Презентация "Making assessments", 10 класс.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Халилова Зарема Казимагомедовна

Презентация  по теме " Reports" к модулю 6е,учебник "Spotlight-10".


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Слайд 1

Spotlight 10 Module6 e Reports(making assessments )

Слайд 2

Writing skills - report For: Authority Employers Head teachers

Слайд 3

Writing skills - report Includes: Positive and negative qualities of a place or event Judgement or recommendation

Слайд 4

Writing skills - report R eport consist of: Introduction The purpose and content Main body Positive and negative aspects Conclusion Give the writer’s general opinion and recomendation

Слайд 5

1 ....................................... The purpose of this report is to assess the good and bad points of Oriental City, a food court in north London. 2 ....................................... Oriental City offers a wide range of Asian food, in particular Chinese. Japanese and Vietnamese dishes, most of which are very tasty. It has reasonable prices and the different dishes are beautifully presented. However, some dishes can be rather expensive. 3 ....................................... The staff at Oriental City are very friendly. The self-service feature greatly adds to the eating experience as customers can order food from any of the stalls and taste food from various countries. However, as some stalls are more popular than others, customers have to queue and wait for particular dishes. 4 ....................................... The beauty of Oriental City is its informal and relaxed atmosphere. Although it can get somewhat busy at times, this is unavoidable for such a popular place. 5 ....................................... Despite the fact that London has a number of ethnic food courts. Oriental City is by far the best in terms of taste, cost and service. Therefore, I would certainly recommend it to anyone who enjoys Asian food . Conclusion • Service • Introduction • Atmosphere • Food and Prices

Слайд 6

Which of the recommendations below could also be used to recommend it?

Слайд 7

Положительные и отрицательные аспекты ресторанного дворика в таблице. Positive: tasty dishes reasonable prices beautiful presentation friendly staff self-service feature adds to the experience informal & relaxed atmosphere popular place Negative: some dishes rather expensive queuing necessary for some stalls waiting involved for particular dishes busy at times

Слайд 8

Match adjectives from box A to nouns in box B. Which phrases are positive and which are negative? Which does the writer use in her report?

Слайд 9

Read the conclusions from three reports. Which is about: a school canteen? a sports centre cafe? a roadside cafe? Do they contain: a judgement? a recommendation? both? 1 Overall, in spite of several weaknesses, it is run in a professional manner and both students and their parents are happy with the meals provided. 2 In conclusion, facilities at Joe's Diner are adequate but could be improved. The owners should make their prices more reasonable and more consideration should be given to cleanliness. 3 On the whole, the menu was considered unhealthy and unacceptable by most members. I would strongly recommend that greater effort should be made to improve the general quality and variety of the food on offer.

Слайд 10

1 In spite of ( несмотря ) offering a wide choice of dishes, the general quality of the food was poor. 2 Even thought/ Although ( даже хотя ) the decor was a little dull , the quality of the food made up for it. 3 It is difficult to find a parking space due to ( из-за ) the location of the restaurant. 4 Because оf ( из-за ) the popularity of this venue, it is advisable to book a table well in advance. 5 The staff were well-trained and polite, despite ( несмотря на то ) the service being rather slow. Even though / Although + clause In spite of, despite + noun/verb/+ - ing Because of, due to + noun

Слайд 11

At this English lesson … I’ve learnt… I’ve known…

Слайд 12

Homework: Write your report (120-150)words . Choose and write: 1) В You work for the magazine “Healthy Life”. Your editor has asked you to write a report on Vkuswill , a new health food restaurant, comment its good and bad points and say whether you would recommend it to the readers of your magazine. 2)You are a class representative and the headmaster has asked you to write a report on the quality of the school canteen, comment its good and bad points , assessing whether it is meeting students’ needs and making recommendations.

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