

Предварительный просмотр:

   Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 города Когалыма

                                                       (МАОУ СОШ №1)


           РАССМОТРЕНО                                                    СОГЛАСОВАНО

           на заседании ШМО

                                                                                            Заместитель директора

          Протокол №_3_ от  20.03.2020г.                     ____________Арсланова Э.А.


промежуточной аттестации

по английскому  языку в 7 классах

за 2019-2020 учебный год

Г.  Когалым


                                                        Пояснительная записка

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку ставит своей целью проверку уровня сформированности навыков по английскому языку, определение уровня усвоения учащимися основных знаний и умений к концу обучения 7 класса.

В разделе 1 «Чтение» проверяется понимание основного содержания текста.

В разделе 2 «Лексика. Грамматика» проверяется знание лексики и грамматики, изученных в 7 классе. В данном разделе всего 10 задания. 5 заданий  – словообразование, учащиеся должны видоизменить слово с учётом грамматических правил, изученных в 7 классе. В 6-10 заданиях с выбором правильного варианта ответа.

Раздел 4 «Письмо» предусматривает проверку умения учащихся заполнять анкету с развёрнутыми ответами на вопросы. Критерии оценки письма:                                                              8-10 баллов если коммуникативная задача решена полностью, применение лексики адекватно коммуникативной задаче, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи.                                                                                   7-5 баллов если коммуникативная задача решена полностью, но понимание текста незначительно затруднено наличием грамматических или лексических ошибок.                         4-3 балла если коммуникативная задача решена, но понимание текста затруднено наличием грубых грамматических ошибок или неадекватным употреблением лексики.     1-2 балла если коммуникативная задача не решена ввиду большого количества лексико - грамматических ошибок или недостаточного объёма текста.

На выполнение теста отводится 40 минут.

Оценка результатов: за каждый правильный ответ выставляется 1 балл.

Задание 3 (« Письмо») оценивается в 10 баллов.

Максимальный балл- 25.

    Оценка 5         23-25 баллов

     Оценка 4        17-22 баллов

    Оценка 3         11-16 баллов

    Оценка 2          10 и менее баллов

Ключи I вариант:

Чтение: 1  seas      2   cold             3   swim           4     weights                5 fish

Лексика и грамматика: 1 smallest 2 largest 3 is 4 men 5 first

6 a  7  a  8  c  9  c  10  b

Ключи II вариант:

Чтение: 1 atmosphere    2 Earth    3  watched       4   tell          5 warmer

Лексика и грамматика: 1 windy 2 interesting  3 swimmer  4 his  5 is/was

6 c  7 c  8 a  9 c  10 c

                                                                      I вариант

Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-5 подходящими словами из списка 1 – 7. В ответе укажите цифры, под которыми значатся выбранные вами слова. Два слова в этом списке лишние.


There are seventeen different kinds of penguins that live in the (1) ________________ and oceans south of equator. Most people think that penguins live in very (2) ______________ climates like the icy continent of Antarctica, but they also live in warmer areas like the Galapages Islands, Australia, and South Africa. They are birds that cannot fly, but love to (3) _________________ ! The Galapagos penguin lives in the waters of the Galapoagos Islands near South America. It is very small. It is about 45 centimetres tall, and (4) _______________ about 2.5 kilograms. Its body is black and white. On its black head there is a thin white line, which runs from its throat up to its eyes. The pinguin’s legs are very short. Galapagos penguins eat small (5) ______________ . they live up to twenty years.








Раздел 2. Лексика. Грамматика

1.Australia is situated on the fifth and the _____ of the continents. SMALL                                                  2. It is the ____ island in the world. LARGE                                                                                                      3. Bessy is a little girl. She ___only five. She doesn’t go to school. BE                                                                     4. Three____ came to New York for the first time. MAN                                                                                    5. When the _____ man finished the story he climbed up to the 2 floor. ONE                                                   6. My mother……fair-haired.     a) is b) have c) are                                                                                                   7.  Where…….he a month ago?  a) was b) is c) are                                                                                                              8. Mary and John …….to the music at the moment.                                                                                                                     a) have listened  b) were listening   c) are listening                                                                                          9. I…….this book yet.                a) don’t read b) am not reading c) haven’t read                                10. A butcher is a person ….. sells meat.    a) which b) who c) he

Раздел 4 Письмо

Fill in a form:


Surname ___________________


Mother language_________________________________________________________

Foreign language___________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________________________

Favourite subjects________________________________________________________

Favourite activities ________________________________________________________________

Some interesting facts about your home town (20 words)


II вариант

Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 – 5 подходящими словами из списка 1 – 7. В ответе укажите цифры, под которыми значатся выбранные вами слова. Два слова в этом списке лишние.


How much do you know about weather and climate? If we put it very simply, weather is the state of the (1) _______________ at any given period of time. The atmosphere is made up of different gasses, like oxygen, that surround the (2) _________________ . What is happening in the atmosphere is the weather. Have you ever (3) _________________ the weather forecast on the news or online? What kind of things do they tell us? Most weather forecast will (4) ______________ us what the temperature will be, if it’s going to rain or snow, and if it will be cloudy or sunny. The fact that the Earth is round influence the weather. The Sun heats up the atmosphere and the Earth, but as the Earth is round, areas around the equator get more direct sunlight and are (5) _____________ . Аreas around the poles get indirect sunlight, so, they are colder.








Раздел 2. Лексика. Грамматика

  1. The weather is ______and cloudy. WIND

  2. Queen Mary is one of the most ______ people in English history. INTEREST

  3. He is a good _____, and can swim distances of 500 metres in the sea. SWIM

  4. The Englishman wanted to get up early and asked ______ servant to wake him up at 6 o’clock. HE

  5. A young man _____ in love with a beautiful girl. BE

  6. I…….this book yet. a) don’t read b) am not reading c) haven’t read
  7.  What goes round the earth? – The Moon…. .  a) is b) has c) does
  8.  He is mad about yo-yo. He finds it …. a) amusing b) amused c) amuse
  9. You ....... all night. You must be exhausted!  a) ’ve studied b) are studying c) ’ve been studying
  10. Tina’s not here. She ....... out with her friends.  a) goes b) has been c) has gone

                             Раздел 4. Письмо

       First name______________________

    Surname ___________________


   Mother language___________________________

  Foreign language_______________________________

  Address ____________________________________________________________________

  Main subjects studied___________________________________________

 Favourite activities ________________________________________________________________      

Some interesting facts about your town (20 words)


Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1» города Когалыма


РАССМОТРЕНО                                                                                                 СОГЛАСОВАНО                                                                                                      

на заседании ШМО                                                                        Заместитель   директора

Протокол № 3 от 20 марта 2020г.                                           __________Арсланова Э.А.


промежуточной аттестации

по английскому языку в 8-х классах

за 2019-2020 учебный год

город Когалым


Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 8 классе

Пояснительная записка.

Цель контроля - оценить уровень знаний учащихся 8 класса по английскому языку.

Характеристика структуры и содержания работы – контрольная работа состоит из 2 частей и включает в себя 3 задания.

Задание 1: Чтение включает в себя основное понимание текста с выбором ответа (5баллов).

Задание 2: Лексико-грамматическое (выбор правильного лексического ответа, определение видовременных форм глагола) (10 баллов).

Задание 3: Письмо (написать письмо другу 50-80 слов) (10 баллов).

Система оценивания

Максимальное количество баллов в работе – 25

Каждое правильно выполненное задание оценивается одним баллом.

При наличии ошибок у обучающихся в работе предлагаются следующая шкала оценивания:

«5» - 25-22 баллов

«4» - 21 -16 баллов

«3» - 15-11 баллов

Менее 11 баллов – «2».

На выполнение работы отводится 40 минут.

Промежуточная аттестация

8 класс.



Read the texts and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F)

  1. In this photo I’m not the one who's going to jump. I’m getting that person ready. That's my unusual job, and it’s more difficult than it looks. You have to prepare people both physically and mentally. Some get really frightened so you have to make them feel confident. And you must check all the equipment very carefully. If anything goes wrong, you're responsible. Of course, you mustn't be afraid of heights! I like my job because I’m sociable and I can meet people from all over the world. All sorts of people come to do bungee-jumping. For some of them the jump changes their life. It makes them feel more confident, like they can do anything! It’s nice to know that by doing your job, you're making a difference. It can be hard work though. At busy times we get 25 people jumping in an hour.


  1. A lot of people like shopping. Me, I'm a professional ‘mystery shopper . It’s like being an actor, or a spy. For example, I go to a clothes shop and tell a shop assistant that I want to buy a coat. I pretend to be a normal member of the public. I mustn’t tell them who I really am. But when I finish, I have to do paperwork, answering questions about the service. Usually shops pay me to do this. The boss wants to know if the shop assistants are doing a good job. Or sometimes magazines pay me because they want to write an article comparing different shops. It’s difficult because sometimes you have to say bad things about somebody who may lose their job because of your report. But I suppose shop assistants should always treat their customers well.


  1. There are two different sides to Rayon’s job.
  2. Rayon believes that his job can have a positive influence on people.
  3. Ana has to act in her job.
  4. The magazines don’t pay her.
  5. Shop assistants never know what Ana’s real job is.

(___/ 5)


Complete the sentences. Choose the correct form of the verbs and nouns.

  1. Spaghetti ….. from wheat.

a)make    b)is maked   c) is made

  1. Penicillin ……  by Alexander Fleming.

a)is discovered   b)was discovered   c)discovered

  1. “It’s going to rain”, said old man. The old man said that….. to rain.

a)it were going   b) it went  c)it was going

  1. “We have worried about Pitter”, the said. They said that …… about Pitter.

a)they had worried    b)they have worry    c) they had worry

  1. Her watch is broken. She …… a new one.

a)mustn’t buy    b)has to buy  c) must to buy

  1. ………… rubbish is one way to help protect the environment.

a)Recycle   b) recycling    c) to recycle

  1. They are planning ……… a new supermarket in our town.

a)Build        b)to build       c)built

  1. Dinner is ready! I ….. some lasagna.

a)I made   2) I was making   3) I have made

  1. You can’t go to the bank. It…… raining.

a)don’t  stop   b)not stop   c)haven’t stopped.

  1. I …… this car five years ago.

a) bought   b)have bought   c)had bought



Write an email to your English pen-friend to tell him/her all about your last holiday (50-80 words). You may use the plan.


  • Start with: Dear [name],….
  • Begin the main part of the letter with a short introduction. You can use phrases like: How are you? Thanks for your letter…
  • Write in paragraphs about your visit to a cinema (who with, when, where).
  • Do not use very formal language in your letter.
  • Use contractions (it’s, there’s, etc).
  • Finish the main part of the letter with a short paragraph: That’s all for now. Write again soon…
  • End the letter with Love, or Best wishes, and your first name.


Промежуточная аттестация

8 класс.



Read the texts and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F)

  1. A lot of people like shopping. Me, I'm a professional ‘mystery shopper . It’s like being an actor, or a spy. For example, I go to a clothes shop and tell a shop assistant that I want to buy a coat. I pretend to be a normal member of the public. I mustn’t tell them who I really am. But when I finish, I have to do paperwork, answering questions about the service. Usually shops pay me to do this. The boss wants to know if the shop assistants are doing a good job. Or sometimes magazines pay me because they want to write an article comparing different shops. It’s difficult because sometimes you have to say bad things about somebody who may lose their job because of your report. But I suppose shop assistants should always treat their customers well.


  1. I'm a rickshaw driver. Rickshaws are a mixture of a bike and a taxi. Two or three people can sit at the back and you pull them by cycling. Nowadays there are a lot in London. Some taxi and bus drivers say we shouldn't be on the streets because we're dangerous. It’s important to stay calm in this job because those drivers often shout at us. But nearly all the work is late at night, when there isn’t much traffic. You don’t have to have any qualifications to be a rickshaw driver, but you have to be fit and strong. You must be patient too because sometimes you have to wait a very long time before finding a customer. Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights are the busiest. And rickshaws

are much more popular in the summer. In the winter you get cold and wet.


  1. Grace sometimes write the article in magazines.
  2. Grace never write bed things about the shop assistant because she feels sorry for them.
  3. Some people are trying to get rickshaws off the roads.
  4. All the personal qualities that a rickshaw driver needs are physical.  
  5. The worst time to find a customer is a week day in the winter.  

(___/ 5)


Complete the sentences. Choose the correct form of the verbs and nouns.

  1. 500 student flats……last year.

a)was build    b)were built     c)built

  1. Water ……on Mars.

a)has discovered   b) discovered    c)has been discover  

  1. “I work in an office”, Jane said. Jane said that …… in an office.

a)she worked   b)I worked  c) she works

  1. “I have won the lottery”, the pretty woman said. The pretty woman said that …… the lottery.

a)she had won   b)I won    c)she had win

  1. Your room is dirty! You really ……. It!

a)can clean    b)must to clean   c) must clean

  1. ……….. in front of a computer four hours can hurt your eyes.

            a)work   b)working   c)to work

  1. I’m very tired and I want ……… at home tonight.

              a)staying   b)stays  c) to stay

  1. I think I …… my umbrella at work. I can’t find it anywhere.

a)have left    b)leave   c) left

  1. They …….. all their exams. They have two more tomorrow.

a)didn’t do   b)don’t do   c)haven’t done

  1. I ….. in Boston eight years ago.

a)were   b)was   c)have been



Write an email to your English pen-friend to tell him/her all about your last holiday (50-80 words). You may use the plan.


  • Start with: Dear [name],….
  • Begin the main part of the letter with a short introduction. You can use phrases like: How are you? Thanks for your letter…
  • Write in paragraphs about your visit to a cinema (who with, when, where).
  • Do not use very formal language in your letter.
  • Use contractions (it’s, there’s, etc).
  • Finish the main part of the letter with a short paragraph: That’s all for now. Write again soon…
  • End the letter with Love, or Best wishes, and your first name.



Вариант 1

№1 1-T, 2-T, 3-T, 4-F, 5-T

№2 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4 –a, 5 –c, 6-b, 7-c, 8-a, 9-c, 10-b

Вариант 2

№1 1-T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-F, 5-T

№2 1-c, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-b, 6- b, 7- b, 8- c, 9-c, 10-a

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1» города Когалыма


РАССМОТРЕНО                                                                                                                 СОГЛАСОВАНО

на заседании ШМО                                                                                         Заместитель директора

Протокол № 3 от 20 марта 2020г.                                                      ____________Арсланова Э.А.


промежуточной аттестации

по английскому языку в 9-х классах

за 2019-2020 учебный год

город Когалым


Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 9 классе

Пояснительная записка.

Цель контроля - оценить уровень знаний учащихся 9 класса по английскому языку.

Характеристика структуры и содержания работы – контрольная работа состоит из 2 частей и включает в себя 3 задания.

Задание 1: Чтение включает в себя основное понимание текста и ответы на вопросы (с развернутым ответом) (5баллов).

Задание 2: Лексико-грамматическое (выбор правильного лексического ответа, определение видовременных форм глагола) (10 баллов).

Задание 3: Письмо (написать письмо другу 50-80 слов) (10 баллов).

Система оценивания

Максимальное количество баллов в работе – 25

Каждое правильно выполненное задание оценивается одним баллом.

При наличии ошибок у обучающихся в работе предлагаются следующая шкала оценивания:

«5» - 25-22 баллов

«4» - 21 -16 баллов

«3» - 15-11 баллов

Менее 11 баллов – «2».

На выполнение работы отводится 40 минут.

Промежуточная аттестация

9 класс.



Read the text and answer the question.

It is a sad reality that children all around the world are putting on more and more weight, and many heals experts say junk food is responsible. Unhealthy meals and snacks are freely available in many primary and secondary schools, which raises the serious question of whether schools should ban junk food in order to help children keep their weight down.

There are some good reasons for banning junk food in schools. For instance, eating junk food has been shown to cause nervousness and bad behaviour in children. In addition, eating too much junk food can cause serious diseases, it is inappropriate that schools offer children junk food, as it is their job to protect and care for children.

There are also, however, very good reasons for not banning junk food in schools. For example, telling a young child that they are not allowed to have a particular type of food simply makes that food more appealing to the child. So, a ban could in fact increase the appeal of junk food.

All in all, the strong arguments on both sides of the debate make it clear that it is difficult to decide if banning junk food in schools is a good idea. It seems unlikely, however, that ‘hiding’ foods from children will do much good. Parents have the greatest influence over a child’s eating habits, thus it is perhaps in the home and not in schools, where food education must take place.

  1. What is the main idea of this article?
  2. What does eating junk food show to cause?
  3. What can happen if you tell young children that they are not allowed to eat junk food?
  4. Who can influence over a child’s eating habits?
  5. Are there any reasons for banning junk food in schools? Why?

(___/ 5)


Complete the sentences. Choose the correct form of the verbs and nouns.

  1. ………… rubbish is one way to help protect the environment.
  1. Recycle   b) recycling    c) to recycle
  1. They are planning ……… a new supermarket in our town.
  1. Build        b)to build       c)built
  1. The bus …… sixteen  minutes late yesterday.
  1. Was arriving     b)arrived   c) was arrived
  1. What ……….. you for your birthday?
  1. Did your parents give   b) does your parents  gave c) your parents gave  
  1. They were in Delhi and they……..  a wonderful time.
  1. had    b)was having  c) were having

  1. We ……. to school by bus when we were children.
  1. use to go   b) used go     c) used to go
  1. Look at those black clouds. It ….. rain.
  1. will   b) be going to   c)is going to
  1. That drawing is fantastic. You are …….. artist.
  1. the best   b) best    c) goodest
  1. This bridge…… two years ago. (build)

a)built    b)was built    c)build

  1. She’s going soon. If we …….  a party now, it …..  late.

a)won’t organise ….. it is late   b) doesn’t organise…. It will be late    c) don’t organise….., it will be late



Write an email to your English pen-friend to tell him/her all about your visit to a popular place in our town (50-80 words). You may use the plan.


  • Start with: Dear [name],….
  • Begin the main part of the letter with a short introduction. You can use phrases like: How are you? Thanks for your letter…
  • Write in paragraphs about your visit to a cinema (where, when, who with).
  • Do not use very formal language in your letter.
  • Use contractions (it’s, there’s, etc).
  • Finish the main part of the letter with a short paragraph: That’s all for now. Write again soon…
  • End the letter with Love, or Best wishes, and your first name.


Промежуточная аттестация

9 класс.

Вариант 2


Read the text and answer the question.

Richard Branson is one of England’s most successful businessmen.  He is a man who couldn't read at the age of eight, and for whom school wasn’t just a challenge — it was a nightmare.

Richard Branson has dyslexia — a condition which makes it very difficult to learn to read, write and spell correctly.  Back then, people didn't know that dyslexia was a learning disorder. Richard was embarrassed by the problems he had with his schoolwork, and had a very difficult time in school. But he was determined not to let his learning disability prevent him from succeeding in life. So, he concentrated on his other qualities such as his creativity, as well as his ability to inspire people and make them enthusiastic about trying their best. And by doing so, he found great success.

Richard says that dyslexia is a challenge, but it is also a gift. People who have dyslexia think differently to other people and see the world in a different way. He adds that the ability to see things in ways that other people can’t is a great advantage in life.

‘My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently impossible challenges and trying to achieve them’, he says. Richard shows that we should all aim for the stars!

  1. What is the main idea of this article?
  2. Why Richard's school life was a nightmare?
  3. What problems does dyslexia show to cause?
  4. Why does he think that dyslexia is a gift?
  5. What would you do if you were Richard?



Complete the sentences. Choose the correct form of the verbs and nouns.

  1. ……….. in front of a computer four hours can hurt your eyes.

a)work   b)working   c)to work

  1. I’m very tired and I want ……… at home tonight.

a)staying   b)stays  c) to stay

  1. My parents ……… much when they were young.

a)don’t travel    b)have not traveled   3) didn’t travel

  1. I think I ……. My keys on the table.

a)leaved    b)left    c)have left  

  1. When I got off the plane, my friends ……. To meet me.
  1. were waiting   b)was waiting c) waited  
  1. They ……… in a flat, but now they live in a house.
  1. use live    b)used to live   c)used living  
  1. Do you think we …….. have a woman president in the future?

a)will        b) be going to     c)are going to

  1. Boys don’t always write …… than girls.

a)gooder     b) better     c) the best  

  1. The winner….. tomorrow.

a)announced    b)is announced    c) will be announced  

  1. She…… disappointed if she …….. a present from us.
  1. will be….. if she doesn’t get     b)she is….. if she will not get    c) she will be….. if she don’t get



Write an email to your English pen-friend to tell him/her all about your visit to a cinema (50-80 words). You may use the plan.


  • Start with: Dear [name],….
  • Begin the main part of the letter with a short introduction. You can use phrases like: How are you? Thanks for your letter…
  • Write in paragraphs about your visit to a cinema (who with, when, which filn).
  • Do not use very formal language in your letter.
  • Use contractions (it’s, there’s, etc).
  • Finish the main part of the letter with a short paragraph: That’s all for now. Write again soon…
  • End the letter with Love, or Best wishes, and your first name.



Вариант 1


1-b, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c, 6-c, 7-c, 8-a,9-b,10-c

Вариант 2


 1-b, 2-c, 3-c, 4-b, 5-a, 6-b, 7-a, 8-b, 9-c, 10-a

Предварительный просмотр:

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку за курс начальной школы.

в 4 классе

Пояснительная записка.

Цель работы: проверить знания учащихся по английскому языку за курс 4 класса начальной школы. Материал составлен на основании Рабочей программы по английскому языку для 4 класса и учебника «Английский в фокусе» («Spotlight») Быковой Н.И.

 Работа состоит из2вариантов: лексико-грамматические задания и чтение. Лексико-грамматические задания включают в себя упражнения на соотнесение, времена глаголов,  степени сравнения прилагательных, конструкция “there is/ there are”. К работе прилагаются ключи и критерии оценок. Работа рассчитана на учащихся 4 –х  классов, изучающих английский язык  

I.Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. 

A Bicycle
John's father likes to swim. He often goes to the swimming pool. His mother likes tennis and teachers John to play it. They often go to the stadium. John is seven. He wants to be a good sportsman. He asks his parents to give him a bicycle.
One day Father comes home and says: "I've got a present for you. Come and see."
John comes up and sees... "It's a bicycle! Thank you, Daddy!"
Every day Father and John go to the sports ground to ride a bike.
One day John says, "I can ride a bicycle very well. Let's ask Mother to go with us."
So they go to the sports ground and watch John riding bike. He rides and rides. He is
happy. He says, "Look, Mum! No hands!" Then he says, "Look, Dad! No feet!"
The parents are very happy. But suddenly John cries, "Look, Mum! No teeth!"

 Предложения , которые соответствуют содержанию текста отметьте знаком (+), а те которые не соответствуют отметьте знаком (-)

1. John's father likes to skate.

2. His mother plays the piano very well.
3. John is seven.

 4. John's mother teaches him to play tennis.
5. He likes to ride a bike.

II.Задания по лексике и грамматике.
Соотнесите русский и английский перевод: 
1.В прошлом году                      a) week ago
2.Позавчера                                 b) last year
3.Неделю тому назад                  c)the day before yesterday

Поставьте данные имена прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную степень. 
4) good 5) interesting 6) lazy 7) small 8) big
Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах There is/ There are.
9. There …some chairs in the room. 11. There …three books and a pen here.
10. There … an apple on the plate. 12. There … a book and three pen on the deck.

4)Выберите правильный вариант
13. She … her friends tomorrow.
a) visits b) will visit c) visited
14. They … very much yesterday.
a) work b) will work c) worked
15. We … to the stadium every day.
a) go b) will go c) went
16. The children … basketball last Sunday.
a) play b) will play c) played
17. I … to go to the zoo next Saturday.

a) want b) will want c) wanted

I.Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание.

А Clever Dog        

My brother Tom has a large and very clever dog. His name is Jack. Every Sunday afternoon
   Tom takes Jack for a long walk in the park. One Sunday a friend came to have lunch with my brother. He talked and talked and didn’t go away. His stories were not interesting at all.
In the afternoon Jack started to worry about his walk in the park. He came into the room, sat
down in front of the Tom’s friend and looked at him. Tom’s friend told Jack: “Go away” and started telling Tom a new story. The dog went out of the room but very soon came back. He sat down again in front of the Tom’s friend. But this time Jack had the friend's hat and shoes in his mouth. My brother Тоm smiled, stood up and said: “Ok, Jack! We are going to the park!”
In the park Tom thanked his clever dog.

Предложения , которые соответствуют содержанию текста отметьте знаком (+), а те которые не соответствуют знаком (-)
1. Tom has a dog John.
2. Jack enjoys walking in the park.
3. Tom’s friend -told nice funny stories.
4. The friend had dinner with Tom.
5. In the park Tom thanked his clever dog.

II.Задания по лексике и грамматике.
Соотнесите русский и английский перевод: 

1.Вчера                                        a)  last night
2.Месяц тому назад                    b) yesterday          
3.Вчера вечером                         c) a month ago

2)Поставьте данные имена прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную степень. 
4) little 5) comfortable 6) crazy 7) small 8) tall
Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах There is/ There are.
9) There …some tables in the room. 11) There …a book here.
10) There … five apples on the plate. 12) There … three pens on the desk.

Выберите правильный вариант
13) She … her friends yesterday.
a) visits b) will visit c) visited

14) He … very much tomorrow.
a) work b) will work c) worked
15) The children … to the stadium every day.
a) go b) will go c) went
16) We … basketball next week.
a) play b) will play c) played
17) I … to go to the zoo last Sunday .
a) want b) will want c) wanted

Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации
За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 5 баллов, за
второе задание – 3 балла, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 4 баллов, за
пятое задание – 5 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов -  22. Успешность выполнения
промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:
20 – 22 балла = 5 (отлично)
15 – 19 баллов = 4 (хорошо)
9 – 14 баллов = 3 (удовлетворительно)
Менее 9 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)


I вариант

I -Чтение

1- -

2- -

3- +

4- +

5- +

II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –b

2 – c

3- a

       2)4- good-better-the best

           5 – interesting – more interesting – the most interesting

           6 – lazy – lazier – the laziest

            7 – small – smaller – the smallest

            8 – big – bigger – the biggest

      3)9- are

         10- is

         11 - are

         12 –is


        14- c

       15 – a

        16 – c

        17 - a

II вариант

I -Чтение

1- -

2- +

3- -

4- -

5- +

II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –b

2 – c

3- a

       2)4- Little –less – the least

           5 – comfortable – more comfortable – the most comfortable

           6 – crazy –crazier – the craziest

            7 – small – smaller – the smallest

            8 – tall –taller – the tallest

      3)9- are

         10- are

         11 -is

         12 –are


        14- b

       15 – a

        16 – b

        17 - a


Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1» города Когалыма

                                                                 (МАОУ СОШ №1)


           РАССМОТРЕНО                                                    СОГЛАСОВАНО

           на заседании ШМО

                                                                                            Заместитель директора

          Протокол № 2 от  23.04.2018г.                     ____________Арсланова Э.А.



промежуточной аттестации

по английскому  языку в 7-х классах

за 2017-2018 учебный год

город Когалым


Пояснительная записка

  по УМК "Spotlight " Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подолянко О.Е., Эванс В.” 7 класс

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 7 классе проводится в соответствии с

  • Федеральным законом РФ от 29.12.12г № 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации»;
  • Уставом МАОУ «СОШ №1;
  • Учебным планом на 2017/2018 учебный год;
  • Календарным учебным графиком на 2017/2018 учебный год;
  • Положением о формах, периодичности и порядке текущего контроля успеваемости и промежуточной аттестации учащихся МАОУ «СОШ № 1».

Содержание и структура работы для промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку разработаны на основе следующих документов:

  • Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта ООО для 5-7 классов по английскому языку
  • Примерной программы по английскому языку, авторской программы Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В..
  • На базе тестовых заданий УМК «Английский в фокусе (Spotlight) 7», а именно – заданий выходного тестирования и промежуточного (модульного) тестирования.

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку предлагается учащимся 7 класса по окончании изучения всех разделов учебника и ставит своей целью проверку уровня сформированности  навыков по английскому языку, определение уровня усвоения учащимися основных знаний и умений к концу обучения 7 класса. Содержание  работы направлено на контроль навыков читать аутентичные тексты разных жанров и стилей преимущественно с пониманием основного содержания, выбрать верные и неверные утверждения; распознавать и употреблять в речи основные значимые лексические единицы,  распознавать и употреблять в речи основные морфологические формы и синтаксические конструкции, а также грамматические категории (видо-временные формы глагола, возвратные и количественные местоимения, фразовые глаголы, степени сравнения прилагательных ) изучаемого языка.

Условия и порядок выполнения работы: 40 минут

(раздел «Чтение» - 15 минут; раздел «Лексика и грамматика» - 25 минут).

Критерии оценивания:

Чтение: работа с текстом (5 баллов)

Лексико-грамматический тест (16 баллов)

Каждый правильный ответ в заданиях оценивается в 1 балл.

Максимальное количество баллов - 21.

21-19 баллов – оценка «отлично»
19-14 баллов – оценка «хорошо»
13-10 баллов – оценка «удовлетворительно»
9 баллов и менее – оценка «неудовлетворительно»

1 Вариант

I. Reading.

Прочитайте текст и укажите, являются ли предложения после него верными (True) или неверными (False).

Home Safety.

In the United States there’s a burglary almost every fifteen seconds, especially during the day when people aren’t at home. But don’t be afraid. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from burglars. First of all, you shouldn’t let people you don’t know into your home. You should always look through the peephole before you open the door. It’s also a bad idea to leave money, jewellery or keys next to windows. Always lock all doors and windows when you leave the house, and if possible, install an alarm system and check it often to make sure it works properly.

Another way to protect your home is to make it look busy all the time. Leave the radio on when you are away and fit dusk-to-dawn lights in the garden. That way, anyone watching the house will think that someone is there.

Finally, join a Neighbourhood Watch programme and call the police the moment you see something unusual in your neighbourhood. And remember: never put up a fight with a burglar. Just hand over your valuables and then call the police. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

1.There are about fifteen burglaries every day. ...........

2. Most burglaries happen in the daytime. ...........

3. There’s not much we can do to protect our homes. ...........

4. Never open the door before looking through the peephole. ...........

5. You shouldn’t leave your valuables close to windows. ...........

 II. Grammar.

  1. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола

1. You ....... all night. You must be exhausted!

A ’ve studied B are studying C ’ve been studying

2.They ....... him a car when they find an inexpensive one.

A were buying B buy C will buy

3.If you wake up early, you ....... late for work.

A be B aren’t being C won’t be

4. Tina’s not here. She ....... out with her friends.

A goes B has been C has gone

5. I ....... a new digital camera. I’m sure we’ll take nice pictures with it.

A have bought B have been buying C haven’t bought

6. If we continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species ....... extinct.

A will become B become C are becoming

2.Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

7.He can’t drive if he doesn’t have a driving ....... .

 A licence B park C ride

8. Do you ....... watching a film tonight?

 A fancy B like C feel

9. He came ....... an old vase in the attic.

 A round B across C out

10. As soon as we got to the campsite we put....... our tents.

 A on B into C up

11. This film is quite ....... .

 A bored B boring C bore

12. There are ....... of oranges in the fridge.

 A a lot B any C some

13. The girl ....... father is a dentist is my best friend. 

A whose B which C who

14. I can do it ....... . Thank you.

 A myself B herself C yourself

15. That was the ....... film I have ever seen.

 A most creepy B creepier C creepiest

16. Bob argued ....... his brother over the football match.

 A from B by C with

2 Вариант

I. Reading.

Прочитайте текст и укажите, являются ли предложения после него верными (True) или неверными (False).

Home Safety.

In the United States there’s a burglary almost every fifteen seconds, especially during the day when people aren’t at home. But don’t be afraid. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from burglars.

First of all, you shouldn’t let people you don’t know into your home. You should always look through the peephole before you open the door. It’s also a bad idea to leave money, jewellery or keys next to windows. Always lock all doors and windows when you leave the house, and if possible, install an alarm system and check it often to make sure it works properly.

Another way to protect your home is to make it look busy all the time. Leave the radio on when you are away and fit dusk-to-dawn lights in the garden. That way, anyone watching the house will think that someone is there.

Finally, join a Neighbourhood Watch programme and call the police the moment you see something unusual in your neighbourhood. And remember: never put up a fight with a burglar. Just hand over your valuables and then call the police. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

      1. You don’t need to test your alarm system. ...........

  1. Don’t leave radios on when you’re not home. ...........
  2. Dusk-to dawn lights will make people think you’re home. ...........
  3. If you see someone break into a house, call a Neighbourhood Watch programme. ...........
  4. If a burglar breaks into your home, don’t fight back. ...........


  1. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.

1. If you wake up early, you ....... late for work.

A be B aren’t being C won’t be

2. You ....... all night. You must be exhausted!

A ’ve studied B are studying C ’ve been studying

3.They ....... him a car when they find an inexpensive one.

A were buying B buy C will buy

4. We ....... since 2 pm.

A ’ve been sleeping B ’ve slept C ’re sleeping

5. I ....... my ankle and it really hurts.

A ’ve twisted B ’m twisting C ’ve been twisting

6.How long ....... in the rain?

A are you standing B have you stood C have you been standing

2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

7. I think Renee Zellweger is very .......

 A noisy B attractive C great

8. The government is trying to ....... pollution by using various methods.

 A reduce B emit C burn

9. Why would he make....... such a story?

 A up with B out C up

10. Brian took the video game ....... to the shop because it wasn’t working.

 A off B back C away

11. Christopher is ....... of dogs.

 A scary B scaring C scared

12. This coffee hasn’t got ....... sugar. I need to add some more.

 A a little B much C some

13. This is the shop ....... we bought the laptop.

 A why when C where

14. To protect ....... from the heat we have to wear special gloves.

 A ourselves yourselves C themselves

15. Mike is ....... Pete. They will both do well on the exam.

 A as clever as B cleverer than C most clever

16. According ....... the critics, it is the scariest film of all time. 

A from B with C to

3 Вариант

I. Reading.

Прочитайте текст и укажите, являются ли предложения после него верными (True) или неверными (False).

Fire Safety.

Fires that happen in the home are a very serious problem today. In America, there are over 100,000 home fires every year and many start in the kitchen. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from fire.

First of all, you need to follow a few safety rules. You should never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. It’s also a bad idea to wear loose clothes when you cook. Always keep the cooking area clean and don’t let children come very close to the cooker.

It is also important to know what to do if a fire starts. If a pan catches fire, don’t throw water on it! Put a blanket over it and turn off the heat. If the fire doesn’t go out, call the fire brigade. If a fire starts inside the oven, keep the door shut and turn it off. If you burn yourself, run cold water over the burn.

Finally, install a smoke alarm and learn how to use it. Also, know the number of your fire brigade by heart. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

  1. In America, there are more than 100,000 home fires a year. ...........
  2. A lot of home fires start in kitchens. ...........
  3. There’s not much we can do to stop fires. ...........
  4. You should always leave the kitchen while cooking. ...........
  5. You shouldn’t wear loose clothes when cooking. ...........


  1. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.

1. She ....... the house at 7 this morning.

A is leaving B left C leaves

2. We ....... supper when there was a power cut.

A were cooking B cooked C are cooking

3. Look at that little boy! He ....... fall off his bike.

A is going to B will C is

4. Tina’s not here. She ....... out with her friends.

A goes B has been C has gone

5. I ....... a new digital camera. I’m sure we’ll take nice pictures with it.

A have bought B have been buying C haven’t bought

6. If we continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species ....... extinct.

A will become B become C are becoming

2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

7. I saw a ....... that was very funny.

 A thriller B romance C comedy

8.The ....... at the shop decided to have a staff meeting.

 A shop assistant B cashier C manager

9.We ran ....... bread, so I went to the bakery.

 A into B out of C over

10.You can look ....... any unknown words.

 A after B forward to C up

11.He is a very ....... person. He wouldn’t leave all the windows open.

 A responsible B irresponsible Cresponsibility

12.Can I have ....... water, please? 

A some B a few C no

13. This is the shop ....... we bought the laptop.

 A why B when where

14. Maria taught ....... how to play the guitar.

 A himself B herself C itself

15. That was the ....... film I have ever seen.

 A most creepy B creepier C creepiest

16. My friends like to hang ....... outside the library building after school.

 A out B in C off

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 1

Взаимоотношения с друзьями и в школе

Задание 1 (задания по чтению)

  1. Variety helps socializing
  2. The Net socializing
  3. Negative socializing
  4. Fears of loneliness
  5. Socializing dominates education
  6. Eager to socialize
  7. Family socializing
  8. Kids need more socializing

А. Most students that don’t have any friends at school get depressed or something because they feel lonely, down, and that nobody wants to talk to them. They also might get those phobia things, like for instance, being insecure when talking to someone, or people, for one of the “first” times. So therefore, when a teacher calls them, they might feel uncomfortable with answering. They also might have stuff going through their heads and can’t focus on a test, worksheet, or whatever class assignment.

В.  In many instances, the failure to socialize may be a key factor in qualifying for special education. It is one of the triad of feature for a diagnosis of autism, for example. Special education has a very strong emphasis on inclusion, which in significant part provides for increased social interaction. Learning how to get by in society is an absolutely key component to education, irrespective of whether it is the subject of a performance test.

С. In order to get through school properly you need to be able to socialize. It is especially important for little children. That’s why in my early childhood education course we are learning that developing ways of having healthy social interactions is so important for children.

D. Various societies have varied socializing skills among their members. It does not mean that one culture is superior to others. It just depends on the way that the civilization under study has progressed. A civilization which has cultivated its young generation with a common set of rules and a uniform educational system is more likely to be at harmony. But on the other hand in the United States of America each minor community brings its culture, its ethnicity and their customs. Having so many socializing influences makes the society more tolerant.

E.  My boyfriend used to go out clubbing all the time. But I’m an introvert and I can’t stand that way of easy living.  I told him how it made me feel but he says he wants to start going out more, he says socializing is part of his path in life. I asked him what it would be like if we had our own place, he said he would be working all day and then out socializing every night except for the weekends, then he would spend it with me, this is what he would be like if we lived together.

F.  Every time I use Myspace, Facebook or Bebo, I have a chance to socialize. I use these websites to talk to old friends and make new friends, but the thing is I never ever get that chance to meet a friend, it would be cool to try that, but I don’t know what socializing websites guarantee that, I would like a safe teen site, where I can meet and make cool mates.

G. There are two types of socializing, depending on the nature of factors that influence them. One is positive when a person learns through good and happy experiences. Parents teaching their kids from their experiences, learning from books or from peers are some example of positive socializing. Positive socializing can take on the form of natural socializing and planned socializing.










Задание 2 (задания по грамматике и лексике)










People these days don’t have time to meet people, but they still _____ to have friends or even dates. The trendy new option is _____ a Partner for the day, evening or even for the weekend _____ to ding invitations or to get together to office. You may also spend the whole nights out and even take a trip abroad for the week-end or _____.

Men and ______ are using our services as it is an easer and safer way of getting a perfect Partner without _____ time. All our Partners or normal people that _____ and qualified through our professional staff before we add them to our portfolio. People ____ Perfect Partner Time Jobs UK for many years not only for their looks but for their intelligence, good manners and sense of humor. You are sure to have the  _________ time possible with us.
















Every child comes into this world like wet clay, completely without any habits and ______ patterns. Socializing is the process by which a child makes himself and learns the process of _________ and surviving in society. There are various key factors that influence this process – the family, the peers, the school, society and ______ beliefs. The first point of contact to the child and also the most ______ factor is always the family.

The ethics and behaviour that is followed at home is always copied ________ by the child. Parents are generally role models for children. Hence the socializing skills are passed on in most cases to the offspring. Elder children are also a source of influence. It is because of this reason that in the joint family system that existed previously in India, the ____ were always better adjusted to society.







Задание 3(задания по письму)

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Joe.

White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 2

Досуг и увлечения молодежи

Задание1. (задания по чтению)

  1. The main point
  2. The Net influence
  3. Lack of choice
  4. Wild way of entertaining
  5. The top five
  6. Media communication
  7. Mobile media entertainment
  8. Modern interests

А.  Between December 2003 and December 2005, total TV reach declined but the biggest fall was among young people – it fell by 2.9% for 16 –24 year-olds. During 2005, reach declined by 2.2% in that age group. Reach is defined as at least 15 minutes of consecutive TV viewing in a week. Industry figures say the decline could be due to the growth of the internet. DVDs and gaming could also be factors, they said.

В.  Digital Spy is a showbiz, entertainment and digital media community. It is the UK’s largest independent entertainment website generating over 90 million monthly page impressions. Digital Spy is also renowned for its extensive and unique coverage of Big Brother each year. The discussion forums have more than 290,000 registered users and 28.3 million posts.

С. Young people (8–18) devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes to using entertainment media across a typical day (more than 53 hours a week), increasing by one hour and seventeen minutes a day over the past five years, according to a new study, Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds, designed and analyzed by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Stanford University researchers.

The increase in media use is driven in large part by ready access to mobile devices like cell phones and iPods. Young people now spend more time listening to music, playing games, and watching TV on their cell phones (a total of 49 min. daily) than they spend talking on them (33 min.).

D. When I plan my parties, I spend time thinking about the menu, the music, the table settings, centerpieces and all the other little details that go into making a wonderful event. But the first thing I really focus on is my guests. After all, that’s the real reason for all the rest. They are usually my friends and I try to do my best to adjust my party to each of our company.

E.  He writes a blog, downloads Korean television shows, manages two Web sites devoted to music and plays an online game called Rongguang Hospital, at Baidu.com. “I started doing a lot of this when I was about 11 years old,” says Mr. Li, a freshman at the Shanghai Maritime University. “Now, I spend most of my leisure time on the Internet,” he says. “There’s nowhere else to go.”

F.  Additionally, anyone under 18 and out of childhood has severely limited options when it comes to entertainment. Just about everybody has experienced the frustration of being under 18 and having nowhere to go apart from the movies or the zoo. Most young people are interested in popular music, but beyond their TV and radio, there’s very little offered to them. Essentially, any licensed premises are out of bounds which creates an enormous void in popular music options.

G. This survey was done in March 2010 (Term 1), and so it is not surprising that summer Hollywood blockbusters featured in the films listed by students as the most enjoyable film they’d watched recently. The top 5 films were Alice in Wonderland, Avatar, Shutter Island, Valentine’s Day and The Hangover. It is interesting to note that 3 of the top 5 films have unrestricted ratings.










Задание 2. (задания по грамматике и лексике)









Nowadays, modern music ______ all over the world and having a strong effect on the young. Music in the clubs or discotheques such as rap and rock music often _____ loud ____, and some songs even have violent lyrics which can have a bad influence on young people. This kind of music affects their spirit negatively. With bad words and ______ ideas such as doomsday or the end of the world, sacrifice in love, and loss of religious _____; these songs make young people frightened and unable to control ______. For example, you might _______ that some young people killed themselves some years ago after _____ to a song by Michael Jackson about doomsday. This song has an extremely unfortunate effect on some young people. They couldn’t control themselves and wanted to kill themselves and _____.
















In my opinion, the TV and movie _______ industry should control the amount of crude or foul language in their programs. _______ the use of crude, foul language on TV programs and in the movies has been increasing. Young children or teenagers can be affected by ______ to this bad language.

In the case of very young people, they sometimes hear the words and use them even though they don't really know what they mean. For example, one day a four-year old boy I know well used bad language when he spoke to me. I was surprised, and I asked him if he knew the _______ of what he was saying. Of course, he didn't. Then when he uses these words, other children hear them and also speak out the same words.

After that, I decided to carefully choose programs for my nephew. I think I have to do it because I don’t want him to be negatively affected by TV. Parents and others find this language _____ , too.

In my opinion, the TV and movie entertainment industry should control the amount of crude language in their programs. I think it’s the best way to protect the ______ from being exposed to such language.







Задание 3(задания по письму)

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Roy.

White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 3

Взаимоотношения в семье

Задание 1. (задания по чтению)









  1. Of course, as your children grow, marry and have children of their own, it is not as easy to spend each holiday together. Be flexible and either alternate holidays or pick a few specific holidays where the entire family will be together. Sometimes it sounds like an overwhelming feat, especially if you have a large family, but as I said, children, even when they become adults, need those special occasions and traditions and they will go out of their way to make sure they happen.
  2. If you are lucky enough to have a sister, you already know that is a special bond unlike any other. Many factors can affect your relationship with your sister as you get older, however, such as age differences, geographic location, new family responsibilities - even sibling rivalry!
  3. If your sister-in-law is much younger than you, then it will be very easy for you to win her over. Little girls love spending time with their big brother’s girlfriends, and you’re this little girl’s big brother’s wife, so she’s going to be elated to spend time with you. Play together with Barbie dolls, or ask her to help you decorate some Christmas cookies. Become her friend, and take an active interest in her, and she will love you forever.
  4. When parents are surveyed on the subject of favoritism, nearly all respondents say that despite their best efforts to the contrary, they have favored one child over another at least occasionally. “I see the frustration and behavior problems in our oldest child resulting from the favoritism their father shows our youngest child,” said one parent in response to a recent Vision survey on the topic. “It is a very serious problem in our family.”
  5. A new "grannies-for-rent" service in Poland brings together elderly people without families, and people who miss having real grandparents. A local University for the Elderly set up the programme, which aims to benefit people from all generations. 
  6. Unfortunately for many, home can be anything but a safe haven. Men and women alike may find their home a fierce battleground. For children it may be where they are most vulnerable to assault, misuse or deprivation, ironically at the very hands of those who have a duty to safeguard and nourish them. Even the elderly may have reason to fear those who should be their caretakers.
  7. Parents give an enormous amount to their children, and as a result they’re extremely invested in them, in helping them grow and thrive. They look out for their interests, stay up with them when they’re sick, clean up their messes when they’re sick - all of that investment helps the child grow and feel secure.










Задание 2. (задания по грамматике и лексике)










With the widespread success and use of the home computer, people ___ simply a mouse click away. The innovation of email and digital photographs ___ it possible for families to stay in touch; however, is this really enough? While technology has enabled us to talk to people all over the world, in some ways it ___ us from intimate contact, especially with our families.

___ your family close must start when you children are very young. If you instill in them at an early age the importance of family, chances to be together will be ___ when they become adults.

An important way to ensure family closeness is by ___ special family traditions. While we all know every eats of turkey on Thanksgiving, add something special to the day. Perhaps set aside this day for the entire family ___ games. Try playing something as simple as Bingo, where everyone ___ a prize. Thanksgiving is traditionally a day for football, so ___ a friendly family game of your own. You will be surprised how your children will come to treasure these special family time.
















You set the boundaries in your _____. If those boundaries are crossed and the other person can’t seem to take the hint, you have to assert yourself to restore balance.

For example, if you value your ____ and a relative insists on frequent ___ drop-in visits, that may be a bottom line for you. Or if your mother-in-law keeps turning you into barnyard animals without your consent, you might feel it’s time to put a stop to it. The first thing to realize is that it’s ___OK to satisfy your own needs. A relationship that makes you feel violated isn’t ___.

Correcting problematic relationships in a physical, external world sense is ___ straightforward. You must clearly define the boundaries you’re comfortable with, let the other person know what those boundaries are, and then enforce them.







Задание3 (задания по письму)

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Molly.

White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 5


Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)


A  However, some people become so insecure because of unfair judgment passed on them based on their appearance, that they actually begin using their appearance as a tool to hide who they really are. That’s unnatural and the person they turn into ends up being quite unlikable to those outside their group most of the time. We were all born the way we were for a reason. Granted, it may be a reason we don’t yet understand, but there is a reason and instead of trying to run from our differences and fit in with everyone else, we should understand who we are. That will bring us that much closer to finding the answer, to why we are the way we are.

B  Aries – is mostly of medium height and athletically built. The head and forehead are standing out. Eyebrows are bushy. His temper is fiery. Such person is a ground breaker in everything. He is very active and energetic, prefers to act then think of his deeds. The head injuries may take place.

C  With all of the character customization options that you get with Skyrim, it’s easy to go overboard and choose an appearance that seems exciting at first, but that quickly loses its appeal. If you’ve already invested dozens of hours in your character, earned a ton of gold, and completed numerous quests, it’s not surprising if you don’t want to go back and do it all over again with a new character just to change the way you look. Fortunately, there is a way to change your character’s name and appearance later in the game by using the console. You can also use this to change your sex if you want, just don’t change your race!

D  When he was forty-one years of age Wesley was described by Dr. Kennicott as being “neither tall nor fat. … His black hair, quite smooth and parted very exactly, added to a peculiar composure in his countenance, showed him to be an uncommon man.” Tyerman says, “In person Wesley was rather below the middle size, but beautifully proportioned, without an atom of superfluous flesh; yet muscular and strong, with a forehead clear and smooth, a bright penetrating eye, and a lovely face, which retained the freshness of its complexion to the latest period of his life.”

E  Hello, I was wondering does anyone know if it’s possible to get the Cleric armour appearance from the character creation screen? I’ve found that you can get ones similar to it by buying or finding half plates that have the full plate icon, but I haven’t found the exact appearance so far. It’s the one with the chain robe and the armoured shoulders and neck piece with the tabard over the top, it’s really a driving incentive for me to find this armour if possible, also does anyone know if the Paladin armour from the character creation screen exists in the game? I play on the Sarlona server and my character is named Grimand Oathhammer, if anyone has either of these armours and they are sellable, would they be willing to sell or trade with me?

F  If you are good, personality comes naturally. No matter what color, race or religion you belong to, if you are a good human being, you will never be alone. All you need is to believe in what you do, and do it with complete dedication, honesty and love. And, your efforts will be rewarded. If you are good at something, believe in your talent, don’t look back. If you want to, you can! This is the kind of confidence, you get when you believe in your strengths and values. Every individual is a different package and everyone has a personality.

G  Appearance speaks a lot for you than personality. For instance when you appear for an interview, the interviewer will judge your appearance before he gets to know your personality. Suppose you are meeting your potential in-laws for the first time, you are dressed in a dirty jeans, sandals and shaggy hair, believe me you will not a get a wife! You need to look presentable for you to be taken seriously. First of all from the description above, you will be expressing yourself as a disorganized person. I think appearance is very important.










Задание2. (задания по грамматике и лексике)










How to Change Your  _______ Name and Appearance

________ your character’s appearance, open the console by pressing ~, which ______ in the top left corner of standard North American keyboards. ______ showrace menu in the console and hit Enter. This will pull up the character creation screen that you saw when you first ______ your character. Press the ~ again to close the console so that you can start _______ changes.

You can change anything about your character’s appearance, ______ your gender, but you can’t change your character’s race without _______ your stats (Magicka, Health, Stamina, skills, and sometimes your level). When you are done, just select ‘Done’. You _______ to re-enter your character’s name and the game will resume.
















There’s a lot of truth to the old ______, “Beauty is only skin deep.”  When they are in their prime, physically beautiful people often have no trouble attracting opportunities.  They are often the envy of their peers, who perceive that they live _____ lives and don’t have to deal with the problems that more ordinary-looking people do.  But the cruel fact of the matter is that a person’s appearance is always changing, and usually not for the better.  For that reason and several others, I think a person’s _______ is ultimately much more important than their appearance.  However, that doesn’t mean that maintaining one’s appearance is not important.     

Being good looking and taking pride in one’s appearance can be very worthwhile.  I don’t think it’s ever a bad thing for a person to pay attention to their ______ and dress, particularly when their aim is to impress someone.  There’s no doubt that being attractive and _______ will help a person get noticed and make it more likely that they will be given that chance to impress.  Many people are turned off by those who are dirty and ______, or obviously don’t take any pride in their appearance.  







Задание3 (задания по письму)

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Maurice.

White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 4

Досуг и увлечения

Задание 1. (задания по чтению)









  1. There are many stops on the trail of an Oscars campaign. Nominees do face time at the galas for the various guilds (writers, directors, producers). And then there’s the daytime meet-and-greets at American Film Institute and the nominees luncheon for the Academy Awards themselves. But the clothes get louder where the cameras get brighter at the Golden Globes and later the SAG Awards. A highly subjective ranking of how stars showed up and showed off. 
  2. “Act of Valor” blends fiction and realism, casting active-duty service members as Navy SEALs (the babes and the bad guy are actors). But some critics question whether the Pentagon has played too large a role in this big-budget Hollywood picture.
  3. In her best, loosest moments, Twyla Tharp choreographs the way Woody Allen writes – with a keen understanding of personality, idiosyncratic rhythm and the essence of the performer. In much the same way that Allen crafted the title character of “Annie Hall” (1977) to distill perfectly Diane Keaton’s offbeat hesitancies and craziness Tharp created the leading male role in “Push Comes to Shove” (1976) to tease out the contradictions, playfulness and sexual tension coiled up inside ballet star Mikhail Baryshnikov. The portrait still feels right all these years later, even when danced by another man in entirely different circumstances.
  4. America’s favorite quiz show “Jeopardy!” is coming to Washington again for a Power Players Week. It’s only the third Power Players Week in the show’s 28-year history; the first time was in 1997, and the other time was in 2004. The syndicated hit’s producers haven’t announced who will compete this year, but don’t expect a lot of politicians who are now in office.
  5. The new Mob Museum in Las Vegas, which opened Feb. 14, is a late-generation design that uses many of the same tools and techniques one finds at similar venues focused on subjects where popular culture and history are too complicated to be understood. Think of the International Spy Museum or the Crime Museum (billed as “a must-see for CSI fans”), both in Washington and both conveniently located in a neighborhood near the Mall where the white marble of history blends into the neon lights of food, drink and fun.
  6. And yet as you wander through this exhibition of 77 works by 35 (mostly unknown) artists, many of which have never been seen outside of France, there’s always the possibility that something more is happening. The show is heavy with portraits, in part because female artists were allowed to pursue portraiture as a form more in keeping with gender expectations. Yet many of these relatively conventional portraits are uncommonly interesting, especially those of male sitters. Is there a psychic reversal here, an inversion of the usual power dynamic between the “male” gaze and the submissive “female” subject?
  7. The public of the previous years loved celebrities – their generals, athletes and film stars – but until New York Daily News photographer Harry Warnecke put them on the Sunday Magazine. Most people only knew shapes and shadows of famous faces awash in smudged newsprint. Dwight Eisenhower and Roy Rogers came to life in bright tricolor prints, a process so rare and complicated few photographers used it. That’s one of the reasons why the National Portrait Gallery is exhibiting “In Vibrant Color: Vintage Celebrity Portraits from the Harry Warnecke Studio,” which opens on Friday.










Задание2. (задания по грамматике и лексике)










Big salary, private screening room – and now another perk of _______ president of the Motion Picture Association of America: An Oscar vote. When former Sen. Chris Dodd ______ the job last March, he also received a membership in the academy, complete with voting rights and an invitation to his first-ever awards ceremony. “This is my maiden voyage,” Dodd told us on Thursday from L.A. As an academy member, he received all _____ “For Your Consideration” screeners and took his voting duties seriously: “I should probably ________ more in the theater. Martin Scorsese does not make movies for a DVD player. I ______not 37 years in politics and not learn anything,” he said.

He’s got a full schedule of meetings, parties and after-parties, where he’s power-networking like crazy: “The value for me is _______ into people I should know.” One new challenge: Trading business cards. “I never had one in my life before,” he told us. “I have to remind _____ to hand them out.”
Sacha Baron Cohen. Dodd and wife Jackie will walk the red carpet of the Kodak Theatre. Since Eastman Kodak
filed for bankruptcy last month, a judge released the company from ____ expensive naming-rights deal. The gold “Kodak” sign is still on the front of the building, but academy president Tom Sherak said Wednesday that broadcasters and presenters _______ the unwieldy new name of the retail/entertainment complex instead.
















Art in focus: Frida Kahlo

Few artists can summon _____ interest like Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, whose physical torment, excited wedded life and famous lovers could have come straight from a telanovela.

Yet Artisphere’s new exhibit, “Frida Kahlo: Her Photos,” opening tonight, isn’t ______ as sexy as you hope it will be.

The exhibit features mostly keepsakes dug up from the ______ archives of Kahlo and her husband, Diego Rivera. Tucked away for 50 years were thousands of images Kahlo collected from family, friends, lovers and other _______, as well as a few shots she took herself.

But what’s on the walls at Artisphere are copies. The ____ photos went on display in 2007 at the Frida Kahlo Museum in Mexico, and have remained there since. The perfectly aged-looking tears and wrinkles that _____ can make out at Artisphere are thanks to a careful process used to make facsimilies of the worn, wrinkled originals.







Задание 3 (задания по письму)

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Minnie.

White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

 «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1» города Когалыма


на заседании ШМО

Протокол № 3 от 6.05.2017г.


Заместитель директора по УВР

Дедюрина Т.М.

Промежуточная аттестация

2 класс.

№1. Выбери   правильный   ответ. (6 б.)

  1.                                                       2.                                          3.                 3.  

  1. cat     b. dog                  a. mummy   b. daddy                          a. chair     b. cheese

4.                                                          5.                               6.

  1. bedroom     b. kitchen                 a. ears      b. eyes                       a. skirt    b. socks         ___б./ 6б.

№2.  Найди ответы на данные вопросы и запиши ответы в таблицу. (5 б.)

1) What is your name?                      A) It is ice-cream

2) Where is the soldier?                    B) I am Tim

3) How old is she?                            C) No, I can’t

4) Can you fly?                                 D) It is in the toy box

5) What is it?                                    E) She is 7                                                               ___б./5б.







№3. Почитай рассказ и  отметь YES \ NO в предложениях. (5 б.)

I have got many toys. My toys are in the big toy box. I have got a doll. She is very nice. She has got fair hair and blue eyes. I have got a big brown teddy bear. It is wonderful. I have got six soldiers.  I have got two  puppets  and  five cars. I like my toys.

1. My toys are on the toys box.                 YES \ NO

2. My doll has got blue eyes.                    YES \ NO

3. I have got a small brown teddy bear.    YES \ NO

4. I have got seven toy soldiers.                YES \ NO

5. I like my toys.                                        YES \ NO                                                      ___б./5б.

№4. Вставьте пропущенные слова. (4 б.)

black,   like,   on,   cold

What’s the weather _____________  today?  It’s ___________. Put _____ your coat. What colour is your coat? It’s _________.

 «5» - 17-20 баллов

 «4» - 13-16 баллов

 «3» - 9-12 баллов

 «2» - 8 и менее

Предварительный просмотр:

 Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 2 классе

Пояснительная записка.

Цель работы: проверить знания учащихся по английскому языку за курс 2 класса начальной школы. Материал составлен на основании Рабочей программы по английскому языку для 2 класса и учебника «Английский в фокусе» («Spotlight») Быковой Н.И.

Работа состоит из 2х вариантов: лексико-грамматические задания и чтение. Лексико-грамматические задания включают в себя упражнения на знание букв, соотнесение, знание лексики,  употребление предлогов, личных  местоимений  К работе прилагаются ключи и критерии оценок. Работа рассчитана на учащихся 2 –х  классов, изучающих английский язык  

I вариант

I Чтение

I.Прочитайте текст

My name is Liza. This is my family. This is my grandma and grandpa. This is my sister. Her name is Jenny. We are in the kitchen. Look at my dog. Its name is Bobo. Bobo is brown and white

 Предложения , которые соответствуют содержанию текста отметьте знаком (+), а те которые не соответствуют отметьте знаком (-)

1.The girl’s name is Maya

2.This is her brother. His name is Jenny.

3.They are in the kitchen.

4.Bobo is a cat.

5.The dog is brown and white.

II.Задания по лексике и грамматике.

2. Допишите маленькую букву рядом с заглавной и наоборот.



   3.  S

    4. B

3. Вставьте слова в предложения: sunny, windy,  hot,  cold, raining

.    https://im3-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=9f14d896d0b1edb08f1340590f191187&n=33&h=215&w=215https://im1-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=67be25a229fcdda91756a294df7519c1&n=33&h=215&w=264http://wdesk.ru/_ph/36/2/525379456.gifhttps://im3-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=e63eee6a525626408d236b8b7d0be2e6&n=33&h=215&w=324http://www.korean.arts.ubc.ca/c_reso_ex/ex_06/windy.gif

1.It’s ________.   2.It’s _________.    3. It’s _________.      4.  It’s __________      5.It’s ___________.

4. Соотнесите слова: 

1) шоколад  2)сэндвич  3)чипсы  4)яблоко    5)пальто  6)куртка  7)шляпа  8)футболка  9) юбка  

    a) a coat   b) a sandwich   c) a hat   d) a T-shirt   e) an apple   f) a skirt   g)  chips   h) chocolate   i) a jacket

5. Вставьте в предложения предлоги: in, on или under.  

  The teddy bear is _(в)_ the box.       The ball is __(под)___the table.            The doll is _(на)_ the chair.

6. Вставьте в предложения He’s или She’s.

     1. Where’s Mummy? - ______ in the garden.                    

     2. Where’s Daddy? - ______ in the house.                      

     3. Where’s grandma? - _______ in the kitchen.

     4. Where’s Larry? - _______ in t

7. Выберите один из двух вариантов. 

     1. желтый дом            a) white house         b) yellow house

     2. зеленое радио         a) green radio          b) red radio

     3. синее дерево           a) blue chair            b) blue tree

     4. красный стол          a) red table              b) green table

     5. белая кровать          a) white radio          b) white bed

II вариант

I Чтение

1.Прочитайте текст

 This is my family. This is my dad. His name is Mark. This is my mum. Her name is Anna. I am Lucy.

I am 8.We are in the garden. It is hot. I’m wearing my hat. My hat is blue

. Предложения , которые соответствуют содержанию текста отметьте знаком (+), а те которые не соответствуют отметьте знаком (-)

1.The girl’s name is Lucy.

2.This is her brother. His name is Mark.

3.They are in the kitchen.

4.It is cold

5.Lucy is wearing her hat.

II.Задания по лексике и грамматике.

2. Допишите маленькую букву рядом с заглавной и наоборот.





3. Вставьте слова в предложения: sunny, windy,  hot,  cold, raining


1.It’s ________. 2.  It’s _________.    3. It’s _________.       4.It’s __________     5. It’s ___________.

4. Соотнесите слова: 

1)торт  2)мороженое  3)апельсиновый сок  4)бургер  5)шорты  6)свеча  7)носки  8)джинсы  9)туфли

  a) an ice cream   b) a burger   c) a candle   d) jeans   e) orange juice   f) a cake   g) shoes   h) socks   i) shorts

5. Вставьте в предложения предлоги: in, on или under.  

The books (книги) are __(на)__the shelf.      The mouse is __(под)__the chair.       The dog is _(в)__ the box.

6. Вставьте в предложения He’s или She’s.

     1. Where’s Lulu? - ______ in the kitchen.                    

     2. Where’s grandpa? - ______ in the bath.                      

     3. Where’s Chuckles? - _______ in the house.

     4. Where’s Nanny? - _______ in the tree house.

7. Выберите один из двух вариантов. 

     1. желтый стул            a) white house         b) yellow chair

     2. зеленая кровать       a) green table          b) green bed

     3. синий стол               a) blue table            b) blue chair

     4. красное дерево        a) red house            b) red tree

     5. белое радио             a) white radio          b) white bed

Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации
За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 5 баллов, за
второе задание – 4 балла, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 9 баллов, за
пятое задание – 3 баллa, за шестое задание – 4 балла, за 7 задание – 5 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов - 35. Успешность выполнения промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:
31 – 35 баллов = 5 (отлично)
23 – 30 баллов = 4 (хорошо)
15 – 22 балла = 3 (удовлетворительно)
Менее 15 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)


I вариант

I -Чтение

1- -

2- -

3- +

4. - -

5. +

II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

2)1 –H

2 – T

3- s

4- b

       3)1- sunny

           2 – hot

           3 – raining

            4 –windy

            5 – cold

      4)1- h

         2-  b  

          3 -   g

         4  - e

         5  -a

         6 –i

         7 – c

          8 -  d

           9 - f



       3 – on

     6) 1- she’s

          2 – he’s

          3 -  she’s

          4 - he’s

     7) 1- a

         2 –a

         3 –b

         4 –b

         5 - b

II вариант

I -Чтение

1- +

2- -

3- -

4. - -

5. +

II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

2)1 –B

2 – F

3- l

4- t

       3)1- windy

           2 – cold

           3 – hot

            4 – raining

            5 – sunny

      4)1- f

         2-  a  

          3 -   e

         4  - b

         5  -i

         6 –c

         7 – h

          8 -  d

           9 - g



       3 – in

     6) 1- she’s

          2 – he’s

          3 -  he’s

          4 - she’s

     7) 1- b

         2 –b

         3 –a

         4 –b

         5 - a

Предварительный просмотр:

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 3 классе

I вариант

I Чтение

1. Прочитайте письмо и выполните задания 1-4, выбрав букву А, В, С, D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете правильным (3 балла).

Dear pen friend,

My name is Nick. I am 10. My birthday is on the 15th of June. I am from Great Britain. I live with my mum and dad. My favourite holiday is Christmas. I like to get presents. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a nice dog Spot. My dog is black and brown. Spot likes meat and ham. I like to play with my dog. Have you got a pet? What is its name? Is it funny? My favourite sport is football. I can play football very well. But I can’t skate. I like to read and draw. I can draw Spot very well. On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well?

Please write back.                                                                                                                        Your pen friend,                                                                                                                                      Nick Chester

1. When is Nick’s birthday?

A the 18th of July

B the 15th of June

C the 16th of August

D the 10th of May

2. What is Nick’s favourite holiday?

A Birthday

B Christmas

C New Year

D St Valentine’s Day

3. What colour is Nick’s dog?

A white

B grey

C black

D black and brown

II Лексика и грамматика

2. Прочитайте слова и найдите их значения (8 баллов)








слушать музыку














have breakfast




listen to music







3. Прочитай каждое предложение и выбери верный вариант ответа, чтобы заполнить пропуски (5 баллов):


1. Where … the cats?

A- is, B- are, C- be,

2. You must wash your … every day.

A- hand, B- hands, C –hair,

3. When … your mum write letters?

A- does, B –do, C- have

4. I swim … summer.

A- on, B – in, C- to

5. Tiny … a bike every day.

A- ride, B- to ride, C rides

4. Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его (3 балла):

1) April, May, December, September, Sunday

2) cake, sweets, tea, book, coffee

3) cat, dog, rabbit, tiger, cockerel

5. Выбери и обведи нужное слово (3 балла):

1) How many/ much tea do you drink every day?

2) How much / many meat do you eat at dinner?

3) He has got much/ many bananas.

Всего: 22 балла

II вариант

I Чтение

1. Прочитайте письмо и выполните задания 1-4, выбрав букву А, В, С, D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете правильным (3 балла).

Dear pen friend,

My name is Bob . Iam 9. My birthday is on the 10th of May. I am from London. I live with my mum and dad. My favourite holiday is New Year. I like to sing and dance. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a parrot. My parrot is red and green. It likes to talk. I like to play with my parrot. Have you got a pet? What is its name? Is it funny?

My favourite sport is basketballl. I can play basketball very well. But I can’t ski.  On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well?

Please write back.

Your pen friend,

Bob Wales.

1. When is Bob’s birthday?

A the 18th of July

B the 15th of June

C the 16th of August

D the 10th of May

2. What is Bob’s favourite holiday?

A Birthday

B Christmas

C New Year

D St Valentine’s Day

3. What colour is Bob’s parrot?

A white

B red and green

C black

Dblack and brown

II Лексика и грамматика

2. Прочитайте слова и найдите их значения (8 баллов)








слушать музыку








физическая культура










listen to music




have breakfast



3. Прочитай каждое предложение и выбери верный вариант ответа, чтобы заполнить пропуски   (5 баллов):

1. Where … the children?

A- is, B –are, C - am

2. You must clean your … every day.

A- tooth   B- teeth   C- tooths  

3. When … Tiny write letters?

A -does    B- do       C- have    

4. I skate … winter.

A –in, B –at,  C- to

5. Martin … a bike on Sunday.

A- ride, B- to ride, C- rides

4. Какое слово лишнее? (3 балла):

1) Today, Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday

2) mum, brother, sister, boy, dad

3) one, two, and, four, five

5. Выбери  нужное слово (3 балла):

1) Do you have much / many coffee for breakfast?

2) Have they got many / much friends?

3) Billy hasn't got much / many sweets on the table.

Всего: 22 балла

 Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации
За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 3 балла, за
второе задание – 8 баллов, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 3 балла, за
пятое задание – 3 балла. Максимальное количество баллов -  22. Успешность выполнения
промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:
20 – 22 балла = 5 (отлично)
15 – 19 баллов = 4 (хорошо)
9 – 14 баллов = 3 (удовлетворительно)
Менее 9 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)


I вариант

I -Чтение

1- B


3- D

II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –e

2 – d

3- f

4- a

5- g

6- h

7- b

8- c

       2)1- B

           2 – B

           3 – A

            4 –B

            5 – C

      3)1- Sunday

         2-  Book  

          3 -   Tiger      



       3 – many

II вариант

I -Чтение


2- C


II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –c

2 – d

3- f

4- e

5- a

6- g

7- b

8- h

       2)1- B

           2 – B

           3 –A

            4 – A

            5 –C

      3)1- today

         2- boy

         3 -and   

       4)1- much

         2- many

         3 – many


Предварительный просмотр:

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 3 классе

I вариант

I Чтение

1. Прочитайте письмо и выполните задания 1-4, выбрав букву А, В, С, D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете правильным (3 балла).

Dear pen friend,

My name is Nick. I am 10. My birthday is on the 15th of June. I am from Great Britain. I live with my mum and dad. My favourite holiday is Christmas. I like to get presents. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a nice dog Spot. My dog is black and brown. Spot likes meat and ham. I like to play with my dog. Have you got a pet? What is its name? Is it funny? My favourite sport is football. I can play football very well. But I can’t skate. I like to read and draw. I can draw Spot very well. On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well?

Please write back.                                                                                                                        Your pen friend,                                                                                                                                      Nick Chester

1. When is Nick’s birthday?

A the 18th of July

B the 15th of June

C the 16th of August

D the 10th of May

2. What is Nick’s favourite holiday?

A Birthday

B Christmas

C New Year

D St Valentine’s Day

3. What colour is Nick’s dog?

A white

B grey

C black

D black and brown

II Лексика и грамматика

2. Прочитайте слова и найдите их значения (8 баллов)








слушать музыку














have breakfast




listen to music







3. Прочитай каждое предложение и выбери верный вариант ответа, чтобы заполнить пропуски (5 баллов):


1. Where … the cats?

A- is, B- are, C- be,

2. You must wash your … every day.

A- hand, B- hands, C –hair,

3. When … your mum write letters?

A- does, B –do, C- have

4. I swim … summer.

A- on, B – in, C- to

5. Tiny … a bike every day.

A- ride, B- to ride, C rides

4. Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его (3 балла):

1) April, May, December, September, Sunday

2) cake, sweets, tea, book, coffee

3) cat, dog, rabbit, tiger, cockerel

5. Выбери и обведи нужное слово (3 балла):

1) How many/ much tea do you drink every day?

2) How much / many meat do you eat at dinner?

3) He has got much/ many bananas.

Всего: 22 балла

II вариант

I Чтение

1. Прочитайте письмо и выполните задания 1-4, выбрав букву А, В, С, D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете правильным (3 балла).

Dear pen friend,

My name is Bob . Iam 9. My birthday is on the 10th of May. I am from London. I live with my mum and dad. My favourite holiday is New Year. I like to sing and dance. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a parrot. My parrot is red and green. It likes to talk. I like to play with my parrot. Have you got a pet? What is its name? Is it funny?

My favourite sport is basketballl. I can play basketball very well. But I can’t ski.  On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well?

Please write back.

Your pen friend,

Bob Wales.

1. When is Bob’s birthday?

A the 18th of July

B the 15th of June

C the 16th of August

D the 10th of May

2. What is Bob’s favourite holiday?

A Birthday

B Christmas

C New Year

D St Valentine’s Day

3. What colour is Bob’s parrot?

A white

B red and green

C black

Dblack and brown

II Лексика и грамматика

2. Прочитайте слова и найдите их значения (8 баллов)








слушать музыку








физическая культура










listen to music




have breakfast



3. Прочитай каждое предложение и выбери верный вариант ответа, чтобы заполнить пропуски   (5 баллов):

1. Where … the children?

A- is, B –are, C - am

2. You must clean your … every day.

A- tooth   B- teeth   C- tooths  

3. When … Tiny write letters?

A -does    B- do       C- have    

4. I skate … winter.

A –in, B –at,  C- to

5. Martin … a bike on Sunday.

A- ride, B- to ride, C- rides

4. Какое слово лишнее? (3 балла):

1) Today, Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday

2) mum, brother, sister, boy, dad

3) one, two, and, four, five

5. Выбери  нужное слово (3 балла):

1) Do you have much / many coffee for breakfast?

2) Have they got many / much friends?

3) Billy hasn't got much / many sweets on the table.

Всего: 22 балла

 Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации
За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 3 балла, за
второе задание – 8 баллов, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 3 балла, за
пятое задание – 3 балла. Максимальное количество баллов -  22. Успешность выполнения
промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:
20 – 22 балла = 5 (отлично)
15 – 19 баллов = 4 (хорошо)
9 – 14 баллов = 3 (удовлетворительно)
Менее 9 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)


I вариант

I -Чтение

1- B


3- D

II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –e

2 – d

3- f

4- a

5- g

6- h

7- b

8- c

       2)1- B

           2 – B

           3 – A

            4 –B

            5 – C

      3)1- Sunday

         2-  Book  

          3 -   Tiger      



       3 – many

II вариант

I -Чтение


2- C


II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –c

2 – d

3- f

4- e

5- a

6- g

7- b

8- h

       2)1- B

           2 – B

           3 –A

            4 – A

            5 –C

      3)1- today

         2- boy

         3 -and   

       4)1- much

         2- many

         3 – many


Предварительный просмотр:

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку за курс начальной школы.

в 4 классе

Пояснительная записка.

Цель работы: проверить знания учащихся по английскому языку за курс 4 класса начальной школы. Материал составлен на основании Рабочей программы по английскому языку для 4 класса и учебника «Английский в фокусе» («Spotlight») Быковой Н.И.

 Работа состоит из2вариантов: лексико-грамматические задания и чтение. Лексико-грамматические задания включают в себя упражнения на соотнесение, времена глаголов,  степени сравнения прилагательных, конструкция “there is/ there are”. К работе прилагаются ключи и критерии оценок. Работа рассчитана на учащихся 4 –х  классов, изучающих английский язык  

I.Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. 

A Bicycle
John's father likes to swim. He often goes to the swimming pool. His mother likes tennis and teachers John to play it. They often go to the stadium. John is seven. He wants to be a good sportsman. He asks his parents to give him a bicycle.
One day Father comes home and says: "I've got a present for you. Come and see."
John comes up and sees... "It's a bicycle! Thank you, Daddy!"
Every day Father and John go to the sports ground to ride a bike.
One day John says, "I can ride a bicycle very well. Let's ask Mother to go with us."
So they go to the sports ground and watch John riding bike. He rides and rides. He is
happy. He says, "Look, Mum! No hands!" Then he says, "Look, Dad! No feet!"
The parents are very happy. But suddenly John cries, "Look, Mum! No teeth!"

 Предложения , которые соответствуют содержанию текста отметьте знаком (+), а те которые не соответствуют отметьте знаком (-)

1. John's father likes to skate.

2. His mother plays the piano very well.
3. John is seven.

 4. John's mother teaches him to play tennis.
5. He likes to ride a bike.

II.Задания по лексике и грамматике.
Соотнесите русский и английский перевод: 
1.В прошлом году                      a) week ago
2.Позавчера                                 b) last year
3.Неделю тому назад                  c)the day before yesterday

Поставьте данные имена прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную степень. 
4) good 5) interesting 6) lazy 7) small 8) big
Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах There is/ There are.
9. There …some chairs in the room. 11. There …three books and a pen here.
10. There … an apple on the plate. 12. There … a book and three pen on the deck.

4)Выберите правильный вариант
13. She … her friends tomorrow.
a) visits b) will visit c) visited
14. They … very much yesterday.
a) work b) will work c) worked
15. We … to the stadium every day.
a) go b) will go c) went
16. The children … basketball last Sunday.
a) play b) will play c) played
17. I … to go to the zoo next Saturday.

a) want b) will want c) wanted

I.Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание.

А Clever Dog        

My brother Tom has a large and very clever dog. His name is Jack. Every Sunday afternoon
   Tom takes Jack for a long walk in the park. One Sunday a friend came to have lunch with my brother. He talked and talked and didn’t go away. His stories were not interesting at all.
In the afternoon Jack started to worry about his walk in the park. He came into the room, sat
down in front of the Tom’s friend and looked at him. Tom’s friend told Jack: “Go away” and started telling Tom a new story. The dog went out of the room but very soon came back. He sat down again in front of the Tom’s friend. But this time Jack had the friend's hat and shoes in his mouth. My brother Тоm smiled, stood up and said: “Ok, Jack! We are going to the park!”
In the park Tom thanked his clever dog.

Предложения , которые соответствуют содержанию текста отметьте знаком (+), а те которые не соответствуют знаком (-)
1. Tom has a dog John.
2. Jack enjoys walking in the park.
3. Tom’s friend -told nice funny stories.
4. The friend had dinner with Tom.
5. In the park Tom thanked his clever dog.

II.Задания по лексике и грамматике.
Соотнесите русский и английский перевод: 

1.Вчера                                        a)  last night
2.Месяц тому назад                    b) yesterday          
3.Вчера вечером                         c) a month ago

2)Поставьте данные имена прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную степень. 
4) little 5) comfortable 6) crazy 7) small 8) tall
Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах There is/ There are.
9) There …some tables in the room. 11) There …a book here.
10) There … five apples on the plate. 12) There … three pens on the desk.

Выберите правильный вариант
13) She … her friends yesterday.
a) visits b) will visit c) visited

14) He … very much tomorrow.
a) work b) will work c) worked
15) The children … to the stadium every day.
a) go b) will go c) went
16) We … basketball next week.
a) play b) will play c) played
17) I … to go to the zoo last Sunday .
a) want b) will want c) wanted

Критерии оценивания промежуточной аттестации
За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 5 баллов, за
второе задание – 3 балла, за третье задание – 5 баллов, за четвертое задание – 4 баллов, за
пятое задание – 5 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов -  22. Успешность выполнения
промежуточной аттестации определяется исходя из такого соответствия:
20 – 22 балла = 5 (отлично)
15 – 19 баллов = 4 (хорошо)
9 – 14 баллов = 3 (удовлетворительно)
Менее 9 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно)


I вариант

I -Чтение

1- -

2- -

3- +

4- +

5- +

II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –b

2 – c

3- a

       2)4- good-better-the best

           5 – interesting – more interesting – the most interesting

           6 – lazy – lazier – the laziest

            7 – small – smaller – the smallest

            8 – big – bigger – the biggest

      3)9- are

         10- is

         11 - are

         12 –is


        14- c

       15 – a

        16 – c

        17 - a

II вариант

I -Чтение

1- -

2- +

3- -

4- -

5- +

II – Задания по лексике и грамматике

  1. 1 –b

2 – c

3- a

       2)4- Little –less – the least

           5 – comfortable – more comfortable – the most comfortable

           6 – crazy –crazier – the craziest

            7 – small – smaller – the smallest

            8 – tall –taller – the tallest

      3)9- are

         10- are

         11 -is

         12 –are


        14- b

       15 – a

        16 – b

        17 - a


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