Подготовка к ВПР по английскому языку 8 класс
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (7 класс)

Кожина Ирина Викторовна

Тестирование  учащихся 7 класса по аудированию, работе с текстом , грамматике и лексике.  Данный вид работы актуален как подготовка к ОГЭ. 


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Стартовая диагностическая работа по английскому языку в 7 классе

2019-2020 учебный год

Вариант I

Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию

Вы два раза услышите текст. Заполните пропуски в заданиях 1-5 информацией из прослушанного текста, выбрав один вариант ответа из предложенных.

1. When it all happen, Mr. Sanders was________________

a) going to work         b) driving home            c) in a taxi

2. It happened at _________________________

a) 6 o’clock                 b) half past six              c) 3 o’clock

3. A cat fell down on the _________________

a) ground                     b) grass                         c) car

4. The woman forgot to lock the ______________

a) car                             b) window                    c) balcony door

5. Mr. Sanders was _________________

a)  curious                    b) shocked                     c) happy

Раздел 2. Задания по чтению

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Money.                                2. Social Concerns.

3. Parents.                               4. Part-Time Work.

5. Sport.                                  6. Helping at Home.


A. What teenagers feel and do is also of interest to governments. The following facts are taken from the official survey. Almost 60 per cent of British teenagers have a part-time job. The most popular jobs are working in shops and stores (usually on Saturdays), doing a paper round (mornings, before school), or babysitting.

B. Nearly all teenagers claim they help with the housework. But most admit they only do it because they have to.

C. Two thirds of those who were interviewed take part regularly in one or more sporting activities. Swimming is very popular with both sexes, while more than 45 per cent of boys play football.

D. Money is seen as a problem by most teenagers. Without it they can’t buy clothes or gadgets, or go to concerts, cinemas or discos. The majority of girls spend their pocket money on clothes; half the boys spend it on gadgets. Three quarters of all teenagers try to save at least some money.

E. Most teenagers get along with their parents quite well. Although a lot of teenagers believe their parents are too strict, most agree that their parents offer help and support in times of crisis. When there are arguments, however, they are usually about what time they should come home at night, where they are going, and who they are going with.

Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике и лексике

Часть A.Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из выпадающего списка.


The inuit people

The lives of the Inuit people of North America have changed a lot in 50 years. First, their name: people called them Eskimos, but now they are called Inuits,  A____ means “the people”. They lived in igloos in the winter but today many of them live in houses in small towns. They hunted seals — they ate the meat and  B____ clothes from the fur. Many of the people still wear seal-skin clothes today because they are very warm. Remember, the weather is extremely cold for many months of the year. 80-year-old Inuit, Mariano Tagalik, C____ us a little about her early life. “Our winter igloos were very warm. We cooked inside so sometimes it got too hot. When I was a child I took D____ most of my clothes when I was in our igloo. In the short summers we lived in seal-skin tents, but I spent as much time as possible playing outside.” To move over the snow, they wore special snowshoes on their feet, but today many Inuits E____ snowmobiles. These machines can travel long distances in a short time. In the past it took them days or weeks to travel the same distance.


A 1) who 2) what 3) which 4) when

B 1) did 2) made 3) fashioned 4) created

C 1) talked 2) told 3) said D) spoke

D 1) out 2) on 3) off 4) after

E 1) drive 2) lead 3) take 4) go

Часть BПрочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.


Huckleberry Finn

On his way to school Tom met Huckleberry Finn, the (A)____ boy whose drunken father had abandoned him and left town. Huck was (B)____ by all the other boys because he was free to do what he liked, and hated by all the mothers because he was lazy, vulgar and (C)____ . Of course, Tom was not (D)____ to play with him so, of course, he played with him (E)____ he could. Tom admired him more than anyone.


1. allowed; 2. envied; 3. whenever; 4. anyone; 5. lawless; 6. raining; 7. homeless.


Стартовая диагностическая работа по английскому языку в 7 классе

2019-2020 учебный год

Вариант II

Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию

Вы два раза услышите текст. Заполните пропуски в заданиях 1-5 информацией из прослушанного текста, выбрав один вариант ответа из предложенных.

1. When it all happen, Mr. Sanders was________________

a) going to work         b) driving home            c) in a taxi

2. It happened at _________________________

a) 3 o’clock                 b) half past six              c) 6  o’clock

3. A cat fell down on the _________________

a) car                      b) ground                           c) grass

4. The woman forgot to lock the ______________

a) car                             b) window                    c) balcony door

5. Mr. Sanders was _________________

a) shocked                    b)  happy                      c)  curious                    

Раздел 2. Задания по чтению

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1. Computer virus.                          2. Game addiction.

3. A crime.                                     4. An important message.

5. Punishment.                               6. Using neighbours’ wi-fi.


      A. A Singapore teenager who used his neighbours’ wi-fi Internet network will not be able to use the Internet for the next 12 months. The message for wi-fi users is clear: if it isn’t yours, don’t use it.

B. Seventeen-year-old Tan Luo was an online-game fan and played games at all hours of the day. He didn’t have time to study and wasn’t able to complete his course at the college. In the end, his parents were very worried and they disconnected their Internet access so Tan couldn’t go online.

C. However, this didn’t stop him. He knew his neighbours had Internet access, so he used theirs. He was able to connect to their wireless Internet network, or ‘wi-fi’, and continued playing online games from his own home.

D. The neighbours noticed Tan was using their wi-fi one night. They told him to stop, but he didn’t, and so they called the police. In Singapore it’s a crime to use a wi-fi network that isn’t yours. So, the young wi-fi thief had to go to court.

E. In court, Tan said he was very sorry. The judge didn’t sent him to prison. Instead, he sent Tan to a boys’ hostel for nine months. At the hostel, he will do sports and other activities, but he won’t be allowed to play video games. Furthermore, he won’t be able to use the Internet for the next year.


Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике и лексике

Часть A.Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из выпадающего списка.


My favourite room

Му favourite room is our kitchen. Perhaps the kitchen is the most important room in many houses, but it is particularly so in our house because it’s not only where we cook and eat but it’s also the main meeting place for family and friends. I have so many happy A____ of times spent there: special occasions such as homecomings or cooking Christmas dinner; troubled times, which B____ to comforting cups of tea in the middle of the night; ordinary daily events such as making breakfast on dark, cold winter mornings for sleepy children before sending them off to school, then sitting C____ to read the newspaper with a steaming hot mug of coffee. Whenever we have a party, people gravitate with their drinks to the kitchen. It always ends up the fullest and noisiest room in the house.

So what does this special room D____ like? It’s quite big, but not really huge. It’s big enough to have a good-sized oval table in the centre, E____ is the focal point of the room.

There is a large window above the sink, which looks out onto two apple trees in the garden. The cooker is at one end. At the other end is a wall with a large notice-board, which tells the story of our lives, past, present, and future, in words and pictures. All our world is there for everyone to read! Without doubt some of the happiest times of my life have been spent in our kitchen.


A 1) memorials   2) memoirs 3) souvenirs 4) memories

B 1) take 2) lead 3) drive 4) guide

C 1) up 2) down 3) on 4) around

D 1) glance 2) watch 3) see 4) look

E 1) what 2) who 3) which 4) where

Часть BПрочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

Schools in the Past

One (A) ____ years ago schools were very different. Children did not wear (B)_ ___. They used to wear their everyday clothes to school.

Children learned to read, write and do mathematics. They had (C)____ and geography lessons but they did not (D)____ science.

They used to write on slates with (E)____ chalk. When the children finished their work, they cleaned their slates with a rag so that they could write on them again and again.


1. uniforms; 2. expensive; 3. history; 4. playground; 5. hundred; 6. white; 7. learn.

Стартовая диагностическая работа по английскому языку в 7 классе

2019-2020 учебный год

Ключи   Вариант I

Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию

1-b       2- b     3- c        4- c      5- b

Раздел 2. Задания по чтению

A-4      B- 6        C- 5       D-  1       E- 3

Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике и лексике

Часть A.

A -3      B- 2      C- 2      D-  3      E -1

Часть В

A – 7     B – 6        C- 5     D- 1        E – 3

Ключи   Вариант II

Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию

1-b       2- b     3- a        4- c      5- a

Раздел 2. Задания по чтению

A-4      B- 2       C- 6      D-  3       E- 5

Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике и лексике

Часть A.

A -4      B- 2      C- 2      D-  4       E -3

Часть В

A – 5        B – 1          C- 3         D- 7           E – 6

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