учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)

Филиппова Елена Николаевна

Материал содержит упражнения на одну из сложных тем, "словообразование", упражнения помогут в усвоении данной темы, поспособствуют приобретению полезного и необходимого навыка.


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Change the words in brackets:

  1. After the train’s (arrive) the platform was crowded.
  2. The doctor (examination) the patient and prescribed some medicine.
  3. Her face looked (terrible) white.
  4. I’d like to (broad) your knowledge.
  5. Chaikovsky is a famous (music).
  6. It is (use) to talk to her, she won’t listen to me.
  7. (Scotland) people are hospitable and friendly.
  8. My brother is a (luck) man.
  9. I wish you a speedy (recover).
  10. I admire your (strong), John.
  11. As you see I am a heavy (eat).
  12. Nina comes from the (East) part of the country.
  13. The young girl had (expression) eyes and a charming smile.
  14. Tom welcomed us (heart) at the door of his house.
  15. Soon Jerry became a (success) businessman.
  16. He looked at me (suspect), but did not say anything.
  17. They are (courage) people and deserve admiration.
  18. You are so (help), I cannot do a thing with you.
  19. They listened to the (announce) carefully.
  20. I am not afraid of your (threaten).
  21. Her (jealous) is known to all of us.
  22. Thank you for your (suggest).
  23. The film left an (forget) impression on me.
  24. I cannot help admiring his (wise).
  25. The old man was under (suspect).
  26. My brother is a writer, just a (begin).
  27. He was sitting in a (comfort) chair.
  28. Who can tell me about the (continue) of the story?
  29. I cannot but love his (humour) stories.
  30. Do not make friends with him. He is so (decency).
  31. Gagarin was the first (conquer) of space.
  32. His scientific (achieve) are well described.
  33. Columbus was a famous (explore).
  34. Children, listen to me (careful).
  35. (Curious) killed the cat.
  36. Read more and you will (rich) your knowledge.
  37. We began to work (cheer)
  38. To my great (astonish) he did not move.
  39. He is known for his (greedy).
  40. I am proud to say Jack he is a (win).
  41. Mark and Oliver had enough money after the (divide) of their father’s money.
  42. Is this fruit (eat)?
  43. After (explode) the steamer began to sink.
  44. The country is very (mountain), so travelling by road is difficult.
  45. Jim always does what he says, he is a very (rely) person.
  46. The (warm) of the fire was very pleasant after our long trip.
  47. John’s (behave) improved at his new school.
  48. The government takes (popularity) measures which are necessary.
  49. The food was (poison) and the dog died.
  50. S. Kramskoy (exhibition) his last pictures in Moscow.
  51. What is the (long) street?
  52. Your (hate) is pointless, I am afraid.
  53. Wait for at the (enter), please.
  54. I like the book, it is very (information).
  55. It is (danger) to cross the street when the traffic is so heavy.
  56. Bob looked at a newcomer with (excite)
  57. I cannot talk to her, she is so (pleasure)
  58. The man had an ugly (appear)
  59. Put on your (wool) dress, it is so cold
  60. My little sister is so ( communication)
  61. Lot of children die of (starve) in Africa.
  62. You are wrong, the cat is very (value)
  63. I like this (literature) work
  64. The (settle) was small and beautiful.
  65. Stop your (interfere),I am old enough to understand everything.
  66. If I were you, I would ( wide) my outlook
  67. Yesterday Helen told me about her (agree)
  68. We  parted (warm) like great friends
  69. In (add) to it, he told me a lie.
  70. I appreciate your (choose), it is good.
  71. Boy Scouts pay attention to (survive) skills
  72. Tom knew Russian well and spoke it (free)
  73. The USA is one of the most (power) states.
  74. Mr.Tomkin’s (proud) is well known to us.
  75. if you visit our supermarket, you will see our prices are (reason)
  76. (Fortune) my mother was at home.

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